The European Neighbourhood Policy

European Commission
Cooperation and Development
assistance in Moldova
Kaido Sirel
Head of Operations
EU Delegation to Moldova
• Sources of funding
• Projects/Assistance areas
• Macro-financial assistance
• European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument
– Bilateral program for Moldova
(225, +273, + EaPIC)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------– Inter-regional programmes
(NIF bilateral - 80, NIF regional)
– Regional program ENPI East
– Cross-border cooperation programmes
(44, ~150)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Development Cooperation Instrument - Thematic Budgets
– bilateral,
– regional,
– global
• External programmes from Commission Directorate General’s
• Internal EU programmes opened and to be opened to Moldova.
ENPI Bilateral National Indicative
Programme 2011-2013
• Priorities for MOLDOVA (273,14 MEUR)
– Good governance, rule of law, fundamental
– Social and human development
– Trade and sustainable development
Confidence Building Measures. Regional
Cohesion pilots
Democracy, Good Governance and Stability
Economic Development
Climate Change, Energy and Environment
Advancing Integration with the EU and Regional Co-operation
Priority Area 1: Promoting reform through European
advice and expertise – SIGMA, TAIEX
Priority Area 2: Promoting higher education and
student mobility TEMPUS, Erasmus Mundus
Priority Area 3: Promoting cooperation between
local actors in the EU, and in the partner countries –
Priority Area 4: Promoting Investment projects via
Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF)
Cross Border Cooperation
• CBC Moldova – Romania - Ukraine
(2007-2013) 126 million euro
44 million for Large Scale projects decided
• Black Sea Programme 26 million euro
• CBC South East Europe
CBC Programs for land borders (9) and sea
crossings (3)
CBC Sea Basin Programs (3)
5 Global Thematic Programmes
• ”Investing in people” Human and social development
• Protection of the environment and sustainable
planning/cultivation of natural resources, energy
• Non-state actors and local authorities in the process of
• Food security
• Migration and asylum policies
Projects selected via Call For Proposals
Bilateral Thematic calls
• European Instrument for Democracy and
Human Rights
• Non State Actors and Local Actors in
Governance and Civil Society Facility
Other external programmes from
European Commission
Instrument for Nuclear cooperation (DEVCO)
Humanitarian aid (DG ECHO)
Instrument for Stability (EEAS)
Cohesion Pilots (DG REGIO)
SME programme (DG ENTR)
7th Framework Programme for Research (DG RTD)
New EU Internal Programmes to be opened to MD
ENPARD – Neighbourhood Agriculture and Rural
Development (DG AGRI)
EU Internal programmes which can
be opened to Moldova
• Customs 2013
• Competiveness and Innovation Framework
Program (CIP)
• Intelligent Energy Europe
• Entrepreneurship and Innovation;
• ICT Policy Support
• Consumer Policy
• SESAR (Air Traffic)
• Public Health
Additional Strategies/Initiatives
• Eastern Partnership
– Comprehensive Institution Building
– EaPIC - Integration and Cooperation Programme
– Regional Development Pilots (PRDP)
– Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD)
• Black Sea Synergy (ENPI East + Russia + Turkey)
• Danube Strategy
• Mobility Partnership - Moldova as pilot case
• European Endownment for Democracy – Support for Civil Society
Projects state of Affairs 2012
 Around 150 programmes and projects ongoing or in preparation
in Moldova
 Phasing out of TACIS and TACIS Cross Border Coopertion
 6 Budget Support programmes ongoing or in preparation
 Technical Assistance (social, health, economy, mobility
partnership, water, justice, public administration, etc)
 Twinnings and Comprehensive Institution Building
 Thematic Budget lines projects (media, anti-torture, legal
protection, elections, migration, energy, environment, etc)
 Cross Border Cooperation projects (water, infrastructures,
tourism, historic towns, etc)
 Macro-Financial Assistance
 Neighbourhood Investment Facility – Roads, Water, Health,
Air Logistics, Airport, Trolleybuses, - in pipeline wine sector,
Budget Support
• ENPI 2007 Social sector
€ 21 million
• ENPI 2008 Health sector € 46 million
• ENPI 2009 Water and sanitation sector € 50 million
• ENPI 2010 Economic Stimulation in Rural Areas € 45 million
• ENPI 2011 Energy € 42 million
• ENPI 2012 Justice reform € 52 million
• ENPI 2013 Vocational Education and Training
Macro-Financial Assistance
2007-2008: 45 M EUR grant, paid in 3 tranches
2010 – 2012: 90 M EUR grant, paid in 3 tranches – support provided as
response to financial crisis.
• Public expenditure management and fiscal reform: implementation
of Treasury Systems, customs & taxation reforms, public
• Enterprise restructuring and business environment: privatisation of
state-owned firms, bankruptcy legislation, competition legislation,
SME development
• Financial sector reform: privatisation of banks, supervision
regulation, insurance legislation
• Specific sectoral issues: public utilities, statistics, export promotion.
Neighbourhood Investment Facility
• Providing blending grants for the loans
• 11 projects blending in the loans of around 700 m eur with
87,96 m eur grants in Moldova
– Modernisation of the Republican Clinical Hospital
– Airport Modernisation Project
– Road Rehabilitation project
– Feasibility Study for the Improvement of Water and
Sanitation System in Chisinau
– Water Utilities development programme
– Chisinau Transport project
– Vine sector upgrading
– Roads rehabilitation project
– 2 Energy efficiency projects
– Moldelectrica
Regional NIF grants
• Annual envelope of 5-7 MEUR (~3 new Twinnings per year)
• Requests from state institutions can cover all aspects of EU
approximation process where there is EU acquis.
Concluded Twinnings:
- Parliament (FR, HU)
- Penitentiary system (D, NL)
Ongoing Twinnings
- Procurement (RO)
- Intellectual Property Rights (DK, RO),
- Competition and State Aid (LV, A, RO)
- Regional development (F)
- Public internal financial control (S, NL)
- Accreditation of product conformity assessment (S, NL)
- Market surveillance (UK, LT)
Several more Twinnings in preparation
Comprehensive Institution Building
EaP framework jointly developed and
implemented with the partner country to
ensure effective institution building of a
limited number of core institutions which
are central to the preparation and
implementation of future Association
Agreement and DCFTA.
CIB- Indicative list of Beneficiary Institutions
Public Administration Reform:
State Chancellery
Public Procurement Agency
Ministry of Finance
Ensuring rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms
General Prosecutor's Office
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Centre for Combating Economic Crimes and Corruption
Preparing Moldova in view of future DCFTA
Ministry of Economy
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Health (Public Health Service)
Inspectorate for Phyto-Sanitary Surveillance and Seed Control
Sanitary-Veterinary and Animal origin Food Safety Agency
Agency for Protection of Competition
Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova
• Assistance increased around 10 fold
• Moldova is often pilot and praised as most advanced
reformer in the EU Neighbourhood
• Lots of new cooperation programmes opened and more
in view from the European Institutions
• New logic of assistance – move from committed
development assistance grants to co-funded
competition/cooperations grants and loans.
Additional info