Day3_DRR and heritage activities in Jordan_Paolini

DRR and heritage
activities in Jordan
Presentation by:
Dr. Anna Paolini
Director, UNESCO Amman Office, Jordan
Director ai, UNESCO Doha office for GCC
and Yemen
Policies, recommendations
•Declaration of Quebec (1996).
•The Kobe/Tokyo Declaration on Risk Preparedness for Cultural Heritage
•Radenci Declaration (1998);
•Torino Declaration (2004)
•Kyoto Declaration on the Protection of Cultural Properties, Historic Areas
and their Settings from Loss in Disasters (2005);
•Kobe recommendations (2005)
•IDRC Davos Declaration (2006)
•Delhi Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia (2007)
•World Heritage Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (2007)
•Strategy to assist States Parties to implement appropriate management
responses to Climate Change on World Heritage properties (2008)
•Kathmandu Recommendations (2009)
•Beijing Appeal on WH, DRR and CC (2009)
•Lima Declaration (2010)
•ISDR Venice Declaration (2012)
Principles for DRR for cultural heritage/1
1.The key is advance planning and preparation;
2.Advance planning should include concern for the whole
property, its buildings, structures, and their associated contents
and landscapes;
3.Advance planning should integrate relevant heritage
considerations within a property’s overall disaster prevention
4.Preparedness requirements should be met in heritage
buildings by means which will have least impact on heritage
5.Heritage properties, their significant attributes and the
disaster response history of the property should be clearly
documented as a basis for appropriate disaster planning,
response and recovery;
Principles for DRR for cultural heritage/2
6.Maintenance programmes for historic properties should
integrate a cultural heritage-at-risk perspective;
7.Property occupants and users should be directly involved in
development of emergency-response plans;
8.Securing heritage features should be a high priority during
9.Following a disaster, every effort should be made to ensure
the retention and repair of heritage structures or features that
have suffered damage or loss;
10.Conservation principles should be integrated where
appropriate in all phases of disaster planning, response and
Heritage contributes to DR reduction
Before and during a disaster
• As a physical defense against hazards (tangible);
• As a catalyzer of disaster resilient communities (intangible);
After a disaster
• Providing shelter, goods and services;
• As an economic asset for recovery;
• Providing psychological support, strengthening identity,
social cohesion;
• Facilitating decision making/communication;
• As an educational tool.
Petra Siq Stability project
Sustainable Monitoring Techniques for Assessing Instability of Slopes in the
Siq of Petra, Jordan (April 2012 – October 2014)
Project goals
Identify potential detectable unstable areas in the Siq by means of
field engineering geological techniques
Establishment of long-term monitoring methods of the rock-block
deformation (from remote to field)
Develop guidelines for sustainable landslide mitigation and
Develop a GIS common platform for storing, analysis and
management of data, as well as a 3D computerized model of the Siq and
other selected structures, and an extensive and interactive virtual tour
based on panorama photographs and lased scanned monuments
Build capacity of the DoA and PDTRA on the technicality of the
archaeological area
Wadi Musa
The Siq is a 1.2km deep passage, with a E-W orientation and meandering course. The Siq
connects the town area of Wadi Musa with the monumental area of Petra and constitutes the
main path for tourists to access the archaeological area.
Sketch of the master joints and regional fault of the Siq area by aerial photo interpretation
and field survey
Landslide types and slope evolution: recent and historical events
Unstable block
Rock falls/slides - magnitudes and examples
Large blocks volumes
(volumes > 15m3)
Medium blocks volumes
(volumes 5m3÷15m3)
Small blocks volumes
(volumes < 5m3)
Satellite radar
interferometry and
permanent scatters
(resolution: mm)
Integrated Monitoring System with low
environmental impact
Crack gauges, inclinometers
and meteorological station in Wi-Fi network
total station
(resolution: mm to ½ cm)
Digital photogrammetry
(resolution: mm to cm)
Points 1/2
Siq un-textured Model
Petra Risk Mapping project
February 2011 – June 2014
Partners: University of Leuven (Belgium) // In cooperation with: PDTRA, DoA // Jordanian experts
Anna Paolini – UNESCO Amman Office
UNCT meeting - March 17, 2013
Petra Risk Mapping project
Results achieved
Field mapping of 1993 PAP governmental
boundaries. Verification by a technical committee and
transmission of Park coordinates to WHC for approval
at the 2013 WH Committee.
Delineation of guidelines, scenarios and
recommendations of use for a buffer zone of the PAP
for the area between the villages of Um Sayhun and
Beidha. Possibility of creating a buffer–zoning system
and limited boundary adjustments identified as the
best scenario.
Delineation of a Risk Management Methodology
to identify and assess risks within the PAP and its
application to a PAP pilot area. Holistic risk
management methodology identified as the most
appropriate strategy for mitigation of risks and
protection of values of the property.
Publication of “Risk Management at Heritage
sites. A Case Study of the Petra Archaeological Park”
Assessing the Impact of Risk I Quantitative Approach
ABC system I
qualitative analysis based on a scoring system I quality of results depend
on accuracy of numeriacal values
A: probability of damage B: degree of loss of significance C: the area affected
Magnitude of risks.
Source: based on ICCROM CCI-ICN, unpublished material for course on preventive conservation: Reducing Risks to
Collections, Sibiu, Romania (2007)
Risk Evaluation
Matrix of priority based on level of risk magnitude and level of uncertainty.
Source: based on ICCROM CCI-ICN, unpublished material for course on preventive conservation: Reducing Risks to
Collections, Sibiu, Romania (2007)
Heritage as a tool for reconciliation
Guidance and Tools
•Guidelines for Disaster Preparedness in Museums, ICOM (1993)
•Risk Preparedness: a Management Manual for World Cultural
Heritage, WHC-ICCROM-ICOMOS (1998)
•Building an Emergency Plan, Getty Conservation Institute (1999)
•Handbook on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Council of
Europe (undated)
•World Bank Good Practice Note on Risk Preparedness (2008)
•Handbook for post-disaster housing and community
reconstruction, World Bank (2009)
•Managing Disaster Risks for World Heritage, WHC, ICCROM,
•Protecting Cultural Heritage in Times of Conflict, ICCROM (2011)
•Risk Preparedness Training Module, UNESCO (2007)
•Olympia Protocol for International Cooperation on DRR at World
Heritage Properties (2008)
•Disaster Risk management for Museums, UNESCO (2009)
•Toolkit for damage assessment of cultural properties, ICORPICOMOS (2011) (under development)
•Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) Manual: Section on
Culture, UNESCO (2011)
•Training Kit on Disaster Risk Reduction for Cultural Heritage,
Ritsumeikan University (under development)
•Funding mechanisms within WH and other frameworks
Building capacities:
Resource Manual on Managing Disaster Risks for WH
WH and Climate Change
Field Projects: Haiti
Awareness, Education and Communication
A new webpage with info and resource
Amman DRR awareness project
Introducing concepts on disaster risk management in schools
Results achieved
Two guidebooks produced – endorsed by the
Ministry of Education- for students (1-4th grade/ 510th grade) on earthquakes, flood preparedness
and safe behavior.
48 teachers trained on disaster risk
reduction, use of new guidebook at their schools
and on how to set up contingency plans.
Four Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
in a cartoon format produced and launched. The
PSAs explain in an easy and family friendly way
how to be prepared for a natural disaster at home
and at schools and what the basic evacuation
procedures are. These cartoons were shown on
Jordan TV.
Evacuation drills conducted at the selected
schools by the Civil Defense team.
Disaster Risk Reduction bags for each of the
piloted schools distributed by Jordan Red Crescent.