How to adapt v0.5 CR logo

How developments and
buildings can be adapted so that
they are resilient to climate
change and extreme weather
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How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
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How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Presentation contents
— Other training modules in the series
— Climate change and extreme weather
— Adapting to flood risk
— Adapting to limit water availability
— Adapting to heat stress
— Case studies (from a range of regions)
— Adaptation and planning process
— Links to further information
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Other training modules in the series
— Statutory drivers for adaptation
— Making the business case for adaptation
— Green Infrastructure as an adaptation response
— How developments and buildings can be adapted so that
they are resilient to climate change and extreme weather
— Addressing weather and climate risks through neighbourhood
— Achieving resilience to climate risks through local plans and
supplementary planning guidance
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Learning objectives
— Understand how climate change could result in
high intensity and more frequent extreme weather
— Know where to go to get information on how to
identify extreme weather risks in their area.
— Understand how buildings and developments can
be designed to adapt to these risks.
— Understand the opportunities available to adapt
buildings and developments through the planning
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
What are the challenges for developments and buildings?
M Brodie, Alamy
PSL Images, Alamy
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Identifying future climate risks and extreme weather in
your area
— Use local plan evidence base and assessments undertaken for strategic sites
— Existing areas affected by extreme weather could be affected more in the future
— Areas not currently affected could be in the future, for example:
— Flood risk: low lying coastal areas and areas near rivers
— Water availability: in catchments that are highly urbanised, have lower than
average rainfall and rely on ground water
— Subsidence: areas with clay soils
— Overheating / Urban Heat Island: buildings in large urban areas, community
buildings occupied during the day, south facing buildings (in particular those
with only one aspect)
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Adapting buildings and developments to increased flood
Flood avoidance
Flood resistance
Flood resilience
Flood recovery
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Avoiding flood risk
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Flood resistance, resilience and recovery measures
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Adapting buildings and developments to limited water
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Adapting buildings and developments to limited water
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Adapting buildings and developments to heat waves –
building orientation and environment
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Adapting buildings and developments to heat waves –
building design
Libby Welch / Alamy
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Adapting buildings and developments to subsidence
— Vegetation management
— Surface erosion control structures
— Sustainable Urban Drainage
— Foundation design
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Case studies: adaptation in policy and guidance
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Case studies: adaptation in masterplans and buildings
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Case studies: adaptation in buildings
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Implementation of adaptation measures in the planning
process - opportunities
There are opportunities to promote adaptation of
buildings and developments through:
— Planning policy in Local Plans and
Supplementary Planning Guidance
— Neighbourhood Planning
— Influencing design of development during preapplication discussions
— Use of planning conditions and enforcement
— New build development and refurbishment /
change of use
Sustainable construction standards include
adaptation measures – some developments are
required to or voluntarily build to these
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Implementation of adaptation measures in the planning
process – key players
When considering how to adapt buildings during the
planning process it is important the following
parties work together:
— Local authorities
— Developers
— Project Design Teams
— Community Groups
— Statutory Bodies including EA, Water
Companies, Highways Authorities
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Further information
Planning for Climate Change - Guidance for Local Authorities
Using supplementary planning documents to address climate change locally
ESPACE project Climate Change Impacts and Spatial Planning - Decision Support Guidance
Planning for a healthy environment: good practice for green infrastructure and biodiversity (including Annex
C – Model Policies and Approaches)
Climate Change Adaptation By Design
Climate Adaptation - Guidance on insurance issues for new developments
How developments and buildings can be adapted so that they are
resilient to climate change and extreme weather
Further information
Climate Change Adaptation - Advice for planners and developers, UKGBC
MBEKTN and EA Climate Ready, Business case guidance for the built environment
Townscape: A Guide for Decision Makers
Susdrain – Water sensitive urban design in the UK – Ideas for Built Environment Practitioners
Beat the Heat: Keeping UK buildings cool in a warming climate
Environment Agency Interactive Flood House – design measures to make properties more
resilient during floods
Conserving water in buildings