Youth Double Wing:
Passing Game
Jack Gregory© 2011
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Passing Game
2 or 4 in the Perimeter
2 = attack the flat (Low-High)
4 = attack the vertical out (MOFO/PEEK)
4 = Is the 4th the safety? (MOFO)
4 = Is the 4th from the interior/back side?
(attack away (2 read on the backside))
Power Pass
Play Action Passing
 Power Pass
 Run/Pass option
 Basic flood pattern on the power side.
 Read low to high (BB flat to WB out).
 Can teach a peek deep if MOFO (middle of the field open).
 Run this to the QB’s throwing side
 If 2 attack the flat
 If 4 attack the vertical out/peek
 Switch call to swap #1 and #2 receivers on play side.
Making the Block on the Edge
Four Points of contact on the DEMLOS:
1) The PSTE must release through the
nearest shoulder and his near hand
should punch and push him back as he
releases to slow his rush.
2) The BB should release across his face
and his up field shoulder should rub the
chest of the DEMLOS to slow his rush.
3) The PST should SLIDE SLIDE MIRROR the
DE and if he needs to give ground in
order to maintain his mirror he does so.
4) The WB gains enough depth so tht he
can attack the outside arm pit and seal
the DE inside so that the WB’s butt is
facing the perimeter.
Back side pressure:
BST if uncovered will HINGE, if
covered he will LOAD, EXPLODE,
BSTE will always HINGE
OVER the BST and you
add an additional
blocker to the play side
(LEM if covered/SSM if
Power Pass
Tight Rip Power Pass Right
Tight Loose Rip Power Pass Right
Tight Nasty Rip Power Pass Right
Tight Trips Rip Power Pass Right
Tight Bunch Rip Power Pass Right
Shift Rip Power Pass
Shift Loose Rip Power Pass
Shift Nasty Rip Power Pass
Bear Rip Power Pass Right
Bear Loose Rip Power Pass Right
Bear Nasty Rip Power Pass Right
Bison Rip Power Pass Right: DROP
Tells the line and backfield this will be a play action
drop and not a roll out.
Switch Tag: #1 and #2 switch assignments.
With #1 running FLY and #2 running OUT.
QB will complete is spin action and aim for a point 3
to 4 yards behind the PSG. Ball will be on the
backside hip away from LOS until he sets his feet play
side and make his read.
In Red Zone situations the FLY will run a
seam to the near side goal post. OUT will
ensure he has at least 2 yards of space to
the back of the end zone if needed.
BSTE and BST must be aware that they are not to give
up much ground on their hinge as they gain depth.
Motion WB/TB will wall off the outside hip of the
• Drop Tag: tells the offense it will not be a roll
out but a play action pass. QB will set 3 to 4
yards depth under PSG.
• Switch Audible: tells the #1 and #2 to switch
• MOFO Audible: tells the QB to read the
OUTSIDE-IN read of the OUT-FLY as there is no
FS in the middle of the field.
Layered Blocking
• Passing Game the receivers who don’t get the ball are
always responsible for peeling back and walling off their
defender so the receiver has a lane to run vertically in.
• If the QB keeps the flat receiver will peel back inside and
wall off the first defender to show. The out receiver will do
the same thing. The fly receiver will peel back inside and
down to cut off backside pursuit.
• From that point if a receiver catches the ball the next
receivers up field peel back and wall off.
• This makes the QB keep and the BB flat home run plays if
the defense gets wall inside and we can create a vertical
Lead Series Play Action Passing
 Drag Pass
 Run/Pass option
 Basic high low drag pattern to power side.
 Read PSWB corner to BSTE shallow drag (high to low)
 TB walls off backside unless the “TB” tag is added then he executes a swing &
wheel route.
 2 post-snap attack shallow area to flat
 2 backside call the TB tag attack the FLAT to VERTICAL OUT.
 Reverse Pass
 Based off of XX action with WB passing (need a passer at WB)
 Basic high low drag pattern to backside (great for over shifted defenses)
 Read PTE (corner) to WTE (drag) or HIGH to LOW.
 TB walls off backside unless the “TB” tag is added then he executes a swing &
wheel route.
 2 on counter side and aggressive to LOS.
 Throw back to 4 away if they over rotate to compensate when they see the
WB displace inside. Ripe for throwback. (less than 2 post-snap on
counter/reverse plays)
Drag Pass
Tight Rip Drag Pass Right
Tight Nasty Rip Drag Pass Right
Tight Loose Rip Drag Pass
Shift Rip Drag Pass Right
Shift Nasty Rip Drag Pass Right
Shift Loose Rip Drag Pass
Bear Rip Drag Pass Right
Bear Nasty Rip Drag Pass Right
Bear Loose Rip Drag Pass
Shift Rip Drag Pass Right: Drop
• Drop Tag: tells the offense it will not be a roll
out but a play action pass. QB will set 3 to 4
yards depth under PSG.
• TIGER Audible: Throwback to SWING/WHEEL.
Set to play side and reset to backside
swing/wheel. If TIGER IS not called the back
walls off backside under the outside hip of the
last hinge blocker.
Reverse Pass
Tight Rip Reverse Pass Left
Tight Nasty Rip Reverse Pass Left
Shift Rip Reverse Pass Left
Shift Nasty Rip Reverse Pass Left
Tight Rip Reverse Pass Left
Tight Nasty Rip Reverse Pass Left
• TIGER Audible: Throwback to SWING/WHEEL.
Set to play side and reset to backside
swing/wheel. If TIGER IS not called the back
walls off backside under the outside hip of the
last hinge blocker.
Tight Rip Three Pass Right
• Three verticals
• Seam and fade with swing route on the same side.
• Creates a LOW-HIGH read on the outside reading the
CB in the pipe.
• If Cover 2 we can use a OUTSIDE-INSIDE read on the
• If backside corner is ignoring the BSTE we can throw to
the backside fade using a tag.
• You can use WALL, JOKER, or DUECE pass protection.
Tight Rip Three Pass Right (old Fade Pass)
Wall/Deuce/Stay pass protection
QB Drop: Quick Step; set towards
swing/fade LOW-HIGH.
If MOFO audible: Quick step set towards
fade/seam OUTSIDE-IN
If BAMBAM audible: Quick step set
towards backside fade.
Switch Tag: #1 and #2 switch assignments.
PSTE will release outside and run FADE and
PSWB will release under and inside of PSTE
and run SEAM.
In Red Zone situations the fades aim for the
back corner pylon. Seam aims for the near
side of the goal post.
Tight Rip Four Pass Right
• Four verticals
• Seam and fade to both sides QB picks the side
he wants (coach can .
• We use a OUTSIDE-INSIDE read on the SEAM
and FADE.
• Check for defender who is a pass first
defender playing run (CB) first on both sides.
• You can use WALL, JOKER, or DUECE pass
Tight Rip Four Pass Right
Wall/Deuce pass protection
QB Drop: Quick Step; set towards play side
If BAMBAM audible: Quick step set towards
backside fade/seam; read OUTSIDE-IN
Switch Tag: #1 and #2 switch assignments.
PSTE will release outside and run FADE and
PSWB will release under and inside of PSTE
and run SEAM.
In Red Zone situations the fades aim for the
back corner pylon. Seam aims for the near
side of the goal post.
Wedge Series Passes
Buck Counter Keep
Buck Counter
Fenton Wing
Fenton Reverse Drag
Rocket Up
Buck Tight 17 Dash Right Counter Keep Pass
Advanced play.
Run First if
TB fakes sweep converts to wheel route so you can tag this with TIGER
(sideline audilble) if you want the QB to throw back to him.
BB gains depth and logs first defender to show (typically EMLOS).
QB RUN FIRST PLAY! PSTE corner (outside step and look at DEMLOS to
fake PIN) to BSTE DRAG and if you have a more mature QB or older team
you can add a third read (triangle) with the deep crossing WB.
Covered: LEM –Shift inside (load
explode mirror – on third step get hips
inside) (WALL PROTECT for young kids)
Uncovered: SEM inside (slide inside,
explode, mirror ) (WALL PROTEC for
young kids)
This is our base WALL PASS PRO so that
we sell wedge to the defense and
eliminate inside penetration.
Buck Tight 47 Dash Right Counter Pass
Run First if
BB logs first defender to show (typically EMLOS)
QB logs next defender to show pass BB (typically OLB)
WB – RUN FIRST! PSTE corner to BSTE drag.
Can tag/audible TIGER to tell WB to throwback to TB
faking sweep and converting to wheel route.
Covered: LEM –Shift inside (load
explode mirror – on third step get hips
Uncovered: SEM inside (slide inside,
explode, mirror )
This is our base WALL PASS PRO so that
we sell wedge to the defense and
eliminate inside penetration.
Buck Shift 17 Dash Right Counter Keep Pass
Advanced play.
Run First if
TB fakes sweep converts to wheel route so you can tag this with TIGER
(sideline audilble) if you want the QB to throw back to him.
BB gains depth and logs first defender to show (typically EMLOS).
QB RUN FIRST PLAY! PSTE corner (outside step and look at DEMLOS to
fake PIN) to BSTE DRAG and if you have a more mature QB or older team
you can add a third read (triangle) with the deep crossing WB.
Covered: LEM –Shift inside (load
explode mirror – on third step get hips
inside) (WALL PROTECT for young kids)
Uncovered: SEM inside (slide inside,
explode, mirror ) (WALL PROTEC for
young kids)
This is our base WALL PASS PRO so that
we sell wedge to the defense and
eliminate inside penetration.
Buck Shift 47 Dash Right Counter Pass
Run First if
BB logs first defender to show (typically EMLOS)
QB logs next defender to show pass BB (typically OLB)
WB – RUN FIRST! PSTE corner to BSTE drag.
Can tag/audible TIGER to tell WB to throwback to TB
faking sweep and converting to wheel route.
Covered: LEM –Shift inside (load
explode mirror – on third step get hips
Uncovered: SEM inside (slide inside,
explode, mirror )
This is our base WALL PASS PRO so that
we sell wedge to the defense and
eliminate inside penetration.
Buck Nova 17 Dash Right Counter Keep Pass
Advanced play.
Run First if
TB fakes sweep converts to wheel route so you can tag this with TIGER
(sideline audible) if you want the QB to throw back to him.
BB gains depth and logs first defender to show (typically EMLOS).
QB RUN FIRST PLAY! PSTE corner (outside step and look at DEMLOS to
fake PIN) to BSTE DRAG and if you have a more mature QB or older team
you can add a third read (triangle) with the deep crossing WB.
Covered: LEM –Shift inside (load
explode mirror – on third step get hips
inside) (WALL PROTECT for young kids)
Uncovered: SEM inside (slide inside,
explode, mirror ) (WALL PROTEC for
young kids)
This is our base WALL PASS PRO so that
we sell wedge to the defense and
eliminate inside penetration.
Buck Nova Shift 47 Dash Right Counter Pass
Run First if
BB logs first defender to show (typically EMLOS)
QB logs next defender to show pass BB (typically OLB)
WB – RUN FIRST! PSTE corner to BSTE drag.
Can tag/audible TIGER to tell WB to throwback to TB
faking sweep and converting to wheel route.
Covered: LEM –Shift inside (load
explode mirror – on third step get hips
Uncovered: SEM inside (slide inside,
explode, mirror )
This is our base WALL PASS PRO so that
we sell wedge to the defense and
eliminate inside penetration.
Fenton Tight 18 Dash Wing Pass Right
On Snap:
BB cross over step and cross the face of the DEMLOS into the flat at a depth of 0 to 3 yards of depth. Flash fake handoff and get into wall.
QB steps back with left foot hands off to WB going into the wedge then reverse pivot for depth of 4 to 5 yards until you pass the DEMLOS (DE)
and attack the LOS. If you have daylight run the ball and get vertical to the end zone right now. If the BB is open throw the ball (get your eyes on
him as soon as you start gaining depth). If the BB is not open look high to the WB running the wall & corner. This is a RUN-LOW-HIGH read at
anytime you have daylight up field run the ball.
PSWB free release and get your eyes on the first backer inside as you move inside step with your inside foot and go vertical for two steps and then
break outside at 45 degrees and look for the ball as soon as you make your break.
BSWB: on SET you flat motion (keep shoulders square to LOS and shuffle so that your hips stay behind the QB’s heels so you can receive the
handoff into the WEDGE). When your inside hip gets to the heels of the near guard the ball will be snapped and you will get the handoff into the
Fenton Tight 47 Dash Right Reverse Drag Pass
Run first to
BB runs flat route to opposite side.
QB drop steps left foot faces WB lets him flash fake
and reverse pivots and bootlegs backside as the BSWB
goes by on the outside handoff the ball to him.
BSTE: inside release and runs through heels of ILB and
runs a drag (12 to 15 yards depth).
BSWB: drop step and run reverse take outside hand
from QB. If you have daylight outside go vertical and
run the ball. Otherwise wait for the BSTE to clear and
throw the ball to the outside and let him run to it.
Covered: LEM –Shift inside (load
explode mirror – on third step get hips
Uncovered: SEM inside (slide inside,
explode, mirror )
This is our base WALL PASS PRO so that
we sell wedge to the defense and
eliminate inside penetration.
Rocket Tight 14 Wall Right Up Pass
Basic Progression Read:
QB sets and looks at WB running
swing route. If CB and/or OLB don’t
expand to cover throw it now to
SWING route. Lead him down field. If
CB and OLB expand throw it to the
WB running the SIT route to his inside
arm pit now!
Built in HOT READ: WB
running SIT. If you see blitz
coming from OLB on play
side throw it now to the
Advanced Progression:
As above but QB during SIT
READ peeks to WHEEL and if
he is open throw it to the
outside shoulder. If the
triangle is not open throw it
to the drag near the
boundary now!
On Snap:
BB flash fake and sets up on the inside hip of the backside tackle and walls off any defender coming at the QB from the outside hip of the
QB drop left foot and explode left hip and shoulder hard to fake the toss (keep ball in belly) and then convert into two step drop.
WB/TB cross over step and accelerate to gaining depth so that you go through the heels of the BB and run a swing route. Sit in that spot if
the ball does not come and float up field slowly facing the QB (don’t wheel this at all).
PSWB: outside release and get inside of OLB and sit in the first open void (get no deeper then 1 yard behind the LB level) and present
numbers to the QB. Be ready of the ball as soon as you plant and turn.
PSTE: release under the PSWB and as soon as you pass the WB go vertical with and outside angle. Accelerate as soon as you go vertical.
BSTE: release through the first backer inside heels and climb as you go play side so that you are at 12 to 15 yards depth as you reach the
play side boundary.
Jet Tight 14 Wall Right Up Pass
Basic Progression Read:
QB sets and looks at WB running
swing route. If CB and/or OLB don’t
expand to cover throw it now to
SWING route. Lead him down field. If
CB and OLB expand throw it to the
WB running the SIT route to his inside
arm pit now!
Built in HOT READ: WB
running SIT. If you see blitz
coming from OLB on play
side throw it now to the
Advanced Progression:
As above but QB during SIT
READ peeks to WHEEL and if
he is open throw it to the
outside shoulder. If the
triangle is not open throw it
to the drag near the
boundary now!
On Snap:
BB flash fake and sets up on the inside hip of the backside tackle and walls off any defender coming at the QB from the outside hip of the OT.
QB let the motion WB cross your face and flash fake as he goes by then set up facing the motion WB swing route/PSWB sit route.
Motion WB: on SET cross over step and go full speed in front of QB and flash fake as you go by. Sell sweep but continue to expand as you run the swing
route. Once you get 5 to 7 yards width turn up field and look for the ball as soon as you turn. Don’t climb vertical just sit in the flat .
PSWB: outside release and get inside of OLB and sit in the first open void (get no deeper then 1 yard behind the LB level) and present numbers to the QB.
Be ready of the ball as soon as you plant and turn.
PSTE: release under the PSWB and as soon as you pass the WB go vertical with and outside angle. Accelerate as soon as you go vertical. BSTE: release
through the first backer inside heels and climb as you go play side so that you are at 12 to 15 yards depth as you reach the play side boundary.
Uncovered Audibles
Getting the ball to the perimeter in open
Uncovered Passing to Space
• Whenever the coaching staff sees a 2 on 1 situations on either loose pair
we will audible to a uncovered pass to get the ball immediately to a
receiver on that side. 2 on 1 meaning 2 receivers to 1 defender within 6
yards of the loose pair.
• In regards to BUNCH and TRIPS it becomes a 3 on 2 situations and we will
always throw to the SE or near slot (near QB).
• BROKEN/BLENDER means throw to slot receiver right now. (BR = right, BL
= left) (can be any code word you choose)
• ROOKIE/LOOK means throw to split end right now. (R = right, L = left). (can
be any code word you choose)
• Receiver not called releases and gets position on defender to screen him
off from called receiver (MDM). The receiver must catch the ball and get
vertical and outside immediately. Get as many yards as possible.
• We call this from any play we have called. If we see 2 on 1 or 3 on 2 we
get the ball into space and let our athlete get vertical (BIG PLAY
Shift Loose Over Rip 26 Seal Right
Called on any play (running or
passing) when we see a 1 on 2
situation at our perimeter in
Shift Loose Over Rip 26 Seal Right
Called on any play (running or
passing) when we see a 1 on 2
situation at our perimeter in
Wrinkles that make defenses go crazy
Aubible List
Uncovered pass to SE
Uncovered pass to SLOT
Waggle (influence – key breaker)
QB bootleg run/pass to backside
Boot (influence – key breaker)
QB bootleg run/pass to backside
Razzle (influence – key breaker)
WB reverse
WB pass to PSWB/PSSE
BSTE jump pass
Why Audibles
• A very simple way of attacking flaws in the
defense immediately.
• Allows us to adapt instantly to various threats
that would cause our called play to fail.
• Allows us to move the ball while creating
confusion in the defense.
• 2 or less in the backside perimeter
• Leaving a receiver in space uncovered
• Secondary supporting run and not defending pass
How we call Audibles
– Our QB after the offense lines up in formation will always check with
the sideline unless the sideline yells “run it” which tells him to get the
play off now.
– First: QB checks with sideline and OC shouts an audible. Nearest
offensive player echo’s it to the middle of the field. Everyone runs the
original play except those involved in the audible.
– Second: For more mature QB’s who are able to handle calling it on
their own we let him call audibles. There is a teaching progression
involved. Often at first once a game is in hand we will tell him that he
can call a certain audible if he sees it open on his own. We grade him
out from series to series on did he call it and was it the right thing to
do. Most often it is uncovered we start with because that is a very
easy teaching progression for the QB and Receivers.
Influence or Key Breakers
Defense are taught that backs will deceive you
as keys but line men pulling are “true keys” to
the flow of the play.
This set of audibles allow us to immediately
attack teams keying our line and/or showing
us 2 or less on the backside perimeter.
It also allows us to get the ball in space on the
backside perimeter and give us a big play
Razzle – backfield only reverse
When we see 2 or less on the backside perimeter triangle
due to defenses over shifting to our formation
strength/motion we can call this play.
When we suspect that the backers are keying our pulling
linemen and wall side (if you flip your line) we will run
this play.
Can only be used in compressed formations and edge
tags. (no loose, bunch, trips)
Putting your line in OVER going the other way is often
further enticement and will get the defense to really
shift to that side. So if you see them doing this run the
Tight Rip 26 Seal
Shift Rip 26 Seal
Star Over Rip 36 Seal
When we see 2 or less on the backside perimeter triangle due to
defenses over shifting to our formation strength/motion we can call
this play.
When we suspect that the backers are keying our pulling linemen and
wall side (if you flip your line) we will run this play.
When we see that the BSDE is coming inside shallow/down the line to
chase our power/power sweep/power pass we will run this play as
this leaves the CB in a position to play run and pass on the
Can only be used in compressed formations and edge tags. (no loose,
bunch, trips)
We are trying to isolate the backside corner and force him to play run
(QB) or pass (BSTE high to WB low – late).
Putting your line in OVER going the other way is often further
enticement and will get the defense to really shift to that side.
Shift Rip 26 Seal Right
Shift Rip 26 Seal Right
Star Rip 26 Seal Right
When we see 2 or less on the backside perimeter triangle due to
defenses over shifting to our formation strength/motion we can call
this play. Naked bootleg!!!
When we suspect that the backers are keying our pulling linemen and
wall side (if you flip your line) we will run this play.
When we see that the BSDE is coming inside shallow/down the line to
chase our power/power sweep/power pass we will run this play as
this leaves the CB in a position to play run and pass on the
perimeter. The BSDE is unblocked so it is important that you
discern that he is chasing to the flow and not containing to the QB.
Can be used in expanded or compressed formations so it is a little
better audible in that regard compared to WAGGLE.
We are trying to isolate the backside corner and force him to play run
(QB) or pass (LOW – BB flat to HIGH – BSTE corner).
Putting your line in OVER going the other way is often further
enticement and will get the defense to really shift to that side.
Shift Rip 26 Seal Right
Shift Rip 26 Seal Right
Used when we see the coverage defenders committed to stopping run
and not covering the pass.
It is a combination of a fade and a seam route and the QB making and
outside – inside read. If MOFO (middle of the field open) throw the
inside seam route.
Unlike uncovered concept we run this when we see press/bump and
run defenders peeking in to the backfield and not actually playing
the receiver.
Can snap it to either the TB (BSWB) or the QB whoever is the best
passer. This is a lead step to sell run, set and throw. Read the field
as you take the lead step.
Ball must be gone in under 2 seconds to ensure it is a legal play as we
are running this with any play called (run or pass).
Great short yardage audible or when you expect to face loaded fronts.
Shift Rip 26 Seal Right
Outside – In unless we
call MOFO then throw
to the seam.
Shift Loose Rip 26 Seal Right
Used against linebackers that are playing the line aggressively and they are
not focused on covering our BSTE.
Defenses will often fast flow and collapses to our strong side when they see
POWER FLOW (power, power sweep, power pass) and this often causes
the BSLB and ILB’s to flow to the strength leaving a gap in the shallow
TB takes a lead step towards hole gets his eyes on the space the MLB/ILB was
at pre snap. Jumps up and throws the ball if the backer vacates (attack the
LOS). If he is there land and get to the hole for any positive yards.
This is a really nice goal line play when we expect the defense to play a loaded
pressure front and come right at the LOS. Often with no FS or secondary
support this throw is pretty easy to make.
TB (BSWB) must sell the run initially to get the defense to collapse so the
BSTE has a clear space for the ball.
TB must get the ball on his ear ready to throw prior to jumping. He jumps
and as he gets vertical and sees the lane he throws the ball.
Shift Rip 26 Seal Right
Jump pass. BSTE
replaces the heels of
the MLB and looks
for ball.
Shift Loose Over Rip 26 Seal Right
Jump pass. BSTE
replaces the heels of
the MLB and looks
for ball.
Used against defenses that are keying our wall side and they over shift
to our MISDIRECTION FLOW. 2 or less on the backside perimeter.
Defenses will often fast flow and collapses to our misdirection flow
(WB REVERSE, WB KICK, BB KICK) and that leaves them vulnerable
to the AWAY audible.
TB takes a lead step towards and runs power but crosses the face of
the DEMLOS and then breaks outside into the flat.
WALL TE takes a LOAD step inside and then get vertical and 4 to 6 steps
and break 45 degrees outside.
QB takes two steps to sell that he is power blocking/running power
and then rolls hard to the backside of misdirection flow and he has
a RUN-PASS option that is RUN-LOW-HIGH.
This is a great audible to have in your toolbox when the defense is
keying the wall side and attacking our misdirection flow
Shift Rip 33 Kick Left Away
Used against defenses that are keying our wall side and they over shift
to our MISDIRECTION FLOW. 2 or less on the backside perimeter.
Defenses will often fast flow and collapses to our misdirection flow
(WB REVERSE, WB KICK, BB KICK) and that leaves them vulnerable
to the AWAY audible.
TB takes a cross over step as if running sweep/reverse action and gets
into pitch relationship. Get wide to press the DEMLOS to expand as
you beat him outside and force his reaction.
QB secure ball takes a lead step at the DEMLOS inside hip and goes
down hill
This is a great audible to have in your toolbox when the defense is
keying the wall side and attacking our misdirection flow
aggressively and leaving one defender post-snap to cover the
backside perimeter. This allows us to option him and attack the
perimeter/edge easily.
Shift Rip 33 Kick Left Pitch