PowerPoint presentation (PPT file)

Topic C5. Remotely sensed assessment of
tropical wetlands
Erik Lilleskov, Belinda Margono, and Laura Bourgeau-Chavez
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Learning outcomes
In this presentation you will be introduced to
approaches for using remote sensing to map
wetland extent and change
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Choice of sensors and resolutions
Airborne/spaceborne or ground-based
Generating maps from sensor data
Special case: Peatlands
Ground truthing
Change detection
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Deforestation and forest degradation have
been reported to be the 2nd leading cause
of anthropogenic greenhouse gas
Wetlands, especially peatlands, represent
one of the largest terrestrial, biological
carbon pools and are important wildlife
Tropical peatlands and mangroves are
being lost at high rates
Quantifying wetland type, extent,
distribution and condition is vital for
mitigation efforts, MRV for REDD+, IPCC
and related efforts
Remote sensing is a major tool in wetland
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Background: Wetland mapping and remote sensing
Remote sensing data is the main data source for
monitoring and mapping wide areas, including
wetland extent and distribution
wetland type
– Including extent of mangrove, freshwater peat
swamps and non-forested peatlands
Top: National wetlands map of Indonesia. Bottom:
Peatland map for Central Kalimantan Province,
Indonesia. (Margono et al. 2014)
Land-use/land-cover change
Remote sensing provides activity data, a critical
component of estimating human impacts on
Field studies provide emissions factor (impact of
human activity on greenhouse gas emissions)
Both activity data and emission factors are vital
for estimating change in wetland carbon content
Baseline wetland extent maps (right) can be used
to assess impacts of land use
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Approaches to wetland mapping
Selected remote sensing tools should detect
some or all of the following:
water presence;
water temporal dynamics;
landforms likely to retain water;
vegetation type and floristic differences.
Fusion of multiple data sources often provides
improved maps
Digital mapping suggests that water presence
and dynamics, landform and vegetation type
can be observed using multisource data sets
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Overall schematic of map development
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Possible data sources
andsat -7
Spaceborne are most important for mapping large regions
Multispectral, e.g. Landsat TM, SPOT, MODIS
Hyperspectral – Hyperspectral Imager (HSI) on the Lewis
Airborne can provide higher resolution data for smaller
Hyperspectral, e.g., AVIRIS, AHS, HYDICE, AISA
Multiplatform, e.g. G-LiHT (LiDAR, hyperspectral, thermal)
Ground-based sensors are used primarily at the site level
or to validate remote methods
Tripod-mounted LiDAR
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Landsat is a passive data source, i.e. it relies on incoming solar
radiation. It does not see through clouds.
Series of Landsat TM 5, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8
Band 3, 4, 5 and 7 are commonly used and are:
suitable for soil-vegetation discrimination (B, G, R)
good for mapping biomass content (NIR)
very good at detecting and analyzing vegetation (NIR)
provides good contrast between different types of vegetation
useful for measuring the moisture content of soil and
vegetation (SWIR)
Landsat imagery captures floristic differences that can be
associated with wetland status, as well as water extent and leaf
moisture content
Available with 30 m spatial resolution, sufficient for mapping at
scale 1 : 100,000 or even 1 : 50,000
Timely data acquisitions are limited by cloud cover
The image to the right shows a false color composite of bands
3, 4 and 5 from Landsat 7 of a region of the Peruvian Amazon
basin near the Marañón River (lower right) that has previously
been shown to contain a peat dome (black star) (BourgeauChavez et al. 2009).
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Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture (PALSAR) is an
active source because it sends out a microwave energy pulse
and collects the returns.
Uses L-band to achieve cloud-free and day-and-night land
10–20 m data are available, but for most national-level
applications, 50 m spatial resolution is suitable
Data available in polarization mode, which enhances landcover information
The different interactions of microwave data (PALSAR) with
surface water compared to vegetation enable improved
discrimination of wetlands
Comparing images from multiple dates (multi-temporal)
improves understanding of hydrology and helps to distinguish
wetlands and wetland types
The image to the right shows a false color composite of three
different dates from ALOS PALSAR of a region of the Peruvian
Amazon Basin near the Marañón River (lower right) that has
previously been shown to contain a peat dome (black star).
Color variation is mostly driven by differences in hydrologic
condition. The areas in brighter colors are sloping portions of
the peat dome (Bourgeau-Chavez et al. 2009).
Topic C5. Slide 11 of 26
Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a
multivariate statistical technique that is used to
identify the dominant spatial and temporal
backscatter signatures of a landscape
PCA generates a set of new images, reducing
most of the information to the first few new PC
Several advantages including the ability to filter
out temporal autocorrelation and reduce speckle
Helpful in understanding moisture patterns
The image to the right is a single PCA derived
image that extracts the major axes of variation in
the previous PALSAR image.
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DEM from SRTM or LiDAR
Global DEM (topography map) derived from single-pass
interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) of SRTM
Available globally at 90 m spatial resolution, and 30 m
resolution for some places
Spaceborne LiDAR coverage e.g. ICESat/GLAS is limited to
long transects
Airborne LiDAR coverage varies by country
Using DEMs, a set of topographical indices capture
landforms more likely to retain water.
Example to right: Topographic indices derived from SRTM
for peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The top
figure depicts a flatness index which has clear hydrologic
predictive value; whereas the bottom index depicts
relative elevation of catchments of 121.5 km2 and is
indicative of slope (Margono et al. 2014). Both have been
found to be useful predictors in wetland mapping.
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Data integration/fusion
Data integration (data fusion): Combining data
from different sources
Geospatial data integration e.g.
vegetation type, generated from Landsat
landform derived from DEM
water presence, using topographical indices
generated from DEM
– First derivatives of elevation (e.g. slope)
– Second-order derivatives of elevation (e.g. various
• vegetation and soil wetness, generated
Topic C5. Slide 14 of 26
Example of data integration using Landsat, ALOSPALSAR and SRTM
(a) Landsat image with 5–4–3 spectral combination; (b) terrain flatness; (c) relative elevation of
121.5 km2 (medium) catchments; (d) Landsat band 5 represent soil/vegetation moisture; (e)
false-color r-g-b of (b), (c), and (d); and (f) the initial resulting wetland map as a probability layer
where blue is high wetland cover probability and white low wetland cover probability. Single
date PALSAR (data not shown) contributed a small percentage to the final wetland model.
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Peatlands as a special case
Peatlands are wetlands that
accumulate peat (partially
decomposed organic matter) and so
contain large reserves of carbon
vulnerable to anthropogenic
disturbance, e.g. decomposition or
fire triggered by drainage or climate
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Mapping tropical peatlands
Unique vegetation
Known peat-forming plant associations
– Peat swamp forests
– Mountain fens
Unique hydrology
Seasonal hydrologic dynamics of peatlands differ from
other wetland classes
Multi-temporal PALSAR can be used to characterize
hydrologic dynamics
Landsat can detect unique vegetation signals
Unique geomorphology
Many peatlands have convex geomorphology (dome
SRTM or LiDAR-derived DEMs can be used to characterize
and identify domes
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Peatland hydrology & SAR
Hoekman (2007)
Peatland hydrology is driven by
exogenous and endogenous factors.
Doming, which is common in
Indonesian peat swamp forests (and
is being quantified elsewhere)
regulates water flux patterns.
This SAR multi-temporal image
reveals divergent hydrology across
the width of a peat dome, with the
flat top of this peat dome (light blue
areas, A) showing a different time
course of flooding than the edges and
stream channels (redder areas, B)
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Peatland doming
Ballhorn et al. 2011
Peat accumulates over thousands of years where
production outpaces decomposition
In some places, peat rises above the local water table,
creating domes
Doming can be observed as regular, rounded topographic
features sometimes many km across.
These features can be recognized when analyzing
topographic relief, especially in conjunction with wetland
Quantifying dome morphology can improve estimation of
peatland carbon storage
The example at the right (Ballhorn et al. 2011) illustrates
use of satellite-based LiDAR (ICESat/GLAS) to determine
dome morphology and forest structure on a peatland in
Indonesia. In B the blue points delineate the dome height
in meters over a horizontal distance of about 100 km. The
green points represent canopy height. The method was
validated using airborne LiDAR and ground sampling.
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Ground truthing
field data
Field surveys and image interpretation
• Plot selection: Sampling should be statistically
valid, stratified over putative wetland classes
from initial unsupervised classification
• Logistical constraints on plot selection should
be included in sampling design
• Plot characteristics: Plots should be sized and
oriented to stay within a single map class.
• Image interpretation can derive data from
aerial imagery, e.g. urban areas, lakes, other
distinct features
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Supervised classification
Supervised classification
(e.g. Random Forests)
Supervised classification
Based on field or other independent data, a supervised
classification can be run using a portion of the data
This divides the data into specific classes of similar
properties that can be more or less resolved
depending on goals of classification.
Using plots not included in supervised classification,
the quality of the classification can be evaluated.
Results can be presented as an accuracy assessment
matrix – example below.
Accuracy assessment matrix
Producer's Accuracy
Ommission Error
User's Accuracy Comission Error
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Change detection
•Image registration
•Calibration or normalization
•Selection for same spatial/spectral resolution
Remote sensing can be used to quantify
change in land use/land cover of
This can be accomplished by performing
a change detection analysis using
remote sensing data (e.g. Landsat)
collected over time, known as a multitemporal data set
Involves change from one class to
another (e.g. conversion to agriculture)
or change within a class (e.g. thinning of
There are many possible change
detection approaches
Choose change •Advanced models
•GIS-based, Other
•Steps specific to method, involving direct comparison
of spectral data, or some sort of image processing
(transformation, classification, etc.) followed by
Perform change comparison.
•Requires field-based reference data, e.g., forest
•Accuracy assessment matrix/ error matrix, as for other
RS data.
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Example of change
detection work flow
using probability filters
Klemas (2011).
Topic C5. Slide 23 of 26
The future of change detection using
remote sensing
Hansen and Loveland (2012).
 The Landsat archive is available with free
access to terrain-corrected data for many
 Automated image preprocessing and
land-cover characterization methods will
soon be standard practice.
 The images on the right show change
detection results for the expansion of
bare ground on a national scale from the
US (top) and a close-up of a localized
region, from the Web-Enabled Landsat
Data (WELD) project. Blue areas are
newly bare ground (Hansen and Loveland
 These large-scale automated methods
should greatly accelerate change analysis
in wetlands.
Topic C5. Slide 24 of 26
Adam E, Mutanga O and Rugege D. 2010. Multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing for
identification and mapping of wetland vegetation: A review. Wetlands Ecology and
Management 18(3):281–96.
Ballhorn U, Jubanski J and Siegert F. 2011. ICESat/GLAS data as a measurement tool for peatland
topography and peat swamp forest biomass in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Remote Sensing 3(9):1957–
Bourgeau-Chavez LL, Riordan K, Powell RB, Miller N and Nowels M. 2009. Improving wetland
characterization with multi-sensor, multi-temporal SAR and optical/infrared data fusion. In
Jedlovec G (ed). Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vukovar, Croatia: InTech. 679–708.
Bwangoy JRB, Hansen MC, Roy DP, Grandi GD and Justice CO. 2010. Wetland mapping in the Congo
Basin using optical and radar remotely sensed data and derived topographical indices. Remote
Sensing of Environment 114(1):73–86.
Hansen MC and Loveland TR. 2012. A review of large area monitoring of land cover change using
Landsat data. Remote Sensing of Environment 122:66–74.
Topic C5. Slide 25 of 26
Hoekman DH. 2007. Satellite radar observation of tropical peat swamp forest as a tool for
hydrological modelling and environmental protection. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and
Freshwater Ecosystems 17(3):265–75.
Klemas V. 2011. Remote sensing of wetlands: Case studies comparing practical techniques. Journal
of Coastal Research 27(3):418–27.
Margono BA, Bwangoy JRB, Potapov PV and Hansen MC. 2014. Mapping wetlands in Indonesia using
Landsat and PALSAR data-sets and derived topographical indices. Geo-spatial Information
Science 17(1):60–71.
Ozesmi SL and Bauer ME. 2002. Satellite remote sensing of wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and
Management 10(5):381–402.
Thank you
The Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP) is a collaborative effort by CIFOR, the USDA Forest Service, and the
Oregon State University with support from USAID.
How to cite this file
Liilleskov E, Margono B and Bourgeau-Chavez L. 2015. Remotely sensed assessment of tropical wetlands [PowerPoint presentation]. In:
SWAMP toolbox: Theme C section C5 Retrieved from <www.cifor.org/swamp-toolbox>
Photo credit
Adam Gynch, Belinda Margono/Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Daniel Murdiyarso/CIFOR, Erik Lilleskov/USFS, Laura Bourgeau-Chavez,
Michelle Cisz, Yayan Indriatmoko/CIFOR.