Ordnance Survey – About us

Larger Councils Conference
How to make effective use of the
Public Sector Mapping Agreement
Richard Mortara
Public Sector Contracts Manager
21 March 2013
How to make effective use of the
Public Sector Mapping Agreement
• An introduction to the Public Sector Mapping Agreement
• The PSMA products
• OS OpenData™
• Software solutions specifically for Parish/Local Councils
• Uses of mapping and data
• Case Studies
• Questions
Public Sector Mapping Agreement
Sign Up
Data Sharing
Some Key Licence Terms
PSMA User Group
What is the Public Sector Mapping Agreement?
• It is a Crown to Crown agreement negotiated between
Ordnance Survey and DCLG (now BIS)
• Commenced April 2011
• Open to everyone within the public sector in England and Wales
• Is a ten year agreement
• Includes access to the majority of Ordnance Survey digital data
products (NOT paper mapping products!)
PSMA Sign Up
• All members of former collective agreements now signed up with one
or two exceptions in Central Government
• 2,875 PSMA Members fully signed as at 31 January 2013
• Includes 1,884 Parish/Town/Community Councils, Tatenhill Parish
Council (Cheshire) being the 2000th member to sign up
• Includes 292 NHS/Health Members
• Visit PSMA website for full list of members
What can members do with the data?
Core business
Provides greater flexibility for public sector business
Contractor licence
Provides onward supply to contracted third parties
End User Licence
Provides onward supply to anyone for public sector business
Joint venture
Allows cross border activity joint initiatives with members of the One
Scotland Mapping Agreement (OSMA)
…in other words
Anything in the delivery of Government
policy and services
As long as
• it doesn’t compete with us or our
• it isn’t a commercial service
Data provision: both Ordnance Survey and other
licensed derived data
Some PSMA Requirements
The requirement to watermark images applies publishing in electronic
form, to all products where the source scale is 1:10 000 scale and
Copyright Statements
© Crown copyright and database rights [year of supply] Ordnance Survey
[licence number]
Business Information
Mapping displayed must be overlaid with your own business information
Additional acknowledgement for hard copies
Where licensed data is made available in hard copy form for a
member of the public to take away…
“You are not permitted to copy, sub-licence, distribute or sell any of
this data to third parties in any form.”
PSMA Member Licence, Page 22, 10.1.2c
This additional wording must be in a legible font and in a
conspicuous position on the map
PSMA Support – Web Site
PSMA Support – News and events page
• Includes latest articles
• ‘hot off the press’ news alerted to
PSMA Support
PSMA User Group
Local Government
Riley Marsden
Area 1
Denis Payne
Area 2
Steve Campbell
Area 3
Peter Silvester
Area 4
Phil Franklin
Barnsley MBC
Cambridgeshire CC
Borough of Poole
East Hants DC
Local Gov. Data Unit Wales
Emergency Services & Health
Andrew Mahon
Mike Baines
Jason Weall
Metropolitan Police Service
Greater Manchester Fire & Rescue Service
Welsh Ambulance Service
PSMA Products
PSMA Support – Products pages
PSMA Product Reference Sheet
Please help yourself to a new PSMA product reference sheet, or
download one from the PSMA support pages. Where you’ll also
find our PSMA products “getting started” guide.
OS OpenData™
OS OpenData
• Introduced 1 April 2011
• Can be ordered through the PSMA on-line service
• No restrictions on reuse
• Can be passed to anyone
• Can be commercially exploited
• No limitations on publishing
• Still requires a Copyright acknowledgment
OS OpenData products and licence terms
Meridian™ 2
1:50 000 Gazetteer
1:250 000 Scale Colour Raster
OS Street View®
OS Locator™
OS VectorMap® District
Code-Point® Open
To be included shortly
• OS Terrain™ 50
Software solutions specifically for
Local/Parish Councils
Uses of mapping and data
Suggested uses/benefits
Grounds/buildings maintenance contracts
Capture of location of council own assets.
Planning major events
Consultation with other bodies: Police/Fire/Utilities/Local
Authorities and your parishioners
Sharing data with other bodies
Easier to use data provided by other PSMA members
Website – location of facilities (e.g. Allotments)
Asset Management
Meeting the Governments’ localism objectives
• Neighbourhood planning
• Parish (Community Lead Planning)
How are Parish Councils using the data?
84 Parish/Community Councils responded to a Customer Value
questionnaire sent to every PSMA member organisations (> 11
000 PSMA contacts ) last October
Most frequent uses of data reported:
Flood Modelling & Flood risk assessment
Protection and Conservation (rural and urban)
PROW Management
Visitor/tourist information
Grounds/parks maintenance
Estates building and/or housing management
Mark Recchia
Banbury Town Council
Banbury Town Council - background
• Large market town, pop. 46 000
• Precept £1.7m, staff 22 (11 FTE)
• New Town Council formed 2000 - responsible for allotments,
cemeteries and parks
• GM contract worth £0.5m
• No property terrier – no idea what we owned!
• No asset register
• 11 000 trees – no inspection data
• What a mess! Sound familiar?
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
• Developed a Property Terrier
St Mary’s Churchyard
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
• Developed a Property Terrier
• Plotted other assets (litter bins etc.)
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
• Developed a Property Terrier
• Plotted other assets (litter bins etc.)
• Plotted our 11 000 trees
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
• Developed a Property Terrier
• Plotted other assets (litter bins etc.)
• Plotted our 11 000 trees
• Bought aerial imagery
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
• Developed a Property Terrier
• Plotted other assets (litter bins etc.)
• Plotted our 11 000 trees
• Bought aerial imagery
• Used mapping on other contracts
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
• Developed a Property Terrier
• Plotted other assets (litter bins etc.)
• Plotted our 11 000 trees
• Bought aerial imagery
• Obtained land ownerships for County, District and
Housing Association
What did we do?
• Talked to District Council GIS manager
• Bought Arc View GIS package
• Bought District Council GM data
• Commissioned more detailed GIS survey
• Developed a Property Terrier
• Plotted other assets (litter bins etc.)
• Plotted our 11 000 trees
• Bought aerial imagery
• Obtained land ownerships for County, District and
Housing Association
Local/Parish Councils Case Studies
Public Sector case studies locator
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Dauntsey Parish Council
Aberystwyth Town Council
Insert protective marking - see QSP 032
Immingham Town Council
Insert protective marking - see QSP 032
Insert protective marking - see QSP 032
Insert protective marking - see QSP 032