Sustainability of the Short-Term Insurance Industry The Strategic Risk Forum Education Collaboration Response Business Presented by: John Melville Executive Head: Risk Services, Santam Chairman of the SAIA Strategic Risk Forum 11th June 2012 Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum THE ROLE OF INSURANCE IN THE ECONOMY • A collective ‘safety net’ and a lever of economic and social development • A key enabler and transmission mechanism for economic activity • A catalyst in the financial and investment flows needed for sustainable development Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum KEY CHALLENGE AN INCREASING LEVEL OF SYSTEMIC RISK Driven by the growing interconnectedness between the physical, economic and social environments in which we live Source: WEF Global Risk report 2012 Many people still do not have access to the collective ‘safety net’ and are therefore exposed to the increasing level of risk Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum TOP 10 STRATEGIC ECONOMIC SOCIAL GOVERNANCE RISKS Legislation & regulatory capacity Image & reputation E G Information management G Increased crime and corruption G Human capital & skills How we manage our impact on the environment G E SA insurance industry S S Lack of investment & maintenance of infrastructure Dual economy S S Lack of transformation No real market growth THERE ARE STRONG LINKS TO THE RISKS IDENTIFIED BY THE NATIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum KEY STRATEGIC QUESTIONS FOR US Do we sit passively and watch the world unfold for us? OR Do we act proactively to become shapers of risks by: • Understanding these risks • Sharing this knowledge • Developing strategic responses • Driving or contributing towards implementation Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum STRATEGIC RISK FORUM • SAIA AND FIA ESTABLISHED AN INDUSTRY FORUM TO: Engage on strategic risks to our sustainability Understand what is being done to mitigate these risks Initiate interventions collaboratively to mitigate these risks This initiative and decision was a world first and lauded by UNEP FI, and is now being followed in other territories – Brazil, Australia and New Zealand Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum COLLABORATIVE KNOWLEDGE SHARING AND PLANNING 7th March 2012 17th Nov. 2011 1, 2nd Sept, 2011 Understanding ESG Risks • Environmental Risks – Urbanisation • African Centre for Cities; University of Cape Town • Social Risks • National Planning Commission perspective • Governance Risks – ESG on the bottom line • South African Association of Chartered Accountants Our changing landscape • Our changing landscape: Cities • CSIR • Climate Change, Cities, Risk • African Centre for Cities University of Cape Town (UCT) • Energy and Climate: Change is the new Normal (case study) • Pretoria Portland Cement Company • Building Sustainability Indicators • Marsh Risk Consulting Public Private Partnerships: National Disaster Management and STI Industry • Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) • Chairman: Strategic Risk Forum • Munich Re of Africa • Economist Agri SA • National Emergence Red Meat Producers Organisation • Santam • SALGA • The World Bank Investing for Adaptation and mitigation Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum THE STRATEGIC RISK FORUM STI Risk Drivers Dashboard Changing Landscape 2 year industry wide ESG Risk review Strategic Risk Forum Steerco Strategic Risk Forum Environmental Social 2 year rolling Global and local Stakeholder Analysis Governance Motor Reinsurance Expertise shift – Human Capital Development Delivery / Implementation Value Chain Readiness Funding methodology Governance, Controls, Technology Support , Information Management, Client Research Methodology, Central Analytics Enabling / dis-enabling frameworks/policies SAIA: Position Paper Global and local partners Industry solution SAIA: Trading Brief Other Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum THE FOCUS AREAS Active engagement with the representatives in the value chain FIA, SAIA, SAUMA, IISA, National Treasury, FSB, Scientists, academics, government, NGO’s Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum AGRI INSURANCE PPP CROP INSURANCE CO-FINANCING PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY TO: • enhance food security in SA • increase access to insurance and making farming more viable • incentivise responsible environmental practices by farmers • grow the crop insurance market • manage the ‘contingent liability’ on the national balance sheet Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum CROP INSURANCE IN SOUTH AFRICA – LOW CURRENT MARKET PENETRATION LEVELS Country USA Canada China Spain France Italy Russia India Brazil Germany Argentina Mexico Australia South Africa Austria Republic of Korea Turkey Total MPCI [m€] Hail [m€] Total [m€] Market Penetration [%] 5.401 1.038 1.019 430 160 165 217 182 142 5 3 114 0 21 20 56 486 193 0 0 170 115 0 0 39 159 116 0 104 72 68 0 5.887 1.231 1.019 430 330 280 217 182 182 164 119 114 104 93 88 56 80% 60% 25 % 55% (incl. Livestock) 32% MPCI / 55% Hail 19% Hail / 1% MPCI 10% 20% 12% 61% (crop hail only) 45% 8% 80% 33% 79% 72% 43 3 9.016 1.525 46 Insurance Short-term 10.541 Strategic Risk Forum 5% SUSTAINABLE AGRI INSURANCE WHY: Higher penetration in the crop insurance market = multiple benefits Proposed solution: Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Public Sector Cimate Change Weather Risks Specialised PPP crop insurance 1. 2. Market Risks 3. crop insurers Farmers Agrifinance and Agribusiness 4. 5. 6. Integrated in agricultural policy and law Public co-financing of premiums and cat losses Transparent, uniform terms and products Open to all farmers Comprehensive coverage benefiting individual farmers Operated through specialised crop insurers Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum 360 DEGREE VIEW OF OUR CHANGING LANDSCAPE WHY: Insurance is a key point of leverage in building resilience in a changing landscape (Fire, drought, storms, flood, tremors) Strategic Risk Forum Think Tank Enabled by collaborating effectively with the many stakeholders involved in managing risks (Industry representatives, CSIR, UCT, government etc.) Understand Nov 2011 Collaborate Q1 2012 Establish principles with NDMC and SALGA for a cooperation agreement Develop MOU with CoGTA Business PPP initiation May 2012 Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum COMMUNITY RISK INSURANCE WHY: Demonstrate how simple insurance can help break some of the poverty traps many of our communities find themselves in • • • • Learn how to provide simple insurance in vulnerable communities who are not touched by insurance Promote risk management in the communities Provide employment to the unemployed (especially youth) Partner with Dept. of Cooperative Governance using Community Works Programmes (CWPs) & promote financial inclusion Identification of key partners 2012 Robust public-private partnership Mechanism with municipalities Design concept Community Risk 2013 Local human capital development Shared risk through PPP Pilot Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum PRINCIPLES FOR SUSTAINABLE INSURANCE UNEP FI insurance commission established Global consultation on sustainable insurance 2007 - 2010 2011 Raised awareness of the contribution that the insurance industry is already making to sustainability and get the industry engaged on this topic March: SA hosted the first of these consultations on behalf of the African insurance industry December: A final set of PSI was agreed in Zurich, Switzerland PSI launch 2012 PSI to be launched at the Rio+20 summit in just over a week’s time Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum WHAT ARE THE PRINCIPLES FOR SUSTAINABLE INSURANCE? Embed in our decisionmaking environmental, social, and governance issues relevant to our insurance business PSI Demonstrate accountability and transparency in regularly disclosing publicly our progress in implementing the Principles Work together with our clients and business partners to raise awareness of environmental, social and governance issues, manage risk and develop solutions Work together with governments, regulators and other key stakeholders to promote widespread action across society on environmental, social and governance issues Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum CAN WE REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum LOCAL EXAMPLE: BUSINESS AGAINST CRIME A CONDUIT FOR ENGAGEMENT BETWEEN GOVERNMENT & BUSINESS ON CRIME – Support businesses in getting their own house in order in terms of crime prevention – Partner with government by sharing expertise, information, processes and technologies Success is evident in the fight against crime Source: BAC Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum CALL TO ACTION! There is the potential for the insurance industry to demonstrate its true value… Let’s PROACTIVELY and POSITIVELY influence the world in which we do business Let’s get involved with the RISKS Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum WHAT CAN YOU DO? Get involved with others via the Forum to contribute, learn and apply knowledge regarding relevant risks in your business and broader environment Implement the Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI) and become a signatory Do your own risk assessment as recommended by the PSI BE A SPOKESPERSON FOR THE TRUE VALUE OF INSURANCE Short-term Insurance Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Risk Forum Strategic Forum THANK YOU Short-term Insurance Strategic Risk Forum