STRATEGIC ISSUES IN HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS I CHL 2 0 1 3 - DECE M BE R 2 0 1 3 P I E RA NGELO ( P I E RO ) G AN DI NI JOLG OR I O9@YAHOO.COM ABOUT THIS PRESENTATION: 1.COLOMBIA’S STEPS TOWARDS A MORE COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH FOR EMERGENCIES 2.HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS: STRATEGIC ISSUES a. PREPAREDNESS b. EXECUTION c. EVALUATION 3.WRAP UP : KEY WORDS Colombia With coastlines on both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, Colombia is an important platform for the region COLOMBIA BRIEF HISTORY OF NATURAL DISASTERS 1980 -2010 No of events: No of people killed: 118 Disaster Year No. Affected 27,943 Flood 2010 2,217,518 Earthquake* 1999 1,205,933 Disaster Date Killed Volcano 1985 21,800 Earthquake* 1999 1,186 Mass mov. wet 1987 640 Flood 2010 363 Epidemic 1991 350 Earthquake* 1994 271 Earthquake* 1983 250 Average killed per year: 901 No of people affected: 9,344,157 Flood 2008 1,200,091 301,424 Flood 2007 1,162,135 Flood 2005 474,607 Flood 2007 443,173 Flood 2004 345,386 Flood 1986 250,000 Mass mov. wet 1986 200 Flood 2006 221,465 Mass mov. dry 1983 160 Flood 2004 186,096 Flood 1981 150 Average affected per year: Economic Damage (US$ X 1,000): Economic Damage per year (US$ X 1,000): 4,456,069 143,744 COLOMBIA POPAYAN, 31 MARCH 1983 :EARTHQUAKE ARMERO, 13 NOVEMBER 1985: LANDSLIDES AFTER VOLCANO ERUPTION +21.000 KILLED NATION-WIDE FLOODS 2010 (la niña) +2.000.000 AFFECTED COLOMBIA ARMERO, 13 NOVEMBER 1985 ARMERO, 13 NOVEMBER 1985 The Government’s commitment to disaster risk reduction dates back to 1983. In the aftermath of the Popayan earthquake, the Government initiated the creation of a system for disaster preparedness and response. In 1989, the Government established the National System for Disaster Management and Prevention (Sistema Nacional para la Prevención y Atención de Desastres) (SNPAD) Since the mid-1990s, Colombia has moved from disaster response towards disaster risk management by: (i) strengthening actions in disaster risk prevention and mitigation; (ii) reducing fiscal vulnerability to natural hazards; (iii)improving land use planning COLOMBIA NATION-WIDE FLOODS 2010 (la niña) +2.000.000 AFFECTED COLOMBIA UP TO DATE: Law 1523 of April 24, 2012 recognized the central role in the development process of the National Policy on Disaster Risk Management and created a National System for Disaster Risk Management. Decree 4147 of November 3, 2011, created a national unit for the coordination of a national DRM system. Decree 3700 of the National Council for Economic and Social Policy (CONPES) for Climate Change established a model disaster response system. Implementation phase: Strategic Plan for International Cooperation, Disaster Risk Management, 2013-14 2. HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS: STRATEGIC ISSUES 1. PREPAREDNESS a. PLANNING b. TRAINING OF STAFF c. AVAILABILITY OF STOCK (IN TIME OF ECONOMIC CRISIS!!) FAIL TO PREPARE IS PREPARE TO FAIL 2. HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS: STRATEGIC ISSUES 2.EXECUTION a. DO IT WELL b. CHANGE THE CO: FROM COMPETITION TO COORDINATION AND COLLABORATION THE PLANNER HAS NOT THE RIGHT TO BE WRONG 2. HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS: STRATEGIC ISSUES 3. EVALUATION 1. LESSONS LEARNED a. BENEFICIARIES b. AUTHORITIES c. OTHER ACTORS/STAKEHOLDERS d. OWN TEAM 2. IMPROVE YOUR PREPAREDNESS 3. WRAP UP: KEY WORDS FAIL TO PREPARE IS PREPARE TO FAIL THE PLANNER HAS NOT THE RIGHT TO BE WRONG FROM COMPETITION TO COORDINATION AND COLLABORATION EVALUATION AND ADJUSTMENTS THANK YOU STRATEGIC ISSUES IN HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS I CHL 2 0 1 3 - DECE M BE R 2 0 1 3 P I E RA NGELO ( P I E RO ) G AN DI NI JOLG OR I O9@YAHOO.COM