► Research Institute from University of Belgrade ► Affiliated center of ICGEB, Trieste, Italy ► Research and Advanced Education in Molecular Biology ► Services ► Promotion of Science A brief history…. At the Conference in Belgrade, July 1982, organized by Yugoslav Federal Government and UNIDO, representatives of sixty countries decided to establish International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), an international organization, consisting of one Center and a network of Affiliated National Centers. On February, 26 1986 SFRY Parliament proclaimed the Law of Ratification of the Statute of ICGEB and the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE) was established as Affiliated Centre. IMGGE: research focal points FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH molecular biology molecular genetics recombinant DNA technology biotechnology Institute's projects are mostly focused on research related to analysis of genome organisation and regulation of gene expression in various organisms APPLICATION 76 Researchers 8 Administration and Support Units Staff 7 Principal Research Fellows 7 Senior Research Associates 1 Scientific advisor 29 Research Associates 32 Research Assistants Research Trainees Experimental and theoretical education Completed theses and dissertations B.Sc.= 168 Theses: M.Sc.= 87 Ph.D.= 52 Total: over 400 h-index: 31 IMGGE projects: Ministry of Education and Science, R. Serbia ICGEB UNIDO European projects (FP6, FP7, SEE-ERA-NET, REGPOT) Department of Energy (DOE), USA National Institute of Health (NIH), USA Wellcome Trust, UK Billateral cooperation (Bulgaria, France, the Netherlands, Czech Republic Spain, Portugal, Slovenia) Laboratory for molecular hematology Laboratory for molecular biology Laboratory for human molecular genetics Laboratory for microbial molecular genetics and ecology Laboratory for molecular genetics of industrial microorganisms Laboratory for plant molecular biology Science outreach activities Researcher’s Nights Science Fair Open Day Interactions with schools Elementary and High School visits Little School of DNAlogy Laboratory for molecular hematology Head: Sonja PAVLOVIĆ, PhD (e-mail: sonya@sezampro.rs) Associates: Maja STOJILJKOVIĆ PETROVIĆ, PhD Gordana NIKČEVIĆ, PhD Branka ZUKIĆ, PhD Nataša TOŠIĆ, PhD Tatjana KOSTIĆ, PhD Teodora KARAN-ĐURAŠEVIĆ, BSc Vesna SPASOVSKI, BSc Milena RADMILOVIĆ, BSc Biljana STANKOVIĆ, BSc Nikola KOTUR, BSc Kristel KLAASSEN, BSc Sanja SRZENTIĆ, BSc Laboratory for molecular hematology Research Focus MOLECULAR GENETICS of leukemia, thalassemia syndromes, inflammatory bowel diseases, phenylketonuria PHARMACOGENETICS - novel pharmacogenomic markers Genetic diagnosis and molecular monitoring in the management of leukemia Knowledge acquired through the fundamental research has been applied in diagnostic and therapeutic protocols in Serbia and region Laboratory for molecular hematology Ongoing Projects Integrative Interdisciplinary Research Project: •Rare diseases: Molecular Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities and Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects (MESRS, 2011-2014) Collaborative International Projects: •European LeukemiaNet - “Strengthen and develop scientific and technological excellence in research and therapy of leukemia (CML, AML, ALL, CLL, MDS, CMPD) by integration of the leading national leukemia networks and their interdisciplinary partner groups in Europe” (EU, FP6-LSHC-CT-2004, 2004-2011) • ENERCA 3 – “Framework of Community Action Programme on Rare Diseases” (2009-11) Projects for Promotion of Science: • Researchers’Night Fever „RENIFEVER“ (EU, CSA-SA, FP7-PEOPLE-2011-NIGHT- 287432, 2011) • A short course of DNAlogy (MNTRS, 2011) Laboratory for molecular hematology Ongoing Projects Integrative Interdisciplinary Research Project: •Rare diseases: Molecular Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities and Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects (MESRS, 2011-2014) Collaborative International Projects: •European LeukemiaNet - “Strengthen and develop scientific and technological excellence in research and therapy of leukemia (CML, AML, ALL, CLL, MDS, CMPD) by integration of the leading national leukemia networks and their interdisciplinary partner groups in Europe” (EU, FP6-LSHC-CT-2004, 2004-2011) • ENERCA 3 – “Framework of Community Action Programme on Rare Diseases” (2009-11) Projects for Promotion of Science: • Researchers’Night Fever „RENIFEVER“ (EU, CSA-SA, FP7-PEOPLE-2011-NIGHT- 287432, 2011) • A short course of DNAlogy (MNTRS, 2011) Laboratory for molecular hematology Application Molecular diagnostics • Monogenic diseases (thalassemia syndromes, phenylketonuria) • Hematological malignancies (ALL, AML, CML, CLL, lymphomas) • Inflammatory diseases (Crohn’s disease, Perthes disease and rheumatoid arthritis) Pharmacogenomics • Mercaptopurine drug therapy (TPMT ) • Irinotecan drug therapy (UGT1A1) Laboratory for molecular biology Head: Dragica RADOJKOVIĆ, PhD Professor Emeritus: Professor Ana SAVIĆ, PhD Snežana KOJIĆ, PhD Jelena KUŠIĆ, PhD Aleksandra DIVAC, PhD Djordje FRANCUSKI, PhD Aleksandra NIKOLIĆ, PhD Valentina ĐORĐEVIĆ, PhD Ljiljana RAKIĆEVIĆ, PhD Marija STANKOVIĆ, PhD Branko TOMIĆ, BSc Mila LJUJIĆ, BSc Aleksandra NESTOROVIĆ, BSc Iva PRUNER, BSc Laboratory for molecular biology Research Focus - Genotype–phenotype correlation -Identification of mutations and polymorphisms in CFTR gene in CFTR related disease (first data on type and frequency of CFTR mutations in Serbian population - CF Network) Application of molecular biology in medicine - Study of skeletal muscle specific genes and DNA replication in eukaryotes (DNA-protein interactions during the initiation of DNA replication) Representatives of the Republic of Serbia in ORPHANET (The portal of rare diseases and orphan drugs) and EPMA (The European Association for Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine) Laboratory for molecular biology Ongoing Projects Complex diseases as a model system for phenotype modulation structural and functional analysis of molecular biomarkers (funded by MESRS, 2011-2014) Structural alterations of DNA induced by initiator protein (funded by ICGEB, 2009-2011) Evaluation of muscle specific protein Ankrd2/Аrpp in different myopathies and its potential use as a diagnostic marker (funded by MESRS/DAAD, 2011-2012) EU project “EuroGentest2“, FP7-261469 (2011-2013) Laboratory for molecular biology Application MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS Cystic fibrosis Alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency Thrombophilia Lactose intolerance FV Leiden PAI-1 4g/5g FII G20210A MTHFR C677T PHARMACOGENETICS tailoring anticoagulant therapy (VKORC1, CYP2C9) tailoring antiagregation therapy (CYP2C19) NONINVASIVE MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS OF SOLID TUMORS Laboratory for human molecular genetics Head: Milena STEVANOVIĆ, PhD Corresponding member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Associates: • Marija MOJSIN, PhD • Nataša KOVAČEVIĆ-GRUJIČIĆ, PhD • Jelena POPOVIĆ, PhD • Andrijana KLAJN, PhD • Danijela DRAKULIĆ, MSc • • • • • Isidora PETROVIĆ, MSc Milena MILIVOJEVIĆ, BSc Jovana JASNIĆ, BSc Dijana TAKIĆ, BSc Slobodan DAVIDOVIĆ, BSc Laboratory for human molecular genetics Research Focus - Studying the regulation of expression and function of the human SOX genes (cloning and characterization of new human SOX genes - SOX14, SOX18 and SOX20) - Application of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for detection of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations in humans - Devlopement of methods for genotyping of κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin and for the selection of desirable variants that have an effect on milk production traits in cattle - Ancient DNA studies Molecular genetic analysis of the populations residing in the Southwestern region of the Serbia from Bronze Age up to Middle Ages Laboratory for human molecular genetics Ongoing Projects Studying signal transduction pathways and epigenetic mechanisms that control human SOX genes expression: further insight into their roles in cell fate determination and differentiation (project No.: 173051). Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic Serbia, 2011-2014. Ethnogenesis of the Serbs during the Middle Ages (until c.1250): a comparative analysis of the historic-cultural heritage, genetic material and artifacts of material culture from the aspect of analytical chemistry (project No.: 47025). Subproject: Molecular genetic analysis of the populations residing in the Southwestern region of the Serbia from Bronze Age up to Middle Ages. Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic Serbia, 2011-2014. Studying the molecular mechanisms involved in maintaining pluripotency and differentiation of stem cells (No.: Ф-24). Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2010-. Regulation of human SOX18 gene expression and its role in angiogenesis (project No.: CRP/YUG07-01). The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Italy, 2008-2010. Laboratory for human molecular genetics Application FISH (Fluorescent in situ hybridization ) based diagnostics for the detection: Microdeletion syndromes (DiGeorge and Prader-Willi / Angelman) Rare mosaic karyotypes Complex structural chromosomal rearrangements. Marker assisted selection for the economic trait loci in cattle Genotyping of κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin and selection of desirable variants that have an effect on milk production traits in cattle. Мolecular diagnostics of BLAD (Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency) and porcine stress syndrome. Laboratory for microbial genetics and ecology Head: Branka VASILJEVIĆ, PhD (e-mail: vasiljb@eunet.rs) Associates: • • • • • • • • • Ivana MORIĆ, PhD Jasmina NIKODINOVIĆ RUNTIĆ, PhD Lidija ŠENEROVIĆ, PhD Lidija ĐOKIĆ, PhD Tatjana ILIĆ TOMIĆ, PhD Sandra VOJNOVIĆ, PhD Tanja Narančić, PhD Nada STANKO Sanja BAJKIĆ, BSc Laboratory for microbial genetics and ecology Research Focus - former Laboratory for Molecular Genetics of Actinomycetes MICROBIAL DIVERSITY ASSESSMENT Metagenomic assessment of bacterial communities (cultural heritage, air, water, sediment samples) GREEN BIOTECHNOLOGY Bioremediations (aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals) Waste conversion to value-added materials Biocatalysis PRODUCTION OF BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS Isolation and screening for novel bioactive compounds (such as antibiotics, antitumor drugs, immunosuppressants etc.) Laboratory for microbial genetics and ecology Ongoing Projects • Search for new bioactive secondary metabolites (Bilateral cooperation, Countries: Serbia, Czech Republic, 2006-) • Microbial diversity in the copper mine Bor (ICGEB/CRP/YUG09-03, 2010-2012) • Microbial diversity study and characterization of beneficial environmental microorganisms (funded by MES, 173048, 2011-2014) Laboratory for microbial genetics and ecology Application Bioremediation Microbial degradation of different pollutants such as phenol, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, styrene etc. Potential pharmaceutical application Production of secondary metabolites such antibiotics, antitumor drugs, immunosuppressants etc. Laboratory for molecular genetics of industrial microorganisms Head: Milan KOJIC, PhD Associates: Ljubisa TOPISIROVIC, PhD Djordje FIRA, PhD Jelena LOZO, PhD Jelena BEGOVIC, PhD Sanja MIHAJLOVIC, Ph.D Katarina VELJOVIC, PhD Jovanka LUKIC, BSci Gordana UZELAC, BSc Ivana STRAHINIC, PhD Natasa GOLIC, PhD Amarela TERZIC-VIDOJEVIC, PhD Branko JOVCIC, PhD Maja TOLINACKI, PhD Milica NIKOLIC, PhD Goran VUKOTIĆ, BSc Laboratory for molecular genetics of industrial microorganisms Research Focus COLLECTION OF AUTOCHTONOUS LACTIC ACID BACTERIA (LAB) from different homemade, artisanal fermented products traditionally manufactured in households at very specific ecologically isolated regions throughout Western Balkan region Molecular characterization of LAB (genome organization, proteinase production, aggregation factors, exopolysaccharide characterization, in vitro an in vivo probiotic properties) Construction of vectors for genetic manipulation of LAB that facilitate elucidation of gene cloning and investigation of their expression and regulation Molecular characterization of natural isolates of Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. Laboratory for molecular genetics of industrial microorganisms Ongoing Projects - Genes and molecular mechanisms promoting probiotic activity of LAB from Western Balkan - Molecular characterization of bacteria from the genera Bacillus and Pseudomonas, as potential agents for biological control - Development of new incapsulation and enzyme technology for the production of biocatalysts and bioactive food components to increase its competitiveness, quality and safety funded by MESRS - In vitro and ex vivo interaction of probiotic strains, producers of exopolysaccharides, with intestinal epithelial cells (GUT-EPS) funded by Serbian-Spain Bilateral Scientific Collaboration - Study of proteolitic activity of lactic acid bacteria funded by Serbian-France Bilateral Scientific Collaboration “Pavle Savic” - Characterisation of spectinomycin induced chromosomal inversion in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis bv. diacetylactis S50 funded by ICGEB-CRP Project, Italy - Conservation and standardisation of traditional technologies of fermented milk products based on autochthonous lactic acid bacteria funded by SEE-ERA.NET (under FP7) Application Collection of autochtonous lactic acid bacteria I - from traditionaly manufactured fermented food products II - of human origin Isolation and Bacteriocin production characterizati on DNA fingerprinting DNA sequencing Proteinase Production of production aggregation factors LMGIM bacterial culture collection serves as a source of bacteria for: Application of different probiotic cultures in food and pharmaceutical industry Laboratory for plant molecular biology Head: Vesna MAKSIMOVIĆ, PhD Associates: • • • • • • • • • • Svetlana Radović, PhD Jovanka Miljuš Đukić, PhD Jelena Samardžić, PhD Gordana Timotijević, PhD Dragana NIKOLIĆ Jelena ALEKSIĆ ,PhD Bojana BANOVIĆ, BSC Živko JOVANOVIĆ, BSc Nemanja STNISAVLJEVIĆ, BSc Dragana NIKOLIĆ, BSc Laboratory for plant molecular biology Research Focus GENETIC ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES IN CROP IMPROVEMENT: Plant diversity as a rich source of genetic diversity – new genes for improvement of economically important crop species (tolerance to drought, cold, nutrient deficiency and metal stress) - Structure and expression of buckwheat genes related to stress response: a) known function (seed storage proteins) b) undefined function (possibly involved in protein degradation and processing - apsartic proteinase and metallothionenin) c) transcription factors (DREB1 and DREB2) - expression profiling of conserved micro RNAs (miR398 and miR408), important regulatory molecules influencing plant stress responses (Fabaceae and Poaceae) - Molecular analysis of self-incompatibility (SI) in Prunus sp. (gametophytSI) and buckweat (dimorphic SI) Research on genetic diversity of wild plant species and landraces (genealogical and evolutionary relations) Laboratory for plant molecular biology Ongoing Projects Basic research project funded by MESRS (2011-2014) “Molecular mechanisms of plant response to abiotic stress and genetic biodiversity of plant species important for agriculture and biotechnology” Bilateral collaboration : France, Portugal, Slovenia Approaches : Molecular genetics THE ROLE OF TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS AND SMALL RNAs IN ABIOTIC STRESS RESPONSE IN PLANTS Molecular ecology GENETIC DIVERSITY OF PLANT SPECIES Balkan region as hot spot of biodiversity- wild populations and landraces SEE ERA NET Plus, Joint European Research Project, 2011-2012 “Sustainable preservation of indigenous South East European legumes and their traditional food and feed products-SEE LEGUMES” Laboratory for plant molecular biology Application BIOTECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATION OF BUCKWHEAT GENES/PROMOTERS: Storage proteins, Metallothioneins, Aspartic proteinases GM plant with high nutritional quality proteins; bioremediation biosensors APPLICATION OF GENETIC ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES IN AGRICULTURE: Plant diversity as a rich source of genetic diversity – new genes for improvement of economically important crop species (tolerance to drought, cold, metal stress). Collaborations with agricultural institutes: Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad Fruit Research Institute - Čačak Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka Institute for Forage Crops, Kruševac SERVICE GMO TESTING (Authorized by Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Managementt, Republic of Serbia) COLLABORATION WITH INSTITUTES FROM ITALY University of Padova, CRIBI Genomics Group Universit degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e Biotecnologie Istituto San Raffaele, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Unit di Ricerca in Neuroscienze Molecolari e Cellulari. Milano ICGEB, Trieste Centro Ricerca M. Tettamanti, Clinica Pediatrica Universita di MilanoBiccoca, H. San Gerardo, Monza University of Cagliari, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologie, Cagliari, Sardinia, Universit di Roma La Sapienza, Dpt. Biologia e Biotecnologie 'Charles Darwin' European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Proteomics and Functional Genomics, Dept. of Experimental Oncology University of Turin-DIVAPRA THANK YOU www.imgge.bg.ac.rs