THE NEED OF THE HOUR Group-VI Members – 1. Sri Madan Sengupta, A.O. SLNA 2. Sri Deepak Das, OSD, RDD 3. Sri Anil Narayan Singh, OSD, RDD Convergence of Gov. Schemes in IWMP Para 77 of the Common Guidelines for watershed Development Project reveals Coordination with Other Schemes/Projects Eleventh Five year offers an opportunity to converge and harmonise resources of different schemes and programmes specially those under Bharat Nirman and other flagship schemes with watershed development projects. Mandatory preparation of district level plans will be in a position to enable convergence and synergies at the grass-root level. The DPR may elaborate gaps to be filled or watershed activates to be taken up of BRGF, MGNREGS, artificial ground water recharging, renovation and repairs of tanks, water bodies and any other available sources. Marketing and value addition is also possible under the revised APMC act. Efforts should be made to converge all relevant schemes at project level. Convergence with other Govt. Schemes in IWMP Govt. Schemes MGNREGA – NRM Soil Conservation (Birsa Check Dam) Water Resource Dept. (Minor Irrigation) Forest and Environment – * CHMPA * State Fund NHM – Capacity Building Training (1) NRLM (2) ATMA (3) KVK (4) Soil Conservation Fishery (5) SIRD (6) SKIPA (7) NIRD (8) Productivity Enhancement Agriculture – Seeds, Manure RKVY Drip irrigation Horticulture – NHM Fishery Animal Husbandry Facilitating Convergence through NREGA Work (Infrastructure) Wage (Economy) NREGA Area (Special Focus) Workers (Human Focus) Institutional Linkages Established through Convergence with NREGA Institutional Linkages People’s Representatives Government Officials 1. District, Block & Village 2. Technical Experts Different Departments Professional Institutions Agri. Univ., IIMs, IITs & other Private Sector (Co-op., Corporate, e-chaupal, Banks, Small Dealers Framework for convergence Entry Point MGNREGA Value Addition to MGNREGA Works Productivity/Skill Enhancement Market Linkages Rural Infrastructure, Kuccha to Pucca Works through Foodgrain, fruits, Vegetables, milk, Fisheries SHGs Watershed NHM SGSY MPLAD, MLALAD and other programmes SGSY SGSY PMGSY Dairy Development NHM NHM, NADP/RKVY, RRR of Water Bodies NADP/RKVY, NFSM National Resource Management (Kuccha Works) Basic Human Development Activities at MGNREGA Worksites 1. Literacy 2. Health 3. Financial Inclusion 4. Insurance & SHGs/Federation Operational Steps for Convergence Co-ordination between programmes at Management, Planning and Works levels Formation of Technical Consortium/District Resource Group o o o District Level Resource Group Block Level Resource Group Village Level Resource Group Inclusion at Planning Level Project Approach (Implementation of specific activities and works) o o o o Kuccha to Pucca Integrated Area Planning Infrastructure to Income Human Development Programme Functions of District Resource Group Knowledge sharing Resource Mapping (Using existing database) Resource Pooling (Human, Financial, Informational) Identification of areas of convergence Planning, communication, Training Technical support Consolidation of Integrated District Plan Preparing composite Project Estimates. Coordination of Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Programme of Convergence MoRD & MoA Ministry/Department Programme Component Activities Convergence Sequence Water Conservation Water Harvesting Drought Proofing Irrigation Canal MoRD MGNREGS Wages, Material Irrigation facility to SC/ST/BPL/IAY Renovation of Water Bodies Water Conservation/Harvesting, Land Development, Plantation, fair weather road under MGNREGS. Kuccha to Pucca and value addition under other on going programme. Land Development Rural Connectivity MoRD MoRD & MoA PMGSY Watershed Programme Wages, Material Wages, Material & Training Road Watershed Development Works Fair weather road under MGNREGS. Cement, concrete and bitumen road under PMGSY Infrastructure under MGNREGS and Kuccha to Pucca Work, production measures and treatment of individual land other than SC/ST/BPL/beneficiary of LR & IAY under Watershed Programme Programme of Convergence MoA Ministry / Department MoA Programme RKVY MoA NHM MoA NFSM Food Mission) MoA (National Security Grassland Development Component Activities Convergence Sequence Wages, Material & Training Holistic Development of agriculture and allied sectors Infrastructure under MGNREGS and Kuccha to Pucca Work, production measures and treatment of individual land other than SC/ST/BPL/beneficiary of LR & IAY under RKVY Wages, Material & Training Holistic Development of horticulture sector, enhancement of horticulture production, promote, develop and disseminate technologies Infrastructure development under MGNREGS and thereafter production measures in horticulture sector under NHM. Training Subsidies Training Subsidies & & Increasing production of rice, wheat and pulses through area expansion and productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner in the identified districts Infrastructure development under MGNREGS and training & productivity measures under NFSM. Improvement of degraded grassland and also the vegetation cover of problematic soils like saline, acidic & heavy soil. Grass/fodder cultivation. Infrastructure development under MGNREGS and further improvement of problematic soil and vegetation under this programme.. Programme of Convergence MoPR & MoEF Ministry/ Department MoPR MoEF Programme BRGF NAP (National Afforestation Programme) Component Activities Convergence Sequence Material & Training Bridge critical gaps in local infrastructure, capacity building and professional support After NREGS and convergence with other schemes, balance works under BRGF Wages, Material & Training Protection, conservation of natural resources, checking land degradation, afforestation, capability endowment and skill enhancement In forest and fringe areas infrastructure under MGNREGS and afforestation, capability endowment and skill enhancement under NAP. Programme of Convergence MoWR Ministry/ Department MoWR Programme Component Dug well recharge scheme & G.W. Mgt. & Regulation Scheme MoWR RRR of water Bodies MoWR CAD&WM (Command Area Developmen t & Water Managemen t Programme) Activities Convergence Sequence Wages, Material & Training Diverting excess rainwater into the dug well through sand filter and ground water management In permissible area under NREGS and in balance areas & balance works under this scheme. Wages, Material & Training Restore and augment storage capacities of water bodies, desilting and renovation In permissible area under NREGS and in balance areas & balance works, management and maintenance under this scheme. Wages, Material Efficient utilization of created water potential, on-farm development (O.F.D.) works In permissible area under NREGS and in balance areas & balance works, management and maintenance under this scheme. Ministry/ Department MoWR MoWR MoWR Programme FPARP (Farmer's Participatory Action Research Programme) AIBP (Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme) Flood Control & River Management Component Training & Subsidies Wages, Material Wages, Material Activities Convergence Sequence Field demonstration to enhance yield and income per drop of water In permissible area under NREGS and in balance areas & balance works, management and maintenance under this scheme. Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation Projects & extension, renovation & modernization In permissible area under NREGS and in balance areas & balance works, management and maintenance under this scheme. Flood Management Works In permissible area under NREGS and in balance areas & balance works, management and maintenance under this scheme. Expectation from Agriculture Department Department/ Ministry Agriculture Technical Wings ATMA, KVK, CSIR, ICAR, State Agriculture Universities Contribution to NREGA 1 Technical Knowledge to prepare Shelf of Project, monitoring 2 Technical Knowledge to enhance agriculture productivity 3 Capacity Building of NREGA Functionaries on agriculture and allied activities. 4 Resource Mapping for rural development Schemes RKVY, NFSM, NWDPRA, National Watershed Dev. Expectation from Horticulture Wing Department/ Ministry Horticulture Technical Wings Technical Support Group Contribution to NREGA Schemes Technical 1 support for plantation Capacity building and 2 subsidies for horticulture NHM Expectation from Animal Husbandry Department Department/ Ministry Animal Husbandry Technical Wings Dairy Development Board, Fisheries Contribution to NREGA Technical support 1 for fodder development 2 Technical support for fish production Schemes Fodder Dev. Scheme, Grassland Dev. Including grass reserve Expectation from Water Resources Department Department Technical / Ministry Wings Contribution to NREGA Value Water District Level addition Resources Implementation 1 to Department Committee NREGA works Schemes RRR, CAD&WM, Dugwell recharge, Groundwater Management, AIBP, Flood Control, FPARP Expectation from Panchayati Raj Department Department/Mi Technical nistry Wings Panchayati Raj Gram Sabha other PRI bodies Contribution to NREGA Support to 1 decentralized planning Value addition to 2 NREGA works Schemes BRGF Expectation from Land Reources Department (Watershed Wing) Department/Mi Technical Contribution to Schemes nistry Wings NREGA Land Resources District Watershe d Develop ment Units Value addition to 1 NREGA works Watershed Development Programme under IWDP, DPAP, DDP Expectation from Forest and Environment Department Department/ Ministry Forest & Environment Technical Wings Forest Development Agencies (FDA) Contribution to NREGA Schemes "Panchayat Gram Van Yojana" for community land 1 involving PRI should be part of NREGA Perspective Plan Silviculture, land 2 development, fodder fuel National Afforestation Programme (NAP) Expectation from Human Resource Development Department Department/ Ministry Human Resources Department Technical Wings State Resource Centre Contribution to NREGA Literacy 1 Programme at NREGA Sites Pedagogies, primers to 2 educate NREGA workers Schemes National Literacy Mission (NLM) Expectation from Health & Family Welfare Department Department/Ministry Technical Wings Contribution to NREGA 1 Schemes Health Awareness, sanitation Campaign NREGA worksites to be used for 2 convergence of NREGA & NRHM (focus on Women) Health & Family Welfare Primary Health Centre Visit of ASHA workers 3 to disseminate health information Health check-up of 4 children at NREGA Sites. Health check-up & other indicators to be 5 monitored through Job Card numbers National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Expectation from Women & Child Development (Welfare/Social Welfare Department) Department/Ministry Technical Wings Contribution to NREGA Schemes NREGA worksites to be used for 1 convergence of NREGA & ICDS Visit of Aganwadi workers to extend 2 child care & creche services Women & Child Development ICDS ICDS indicators to be 3 monitored through Job Card numbers Various initiatives for rural women to be 4 monitored through NREGA Job Card. 5 Dynamic Aganwadi centre ICDS Expectation from IT Department & NIC Department/Ministry Technical Wings Contribution to NREGA 1 Schemes MIS operationalization Spread of internet 2 network up to GP level 3 ICT to be promoted IT & NIC JAPIT, NIC, JSAC 4 Payment of wages through Smart Card Operationalization of Peoples’ 5 Information Centre at GP level. Various programmes of IT, NIC etc Common Guidelines for Watershed Development Projects, issued by the NRAA, Planning Commission, GOI is allowed under MGNREGA : Watershed Works as per the Common Guidelines MGNREGA Works related to Watershed (as per for Watershed Development Projects revised Schedule 1, MGNREGA) Para 8.2 watershed Works Phase a. Ridge Area Treatment: All activities Para 4. (I), I. Category: A: (V) required to restore the health of the Afforestation, tree plantation and catchment are by reducing the volume horticulture in common and forest land, and velocity of surface runoff, including road margins, tank foreshores duly regeneration of vegetative cover in forest providing right to usufruct to the and common land, afforestation, households covered under MGNREGA staggered trenching, contour and graded for individual work on their land. bunding, bench terracing etc. Para 4. (I) I. Category: A: (ii), Watershed management works such as contour trenches, terracing, contour bunds, boulder checks, gabion structures and spring shed development resulting in comprehensive treatment of a watershed. Common Guidelines for Watershed Development Projects, issued by the NRAA, Planning Commission, GOI is allowed under MGNREGA : Watershed Works as per the Common MGNREGA Works related to Watershed Guidelines for Watershed Development (as per revised Schedule 1, MGNREGA) Projects b. Drainage line treatment with a --------do-----------------combination of vegetative and Para 4. (I), I. Category: A: (i) water engineering structure, such as earthen conservation and water harvesting checks, brushwood checks, gully plugs, structures to augment and improve loose boulder checks, gabion structures, ground water like underground dykes, underground dykes etc. earthen dams, stop dams, check dams with special focus on recharging ground water including drinking water sources. c. Development of water harvesting --------------do----------------structures such as low-cost farm ponds, nalla bunds, percolation tanks and ground water recharge through wells, bore wells and other measures Watershed Works as per the Common MGNREGA Works related to Guidelines for Watershed Watershed (as per revised Schedule 1, Development Projects MGNREGA) d. Nursery raising for fodder, fuel, timber Nursery for the plantation work permitted and horticulture species under MGNREGA can be raised under MGNREGS. e. land development including in-situ soil Para 4. (I) I. Category: A: (ii), Watershed and moisture conservation and drainage management works such as contour management measures like field bunds, trenches, terracing, contour bunds, contour and graded bunds fortified with boulder checks, gabion structures and plantation, bench terracing in hilly terrain spring shed development resulting in etc. comprehensive treatment of a watershed, can be carried out irrespective of ownership of land. f. Crop demonstration for popularizing NOT COVERED UNDER MGNREGA new crops/ varieties, water saving technologies such as drip irrigation or innovative management practices Watershed Works as per the Common MGNREGA Works related to Guidelines for Watershed Watershed (as per revised Schedule 1, Development Projects MGNREGA) g. Pasture development, sericulture, bee In pasture development, land keeping, back yard poultry, small development and plantation can be ruminant, other livestock and micro- covered under Para 4. (1) I. (v) & (vi) of enterprises schedule 1 of MGNREGA h. Veterinary services for livestock and NOT COVERED UNDER other livestock improvement measures MGNREGA. However, as per Para 4. (I), II. Category: B: (v), Creating infrastructure for promotion of livestock such as, poultry shelter, goat shelter, piggery shelter and fodder troughs for cattle can be carried out on the land of households permitted under MGNREGA in Para 5, for individual work. i. Fisheries development in village Para 4. (I), II Category: B: (vi) ponds/ tanks, farm ponds etc. Creating infrastructure for promotion of fisheries such as, fish drying yards, storage facilities on the land of households permitted under MGNREGA in Para 5, for individual work, and promotion of fisheries in seasonal water bodies on public and can be carried out under MGNREGA. j. Promotion and propagation of non- NOT COVERED conventional energy saving devices, MGNREGA energy conservation measures, bio fuel plantation etc. UNDER Avg. 232.20 L can be spent from MGNREGS in a G.P. taking JC as on Do’s today. Assuming 70% works related to Watershed Mgt. 163 L will be available per Yr. Holistic Area Planning (All Programmes must adhere to MGNREGS Planning Time-Line). Technical Resource/Facilitators from WDT/WC during Planning. DPR of MGNREGS & IWMP for next yr to be prepared simultaneously (From 15th Aug. to 15 Dec.) in preceding year. GS must be attended by WDT/WC. Manpower support in Implementation/Monitoring from IWMP. Monitoring to be supported by WDT/WC/PIA. Operational Intervention Works under NREGA Operation (Plan for convergence) Approved works in current Shelf of Project (Not started) Re-scrutinize to assess feasibility. Correction may be done, if required Ongoing Works Expertise of concerned department for quality supervision & planning next set of activities. List of completed/ taken up works to be shared with concerned Deptt. To indicate app. activities/technologies for each work for value addition. Works Completed Works yet to be selectd for next F.Y. --DOMultiyear planning of departmental projects can be dovetailed in NREGA Perspective Plan. Work Flow of MGNREGA Works Proposed (G.S.) Gram Panchayat Fund from Centre Estimation Registration State Share (JE & AE) Technical Approval Job card Issued 15 Days No Reasons State Fund (EE) DC-cum-DPC Fin. & Adm. Approval (DPC) (ZP Approved) P.O./ BDO Work Allocation (15 Days) No issu e Shelf of Work (LB & AAP) Demand for Work Other Implementing Adm. Agency Exp. Transfer fund pay Works Completed & Asset Created Expenditure on Material Work Provided, MR Filled & Wage Paid Muster Roll with unique No. Unemployment Allowance Work Flow at Gram panchayat Rural People with MGNREGA Job Card Rural People Registration Job card Demand for work Gram Sabha Ack. of Rect. of demand receive Propose work Gram Panchayat Allocation Sheet Send work to P.O. for approval Allocation of work Generate reports/alerts/ Registers Maintain Account and prepare cash book shelf of work Payment on muster roll Cash (IAP) Bank Measurement & Preparation of muster roll Post office Receipt of blank muster roll/EMR form from P.O Work Flow at Programme officer Proposed work Send work to engineers for technical approval TechnicalSanction With TS NO. and date is generated complaints Attend complaints Payment of unemployment allowance issue blank muster roll to Impl. Agencies Programme officer Maintain Account and prepare cash book Transfer of fund to GP/ other impl. agencies Admn. Exp. Send Technically approved work to D.P.C for financial approval Receive fund Generate reports, alerts , analysis, muster roll issue register Work Flow at D.P.C. Level complaints Attend complaints Maintain Account and prepare cash book Technically Sanctioned work District Programme Co-ordinator Transfer of fund to GP/P.O. other impl. agencies Admn. Exp. Sanction works with unique sanction no and date Generate reports, Alerts, Analysis Receive fund Beneficiary Management No Registration Issue of job card Reasons Yes Demand for work Ack. for Receipt of demand Approved work from work module UA Allocation of work (15 Days) Muster roll issued by P.O. Work provided, muster roll filled,measurement done and wage paid Allocation sheet Generation of pay slip Pay within 15 Days Compensation LB & SoP Flow Gram Sabha Labour Projection Work out Anticipated quantum of demand for work; Shelf of Project A plan containing quantum and schedule of work to meet anticipated demand. Work Projection Sectoral composition with cost and other details of SoP Labour Projection Work Projection Consolidation of Gram G.P. Annual Plan Panchayat Precise timing of the demand for work, 15th August SoP (With GS Priority) Submission for approval of Panchayat Samiti. 15th Sep PO (BDO) to submit before PS. Panchayat Samiti Panchayat Samiti to approve (Block) the Block Annual Plan Labour Projection Work Projection SoP (With GS Priority) Submit to DPC DPC to present District Annual Plan and LB to Zila Parishad ZP to approve to District Annual Plan. Zila Estmates ready. Parishad DPC to ensure that shelf of projects for each GP is Technical Sanction ready. Administrative/Financial Sanction State Centre State 2nd October 15th Nov 1st Dec 15th December State to submit LB to the Centre. 31st Dec To hold Empowered Committee Meeting Scrutinize & Approve LB Communication of approved LB to state Jan-Feb To communicate agreed LB to districts for down the line information to Block & G.P. March Works management Revise the proposal Proposal of work Technical sanction Yes No Sleep mode with Reasons Financial sanction Shelf of work Suspended work Ongoing work Asset creation Completed work Last Verification of work Fund Management MoRD State RD Department District Programme Coordinator Programme officer at block level Gram Panchayats Expenditure on labour Unenmployment allowance Expenditure on material Other Impl. Agencies Admn. Expenditure Cost Estimation Engineers Schedule of rates Measurement of Site Prepare detailed estimate for work Calculate the labour payment as per measurement for a muster roll Calculate wage per day on a muster roll Nonnegotiable for works executed under NREGS •Only Job Card Holders to be employed for NREGA component. •Muster Rolls to be maintained on work site, copy in the GP, electronically maintained on •Social Audit through Gram Sabha •Wage Payment through no-frills accounts in banks/post offices. •Other provisions of the Act. MGNREGA Population of a Panchayat 5,000/ Average Family 1,000/ Average Job Card Holder 600/ Fund Required – 600x100 days x 158 =Rs. 94,80,000/wages Material Cost 56 lac average or 150 lac per year Average Project consists almost six Panchyats Fund Available for the Project - Rs. 900 lac per year Fund Available for Five Years 4500 lac Recommendation Training of Mukhiya/Ward member and Panchayat Sewak for 3 days and exposing visit is a must. Diving DPR preparation the Mukhiya and would commissioner should be involved. The schemes to be taken by MGNREGA be identified. Estimate be prepared. Schemes should be approved by the Gram Sabha. Schemes be included in Selected Projects. Reading Material for Gram Sabha/WC be prepared.