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Spring 2013
Presentation of the
Swedish-American of the Year – 2013
Vasa Orden av Amerika har utsett
Årets Svenskamerikan – 2013
Face Stockholm’s Managing Director, Martina Arfwidson, was born
in 1966 in Stockholm, but has family roots in Småland. Martina is the
daughter of Gun Nowak, founder of the Swedish cosmetics brand, who
grew up in a country village just outside of Växjö.
After completing school in Sweden, Martina went directly to New
York, where she studied for two years at The American Musical and
Dramatic Academy and formed her own á capella trio. While she continued to sing professionally, in the fall of 1989, she joined her mother
in opening the first Face Stockholm shop in New York.
Martina’s musical background served as a source of inspiration in her
work at Face Stockholm. Providing exceptional service and superior
products that are true to the Swedish beauty ideal and encourage
creativity, learning and self-discovery became the company’s mission.
“When I started to work with Mom, I could see the link that this
business shared with music, bringing out a woman’s inner beauty is the
same as finding your inner voice,” says Martina.
Maintaining high standards of quality and committing to environmental awareness have always been key principles behind the brand. Driven by true
entrepreneurial spirit, Face Stockholm is guided by passion and creativity, there are
no shortcuts, everything must be thought out and challenges are met with tenacitynever give up in the face of adversity.
Remaining true to these values for 31 years has led to great success and recognition in many ways. Face Stockholm products are now available at 170 locations
worldwide, and together with her mother, Martina has been the proud recipient of
several prestigious awards, including:
• The Rising Star Award from Fashion Group International, May 2000, USA.
• Entrepreneur of The Year from ICMAD (Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers
American Division) 200l, USA.
• The Crystal Apple Award from Columbia County Chamber of Commerce, NY,
• History Hudson Preservation Award, Hudson 2003rd
• FöreningsSparbanken price: Net Economy Woman 2002, Sweden (“The
Economy Woman of the Year.”)
Martina Arfwidson resides with her family in Upstate New York.
Since 1960, a Swedish American of the Year has been chosen annually by the
Swedish branch of the Vasa Order of America, a non-profit organization started by
Swedish immigrants in the USA in 1896. The Swedish branch of the Vasa Order of
America began in 1924. This award highlights accomplishments of prominent
Swedish Americans who are either related to early Swedish immigrants, or who
have recently immigrated.
The award recognizes exceptional work by an individual in his or her profession
and/or who has made valuable contributions in promoting good relations between
Sweden, the USA or Canada. It highlights the Swedish American community.
Face Stockholms VD Martina Arfwidson är född 1966 i Stockholm
och med rötter i Småland. Martina är dotter till Gun Nowak, som är
uppvuxen i en by på landet utanför Växjö och grundare av kosmetikaföretaget Face Stockholm. Efter avslutad skolgång i Sverige studerade Martina två år vid The American Musical and Dramatic Academy
i New York. Hon startade en á cappella-trio, sången var hennes yrke.
1989 gick Martina in aktivt som affärspartner i Face Stockholm.
Tillsammans med Gun Nowak öppnade Martina Arfwidson den första
Face Stockholm-butiken i New York. Martinas musikaliska bakgrund
blev en inspirationskälla i arbetet med att utveckla Face Stockholm. Hög
kvalitet och miljömedvetenhet är ledstjärnor och företagandet vilar på en
välgrundad filosofi:
- företagande skall bygga på passion och skaparglädje
- det finns inga genvägar, allt måste vara genomtänkt
- envishet - att inte ge upp för motgångar
“När jag började arbeta med mamma såg jag sambandet mellan den
här verksamheten och musiken - att föra ut en kvinnas inre skönhet är det samma
som att hitta sin inre röst,” säger Martina. Svenska värderingar avspeglar sig i
miljötänkande och det skönhetsideal som Face Stockholm representerar och som
Martina Arfwidson är stolt över. Face Stockholm har i 31 år stått fast vid sina ideal
och nått stor framgång.
FACE Stockholms produkter finns nu tillgängliga på 170 platser
över hela världen. Framgången med Face Stockholm har lett till flera prestigefyllda
• The Rising Star Award from Fashion Group International, May 2000, USA.
• Entrepreneur of The Year from ICMAD (Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers
American Division) 200l, USA.
• The Crystal Apple Award from Columbia County Chamber of Commerce, NY,
• History Hudson Preservation Award, Hudson 2003.
• Föreningssparbankens pris: Årets Ekonomikvinna 2002, Sverige (“The
Economy Woman of the Year.”)
Martina Arfwidson med familj är bosatt i Hudson, norr om New York.
Vasa Orden av Amerika har sedan 1960 utnämnt Årets Svensk-Amerikan med
syfte att uppmärksamma svenskamerikaner, som antingen har rötter bakåt till den
tidiga emigrationen från Sverige eller har utvandrat i modern tid.
Utmärkelsen är ett erkännande för framgångsrik yrkeskarriär eller värdefulla
insatser för främjande av goda relationer mellan Sverige och USA/Canada, men
även ett sätt att ge uppmärksamhet åt Svensk-Amerika.
Mottagare av denna hederstitel de senaste fem åren:
2008 Barbro Osher, generalkonsul, 2009 Anne-Charlotte Hanes Harvey,
dramaprofessor, 2010 John E. Norton, statsvetare/historiker, 2011 Kerstin Lane,
museichef, 2012 Ingvar Wikstrom, entreprenör för svensk matkultur.
On behalf of the Swedish American of the Year Committee 2013
Catherine Bringselius Nilsson
For more information, contact:
Ewa Pilhammar, tel +46(0) 303-22 55 47, email:
Catherine Bringselius Nilsson, tel +46(0) 470-28588, email:
För Årets Svenskamerikan-kommitté
Catherine Bringselius Nilsson
Bill Lundquist
Dear Vasa Brothers and Sisters,
We’ve now entered the fast
cycle of District Conventions for
2013. Many districts will be
electing their Grand Lodge
Delegate/s this year as the choice
must be made before March
2014, 120 days prior to our
next Grand Lodge convention,
July 4-11, 2014. While serving at
the convention, delegates are
required to complete assigned
committee work necessary to
form recommendations related to
each motion. Decisions made by
the delegation determine whether
programs continue over the following four-year term, therefore
careful thought, broad mindedness and progressive thinking are
required. Innovative thinking is
the only way to help the Order
move into the next term. Another
expectation of your chosen delegate/s is a willingness to take a
Grand Lodge office if elected or
appointed. Time and travel will
be required while serving in an
office. I don’t mean to paint a
picture of “all work and no play”
at a Grand Lodge Convention as
host districts plan interesting outings and social functions where
delegates and guests have ample
opportunity to develop and renew
friendships with other Vasa members. If your district hasn’t made
the decision regarding your
Grand Lodge Delegate, I am
hopeful you will nominate
your best candidate/s to achieve
these objectives. I would also
like to encourage all members
to con sider attending the
Grand Lodge Convention as a
This is also the time that you
as a member, local lodge or district lodge should be considering
constitutional changes you feel
are best for the future of the
Order. Please pay careful attention to the facts I’ve shared with
you, both in my addresses when
I’ve visited your districts and in
my articles in the Vasa Star
regarding the health of the Order
where I’ve shared the reasons
why we’ve progressed over the
past three years, when you submit
your suggested changes.
The Vasa National Archives
would not have been able to
operate this term without the supportive motion that was approved
by the last Grand Lodge in
session allowing districts the
“opportunity to donate up to 5%
of their undrawn allocated funds
in the OA&B.” Money from
member dues currently pays only
50% of operating cost. Volunteer
efforts currently help with some
maintenance activity. It is not
realistic or sensible to continue
operating in this manner; there-
fore, delegates will be asked to
make important decisions related
to the necessary future financial
support of the Archives. The
Archives is an important arm of
the Order.
I realize that many of you
haven’t visited the Archives located in Bishop Hill, IL, nor will you
in the future, therefore you can’t
visualize what we are supporting.
I often share visual information
regarding the Archives when I
visit your district conventions and
I would be happy to send you my
program electronically so you can
view it yourself or show it to your
membership as a program to
familiarize yourself with this
important piece of history. The
Vasa National Archives holds the
history of the Vasa Order, the history of the many brave Swedish
immigrants who left Sweden due
to famine and religious persecution. They faced tremendous
obstacles to come to America.
Our members in Sweden celebrate
their courage and Swedish
Americans celebrate the accomplishments of these ancestors. Our
history is housed in this facility.
Please go on line for information regarding Bishop Hill, IL,
and consider planning a visit.
I would like to encourage your
first visit be during a festival time
in Bishop Hill such as
Juldbruksdagarna (Agricultural
Days, Sept. 28-29), Julmarknad
(Christmas Market, Dec. 7-8) or
Lucia Nights (Festival of Lucia,
Dec. 13-14) when the shops with
many handcrafted items available, restaurants and museums
are open for business. Bishop Hill
is a rural community but there are
many area hotels available for
your visit. Our Archivist, Victoria
Almgren, will greet you at the
Archives. Please remember the
Sami exhibition at the Archives
during the month of June.
I hope to see many of you at
your district conventions during
this year and thank all of you for
your continued support for all the
important benefits of Vasa membership and your personal support
and friendship.
In Truth and Unity,
Bill Lundquist, Grand Master
(USPS 657-020)
Spring 2013
Vol. 106, No. 2, Serial 849
Published by:
Vasa Order of America
c/o Joan Graham
Grand Secretary
5838 San Jose Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: 510-526-5512
Grand Master:
Bill Lundquist
1456 Kennebec Rd.
Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Phone: 810-695-3248
Cell Phone: 810-845-5065
Vasa Star Editor:
Send articles, photos &
Memorials to:
Annelie Lindberg
105 Gorrion Ave
Ventura, CA 93004
Message from the Editor
I love receiving all the news and articles from our Vasa lodges, and look forward to hearing about the midsummer festivities just around the corner. In this
issue, several interesting and relevant articles had to be postponed due to important GL information. Fear not, I have them ready to insert in our Summer 2013
issue, along with all the new Vasa members who will be listed.
As you might have noticed on p. 7, yours truly earned her 40 years as an adult
member pin and I am so proud to have been involved with Vasa for such a long
time (I was also a member of the children’s club, Solstrålen at Skandia). I was
one of the lucky kids of immigrant parents who spoke Swedish at home, and who
encouraged me in every way to appreciate my Swedish heritage. As a result, I
have enjoyed working with several Swedish American publications and businesses over the years,
putting my bilingual skills to god nytta!
There are so many wonderful events taking place this summer both here and in Sweden that are listed in this issue. I hope many of you will be able to take part in the festivities and report back. Please
take a moment to visit the websites of our new advertisers and give them some business when possible,
or tell a friend about them. We really want to support our Vasa Star advertisers and attract more businesses that enhance our members and our heritage.
Send bottom section of white
copy of application for new
members to her.
Grand Master’s Message .........p. 1
Deadlines for The Vasa Star:
Archives News...........................p. 3
Summer Deadline is July 1 • Fall Deadline is October 1
Grand Lodge News ...............p. 3-5
(All Address Changes)
Joan Graham
5838 San Jose Avenue
Richmond, CA 94804
Phone: 510-526-5512
Message from the Editor .........p. 2
Winter Deadline is January 1 • Spring Deadline is April 1
Circulation Manager:
Vinland Lodge #703 VC
Marilyn Sohoei at the MultiCultural Fair - see page 8.
District Lodge News .................p. 5
Picture and article, 200 words or less.
For Letters to the Editor column, 150 words or less.
Lodge News............................p. 6-9
Please send pictures of good quality in order for them to reproduce well in The Vasa Star. Electronically
submitted photos should be scanned in JPEG format at a resolution of 300 dpi.
Swedish News ......................p. 9-11
For submitted lodge articles, please add city and state. Thanks!
Cultural News....................p. 11-12
In Memoriam ..........................p. 12
Please read instructions on how to send and pay for Obituaries.
Vasa Supplies:
Secretaries (only) order
lodge supplies from
Gail Olson, VGS
654 Western Hwy
Blauvelt NY 10913
Mike Pearson
7309 New Hampshire Pl
Hammond, IN 46323-2937 USA
Phone: (219) 588-4752
Membership Chairman:
Art Bjorkner
31 Vasa Drive,
Hackettstown NJ
07840-5314 USA
The Vasa website at contains a “materials button” which has the
listing of audio visual materials available.
If you are unable to use the Vasa website, you can still ask that a listing be sent to you
by mail.
Orders for advertising
should be sent to
Annelie Lindberg
105 Gorrion Ave
Ventura, CA 93004
Advertising Prices
Half Page
Quarter Page
Eighth Page
Sixteenth Pg
$ 75
Column Inch
(sizes are approximate)
$ 30
THE VASA STAR (ISSN 07460627) is published quarterly
by the Vasa Order of America.
Periodicals postage paid at
Richmond, CA, and additional
POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to The Vasa Star, 5838
San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA
Page 2
In the Winter 2012 Vasa
Star page 6 under
Nordic Red Rocks
Lodge #760, Sedona,
AZ — the Lucia was
Karin Fabbrini.
Thank you.
Marge Larson
Nordic Lodge 708’s new chairperson, Erica D’Onofrio
chatting with Assistant
Financial Secretary Tom Riley
- see page 9.
If you prefer to read
an electronic copy of
The Vasa Star, email to
be removed from the
mailing list for the
paper copy. You can
read The Vasa Star at
For the Good of the Order - presenting this new
column where members may share their ideas,
thoughts, and concerns relating to The Vasa Order
of America. Please keep your comments under
150 words, and remember our motto: Generosity,
Truth and Unity. Letters will be printed as space
Vasa Star Spring 2013
As we organize and catalog
the contents of
hundreds of
archival boxes,
we sometimes
material that is
out of the ordinary. Such was the
case the other day when we found
a 248-page manuscript entitled,
“Vasa Orden av Amerika:
Historik över Vasa Orden av
Amerika 1896-1946” written in
Swedish by Olof H. Nyström.
Mr. Nystrom was the Grand
Master from 1915 to 1919.
The manuscript is typed on
both pages of good paper and is
based on what transpired at the
grand lodge meetings and writings in the Vasa Star.
Here is an example from the
proceedings at the grand lodge
meeting in Boston in 1909: On
page 35, it says, “The committee
elected at the grand lodge meeting in New York to find out what
could be done to establish a Vasa
Old-Age Home (Ålderdomshem)
reported, “We have done our best
to collect funds for the mentioned
home, and with the help of most
local lodges and individual members we have managed well
despite the hard times….
Upon hearing the report, the
question was raised, “How could
it cost $1,264.34 to collect
$2,905.33??” Quote by Franz E.
Sellgren, published in Vasa
Stjernan. A new committee was
On page 36, we read:
“Five years ago the Order of
Vasa proposed to invade
Chicago, Ill. I was told that we
were not enough nor economical
enough to compete with the
Svithiod or the Vikings. I was
licked [picked] from twelve men
(lucky not from theirteen [sic]) as
a past president of the first lodge.
Of sourse [sic] it was a mistake, I
made errors and many enemies
for the lodge. The only reason I
did not ‘Bust’ the lodge was perhaps because I was not dense….”
[We do not know if these
typos and/or spelling errors were
made by Mr. Sellgren or Mr.
When the grand lodge meeting
was held in Jamestown, New
York in 1913, 37 lodges had contributed to the Old-Age Home
fund. (p. 45).
In 1915, when the Vasa Order
of America had 35,374 members,
the Old-Age Home fund amounted to $3,996.84. The Grand
Lodge decided to return the
money to the districts because
“the interest for a home was minimal.” Instead the meeting decided
to raise funds for the erection of a
Washington D.C. honoring
Captain John Ericsson. (p. 56).
In 1917, the grand lodge
decided to raise funds for a free
bed at the Sanatorium in Denver
and a committee was elected for
this purpose. (p. 66-67).
In 1919, in was reported that
2,500 Vasa Brothers served in
“Onkle Sams Krigstjänst” (Uncle
Sam’s Military Service, p. 72).
In 1929, an “Åldersdomshem
and Understöds Fond” (old-age
home and benefit fund was discussed. (p. 125).
In 1930, a merger of all
Scandinavian Fraternities had
been suggested by the
Scandinavian Fraternity of
America. The Depression was
We welcome comments on
this article.
Viktoria Almgren
När vi ordna och katalogisera
innehållet i hundratals arkiv
lådor, kommer vi ibland på material som är utöver det vanliga. Så
var fallet häromdagen när vi hittade en 248-sida manuskript med
titeln "Vasa Orden AV Amerika:
Historik ÖVER Vasa Orden AV
Amerika 1896-1946" skriven på
svenska av Olof H. Nyström. Mr
Nyström var stormästare 1915 till
Manuskriptet skrivs på båda
sidor av arken och bygger på vad
som hände på Grand Lodge
möten och skrifter i Vasa Star.
Här är ett exempel från förfarandet vid Grand Lodge mötet i
Boston i 1909: På sidan 35, står
det: “Kommittén valdes vid
Grand Lodge mötet i New York
för att ta reda på vad som kan
göras för att upprätta en Vasa
Old-Age Hem (Ålderdomshem) i
rapporten kunde man läsa följande: “Vi har gjort vårt bästa för
att samla in medel för nämnda
hem, och med hjälp av de flesta
lokala loger och enskilda
medlemmar har vi lyckats bra
trots de svåra tiderna ....
På grundval rapporten togs
frågan upp, :Hur kan det kosta
$1,264.34 för att samla
$2,905.33?” Citat av Franz E.
Sellgren, publicerad i Vasa
Nordstjernan. En ny kommitté
På sidan 36 läser vi:
“För fem år sedan Vasaorden
föreslog att invadera Chicago IL,
jag fick veta att vi inte var tillräckligt eller ekonomiskt nog att
konkurrera med Svithiod eller
vikingarna. Jag var slickade
[plockad] från tolv män (tur inte
från tretton) som en tidigare president av den första lodge. Av
sourse det var ett misstag, jag
gjorde fel och många fiender för
lodge. Det enda skälet till att jag
inte "Bust" lodge var kanske för
att jag inte var tät ....”
[Vi vet inte om dessa stavfel
och / eller stavfel gjordes av Mr
Sellgren eller Mr Nyström].
När Grand Lodge hölls i
Jamestown, New York 1913,
hade 37 loger bidragit till ålderdomshem fond. (S. 45).
År 1915, när Vasa Orden av
Amerika hade 35.374 medlem-
mar uppgick ålderdomshem fond
till $ 3,996.84. Grand Lodge
beslutat att återlämna pengarna
till distrikten eftersom “intresset
för ett hem var minimalt.” Istället
beslutade stämman att samla in
pengar för uppförandet av ett
Washington DC hedra kapten
John Ericsson. (Sid. 56).
År 1917 beslöt Grand Lodge
att samla in pengar för en fri säng
på sanatoriet i Denver och en
kommitté valdes för detta
ändamål. (Sid. 66-67).
År 1919 var i rapporterade att
2.500 Vasa Brothers tjänstgjorde i
“Onkle Sams Krigstjänst” (Uncle
Sams Militärtjänst, sid. 72).
År 1929 genomfördes en
“Åldersdomshem och Understöds
Fond” (ålderdomshem och nytta
med fond diskuteras. (S. 125).
År 1930 hade ensammanslagning av alla skandinaviska Broderskap föreslagits
brödraskapet i Amerika.
Depressionen nämndes.
Vi välkomnar synpunkter på
den här artikeln.
Submitted by: Viktoria Almgren
Prairie Market will be held on the lawn of the VASA Archives at
101 Bishop Hill Road
Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
2013 Dates:
April 6th – May 18th – June 22nd – July 13th – Sunday, July 28th
August 17th – September 28th – October 19th
Vasa National Archives
Honor Roll of Donors
Heritage Fund Campaign
May 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013
Thank you for your generosity
Albrechtsen, Albert
Alfredson, Gerald
Anderson, Robert L.
Anderson, Warren
Arneson, Karin
Asplund, Ray K.
Atherton, Jane M.
Austin Lodge #466
Axelsson, Lloyd E.
Bachan, Lisa
Belden, Norma
Bennett, Alison
Bentley, Constance B.
Beroza, Muriel
Blakeman, Laura
Blomquist, F. A.
Bodelson, Christine M.
Bowman, Nancy P.
Boyes, Kristin
Bray Family
Bressette, Linnea
Breuer, Margaret Anne
Brown, Susan
Brusenback, Pernilla & Joy
Buchman, Jean M.
Burman, Bob
Burnett, Helen J.
Campbell, Virginia
Carlson, Anna L.
Carlson, Dorothy V.
Carlson, Kenneth E.
Carlsson, Bo & Glenda
Carnegie, Carla M.
Carter, Ralph R.
Clausen, Betty Jane
Clyatt, Ann Marie
Collin, Linda M.
Cummings, Genevieve
Dahlberg, Deidre A.
Davis, Leena A.
Dawn, Margaret M.
Derrien, Sonja
Dewing, Bruce & Cecily
Drew, Astrid S.
Duffy, Ruth V.
Dugan, Jean
Dyer, Dr. Robert
Edstrom, Donna Mae
Eklund, John E. &
Ellis, Birgitta
Erickson, Richard L.
Erickson, Yvonne
Ernes, John & Linnea
Evans, Kathleen & Harvey
Fahlstedt, Carl & Ragna
Fassl, Rosemary
Fedor-Thurman, Victoria L.
Ferguson, Stina
Ferrazzano, Ruth
Filbeck, Loren & Evelyn
Fosdick, Helen
Framåt Lodge #405
Frank, Stephen & Robyn
Friesen, Ulrika & Quint
Gaviola, Roselind
Golden, Carol J.
Golden Gate District #12
Golden Valley Lodge #616
Graham, Joan Lindquist
Grandin, John L.
Greenwood, May E.
Guidara, June
Haderle, Jack & Ronni
Halldeen, Roy
Hammarstrom, Margareta
Hanson, Victor E.
Harvey, Anne Charlotte
Hayward, Nancy C.
Hedberg, Inga
Hedlund, Nancy
Hersh, William &
Hiryak, A. E.
Hollcraft, Kristine
Holmes, C. V.
Holtermann, Kathy
Holtermann-Docto, Mimi
Hovis, Linda
Hughes, Patricia A.
Hult, Sten & Nancy
Hultgren, Tore
Jarrell, David & Barbro
Jensen, Helen C.
Johansson, Doris E.
Johansson, Peter
Johnson, Ann M.
Johnson, Charles B., Jr.
Johnson, Donald & Joyce
Johnson, Eric
Johnson, Frances
Johnson, Harold T.
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, Karl & Catherine
Johnson, Mildred A.
Johnson, Neil M.
Johnson, Phil & Esther
Johnson, Raymond K.
Johnson, Richard & Vicky
Johnson, Ronald A.
Johnson, Susan E.
Jorgensen, Thelma L.
Jothen, Marjorie
Kaald, Pat & Paul
Kantar, George & Ann
Kiesel, Gene M.
King, Everett & Eleanor
Koagedal, Linnea
La Grande, Jayne P.
Laaback, Robert E.
Lantz, Malle Feudig
Larson, Alden A.
Leopold, Shirley L.
Lindgren, Sven
Lofstedt, Carl Johan
Lundin, Carl E.
Lundquist, William &
Magnuson, Mel W.
Majava, Eino & Irene
Marks, Leslie J.
Marsh, Mayo E.
Martin, Lynne Aronson
Mattsson, Elsy
McCauley, Betty M.
McKinnon, Janice R.
Melin, Tracy L.
Moberg, F. Alden
Moline, Jacqueline
Morton, Mary Kinder
Nelson, David
Nelson, Donald William
Nelson, Lillian I.
Nemy, Gail
Nettz, Louise
Nichelini, Mary Ann
Nilsson, Roland & Raija
Nordin, Jan
North Star Lodge #106
Nowlan, Juleen
Odell, May
Oliveira, Mary Ellen
Olson, David
Olson, Donna M.
Olson, Joy J.
Omaha Lodge #330
Onopchenko, Judy
Osteen, Karen Pelham
Palm, Amaryllis J.
Parmley, Judi
Patzer, Dorothy E.
Pearl, Linda
Pearson, Anita
Peterson, Anita
Peterson, Mike & Corky
Peterson, Jan & Carolyn
Quarfordt, Pernilla
Risi, Marjorie
Roman, Eva
Rosengren, Diane
Rydeen, Mary
Salk, Bob & Carolyn
Saterstrom, Selma M.
Scheirer, Bevin
Schmutz, Alice M.
Schoberg, Ray W.
Schroeder, Daniel & Mary
Seberger, Cheryl
Sell, Carole & George
Sierra Kronan Lodge #737
Sipos, John & Susan
Skogsblomman Lodge #378
Soderberg-Gomez, Karen
Solstad Lodge #709
Sonntag, Theodora
Spalin, Robert G.
Stephenson, R. Rhoads
Stone, Lu Ann
Stottrup, Virginia
Strandberg, Jeffery
Stromquist, Ralph & Martha
Stuyvesant, Judith M.
Swanson, Anne M.
Swanson, Gordon & Ina
Swanson, Mary Ann
Swanson, Robert N.
Swanson, Stanley
Swenson, Ray & Charlotte
Sylvander, Roy & Joan
Tegner, Arvid
Tegnér Lodge #149
Teigen, Jeanne E.
Tennis, Clara Ann
Thenstedt, Paul & Nancy
Thurf-Jell, Laila A.
Veis, Arlie E.
Venberg, Evelyn M.
Walkup, Janet
Wallin, Charles O.
Walters, Judith
Wenberg, Jim & Marilyn
Westberg, Rose-Marie &
Wieselquist, Erik S. Jr.
Wittenbrook, Claudia D.
Ever Living Julgran Campaign
December 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013
Given in Memory of Your Loved Ones Who will Live in your Hearts Forever
Anderson, Jeanne
Anderson, Dorothy
Anderson, Erik
Anderson, Evert R.
Axelsson, Lloyd & Lynda
Barthelson, Glenn
Bergh, Marianne
Bergman, Marty & Rolf
Bishop Hill Lodge #683
Bjorling, Elizabeth
Brewer, Ann-Marie
Brus, Deniz
Bulin, Hildur
Carl Widen Lodge #743
Carlson, Arline
Carlson, Ingrid
Carlson, Ken
Carlson, Rita
Carlson, Ron
Carlsson, Bo & Glenda
Carter, Ralph
Cleaver, Linda D.
Cleveland, Tom & Sue
Cook, Hazel
Cooley, William
Dahlman, Greta
Delfs, Linda
Dewing, Bruce & Cecily
Dostmann, Maria Palsson
Doyle, Peter & Meriel
Droster, June
Forsblad, Karin
Froemming, Barbara
Gardebring, Olov
Gaviola, Roselind
Giffin, Mary-Jane
Golden, Carol
Gradin, John L
Graham, Joan Lindquist
Guidara, Paul & June
Edwards, David
Eklund, John
Ellis, Bergetta
Enright, Ingrid
Erickson, Richard
Eskilson, Evald
Evening Star Lodge #426
Hammerstrom, Margaretta
Harvey, Anne-Charlotte
Haumacher, Helen & Art
Hayward, Nancy
Hedlund, Nancy
Hinrich, Doris
Holm, Betty M.
Hoskonson, Beatrice E.
Hult, Sten & Nancy
Filbeck, Loren & Evelyn
Folkesson, Lars
Jarrel, Dr. & Mrs. David
Johansson, Peter
Johnson, Dorothy
Johnson, E. B.
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, Karl
Johnson, Lavonne
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Earl
Johnson, Paul & Family
Johnson, Raymond
Johnson, Ruth
Johnson, Verna
Jones, Betty Anne
Jones, Grayce
Kane, Karen R.
Karling, Maidie
Karlstrom, Olaf
Kellgren, Birgitta & Tore
Kessel, Ann & Dick
Kiesel, Gene & Dawn
Klein, Jeff
Klintmalm, Goran & Tina
Klooster, Marilyn
Koontz, Eunice
Mossberg, Gunnar & Siw
Landstrom, Britta
Larson, Jean
Larson, Suzanne
Leopold, Shirley
Levig, Dr. Anne
Lidman, Elna
Lindow, Tom
Ljunggren, Harriet
Lootens, Linda
Lundahl, Patricia
Lundbohm, Dorothy
Lundin, Carl
Lundquist, Bill & Sheila
Lyons, Olivia
Maguire, Dorothy
McKnight, Laurie Ford
Melin, Tracy
Moberg, Alden
Moline, Jacqueline
Morch, Camilla
Morteson, Earl
Nelson, John
Nelson, Marie Christine
Nilsson, Bruno & Britt
Nobel Lodge #288
Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130
Nordic Folk Lodge #761
Nordic Folkdancers of
Nordic Lodge #611
Norton, John & Janet
O’Connor, Arlynn
Olmstead, Audrey Anderson
Olsen, Magda
Olson, George & Abby
Olson, Marilyn
Olson, Martin
Olsson, Hans & Lorraine
Orlandi, Kristina
Overberg, Dorothy
Pantaleo, Vito & Louise
Pape, Eleanor
Patzer, Dorothy
Pearson, Mike & Lisa
Persson, Roy & Carmelina
Peterson, Craig
Potter, Margaret
Price, Ingrid
Rasmussen, Robert
Red Deer Lodge #733
Rosengren, Diane
Rosenquist, Beth
Ryan, Beverly Johnson
Sack, Norm
Saterstrom, Selma
Schmutz, Alice
Schneider, Ingo & Rignor
Schreyer, Linea
Setterdahl, Lilly
Shipley, Monica & Family
Shoberg, Ray
Silver, Elsie E.
Sisco, Dorothy
Smith, Lynda & Herb
Snellman, Jill
Snowberg, Karen
Snyder, Janet
Soderberg, Barbara
Soderblom, Marshall G.
Spaberg, Gary & Gunlog
Stake, Richard & Marjorie
Steinmiller, Linda
Stenn, Larry
Stranberg, Jeffrey
Sundholm, Larry & Rebecca
Sundstrom, Sven
Svea Lodge #348
Svensson, John & Cynthia
Swenson, Dan
Sylvander , Roy & Joan
Tafvelin, Nils
Taylor, Cal
Tegner, Arvid
Thomas, David
Thoreen, JoAnn
Toivonen, Marvin
Tornquist, Linnea
Touve, Leslie
Van Horn, Annemarie
Veis. Arlie
Wahlmark, John
Wallin, Charles O.
Westenburg, Wendell
Westrup, Richard & Rose
Whited, Noel O.
Whitley, Carol
Widmark, Myrtle
Wieselquist, Erik
Wilczynski, Jeffrey & David
Wildman, Elaine
Wreigard, Margaret
Yarwood, Margareta
Special Gifts
May 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013
Thank you for your generosity
Jacqueline Ahlen
Tore & Birgitta Kellgren
Leslie & Carol Mendelson
Martin & Susanne Omander
Vasa Star Spring 2013
Robert & Donna Peterson
DL Connecticut #1
DL Rhode Island #3
DL New Jersey #6
DL Lake Michigan #8
DL Pennsylvania #9
DL Pacific Southwest #15
DL Iowa-Nebraska #17
DL Arizona #21
Page 3
Motions to the Grand Lodge Meeting
The Grand Lodge Vasa Order of America will meet for its 38th Convention on
July 4-11, 2014 in Rye, New York and it is not too early to start thinking about
motions you want to present.
Any individual member, local lodge, or district lodge may submit motions to this
Grand Lodge meeting. (An individual does not need approval from any local or district officer when submitting a motion.)
Please use the format provided here when writing your motions. This will ensure
a consistent appearance for the many motions that will be considered. Please do not
use the words “Whereas” or “Be It Resolved” or the motion will be returned to you
for proper format. If you submit more than one motion, please put one motion per
form to avoid confusion.
All motions must be typed or printed clearly, so that no errors in interpretation or
intent will be made. All signatures are required, along with the appropriate lodge
seal. An emailed copy of the motion would be appreciated, but does not replace the
paper copy with signatures and seal. You may email a copy of your motion to:
When making a motion that involves finances, please show the probable cost
along with the motion.
Remember that Constitutions and Bylaws use the word “shall”, not the words
“can”, “should”, or “could”.
Recommendations included in any GL Officer’s or Archives Board Member’s
report involving a constitutional change must follow these rules.
Please refer to page 39 of your Constitution for Grand Lodge – Article XVIIAmendments concerning motions to change the Constitution.
You may submit your motions as early as you want. ALL MOTIONS MUST BE
Motions will be numbered in the order in which they are received.
Mail to:
Convention Motions
Joan Graham, Grand Secretary
5838 San Jose Ave.
Richmond, CA 94804
Deadline for submission - March 1, 2014
SAMPLE FORMAT #2 – Constitutional Changes
_________________Lodge, No. _____, Vasa Order of America, at it regular
meeting on _________________, 20___, voted to submit the following
To change the Constitution for __________________ Lodge:
Present Section ______, Par. ______ Page _____ now reads:..……………
[state section as it now reads]
MOTION is presented to CHANGE Section _____, Par, _______ to read:
[State section exactly as it will be written should the requested change pass]
Signature of Chairman (or District Master)
(Lodge or District Seal) ________________________________________
Signature of Secretary (or District Secretary)
-------------------------------------------------------SAMPLE FORMAT #3 – Motions made by Individual Members
NOTE: Motions submitted by individuals must include the format described
below together with Sample Format 1 – motions not affecting the
Constitution, or Sample Format 2 – Constitutional Changes, above.
I, _________________________ member in good standing of
_______________Lodge, No.______, submit the following motion:
[Format as indicated above]
SAMPLE FORMAT #1 – Motions Not Affecting Constitution
(Typed Name)
(Address, City, State, Zip)
Date: ________________________________
________________Lodge, No. _____, Vasa Order of America, at its regular
meeting on ________________, 20___, voted to submit the following motion:
Signature of Chairman (or District Master)
(Lodge or District Seal) ______________________________________
Signature of Secretary (or District Secretary)
This is to certify that _____________________________is a member in
good standing in ____________Lodge, No. _______ as of this date.
(Signature of Secretary)
(Lodge or District Seal)
(Date of signature)
Grand Lodge Education and Scholarship Funds
Honor Roll of Donors
January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012
Thank you for your generosity
Adams, Karen G.
Ahlberg, Kenneth H.
Akerlund, Sten
Alberta District #18
Alberts, Theresa
Alexis, May-Britt
Allen, Dale
Allen, Glen & Helen
Allen, Kristina M.
Allison, Ingrid
Amidon, Barbara
Anderson, Arthur L.
Anderson, Carl & Sylvia
Anderson, Claire
Anderson, Donald & Alice
Anderson, Dorothy B.
Anderson, Evelyn C.
Anderson, Evert & Patricia
Anderson, Dr. & Mrs.
Anderson, Grace N.
Anderson, Jack & Lillian
Anderson, Janet R.
Anderson, Karla
Anderson, Keith & Nancy
Anderson, Kenneth
Anderson, Louise A.
Anderson, Mary C.
Anderson, Norman
Anderson, Robert C.
Anderson, Robert L.
Anderson, Stanley &
Anderson, Westen H.
Andersson, Anders & Ruth
Andersson, Ingrid
Angell, Herbert E.
Antonson, David
Antonson, Jane
Antonson, K. A.
Arneson, Karin
Aronson, Mary Louise
Asplund, Ray
Atherton, Jane
Athey, Margareta &
Page 4
Axelsson, Lloyd
Backstrand, Aino
Ball, Lillian
Balsa, Elisabeth
Bana, May Carlgren
Banker, Martha
Barile, P. Elizabeth
Barrett, Colton
Barrett, Verna N.
Barthelson, Glenn
Beck, Ralph & Ruth
Belden, Norma
Bell, Janet
Bellingham, Helen
Belue, Agnetha
Benacci, Berit
Bender, Carol & Dylan
Benker, Johanna
Benson, Edith I.
Bentley, Constance B.
Bergh, Marianne
Berglund, Robert
Bergman, G. Martha
Bergman, Rolf & Marty
Bergquist, Minnie
Bergstrom, Albion
Bessemer Lodge #203
Bevelhimer, John & Faye
Birtwistle, David
Bischoff, Ina
Bjorklund, Edward
Bjorkner, Art & Nancy
Bjorkner, Kurt & Cheryl
Bjorling, Elizabeth
Black, Norman
Blain, Judd & Beatrice
Blakeman, Laura
Blondfield, Birgit (Bebe)
Bloomquist, Lorraine
Bodelson, Christine
Book, Velma
Boutilier, Betty M.
Boyes, Kristin
Bradford, Diane
Brage Idune Lodge #9
Brainard, Jannelle Alden
Brand, Gail Lundeen
Brandon, Phyllis Lindquist
Briggs, Janice L.
Brolin, Andrew G.
Brown, Cheryl
Bruce, Marion
Buchman, Jean
Buckley, Kathleen
Bulin, Hildur
Buonocore, Katherine
Bushnell, Elizabeth
Campbell, Virginia
Carlson, Arthur
Carlson, Alice
Carlson, Ann
Carlson, Anna L.
Carlson, Eric W.
Carlson, George & Arline
Carlson, Gerald
Carlson, Ingrid C.
Carlson, Kenneth
Carlson, Mrs. Henry
Carlson, Phyllis & Kenneth
Carlson, Robert W.
Carlson, Ronald
Carlsson, Bo & Glenda
Carter, Evelyn, R.
Carter, Ralph R.
Catrone, Susan
Cepielik, Elizabeth
Chilcote, Karen Arvidson
Churkin, Carol Bjork
Clausen, Betty J.
Clemensson, Robert Carl
Clough, Jean
Clyatt, Ann Marie
Collin, Linda
Conlogue, Donna
Cook, Hazel
Cook, Lois A.
Cosmen, Franklin & Ingrid
Crawford, Marylin
Cummings, Genevieve
Curtis, Diane
Cusson, Doris M.
Dahlberg, Deidre
Dahlstrom-McCann, Nancy
Danielson, Joyce M
Davenport, Elaine
Davis, Leena
Dawn, Margaret M.
Delfs, Linda
DeMent, J. Payton &
Derrien, Sonja
DeSau, Carol
Dill, Birgitta T.
Dobres, Robert & Elaine
Donnelly, Dee
Dorner, Eleanor
Doty, Fae & Lee
Doughty, Linda M.
Doucette, Roger
Doyle, Christina
Doyle, Peter, Merial
Drake, Betty Boquist
Droster, June
Dryden Yvonne E.
Duffy, Ruth
Dugan, Jean E.
Dunbar, Emily
Earnest, Ron
Earnshaw, Joan
Ebbersten, Robert
Eckman, Betty
Edeen, Lars & Vivian
Edeen, Mary Ann & John
Edmark, Harvey
Edstrom, Donna
Edwards, Eleanor
Eger, Kathleen
Egger, Gerald
Eide, Marie
Ekebom, Jean
Eklund, Sharon
Ekstrand, Liza & Rolf
Elfvin, Bruce
Eliason, Siri
Elston, Charles & Marilyn
Emihl, Walter
Engstrom, Bob & Ila
Erbling, Jean A.
Erickson, Ayleen
Erickson, Bertil A.
Erickson, Carole D'Ann
Erickson, Dwayne
Erickson, Richard L.
Erickson, Ron
Erickson, Victor
Erickson, Yvonne
Ernes, John & Linnea
Eskilson, Evald & Barbara
Evening Star Lodge #426
Fahlstedt, Mr. & Mrs. Carl
Falk, Frederick J.
Falkowski, Margaret
Fassl, Rosemary
Fedor-Thurman, Victoria
Ferguson, Stina
Fietz, Louise K.
Finnerty, Beverly
Fisher, Don & Bonnie
Fogelquist, Edith
Folkesson, Lars
Forsblad, Karin
Foss, Steven N.
Fossen, Julian H.
Fox, Robert C.
Frank, Stephen
Frank, Stephen E.
Freedlund, Carl O., Jr.
Froemming, Barbara G.
Frost, Ruby
Gadzik, William
Gaethe, Inger & Joachim
Gagliardi, Marie Nelson
Gardebring, Olov & Shirley
Gauld, Roberta
Gaviola, Roselind
Gavitt, M. Lillian
Gellella, Anita
Glatz, C. William
Golden, Carol
Gorman, Irma
Grabher, Marie
Graham, Celeste Q.
Graham, Joan Lindquist
Grandin, John & Lina
Green, Carl K.
Green, Dr. Dawn L.
Greenough, Madeline
Gruel, Reinhold &
Guidara, June W.
Gullbrand, Howard
Gustafson, Clifton S.
Gustafson, Erling &
Hellgren, Beryl
Henderson, Diane
Hendrickson, Jack & Betty
Hendrickson, Miriam
Herrmann, Kerstin
Hersh, Bill & Sandie
Higgins, Lois & Andrew
Hillander, Hans
Hintz, Betty L.
Hirsch, Carolyn
Hiryak, Audrey E.
Hofmann, Kristina
Hohler, Lillian
Holmberg, Victoria
Holtermann, Kathy
Holtermann-Docto, Mimi
Horsfield, Brian & Louanne
Hovis, Linda
Hughes, Kathryn
Hughes, Patricia A.
Hult, Sten & Nancy
Hultgren, Edward & Joella
Hultgren, Tore & Marianne
Hutchison, Greta
Ingvardsen, Dale
Haas, Louise
Haderle, John A.
Halgren, Katherine & Clake
Hancock, Bill
Hansen, Sharon M.
Hanson, Mildred
Hanson, Victor
Harless, Judy
Harper, Felicity A.
Harris, Lois M.
Hart, Arline
Hart, Kerstin Rita
Harvey, Anne Charlotte
Hayward, Nancy
Hazlewood, Donald
Hedenskog, Ebon
Hedlund, Nancy
Hedman, Ingrid
Jahn, Thomas
Jansson, Kyle
Jarrell, Dr. David & Barbro
Jensen, Anders
Jensen, Lillian
Jenson, Helen C.
Jernberg, Inger
Jessen, Maxine
Johanson, Eva
Johansson, Doris
Johansson, John
Johansson, Jorgen
Johnson, Barbara L.
Johnson, Beda
Johnson, Betty M.
Johnson, Boyd
Johnson, Cathleen
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Denise & Ken
Johnson, Donna
Johnson, Dorothy R.
Johnson, Edmund & Lois
Johnson, Elsie
Johnson, Eric & Lynn
Johnson, Harland
Johnson, Janet
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, Joan
Johnson, Karin M.
Johnson, Karl A.
Johnson, Ken
Johnson, Lavone
Johnson, Linnea
Johnson, Marjorie
Johnson, Millie
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs.
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Sigurd
Johnson, Newkirk
Johnson, Norman W.
Johnson, Ralph K.
Johnson, Raymond
Johnson, Ron
Johnston, Karin
Jones, Betty Ann &
Jones, Donna
Jordan, Lois Y.
Jorgensen, Thelma L.
Jothen, Marjorie
Kantar, George & Ann
Karling, Maidie
Karlsson, Maud
Karlsson, Svea
Karlstrom, S. Olof
Kellgren, Tore & Birgitta
Kelly, Leslie
Kenyon, Maryann &
Kessell, Ann & Dick
Kiesel, Gene & Dawn
Kihlstrom, Earl & Dorothy
Kihlstrom, Lori
Kinnison, Ann-Marie
Kirchoff, Amanda
Klein, Jeff
Klimo, Lillian
Knowlton, Mrs. Richard
Koenig, Susan
Koontz, Eunice
Korfanta, Anna-Greta
Krastins, Liesma
Kritzer, Karen L.
Krummrey, Sonia
Kullberg, Vivian
Lager, Carl E. Jr.
Lake Michigan District #8
Landgren, Mr. & Mrs.
Lantz, Malle
Larsen, Barbara J.
Larsen, Norman &
Larson, Ernest V.
Larson, Robert E., Jr.
Larson, Verna
Lawson, Madelyn
Lemaster, Florence
Leopold, Shrley
LeSourd, Connie L.
Leuthold, Mr. and Mrs.
Levine, Dorine
Lewander, Lars
Lewis, Ruth D.
Lewis, Sally
Lidén, Dr. & Mrs. Sam
Lidman, Elna G.
Lilja, Herman & Ann
Lillquist, Gunnar
Lindberg, Erik & Birgit
Lindbom, Ron and Dianne
Lindhe, Inger
Lindquist, Daga-Karin M.
Lindstrom, Doris E.
Vasa Star Spring 2013
Netzel, Ed
Nielsen, Kendra
Nilson, Stig
Nilsson, Agneta
Nilsson, Alfred L.
Nilsson-McGann, Susan
Nord, George A.
Nordby, Elsie
Norden Lodge #1
Nordic Lodge #611
Nordic Lodge #660
Nordic Lodge #708
Nordin, Kiki & Jan
Nordquist, Joyce
Norman, Joyce & Norman
Nowlan, Juleen
Noyd, David B.
Nyblad, Mildred
Nylund, Dr. Shirley
Nyroos, Ray & Doreen
Honor Roll of Donors
Continued from page 4
Liner, Carl A.
Linzmaier, Lois
Lipscomb Family
Ljunggren, Harriet
Löfstrand, Tobias
Logan, Elisabeth A.
Loreen, Florence
Louvialis, Ingrid
Lua, Sandra
Luce, Louise B.
Lund, Dorothy
Lundahl, Patricia
Lundberg, Richard C.
Lundbohm, Dorothy
Lundgren, Elizabeth
Lundin, Carl
Lundquist, William &
Lynn, Iva
Magnusson, Erland & Ann
Maguire, John & Dorothy
Majava, Eino & Irene
Mante, Elva
Mar, Deborah
Marks, Leslie (Les) James
Martin, Tina & Jim
Mathis, Hilda & Hilda Joy
Mattson, Elsy
Mattsson, Bengt E.
Mayette, Merlene
Mayrhofer, Franz
McDaniel, Chantal
McElroy, Sandra J.
McGrath, Elaine & Kevin
McKillip, Karen
McKinnon, Janice R.
McLeod, Dana
McNamara, Virginia
Melberg, Margaret
Melin, Tracy L.
Meling, Charlotte
Merrick, Inger
Meyer, Elinor
Mihelich, Josephine
Mills, Doris A.
Mills, Hazelle E.
Mishel, Louise
Miura, Elizabeth Swenson
Moberg, Alden
Moline, Jacqueline
Morgan, Kerstin
Morrison, Don & Ellen
Mortimer, Eva M.
Mueller, Roberta
Murray, Marian
Muscarella, Isabella &
O'Connor, Arlynn
Odell, May
O'Grady, Britt
Ogrentz, Timothy
O'Leary, Robin
Olmstead, Audrey
Olsen, Magda
Olson, Carol A.
Olson, Donna
Olson, Florence V.
Olson, Jane C.
Olson, Lee
Olson, Linda
Olson, Martin
Olsson, Kenneth G.
Nelson, Debra
Nelson, Eunice E.
Nelson, Jean M.
Nelson, Noel & Eleanor
Nelson, Stanley J.
Nemy, Gail
Nettz, Mrs. Roger
Olsson, Lennart H.
Omander, Martin
Oquist, M.
Orlandi, Kristina Carlson
Orlando, Richard
O'Steen, Karen Pelham
Ottoson, Clarice
Overberg, Dorothy
Pacific Southwest District
Pagano, Sandra Johnson
Palmer, Mr. & Mrs.
Pantaleo, Vito and Louise
Parmley, Judi
Pasco, Jean
Patman, Carrin M.
Patzer, Dorothy
Paxton, John & Vikki
Pearson, Carl G.
Pearson, Diantha & Earle
Pearson, Robert & Marcia
Pefferly, Nancy Paulson
Petersen, Craig
Peterson, Anita
Peterson, Carin
Peterson, Craig
Peterson, Ed & Cherstin
Peterson, Frank and
Peterson, Jan and Carolyn
Peterson, June B.
Peterson, Mike & Corky
Peterson, Seline
Pfannkuch, Kurt & Eivor
Pierson, Wayne and Siv
Swan Pittsley, Ingegerd
Plano, Odd
Player, Doris C.
Post, Arthur & Janice
Potter, Margaret E.
Pride of the Family #209
Puttner, Asta
Radel, John & Kerstin
Rademacher, Ingrid
Ray, Dorothy
Raymond, Norma
Red Deer Lodge #733
Rees, Fredrick & Mona
Reylek, Debra
Richmond, Edward &
Richtarcik, DeAnna Ostrom
Riley, Thomas
Riston, Karen
Roberson, Susan Peterson
Roncarti, June
Ronn, Robert
Rose, Steve & Sue
Rosengren, Howard &
Rosenquist, Beth
Ross, Grace
Rudberg, Ted & Jenny
Rundquist Family
Ruser, Charlotte
Rust, Judy
Ryan, Beverly
Saam, Kenneth E., Jr.
Sack, Norman
Sales, Robert & Twyla
Salls, Anna
Salmonson, Gerd
Salomonsson, Eric J.
Sandberg, Janet
Sandstrom, Gladys C.
Scheirer, Bevin
Schewe, Al & Dorothy
Schmidt, Marion
Schmutz, Alice
Schneble, Karen Marie
Schon, Lars & Lucy
Schueman, Margaret S.
Schurke, Teresa P.
Seberger, Dave & Cheryl
Seberger, Dustin
Segerberg, Maurice &
Sell, George & Carole
Shearer, Louise
Shipley, Monica
Shoberg, Ray
Silbert, Delores
Simmons, William S.
Sipos, John & Susan
Skaar, Victor
Smedberg, George
Smith, Ambia Olsson
Smith, Dale & Linda
Smith, Edward S.
Smith, Floyd
Smith, Herb & Lynda
Smith, Ingrid
Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, Linda E.
Smith, Loretta & Gene
Soderberg-Gomez, Karen
Soderblom, Marshall G.
Spaberg, Gunlog
Spalin, Robert G.
Spurgeon, Mary
Star Lodge #56
Steffen, Mona & Melissa
Stenberg, Arthur & Judith
Stilling, Dorit
Strand, Gwendolyn D.
Strandberg, Jeffery
Strandberg, Peter
Strasburg, Richard & Gunn
Stried, Alice
Strock, Susan
Stuyvesant, Judith M.
Swanson, Anne
Swanson, Carl
Swanson, Gordon E.
Swanson, Harry A.
Swanson, Ingrid
Swanson, Louise
Swanson, Mary Ann
Swanson, Robert N.
Swanson, Ronald & Elna
Swanson, Russell &
Swanson, Stanley
Swanson, Swan & Rosanna
Swedberg, Valborg
Swenson, Charlotte
Sylvander, Roy & Joan
Tagstrom, Carlene L.
Tart, Kay A.
Tauren, Jack & Doreen
Taylor, Cal
Taylor, Gunilla G.
Teigen, Jeanne E.
Tennis, Mrs. C. Ann
Terslin, Blanche M.
Thenstedt, Paul & Nancy
Thofson Family
Thomas, David
Thoreen, Brian
Thoreen, JoAnn
Thornquist, Lennart
Thornton, Ulla
Three Crown Lodge #38
Tilton, Janet I.
Timshel, Michael Carlson
Tohlen Family
Tonder, Robert
Törnblom, Inez
Tornquist, John
Touve, Les
Trollebo Swedish Youth
Turnquist, J. Petter
Tylk, Linda
Unze, John
Velline, Chris & Ellen
Vickstrom, Edward
Von Rueden, Ruby
Wahlmark, John
Wallace, Hazel
Wallander, Linda
Wallenberg, Bob
Wallin, Chuck
Walters, Judith L.
Ward, Marian F.
Warden, Jane C.
Warns, Majken & Fred
Wedge, Iris
Wedge, Darlene
Weeks, Shirley
Wenberg, Jim & Marilyn
Wernlund, Helen
West, Hjordis
Westenburg, Wendell E.
Whited, Noel O.
Whitley, Carol A.
Wickstrom, Anne Marie
Widmark, Myrtle
Wiebke, Ingrid
Wiese, Maj
Wieselquist, Erik S., Jr.
Wilkening, Ruth E.
Wilson, Barbro
Wilson, Kristi
Wilson, Steve
Wittenbrook, William B.
Woodson, Anne
Wooster, Yasuko &
Richard II
Wright, Dr. & Mrs. Curtis
Yarwood, Margareta
Yencer, Anna Stina
Yockey, Ann & Nathalie
Zarli, Lily B.
Zeissler, Kimberly
Zmudka, Marianne &
CT District #1,VASA PARK, So. Meriden, CT
Saturday March 23, 2013
Today we celebrated the arrival of
spring. Our morning began with a
nice warm breakfast consisting of
pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange
juice. After breakfast it was time for
our children to hunt for Easter eggs
along a nicely decorated trail.
Despite the chill in the air, a warm
smile was brought to everyone’s face
as the kids happily filled their baskets.
Our Park Board and Executive
Board meetings along with some
spring cleaning concluded the day. A
new season of active events at VASA
PARK has gotten off to a great beginning.
In Truth & Unity
Vasa Star Correspondent
Gary Steinmiller
District Lodge Pacific Southwest #15
Front Row, left to right: Asst. Master of Ceremonies Inga Francis, Asst.
Secretary Linda Kosvic, Secretary Isabella Muscarella, Vice District
Master Russell Almquist, Past District Master Gunlog Spaberg, District
Master Ann Hellgren, Treasurer Bob Solt, Cultural Leader Nel Solt, Master
of Ceremonies Elliott Codding. Back Row, left to right: Inner Guard
Delphine Trowbridge, Auditors Ann Heinstedt, Siv Swan-Pierson, and Lori
Wennbo; Executive Board Members Mary Wright, Lon Kirkgaard, Bertil
Winther, and Jon Vikander; Historian Carolyn Salk, Trustee Robert Salk,
Chaplain Maidie Karling, Outer Guard Lauren Lundstrum, Trustee Susan
Photo: Ashley Vikander
District Lodge Pacific
Southwest No. 15’s annual
District Convention was held on
February 22nd, 23rd and 24th.
There was just about 70 voting
members plus guests and visitors. All went very well.
Congratulations to the Con vention Committee, which once
again put together a very nice
event. Once you have been
involved you realize how many
trustworthy persons it takes, in
front and in back, to keep things
Vasa Star Spring 2013
together. This year the Con vention was held at the Holiday
Inn in Long Beach. The place
was nice which was reflected in
everybody’s face.
We were graced by the presence of Grand Master Bill
Lundquist and his wife Sheila,
Vice Grand Master Tore
Kellgren and his wife Birgitta
and Past Grand Masters Eric
Johnson and Ulf Brynjestad.
District 15 thanks you all for
your friendly support!
District Master Gunlog
Spaberg had a good time directing our 99th Convention with
some assistance from husband
PDM-Parliamentarian Gary.
One resolution was presented
and fell on deaf ears.
Evening Star Lodge #426
hosted a great District Master’s
reception Friday evening and for
Saturday evening’s enjoyment
there was a nice banquet with an
entertaining disc-jockey.
At the end of the Convention
Grand Master Bill greeted and
installed our new District Master
Ann Hellgren of Mayflower
Lodge #445. Russell Almquist
of Glenn T. Seaborg Lodge
#719 claimed the Vice District
Master’s Chair.
Past Officers were thanked
and new ones installed. Con gratulations to all! Personally I
want to thank everybody who
attended, working or not. Your
support and friendship means so
much to all of us.
Next year is the District’s
100’s anniversary!! A Com mittee is already hard at work! I
can hardly wait!
On January the 13th all of the
District’s Local Lodge officers
were invited for a “mass installation” at Skandia Lodge #247
in Pasadena, California. The
event was hosted by District
Lodge #15. It was a very happy
afternoon preceded by workshops for Chairmen and
Secretaries. DM Gunlog
Spaberg and GLD Tom Jahn did
a fine job in installing almost 70
officers. Old officers were
thanked for their work during
the past year and new officers
“promised and swore” to do
their very best for the coming
The installation was followed
by a kalops (Swedish stew) dinner prepared mainly by
Executive Board members.
Other gems who had their fingers in the dough are also very
much thanked.
According to Swedish traditions this was the day to dispose
of the Christmas tree (Julgrans
plundring). Accordionist LeRoy
Anderson played with gusto as
Maidie Karling of Golden
Valley Lodge, led the dancing
around the tree. Everybody was
a kid again even if only for a
short while.
We may not be rocket
scientists but I am convinced
that we can do anything!
Well, almost anything.
In March District Lodge #15
held, what we hope was the first
of many, Easter lunches. The
idea came from DCL Nel Solt
who says that she could never
have pulled it off had it not been
for all fantastic help she
received. The event was held at
the new digs of Mayflower
Lodge #445 in Torrance, CA.
Guests were making bright colored Påskris during the social.
PDM Gunlog Spaberg had just
returned from Sweden and
brought all kinds of “real” wonderful feathers. The traditional
decoration is believed to be a
left over from the times when
people whipped themselves to
remember Jesus’ suffering. DM
Ann Hellgren stirred pots in the
kitchen and DC Maidie Karling
had baked semlo PDM Jackie
Ahlen made us wonderful
deviled eggs. She also gave the
guests information about
Swedish Easter traditions.
Everybody seemed happy
with the company and with the
Also special thanks to Bob
and Bob, Inga, Carolyn, Tom,
Dotty and Uno we couldn’t have
done it without you.
In Truth and Unity,
Nel Solt
District press rep.
Grand Installation Crew (from left) Patrick Mcginley, Jackie Ahlen,
Nathan Codding, Beau Stocking, and Nel Solt.
Page 5
Diana Birger Jarl Lodge #3
Tegner Lodge #149
New Haven, CT
Oakland, CA
Korv Och Potatis
This past December LL
Diana Birger Jarl #3’s apprentice korv makers were hosted by
Lars and Vivian Edeen and
under their direction and the
direction of John and Mary Ann
Edeen 45 lbs. of Korv were produced. Most of the Korv was
sold to benefit the lodge. As the
January 2013 meeting rolled
around the decision was made to
use the remaining korv for a
Korv and Potatis dinner. The
dinner was held on Friday 25
January prior to the election and
installation of a new slate of
officers. Despite the threat of
snow by the local weather forecasters a good time was had and
the reviews by those in attendance gave the Korv dinner 5
stars. We are looking forward to
next year!
Tegner Lodge had its new
slate of officers installed at the
Tri-Lodge installation held at
Sveaborg Lodge #449 in
Concord earlier this year. Ken
Weissenborn is our new chairman, replacing Marie Ann Hill
who has been our chairman for
the past 6 years. We thanked
Marie Ann for her many hours
of service on behalf of our
lodge and presented her with a
card and gift.
Kathryn Hughes gave a slide
introduction of the work she and
Submitted by: Paul Ljunggren
Marie Ann are doing about the
Swedes who came to the East
Bay Area at the turn of the 19th
In February, we made note of
the Chinese New Year with a
feast of Chinese food. We read
our fortunes out loud, as Jesse
Lane gave a demonstration of
the new website he has designed
for Tegner. Richard Orlando
and Kathryn Hughes presented
information about the SwedishAsian connection.
An Easter witch appeared at
Washington, DC
Jamestown/Bemis Point, NY
Our Thule Lodge #127 is seeing good weather now after a
long winter, and has made plans
for spring and summer events.
Preserving the Swedish heritage
through events and activities continues to be the main goal of the
lodge, along with providing fellowship among the members.
The installation of new officers
took place at the beginning of the
year, and past chairman Ralph
Veights presented the gavel to
2013 chairman Jeffrey Anderson.
Susan W. Sipos is the vice chairman, with Carolyn Ostrom as the
lodge secretary. Donna Sandberg
serves as the financial secretary
and Loretta Smith as the
treasurer. Chaplain of the lodge
is Diane Shaw. Gene Smith is the
outer guardsman and Don
Carlson is the inner guardsman.
Donna Johnson and Bernice
Veights are masters of ceremony.
Members of the planning
committee met to decide on dates
of future events. The first Friday
night fish dinner with another
special menu will be held on
May 3rd, and every first Friday
of the month through October
will feature a fish dinner as well.
There is always another choice
on the menu. Our monthly meetings will change from the winter
schedule of Saturday afternoons
to the fourth Thursday evenings
beginning in May. Father’s Day
Sunday will feature a herring
At a recent meeting, lodge
historian John Sipos presented to
Chairman Anderson a historical
record of the events of the lodge
for the last year. Included were
photographs, news articles and
special Swedish stories. The
record is kept at the lodge for all
to examine.
All those at the Thule Lodge
#127 wish everyone a happy
summer season. We always welcome visitors if you are in our
area. “Goddag” to all.
Submitted by: John Sipos
Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130
Cleveland, OH
Sarah Blaser was born in
Monessen, PA, on January 18,
1913, to Axel and Kristina
Lundberg. In 1916, Kristina
took Sarah to Sweden to visit
family back home. Because of
the bombing of ships during
World War I, they could not
return until the war ended in
November, 1918.
Kristina went back to Sweden
with Sarah in 1924, but this time
the Depression prevented them
from coming home. Kristina
took a job as a housekeeper, and
Sarah worked as a live-in
babysitter. In 1941, Kristina
died, but Sarah did not make
enough money to return to the
U.S. In 1948, a Swedish friend
from Monessen asked Axel to
Page 6
Submitted by: Ann Tennis
Drott Lodge #168
Thule Lodge #127
Thule Lodge #127 past chairman Ralph Veights on the left is
passing the lodge gavel to 2013
chairman Jeffrey Anderson during the recent installation ceremony.
our March meeting (Kathryn
Hughes) flying though birch
branches and brightly colored
feathers. Elsy Mattson and
Ingrid Andersson made semlor
for our dessert and Carol
Madigan showed us a beautiful
Swedish Easter table runner that
had belonged to her grandmother and used for all Easter gatherings. Richard Orlando told us
about Swedish Easter customs.
Dennis Roy, Eric Randolph with Ambassador Hafstrom (center).
“Nordic Cool 2013 Festival”
and Pea Soup Dinner on an
SAL Voyage
Members of Drott Lodge
#168 were busy during February
and March enjoying the many
performances and exhibitions
that were part of a month-long
celebration of Nordic culture at
the John F. Kennedy Center for
the Performing Arts in
Washington along with attending
associated exhibitions, performances, and events at the various embassies and even the
residences of several ambassadors. There was music, dance,
film and theater, forums and
interactive events. We went in
twosomes or foursomes and a
group of 20 enjoyed for a meal
and a performance by the
National Symphony Orchestra
on the night Swedish mezzosoprano Anne Sophie von Otter
was soloist. A couple of members volunteered at Kennedy
Center throughout the period
(Feb.19-March 17) and the beautiful Northern Lights beamed on
the Kennedy Center’s façade
each night for the duration of the
Festival. Members Dennis Roy
and Eric Randolph anted up for
tickets to the Kennedy Center
fundraiser “Nordic Tasting
Event” at the home of Swedish
Ambassador Jonas Hafström.
Our March meeting typically
features a traditional Pea Soup
and Plättar dinner (Ärtsoppa och
Pannkakor), but the 2013 version
was a grand affair in the first
class dining room aboard a
Swedish American Line (SAL)
ship. Travelers crossed the gangplank to the sights and sounds of
ocean waves and entered the elegant dining room with its beautifully set tables. Drott members
told stories about themselves or
family members who journeyed
across the ocean aboard an SAL
ship, either as a passenger or an
employee, or, in one case, as
Carl Alexis and Karin Alexis
Frenze told their mother’s story
Lennerup, manager of the
aboard-ship beauty salon),
Margaret Schueman (née
Bergvall) recollected her
family’s journey in the 1950s as
children being brought to the Old
Country to meet their grandparents, Margareta Storm talked of
coming by ship to America to
start a new life, and Larilyn
André told of a change in travel
plans occasioned by the breakout
of the Arab-Israeli conflict in
1967. Marianne Diaz spoke
about how her father, the late
Gus Dahlberg, came to be a
steward for the SAL and the
extra fine treatment she and her
parents received on their journey
to the homeland. Peter Storm
reported that in 1970 he was
given a choice, when assigned to
the American Embassy in
Stockholm, to travel by air or to
go as a first-class passenger on
an SAL liner. Some of the slides
in the presentations were from
the recently closed exhibit about
the SAL at the American
Swedish Historical Museum.
Others were items from the presenters’ collections of photographs and memorabilia.
The raffle prize on this day
was four white with gold trim
plates from the SAL. Raffle winner Bob Rainey offered the
plates to those members who had
shared their stories. At first there
were no takers, but, after a
pause, Larilyn accepted the
plates with gratitude. She
returned from 13 months as an
exchange student in northern
Sweden aboard an SAL ship but
lost all the items from her time
abroad and on-board when her
parents’ basement was flooded
years ago. Larilyn is the Press
Officer at the Swedish Embassy
and is the Embassy’s longesttenured employee.
Submitted by: Carol Whitley
send Sarah the money to come
home. Sarah landed in New
York on January 16, 1949.
After Axel’s death, Sarah’s
cousin, who was a member of
Vasa, asked her to move to
Cleveland. Sarah joined our
lodge in 1951 where she could
meet and socialize with other
Sarah has continued to be an
active member of NobelMonitor Lodge for 62 years. She
is sharp as a tack, has a great
memory, wonderful sense of
humor, and is a delight to all
who know her.
Congratulations to Sarah celebrating her 100th Birthday!
Submitted by: Karen
Arvidson Chilcote
Vasa Star Spring 2013
Skandia Lodge #247 Celebrates 100 Years
Pasadena, CA
Left to right: Ken and Sandra Pearson, Alma Marie Nordquist, Joyce
Mossberg, Anita Bos, Annelie Lindberg, and Nancy Hedlund.
On March 13, 1913, the original officers and members of
Skandia Lodge #247, proudly
opened their first business meeting. One century later, Skandia
Lodge started the day with the
100th Anniversary celebration at
the famous Beckham Place
Restaurant on Saturday, March
9. The greetings from the Grand
Lodge officers, our sister lodges,
members far and near, including
a beautiful 100th Anniversary
card with red roses from Kerstin
Johansson in Sweden – it has
been fifty years since her husband, Nils, was District Master.
Our new District Master, Ann
Hellgren, and PDM, Gunlog
Spaberg also brought congratulatory greetings. There were many
PDMs present and we all
enjoyed a streaming photo presentation and overview of
Skandia’s 100 years. Our 25, 40,
and 50 year members were presented with their membership
jewel and a certificate of appreciation.
50 YEARS: Alma Marie
Nordquist, Robert Lindberg,
Kenneth Pearson, Sandra
Pearson, and Joyce Woodward
40 YEARS: Anita Bos,
Nancy Hedlund, Marilyn LarsonKlooster, and Annelie Lindberg
25 YEARS: Julie Lindberg
Future issues of the Skandia
Nytt will showcase these longtime members individually. Our
new past Chairman, Jane
Hendricks, was presented with a
card and a token our appreciation
from the lodge. The dinner menu
consisted of either prime rib,
almond crusted salmon, or chicken with goat cheese and walnuts.
Some had black truffle ravioli.
For dessert we were served
Princess Cake.
The entertainment included
the performance by harpist Jillian
and by the St Erik’s Church
Choir. Kenneth Pearson brought
an extra large folder of historical
photographs and memorabilia.
On top of the fun and frolic, the
food and service at Beckham was
impeccable as always. Their
management and staff are a joy.
Our team 100 all did their jobs
smoothly – many thanks to Nel
and Bob Solt, Birgitta and Rudy
Roodsari, Dr. Beau Stocking,
Betsy Cepielik, Lori Wennbo,
Robert Yankowsky, Kristen
Demarjian, Sue and Steve Rose,
Ernie Mauritsen and his daughter
Emmaline, Kathleen and Patrick
McGinley – Patrick, the knight in
shining armor again came to the
rescue of Lori and Robert –
involved in an accident on the
210 freeway at 10:30 a.m. – but
it all worked well. Thanks also to
Kirsten Orcutt for her help with
the raffle prizes.
Scholarship Chairman Bob
Solt presented the first Skandia
Yankowsky – it is very heartwarming to know we are leaving
our future in such capable hands.
On Sunday, many Skandia
members joined with the Viking
Athletic Club for a pleasant dinner meeting, and then the following weekend, the home of Nel
and Bob Solt was toured by
some three thousand happy souls
who were treated to a wonderful
view of the Wisteria vine – even
had the pleasure of seeing Nel on
television – such a movie star, as
well as a proud grandmother taking care of grandfather Bob and
world traveler Malin, and mom
Lisa and son-in-law Scott – the
little one joined the Canadian
part of her family for a 100th
birthday party for Daddy Scott’s
great grandmother.
And Skandia is continuing the
100th Anniversary year with a
Midsummer reception on
Saturday, June 15, 2013, at
Skandia Lodge Hall with a very
special program and an outstanding menu. We look forward to
re-introducing our 25, 40 and 50
year members as well as many
friends from sister lodges and
this will be compliments of the
officers and members of Skandia
Submitted by: Jacqueline Ahlen
Ken and Sandra Pearson 50 year members.
Svea Lodge #253
Indianapolis, IN
dinators, Ulla Williams and Jean
Bang; Trustees: Charlotte
Swenson (3 years), David Duff
(2 years), and Jay Hook (1 year);
and Auditors: Kenneth Allen (3
years), Scott Clarkson (2 years),
and Patricia Hoffmann (1 year).
Congratulations to Past District
Master/Past Chairman Swan
Swanson, Jr., who celebrated his
90th birthday this month.
A program on “Accordion
Music In Sweden” was presented by Douglas Krantz. Inter woven with accordion music
and group singing, Doug Krantz
told the story of how the accordion came to be one of the most
important musical instruments in
all of folk music, in Sweden,
and in Doug’s life. He has
accompanied company classes
for Cirque du Soleil and the
Company. In 2004 he composed
Music for Ballet Class, a set of
pieces and instructions to teach
pianists to accompany dance
At the February meeting,
three prospective members,
Brenda Miller, Jeff Peterson,
and David Young, were
approved for membership and
Delegates to the May 2013
Convention were elected:
Marvin Anderson, Jean Tygum,
Glenn Sweitzer, and Dennis
Danielson. Alternates are: Janet
Jegen and Sue James. The program on “Swedish Glass –
Kingdom Of Crystal / Glasriket”
was presented by Earl Hurst,
assisted by his wife Cindy
Hurst. In addition to a colorful
PowerPoint presentation and
lively commentary, Earl and
Cindy Hurst brought numerous
examples of Swedish glass for
all to see. Other members
brought Swedish glass to show,
shared stories and pictures of
their visits to the Glass
Kingdom, and told of experiences with Swedish glass.
The March meeting program
was “Return Trips To Sweden”
presented by Jessica Young,
Sara Young Hess, and Abram
Hess, daughters and son–in–
law, respectively, of members
Carin and David Young. Jessica
Young and Sara Young Hess
recounted adventures from their
summer 2012 trip to Sweden.
Sara’s husband, Abram Hess,
spoke about his first trip to
Sweden: from fika to fika!
From Stockholm to the peaks of
Hemavan - Tärnaby (hometown
of famous skier Anja Paerson),
we got a glimpse Sweden as it is
Luncheon Group continues to
sample the international cuisine
found in Indianapolis. So far this
year, the fare has been Greek,
American, and Western. The
Scandinavian Movie Group
viewed the 1996 Swedish movie
Submitted by:
Joella D. Hultgren
Publicity Committee
New members David Young and Brenda Miller were initiated by Chairman Jean Tygum.
The officers for 2013 were
installed at the January meeting:
Chairman, Jean Tygum; Vice
Chairman, Ulla Williams; Past
Chairman, John Bevelhimer;
Recording Secretary, Janet
Vasa Star Spring 2013
Jegen; Assistant Recording
Secretary, Kristina Grasso;
Treasurer, Marvin Anderson;
Financial Secretary, Douglas
Krantz; Cultural Leader, Glenn
Sweitzer; Assistant Cultural
Leader, Carin Young; Chaplain,
Master Of Ceremonies, Dennis
Danielson; Historian, Jenne
Swain; Inner Guard, Eva
Berglund; Refreshment Coor
Viking Lodge
San Pedro, CA
Our member, Vera Enquist,
was 103 on her birthday –
September 30, 2012. On that
day, there was a special party for
her, complete with local newspaper coverage, at the Senior
Center in Lakewood, where she
goes most days for lunch and to
play games with other seniors.
Then,Viking Lodge honored
their 40-year member at the
October meeting with a big
cake, birthday song and card.
Vera was born in a Nebraska
sod, farmhouse. Her parents
were Swedish, and her first language was, of course, Swedish.
After high school, she left home
to go to Nursing School …
became a surgical nurse and
joined the Red Cross in 1932.
She moved to Southern
California where she worked
until joining the Army Nurse
Corps as a 2nd Lt. in 1941. With
the army, she served in
Washington state, California,
Germany, and Okinawa, retiring
in 1960. In 1962, she became a
dental nurse and moved to
Lakewood, CA, where she lived
up until this spring..She’s a
member of the Military Officers
Association (a former president), as well as the Retired
Officers’ Wives Club.
A seasoned traveler, Vera has
crisscrossed the nation numerous times to visit all 50 states
and traveled to 81 foreign countries, as well — by plane, train,
car, bus, and ocean and river
ships. And still takes an occasional day trip.
She was a longtime bowler
and proudly displays her many
trophies. A Lakers, Dodgers,
and Angels fan, she also loves
PGA golf and the Long Beach
hockey team.
Vera now accepts a ride to
the Viking Lodge meetings on
the first Saturday morning, and
rarely misses a meeting, lodge
anniversary, or special event.
She attributes her long, healthy
life to never having been married, exercising, and being
Submitted by: Joan
Johnson, Chairman
in the
Vasa Star
Page 7
Svea Lodge #296
Erie, PA
Our lodge began the New Year with the installation of the new
officers. Seated from left to right: Leona Carlson, Carol Johnson,
Joanne Dahlstrand, Sharon Olson, Robin Arvikson. Standing: Linda
Collin, Lorraine Horn Aman, Cheryl Brown, Berit Benacci, Sandy
Miller, Tom Johnson, Lisa Owen, Lorraine Johnson, Marge Johnson
We all look forward to a wonderful year ahead for Svea!
Submitted by: Linda Collin
Balder Lodge #343
Ferndale, CA
January 5, 2013, we held an
Installation of Officers and were
graced with the presence of
Grand Master David Jensen who
conducted the installation. We
thank him for his gracious and
wisdom in answering some of
the questions our little lodge has
had. He was able to follow
through with getting us the
Proof of Insurance that has been
missing for the past few years.
February 16, I conducted my
first meeting as Conductor of
Balder Lodge #343. We were
able to nominate our delegate
for the upcoming convention in
April. Kathy Holtermann will be
busy just getting back from
Thailand, but hopes to have the
time to attend the convention.
March 16 we dispensed with
our normal business meeting
and celebrated St. Patrick’s Day
at St. Bernard Church for a Corn
Beef and Cabbage Feed. They
put on a wonderful event with
Irish Dancers and song.
Arrange onto prepared baking
Bake until browned and cooked
through, 15 to 20 min. depending on size.
Serve with a good gravy made
with beef stock and seasoning.
Lise’s Meatballs
1/3 cup plain bread crumbs
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion, shredded
1 lb ground beef
1 lb ground pork
2 eggs
1/4 bunch fresh parsley
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon dried Italian herb
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
The December 9th, 2012, celebration of Julfest was the occasion for Eleanor Pfeil, a nearly
71-year member of Sveaborg
Lodge, to receive recognition as
Honorary Life Member.
Traditional Nordic foods and a
beautifully decorated Masonic
Hall in Martinez provided the
perfect setting. The Vasablad
children superbly assisted
Kristen Sibley in the Lucia
Members Eleanor recruited
for Sveaborg Lodge include
daughter Judy and husband
Larry Ard, grandsons Michael
and David and wife Natalie Ard
(three children for Vasablad),
Marily Brar, Keith and Bryn
Hartley (two children in
Vasablad), Ray Olsen and
Geneva Walker. Larry Ard and
Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Cover baking sheet with foil and
spray light with cooking spray
Mix ingredients
Use wet hands, form meat mixture into balls.
Scandinavian Lodge #667
San Diego, CA
Submitted by:
Christian Nielsen
Vasa Star Correspondent
Svea Lodge #348
San Jose, CA
At their January, 2013, meeting, Svea Lodge #348 members
heard a fascinating presentation
“From Rags to Riches” by
Muriel Beroza.
Muriel’s presentation traced
the life of Erik Lindblom one of
the “three lucky Swedes" who
started the most successful gold
rush in North America with their
discovery of rich, coarse gold at
Anvil Creek, Alaska in the winter of 1898. Their story is filled
with personal risk and adventures such as claim-jumping and
official corruption, but Erik
Lindblom with his partners John
Brynteson and Jafet Lindeberg
(actually from Baddeven
Norway) prevailed in their work.
They formed the Pioneer Mining
Company and became wealthy
businessmen. The site of the
Anvil Creek gold rush became
Nome Alaska; Jafet Lindeberg is
considered its founder.
After active management as a
Vice President of the Pioneer
Lindblom rejoined his wife
book! Fifty-five contented
Sveaborgians enjoyed the dinner
of meatballs, salad, vegetables,
dessert and (of course) coffee.
The lodge meets monthly.For
information call 925-876-5370.
Here is Lise’s recipe.
Mary Ann and family and
became a resident of Oakland
CA. He proved his business acumen by entering into successful
mining operations in California
and Nevada. He invested in the
Claremont Resort and became
the sole owner in 1921. He
resided in the hotel until his
death in 1928.
Muriel Beroza is a member
of Lindbergh Lodge #494 and
historian of Sveadal, the summer
resort of the Swedish American
Patriotic League. Muriel is the
author of Golden Gate Swedes:
The Bay Area and Sveadal.
There is a great deal of
engaging material available
about Erik Lindblom, his legendary adventures and equally
interesting partners. I recommend the following references.
Submitted by: Emma Hanlon
Vasa Star Correspondent
The Scandinavian Lodge
#667, which meets in La Mesa,
CA, is celebrating its 50th
Anniversary. The Pea Soup
Dinner held on March 23, 2013,
marked a continuation of that
celebration. Attached is a photo
of some of the members who
showed off their Swedish folk
costumes at the Pea Soup
Dinner. Back Row: Bob
Swanson, Chairman., Paul
Swanson, Gabe Crawford,
Everett Shogren. Front Row:
Beda Johnson, Pat Coffey,
Natalie Swanson, Jean Shogren.
Submitted by: Jean Shogren
Oak Leaf Lodge #685
Thousand Oaks, CA
Oak Leaf Lodge #685 is just
like “Ol’ Man River.”
We just keep rollin’ along,
without any great fanfare, but
with a great love and loyalty
from all our members.
In December, we celebrated
with a marvelous Christmas
Party. Lots of children to trim
the tree and wonderfully decorated. We all had a great time.
Lots of stuffed toys were collected and donated to a local
Fire Station who will give them
to children in need.
Our Lucia was Paige
In February we honor one of
our members with a “Sweetheart
of the Year” award and this year
we honored Judi Palmquist, our
longtime Editor, then Co-Editor
of our Newsletter and Vasa Star
Representative as our Sweet heart of the Year. From the first
day Judi joined us, she wasted
no time in getting involved with
anything she could do for the
lodge and we love her for it.
Submitted by: Louise Shearer
Vinland Lodge #703
Cape Cod, MA
Sveaborg Lodge #449
Concord, CA
Winner of the “First Annual
Meatball Cook-off” at Sveaborg
Lodge #447 (Concord, CA)
recently was Lise Peachee.
There were ten contestants at
this event, which was judged by
Sven-Ove Westberg, Erik
Wernes and Bob Burman.
Chairman Rob Laaback presented Lise with the 1st-prize ribbon,
certificate and a meatball cookPage 8
From left: Past Chairman Louise Feitz, Secretary Clara Buttrick, Vice
Chairman Marilyn Sohoel, Chairman Judith Peterson, Cultural Leader
Dorothy Kean, Chaplain Virginia McNamara, Treasurer Ed Blomdahl.
A mild January day allowed
many members to attend our
Geneva Walker have been elected Vice Chairman and Secretary
for 2013. A niece, Tina Martin,
her husband and son are also
members. Tina’s mother,
Elizabeth Nordgren, PDM
Golden Gate #12, was a sister to
Eleanor Pfeil’s husband. Eleanor
was small in size, but strong
physically and in character. She
worked in the Richmond
Shipyard No. 3 with Rosie the
Riveters in the 1940s. Many
miss Eleanor and remember her
Submitted by: Eleanor Pfeil,
Honorary Life Member
Sveaborg #449
Eleanor Pfeil, Honorary Life
Member Sveaborg Lodge #449.
January 19 th meeting. Then,
Debby Nugnes, of Finnish
descent, explained the history
and benefits of massage therapy
for all ages. A complimentary
massage (ohhh, ahhh) was
offered to each of us. DM
Marlene Patient and VDM
Marlene Ekstrand conducted our
Installation of Officers on
February 16th. Several officers
renewed their terms and others
assumed new offices. The
Preserves and Baked Goods
Walk netted a large pile of quarters for our Lodge Scholarship
Fund. Many were rewarded with
a tasty treat. On March 2, we
attracted much attention with
our Maypole and Viking at the
annual Multi-Cultural Fair at
Cape Cod Community College
as we proudly represented five
countries. We paraded in
costume with our flags and
displayed many Scandinavian
artifacts and foods on our tables.
Our supply of 75 travel brochure
packets and coloring books
was gone in 3 hours. We
were so pleased to share our
culture with others. After our
March meeting, Dr. Fred
Dunford, a local archaeologist
stirred our interest in the
geological formation and ancient
history of Cape Cod. Vikings
may have visited this area
briefly a thousand years ago.
Some members will be assisting
in his site digs this spring.
We also participated in a
gathering of several Massa chusetts Scandinavian groups
at SAC Park in Shrewsbury to
encourage the support and
the promotion of our missions
and activities. Our annual
Swedish Meatball Luncheon in
April featured kottbulle, ny
potatis, gron bona, limpa,
knackebrod, lingon, inlagd
gurka, inlagd rodbetor,
citronkaka and kaffe. We held a
raffle of a variety of containers
holding non-perishable foods.
The winners kept the containers
and the food was donated
to a local food pantry. Our lodge
is co-hosting The Massachusetts
District #2 Con vention,
September 20-22 in Hyannis,
MA. We encourage members
and officers of neighboring
districts to join us in fellowship.
Submitted by: Dorothy AnnEllner Kean
Vasa Star Spring 2013
Nordic Lodge #708
Atlanta, GA
The Nordic Lodge meeting on
April 7th turned out to be a celebration of the 375th anniversary of
New Sweden, Delaware – pretty
appropriate since it was in March
1638 that the ship Kalmar Nyckel
of Sweden landed at what now is
Wilmington, Delaware’s capital.
Maybe this recollection of
New Sweden came to be one of
the first in the country!
At the time when you read this
article you probably have read a
lot already about this anniversary,
including several events such as
Colonists Day in Wilmington on
April 13th and the celebration also
in Wilmington on May 11th in the
presence of King Carl Gustaf and
Queen Silvia.
At our lodge meeting on April
7th Göran Rygert (a former longtime officer of the lodge and cultural director) gave a presentation
of the history of New Sweden. He
started with a question of how
many in the audience knew anything about the New Sweden
colony in Delaware. The answer
was not surprising. All of the
Swedish-born knew at least some
of their Swedish history. But of
the 20 American-born in the audience only two were familiar with
New Sweden. If this lack of
knowledge is representative for all
the VOA American-born people
there clearly is a need to fill in the
Göran then showed pictures of
two flags. One was almost identical with the Swedish flag. The
only difference was that it had a
round, smaller seal in the middle.
The other consisted of three vertical blue-yellow-blue strips, also
with a small seal in the middle.
No one in the audience had ever
seen these flags. What flags were
The first one is the (current!)
flag of the City of Wilmington.
The other is the flag of the City of
Philadelphia. Wilmington’s flag
reflects the fact that the city was
founded by the Swedes, in 1638.
Philadelphia was not founded by
the Swedes (but by William
Penn), however the Swedish colors is a reminder of the presence
of Swedes in Philadelphia 40
years before Penn arrived.
Göran continued with a few
words about Sweden in the mid
17th century. At the time Sweden
was one of the greatest powers in
Europe, controlling Finland, a
piece of Russia, Estonia, Latvia, a
part of Poland and the part of
Germany that was called
Pommern. The Baltic Sea was
essentially a Swedish lake. In
order to bypass French and
English merchants Sweden wanted to expand their influence by
creating an agricultural and furtrading colony in America. The
Swedes knew that the areas
around (and especially west of)
the Delaware River were where
the friendly Indians, the Lenape
and the Susquehannock tribes
lived, and that they would be able
to buy fur and tobacco from them.
In March 1638 the Kalmar
Nyckel arrived to the Delaware
River and into the tributary
that they named the Christina
River after Sweden’s Queen
Christina (who ruled 1632-1654).
The Swedes built a fort where
Wilmington now is located. It was
called Fort Christina.
The New Sweden prospered
and grew along the Delaware
Vasa Star Spring 2013
River all the way up to
Philadelphia. About 600 Swedes
and Finns settled in the area. More
fortresses and also churches were
built. The one in Wilmington that
was erected in 1698-99, the Holy
Trinity Old Swedes Church, is the
oldest church in the United States
that is still in use.
Göran also told about log
houses that were first introduced
in America by the Swedes and the
Finns. This way of building
homes became that popular that it
spread to the west and all over the
United States. One of the still
existing log houses, built in 1698,
was home to John Morton, whose
grandfather was Swedish-Finnish
Mårten Mårtensson, who arrived
to New Sweden in 1654. John
Pennsylvania’s signers of the
Declaration of Independence and
his name also lives in the “John
Morton Memorial Building” in
Philadelphia, which is the same as
the American Swedish Historical
Museum, built in 1927, designed
by Swedish-American architect
John Nyden.
The New Sweden colony did
not last long, only for 17 years. Its
last governor Johan Rising seized
a Dutch fortress south of Fort
Christina. The governor of New
Peter Stuyvesant became furious and wanted revenge. In the
summer of 1655 he and seven
armed Dutch ships and 317 men
appeared on the Delaware River.
The badly outnumbered Swedes
gave up without a fight. That was
the end of New Sweden. But the
Swedes and the Finns stayed in
the area and were allowed to continue as a “Swedish Nation” until
1681 when William Penn came
and threw out the Dutch.
Göran finished his interesting
presentation with the information
that on the same evening, April
7th, a historical re-enactment was
going on in New Castle,
Delaware, exploring the trial of
the Swedish officer who was to
blame for surrendering Fort
Trinity in 1655.
The participants of this Vasa
meeting and celebration now
enjoyed a delicious ham and a lot
of great home-made food, as well
as one of Atlanta’s first really nice
and beautiful spring days.
Submitted by: Jan Rygert,
Secretary, Nordic Lodge #708,
Atlanta, GA
Carolyn Bagheri and Göran Rygert.
Stenland Lodge #727
West Nyack, NY
answer a question about that
country. Upon completion of the
passport, each person received a
small prize.
Cultural crafts, foods, costumes and performances were
part of the day's activities. They
all helped us learn more about
each of the countries. Stenland
was well represented and provided Swedish meat balls and
Submitted by: Betty Langberg
Standling left to right:
Erin Barschdorf, holding son Matthew, Erik
Rasmussen, Beatrice
Rasmussen, Ingrid
Allison, seated is Gail
Left to right are: Ingrid Allison, Lucy Syvarth, Julia Syvarth, Beatrice
Rasmussen, Erik Rasmussen.
Stenland Lodge#727, District
#4 represented Sweden at the
“We the People” multi-cultural
festival at the South Orangetown
Community Elementary School
in South Orangetown, NY, on
March 9, 2013. The event cele-
Swedish cookies at our table to
the delight of many.
Stenland also celebrated their
33rd anniversary with their
annual dinner at the 76 House in
Tappan, NY, on March 24,
2012. It was a joyful occasion
with 31 members and guests in
brated cultural diversity through
fun and educational programs
for the whole community.
Upon entering the school,
each participant was given a
passport to travel to each of the
25 countries represented and
Grand Master’s Message
Kära Vasa-syskon,
Vi närmar oss kommande
Distriktsmöten för 2013. Många
Storlogsdelegater detta år. Kom
ihåg att minst 120 dagar före vårt
nästa Grand Lodge konvention,
Juli 4-11 2014, måste delegaterna
väljas. Det krävs att de slutför
tilldelade utskottsarbeten och det
är nödvändigt att bilda rekommendationer med anknytning till
varje anslut. Beslut av delegationen avgör om programmen fortsätter under de följande fyra åren,
därför krävs noggrann eftertanke,
öppet sinne och progressivt
tänkande. Innovativt tänkande är
det enda sättet att hjälpa Orden att
lyckas i nästa valperiod. En annan
förväntan på din valda delegat är
en vilja att ta en Storlogspost om
han/hon väljs eller utses. Tid och
resor kommer att krävas under
den tiden. Jag menar inte att måla
en bild av “allt arbete och ingen
lek” på Storlogskonventionen, då
värdsdistrikten planerar intressanta utflykter och sociala funktioner
och då delegaterna och gästerna
har stora möjligheter att utveckla
och förnya vänskap med andra
Vasamedlemmar. Om distriktet
inte har fattat beslut om din
Storlogsdelegat, hoppas jag att du
kommer att nominera din bästa
kandidat för att uppnå dessa mål.
Jag vill också uppmuntra alla
medlemmar att delta i
Storlogskonventionen som gäst.
Detta är också tiden när du
som medlem, lokal loge eller distriktsloge bör överväga konstitutionella förändringar som du
tycker är bäst för Ordens framtid.
Se till att ägna stor uppmärksamhet åt de fakta som jag har
delat med mig av - både i mina
adresser när jag har besökt era
distrikt och i mina artiklar i Vasa
Star där jag har förklarat anledningarna till hur vi har utvecklats
under de senaste tre åren - när du
skickar in dina föreslagna
Vasa Riksarkivet skulle inte ha
kunnat drivas denna termin utan
stödjande rörelse som godkändes
av den sista Storlogssessionen.
Den gav den “möjlighet att donera upp till 5% av sin tilldelade
outnyttjade budget (FUNDS) i
OA & B.” Pengar från medlemsavgifter betalar för närvarande
endast 50% av driftskostnaderna
och för närvarande arbetar volontärer med underhållstjänst. Det är
inte realistiskt eller smidigt att
fortsätta verksamheten på detta
sätt, och därför kommer delegaterna att uppmanas att fatta viktiga beslut som rör det nödvändiga
framtida ekonomiska stödet av
arkivet. Arkivet är en viktig gren
av Order.
Jag inser att många av er inte
har besökt arkivet som finns i
Bishop Hill, Illinois, och inte
heller kommer ni att besöka den i
framtiden. Därför är det svårt för
er att visualisera vad vi stöder.
Jag delar ofta visuell information
om arkivet när jag besöker distriktets konventioner och jag
skulle gärna skicka dig mitt program elektroniskt så att du kan se
det själv, eller visa det för ditt
medlemskap som ett program för
att bekanta er med denna viktiga
bit av historien. Vasa Riksarkivet
håller historien om Vasa Orden,
historien om de många modiga
svenska invandrare som lämnat
Sverige på grund av svält och
religiös förföljelse. De stod inför
enorma hinder för att komma till
Amerika. Våra medlemmar i
Sverige firar sitt mod och svenskamerikanerna firar prestationerna
av dessa förfäder. Vår historia är
inrymd i denna anläggning.
Gå gärna online för information om Bishop Hill, IL och planera ett besök. Jag skulle vilja
uppmuntra ditt första besök under
festivaltid i Bishop Hill t.ex
Jordbruksdagarna (Agricultural
dagar, Sept 28-29), Julmarknad
(julmarknad, Dec 7-8) eller Lucia
Nights (Festival of Lucia, Dec .
13-14) när butikerna med många
handgjorda alster, restauranger
och museer är öppna.
Glöm inte den Samiska
Utställningen på Arkivet under
juni månad. Bishop Hill är en
lantlig kommun, men det finns
många hotell i området tillgängliga för ditt besök. Vår arkivarie,
Victoria Almgren, hälsar er
hjärtligt välkomna.
Jag ser fram emot att se många
av er på distriktets konventioner
under detta år, jag vill personligen
tacka för ert fortsatta stöd, de viktigaste fördelarna med Vasamedlemskap, samt ditt personliga
stöd och din vänskap.
I sanning och enhet,
Bill Lundquist, Grand Master
Logen Höganäs
Nr 634
Vid årets första möte, den 26
januari samlades 79 medlemmar
för att delta i Högtidsmöte med
installationn av nya tjänstemän.
Undertecknad hade ett föredrag
om Anna Q Nelson från
Helsingborg, en mycket målmedveten kvinna, som var fast
besluten att åka till Amerika
och hon lyckades verkligen. Hon
blev en av Hollywoods mest
eftertraktade ”stars” i filmens
Logemötet var som brukligt
mycket högtidligt och efter en
vacker ljussläckningsceremoni
Nationalsången sjöngs.
Därefter dukades borden upp
för efterkapitlet och en fin måltid dukades upp till de festklädda deltagande medlemmarna.
Kvällen blev som vanligt mycket lyckad och vi gick alla hem
nöjda och glada och en del av
oss med vinster från de välfyllda
Lördagen den 16 mars samlades vi åter igen för att fira systrarnas afton. Efter ett kort och
fint men Högtidligt möte hade
systrarna hittat på ett trevligt och
medryckande arrangemang med
sång och dans till de populäraste
melodier som Svensktoppen
hade bjudit på under de 50 år
som den hade funnits. Efter en
stunds dans och lottdragning
gick vi alla hem mycket upprymda efter kvällens underhållning eller kan man säga show.
Anita Bengtsson KL
Page 9
Svenska Språhörnan – The Swedish Language Corner
Introduction to Swedish – Chapter 2
Hur går det? How goes it?
Due to a hard disc crash I was not able to access the fourth and last installation of the Basic Swedish
Course. This new course, Introduction to Swedish© by Urban , which started in last issue, consists
of nine chapters. Mr. Sikeborg has graciously allowed us to use his course for free. One of thethings
I like about the course is that it gives some hints on pronunciation. If you have access to the internet,
you can listen to words or sentences in each chapter and you can also go through the course faster,
should you wish to do so (
Greetings and Goodbyes
God mórgon! Good morning!
God dag! Good day!
God kväll! Good evening!
Could refer to life in general, but also to a specific
task or job.
Showing concern, focusing on the health/well-being
of somebody.
Showing more personal interest when including How
someone else.
Hur mår du? How feel you?
Hur är det med [famíljen]?
is it with [the family]?
Suitable answers:
Tack, [bára] bra! Thanks, [just] fine!
This is the most common way of greeting someone,
be it in a formal or informal situation, and can be used
as an equivalent of ‘How do you do’ or ‘Hi (there)’.
Informal and friendly.
Used in both formal and informal situations:
This equivalent to ‘How do you do’ is mostly used to
people you call ‘Ni’
The Swedish ‘good evening’ salute is nowadays mainly
reserved for somewhat formal meetings or to people you
address with the ‘Ni’ pronoun.
NOTE: ‘Tj’ is pronounced a bit sharper than the English ‘sh’ sound – as in ‘shut’, but with the middle
part of the tongue pressed more towards the palate (cp. German ‘ch’ in ‘ich’).
Skápligt / Hýfsat Fair / Decent
Så där / Det kúnde vára bä ttre.
So there / It could be better
rr. Not so good, I’m afraid
Ínte så bra, tyvä´
Hej då! Hello then!
Adjö ! Goodbye!
Adjö så länge! Goodbye so long!
If you just have been introduced to someone you might add:
Trévligt att rå kas! Nice to meet [you]! Demonstrating that you are a polite and well-behaved
Ángenämt! Pleasant/nice [to meet you]! Definitely old-fashioned, but could be popular among
mature ladies.
NOTE: Like in English some consonants change sound when they are followed by certain vowels. The
‘g’ in ‘Angenämt’, which precedes the soft vowel ‘e’, is therefore pronounced like ‘y’ in ‘yes’, not like
‘g’ in ‘good’.
If you know the person in question you can ask:
Hur står det till? How stands it to?
Has got a slightly formal touch, but can also be used
in informal situations.
Hur är det? How is it?
Informal, very common.
Hur har du det? How have you it?
Informal, very frequent.
Hur är lä´
get? How is the situation?
A bit more informal, very common.
get? The situation?
An abbreviated and more informal form of “Hur är
Very common. Can be used no matter how you
With the Swedish avoidance of superlatives. Quite
Two variants of the same theme: “Not very well, but
I’ll survive.”
God natt! Good night!
Farväl! Farewell!
Ha det [så] bra! Have it [so] good!
Vi ses:
We see [each other]: See you!
• sénare • i mórgon
• i kväll
in morning
in evening
(i.e. tomorrow) (i.e. tonight)
• på on må´
ndag Monday
frédag Friday
(You are expected to show genuine concern
when somebody tells you this.)
Very common, can be used anywhere.
Formal, dismissive. When used alone equivalent to
‘good day’.
More informal than just ‘adjö’: ‘goodbye for now’,
‘so long’.
Informal, very frequent.
Outmoded, often used in a melodramatic way.
Informal, very common, like ‘take care’. Often in
combination with ‘hej då’.
• snart
tísdag Tuesday
lördag Saturday
• om en stund
in a while
onsdag Wednesday tórsdag Thursday
söndag Sunday
• nästa vécka
next week
Siv Swan-Pierson, GL Language Director
Distriktslogen Södra Sverige nr 20
9 juni
Kl 14.00
Kl 15.00
Sverige-Amerikadagen på Kalmar Slott
Gudstjänst på engelska/svenska i Slottskyrkan
Underhållning i Gröna Salen, Kalmar Slott
Fanparad, högtidstal, folkdans och stipendieutdelning
Kl ca 16.30
Ostkakegille med underhållning i Krusenstiernska Gården
Hans-Erik Lindeblad 0480-47 19 44, 070-327 73 43
Logen Calmare Nyckel nr 628
29 juni
Sverige-Amerikamöte (Logemöte)
Kl 17.00
Vikens Hemgård, Viken
Kontakt: Karl-Axel Bengtsson 042-28 03 26
Logen Höganäs nr 634
4 aug
Barkerydsdagen – “Fest och vardag”
Kl 14.00 Barkeryds Hembygdsgård, ligger 1 km väster om Barkeryds kyrka
Dagen firas som en hyllning till S M Swenson från Barkeryd, som byggde ett ranchimperium i Texas.
Kortege med Lyrans musikkår och drillflickor
Medverkande: frilansjournalist Erik Lindfelt från Jönköping, Texas Lucia 2012, Evan Wood, från Houston med gäster, kyrkoherde Ann-Christine Borg
och imitatören Sven Slättengren och Krister Möller
Bo Ahlsgård 0381-30227
Logen Småland nr 618
4 aug
Kl 11.00
Gudstjänst i Ljuders kyrka
Kl 13.00
Program i Ljuders hembygdspark alternativt i kyrkan
Kontakt: Catherine Bringselius Nilsson 0470-28588
17 aug
Svensk-Amerikanskt Logemöte
Kl 18.00
Sirius Ordens lokal, V. Boulevarden 35, Kristianstad
Åke Mellnert 044-24 46 64
Logen Christian nr 617
18 aug
Sverige-Amerikadagen / Hans Mattsondagen
Kl 11.00
Svensk-Amerikansk gudstjänst i kyrkan. Fanparad till Hembygdsparken.
Tal, plakettutdelning, musik, folklore och utställningar.
Karin Holmqvist 044-24 13 78
Logen Christian nr 617
Andrew Petersonutställning
Asby gamla skola (mellan Tranås och Österbymo i Ydre kommun)
Den permanenta och mycket intressanta utställningen berättar om Andrew Peterson, hans emigration till Amerika och hans liv och arbete i Carver County i Minnesota.
Här finns nu en ny lokal med en utställning som präglas av “Ydre på 1800-talet.” Den ger en bakgrund till bland annat skolans framväxt och utvandringen från bygden.
Andrew Peterson Society
23, 24 juli
Kl 11.00
25 juli
Kl 18.00
Amerikavecka 19-28 juli 2013
Guidat bygdebesök med samling i Asby. Medtag kaffekorg.
Arr: Andrew Petersonsällskapet Guider: Olle Karlsson och Rune Ericsson
“Garden Party,” Asby
Arr: Andrew Petersonsällskapet och projektet Hedners Park
För upplysningar kontakta Lena Skördeman Tfn: 0140 40005 E-post:
Välkommen till Sverige i sommar!
Maureen Bengtsson, District Cultural Leader
Page 10
Vasa Star Spring 2013
Logen Härnösand Nr 673
Lördagen den 2 februari höll
Vasa Orden sitt årsmöte med 40talet medlemmar. Rolf Ögren
med medlemmar från Logen
Mälardrottningen 563 besökte
oss, och genomförde samtidigt
installation av vår styrelse för
kommande verksamhetsår.Efter
sedvanliga förhandlingar, tilldeSonja
Nygren,samt Lena och Bo Selin
förjänsttecken för 10 års medlemskap.Till kvällens middag
hälsade värdarna Anita och
Bengt Andersson, Ulla-Britt
Nordin och Börje Nygren, samt
Britt-Marie och PerGrundström
välkomna till bords.Efter en
mycket välsmakande måltid
underhölls vi av paretÅke och
Karin Wiberg. Åke sjöng och
hanterade sitt dragspel förnämligt med Karin ackompanjerande
på elbas. Mångaroliga historier
berättades som framkallade
många skratt.Till kaffet spelades
bl.a. Härnövalsen till medlemmarnasförtjusning.
Bo Selin, Kulturledare
Torsten Torstensson wears a Vasa uniform worn 100 years ago and displays various manuscripts, medals and pins
from Vasa’s inception in America.
Rolf Ögren installerar tjänstemännen Bengt Nyberg och Marianne
Leif Claesson och Marianne
Claesson med syskon till bords.
Logen Kongahälla Nr 702
Vi har nu haft tre logemöten
hittills i år. Lördagen den 19 januari samlades ett drygt 70-tal
Vasasyskon på Restaurang Fars
Hatt i Kungälv för årsmöte och
installation av tjänstemän. Detta
blev starten för ett nytt och
förhoppningsvis händelserikt år i
Logen Kongahälla.
O Br Morgan Andersson hälsade oss alla välkomna till
årsmötet och ett speciellt
välkommen riktades till vår DD
Sy Birgit Lindblad, VDM Br Ola
Hansson, FDO Br Ingvar
Winmalm, BCM Sy Berit
Hörberg Winmalm, samtliga
från Logen Göteborg Nr 452
samt VDS Br Seppo Bladbacke
Logen Skövde Nr 626.
De sedvanliga årsrapporterna
godkändes och den avgående
styrelsen och kassören beviljades
ansvarsfrihet för det gångna året.
Installation av Logens tjänstemän för den nya terminen
utfördes ritualenligt av DD Sy
Birgit Lindblad med stab på ett
exemplariskt och värdigt sätt.
Vår O Br Morgan Andersson
tackade för förtroendet att bli
omvald och hälsade de nytillkomna tjänstemän välkomna in i
Logens arbete samt hoppades på
ett gott samarbete.
Efter en god supé, svarade vår
Aktivitetsklubb Vasakören,
under Sy Inger Unebacks ledning, för kvällens underhållning
och sjöng sånger ur Birger
Sjöbergs rika repertoar samt ett
par sånger ur Beatles repertoar.
Det blev återigen en mycket
trivsam Vasakväll i Logen
Lördagen den 16 februari
hade vi ett logemöte gemensamt
med Logen Göteborg Nr 452.
Närmar 80-talet Vasasyskon,
där av ett 15 tal från Logen
Göteborg Nr 452, samlades
denna dag på Restaurang Fars
Hatt i Kungälv. Vår O Br
Morgan Andersson öppnade
mötet och därefter ledsagades
följande tjänstemän in, vår DD
Sy Birgit Lindblad, VDM Br Ola
Hansson, O Sy Margareta
Ruthagen samtliga från Logen
Göteborg Nr 452. O Br Morgan
Andersson hälsade alla välkomna och öppningsceremonin
Först stod Logen Kongahällas
dagordning på programmet. Vår
KL Sy Birgitta Larsson
informerade om ett stort kulturutbud som är under planering i
år samt inbjöd medlemmarna i
Logen Göteborg att också delta i
Efter Logen Kongahällas
dagordning var avslutad, intog
Logen Göteborgs tjänstemän
sina ordinarie platser i Logesalen
och deras dagordning behand-
lades på ett mycket intressant
och informativt sätt. Bl.a.
informerade KL Sy Charlotte
Börjesson om släktforskning
som är ett av Logen Göteborgs
stora intresseområden och tackade för erbjudandet att få delta i
våra kulturaktiviteter. O Sy
Margareta Rutehagen genomförde därefter avslutningsceremonin på traditionellt sätt.
Insamlingen vi Ordens Väl gick
denna gång till Vasa-arkivet i
Bishop Hill.
Detta samarbete mellan
Logerna, med ett gemensamt
Logemöte i februari månad, var
det tredje i ordningen och har
utfallit mycket positivt.
Efterkapitlet avhölls som vanligt i Rådmanssalen, där vi som
vanligt fick avnjuta en mycket
god supé. För underhållningen
denna kväll svarade, två av
Kungälvs stora musikaliska förmågor, David Carbe på piano
och Mikael Gustafsson med
gitarr och sång. Vi fick höra ett
antal fina melodier i både den
lite ”rockigare” sorten samt även
ur kända musicaler och det var
ett sådant program som man
alltid tycker är för kort.
Återigen en Vasakväll som
man njöt av och där man kände
Logemötet lördagen den 16
mars samlade ett 50-tal
Logesyskon på Restaurang Fars
O Br Morgan Andersson
kunde då hälsa välkommen till O
Br Torsten Torstensson och BPS
Sy Monica Torstensson från
Logen Uddevalla Nr 638.
Vi hade också glädjen att ha
reception för Br Hans Ekstrand
och hälsa honom välkommen
som ny medlem i Logen
Kongahälla Nr 702.
Under mötet presenterades ett
flertal rapporter och det beslöts
att vi skall ha ett extra möte, utan
uppställd loge söndagen den 5
maj, för att behandla motionerna
inför Distriktslogemötet den 18 19 maj i Lundsbrunn.
Efter en god supé höll O Br
Morgan Andersson sitt tal till vår
nya medlem och därefter talade
Br Hans Ekstrand och tackade
för de välkomnande orden.
Vi fick edan en trevlig information av Br Torsten
Torstensson under rubriken
“Vasa Orden för 100 år sedan”,
där han visade gamla skrifter,
medaljer och utmärkelser som
han lyckats införskaffa i
Amerika. Även en mycket elegant “uniformsjacka”, som lär ha
används i Vasa Ordens barndom,
kunde han visa upp.
Som vanligt var alla tillfreds
och glada efter kvällens sammankomst och gemenskap.
Rolf Claesson (text) och
Leif Nilsson (foto)
Something extraordinary happened after a VASA meeting in
Texas, fourteen years ago. The speaker was the author Elsa Lagevik
who, when she learned I was planning a group tour to Sweden,
encouraged me to visit Järvsö, my great-grandfather’s Hälsingland
I couldn’t have imagined then that my new book, WHISPERS IN
THE CHURCH, Swedish Witch Hunt, 1672, would result.
There, at Karlsgården in 1998, I was shocked to learn that my
ancestor Märit Hansdotter was sentenced to death. Children witnessed at her trial that she flew through the air to feast with the devil
at Blåkulla. I burned to know the truth and years of painstaking
research followed. I learned that the accused, mostly older women,
were innocent, but that many were executed nonetheless. This was
in Sweden twenty years before Salem.
I examined how they lived, what they ate besides lutfisk and bark
bread, how they celebrated and even what they used for toilet paper.
Many things surprised me, including that a Swidden Finn became
Ingmar Bergman’s ancestor and mine, too. The fascinating things I
learned eventually became the book.
You never know what can come from attending Vasa meetings!
Submitted by: Charlene Hanson Jordan
To buy a signed copy of
Swedish Witch Hunt, 1672,
contact me:
Charlene Hanson Jordan,
1361 County Road 464
Elgin, TX 78621
(512) 856-2562
Vasa Star Spring 2013
Expected Spring
and Other Events
This is written only three
days after the arrival of
Spring - in the calendar, but
in all Sweden we still have
sort of Winter with very low
temperatures and some snow
remaining on the ground. It
gives the background to this
Some signs of Spring have
come. One is the arrival of the
first crane to the Hornborga
lake in the province of
Västergötland. Some early
flowers like snowdrops and
winter aconites have defied the
winter in the south. Easter is
just one week away and it is
usually not connected to
Regardless of the weather we
are planning for our district
meetings in May. DL 19 will
meet in Skövde May 18-19 and
DL 20 in Ljungby May 10-11.
Hopefully we will have the
pleasure of welcoming some
Vasa members from the other
side of the ocean. Before these
meetings a gathering of the cultural leaders from the local
lodges within DL 20 will take
place on April 20.
The activities at the Swedish
American Center in Karlstad are
increasing in number, partly due
to widening of the migration
subject. It is now, in addition to
the work on the large
tion to America, also much to
find out and register of the
immigration to Sweden and also
some still existent emigration
from Sweden to other countries.
One example of the latter part is
the ongoing and probably temporary emigration to Norway,
where young unemployed people go to finding work and
income. One of our latest lectures at the center was dealing
with that subject. Another
recently was a lecture on “The
Swedes in Oregon” given by the
Nordström from Beavercreek,
OR, author and translator. He
has written several books covering his area in the Northwest,
where he also is running a vineyard.
In conclusion migration is a
better word than emigration for
the future. This was sincerely
debated at the annual meeting
of the SAC a few days ago. It
was also the first annual meeting for Mathias Nilsson as the
new director, and it also contained the change of President
of the center. The former governor, Eva Eriksson, was sincerely thanked for her services and
replaced by the new governor,
Kenneth Johansson. It is a long
tradition that the governor of
the province of Värmland is the
President of SAC.
Returning to Vasa issues the
Swedish-American of the Year
has been appointed by the joint
committee from DL 19 and DL
20. The person for 2013 is
Martina Arfvidson of New
York, CEO for Face Stockholm,
a company in the cosmetic business spread out to 170 places in
the world. She is also known as
a singer. The order of arrangements for her this summer is not
yet fully fixed, but there will
probably be celebrations in
Stockholm and Karlstad.
From the cultural point of
view we have sort of renaissance of abstract art in the US
as well as in Sweden in the
form of a discussion on how
that kind of art started. In
Modern Museum of Art in New
York there is an ongoing (until
April 15) exhibition, “Inventing
Abstraction, 1910-1925” mentioning at least one Swede, Nell
Walden, as an early protagonist
of the field. Simultaneously The
Moderna Museet in Stockholm
has an exhibition on Hilma af
Klint going until May 26. She
was probably the very first
painter of abstract art (1906),
but she is not even mentioned in
New York except in an article
in Wall Street Journal: “Did a
Mystic Swede Invent Abstract
Painting?” An explanation is
Continued on page 12
Page 11
Förväntad vår och andra händelser
Expected Spring
Continued from page 11
that Hilma af Klint, who passed
away in 1944, did not allow her
paintings to be shown until 20
years after her death. The paintings have now been shown and
provoked the discussion. A fair
comment would be that both
these Swedish women were
very good pioneers in the field
of Abstract Art.
This year we have a common
jubilee to face, the 375 year
anniversary of New Sweden
that was founded 1938 by the
very first Swedes (some Finns
included) coming to the US.
They came on two ships,
Kalmare Nyckel and Fogel Grip
and landed at current
Wilmington (at the time: Fort
Christina) in Delaware. They
negotiated about land with the
Lenape Indians and spread out
also to small parts of New
Pennsylvania. The Swedish
colony ended 1655, when first
the Dutch and later (1964) the
English took over. Most of the
Swedes (and Finns) chose to
stay in the area under the new
rule. The anniversary will be
observed several times, first on
the annual Colonist’s Day on
April 14, more prominent on
May 11 in the presence of King
Carl-Gustaf and Queen Silvia of
Sweden together with the
Speaker of the Parliament of
Finland, Eero Heinälouma.
Still more interesting to us in
Sweden is “The New Sweden
375 Friendship Delegation Tour
of Finland, Sweden and
Iceland” June 2-14 2013. The
tour is arranged by the Swedish
Wilmington. Herbert Rambo,
a prominent Vasa member of
LL #172 Oscars Borg in
Philadelphia, is in charge of the
celebration on May 11, but he
will also be the leader of the
delegation to Scandinavia in
June. Together with other Vasa
members I hope to meet the
delegation in some place in
Looking forward to Spring
and Summer.
In Truth and Unity
Stig S. Salgeback
GLCD Sweden
Det här skrivs bara tre
dagar efter vårdagjämningen,
men i hela Sverige råder vintern fortfarande med mycket
låga temperaturer och en del
snö kvar på marken i nästan
hela landet. Det ger bakgrunden till denna artikel.
En del vårtecken har dock
visat sig. Ett sådant är ankomsten av den första tranan till
Hornborgasjön i Västergötland.
I söder har som vanligt snödroppar och vintergäck trotsat
vintern. Och mycket snart är det
påsk, som ju inte brukar
förknippas med vinter.
Oberoende av vädret förbereds nu våra distriktsmöten.
DL 19 skall samlas i Skövde
18-19 maj och DL 20 i Ljungby
10-11 maj. Förhoppningsvis får
vi glädjen att välkomna några
Vasasyskon från andra sidan
Atlanten. Dessförinnan kommer
DL 20 att anordna en träff för
sina kulturledare den 18 april.
Aktiviteterna vid SverigeAmerika Centret i Karlstad ökar
i antal, delvis beroende på en
vidgning av innehållet i begreppet migration. Förutom den
klassiska Amerikaemigrationen
finns det numera mycket att ta
reda på om immigrationen till
Sverige i nutiden samt i någon
mån pågående emigration från
vårt land. Ett exempel på det
senare är den, troligen temporära men omfattande, emigrationen till Norge, dit unga
arbetslösa åker för att hitta
arbete och inkomst. En av våra
senaste föreläsningar behandlade detta ämne. En annan
föreläsning gavs nyligen av
svenskamerikanen Lars Nordström från Beavercreek, OR,
om “Svenskarna i Oregon.”
Lars är författare och översättare och har skrivit flera
böcker om sitt område i nordvästra USA, där han också
driver en vingård.
Sammanfattningsvis blir i
framtiden migration ett bättre
täckande ord än emigration.
Detta diskuterades seriöst förra
veckan vid årsmötet med SAC.
Det var också det första
årsmötet med Mathias Nilsson
som föreståndare, men samtidigt skedde också nyval av
ordförande. Förra landshövdingen, Eva Eriksson, avtackades
och ersattes av sin efterföljare
som landshövding, Kenneth
Johansson. Det är en lång tradition, att landshövdingen också
är ordförande för SAC.
Återgående till vår ordens
aktiviteter skall meddelas, att
Årets Svensk-Amerikan för
2013 har utsetts av den gemensamma kommittén från DL 19
och DL 20. Det blev Martina
Arfvidson från New York, chef
för Face Stockholm, ett företag i
kosmetikbranschen med spridning till 170 platser i världen.
Hon är också känd som sångare.
Sommarens arrangemang med
anledning av detta är ännu inte
helt fastlagda, men högtidligheter kommer troligen förläggas till Stockholm och Karlstad.
Beträffande kultur upplever
vi ett slags renässans av abstrakt
konst i såväl USA som Sverige,
närmast som en diskussion om
hur denna konstgren startade.
På Modern Museum of Art i
New York pågår (t.o.m. 15
april) utställningen “Inventing
Abstraction 1910 – 1925” med
visning av åtminstone en svensk, Nell Walden, som pionjär i
denna konstart. Samtidigt visar
Moderna Muséet i Stockholm
en separatutställning (t.o.m. 26
maj) med verk av en annan
svensk kvinna, Hilma af Klint,
som troligen var den allra första
(1906) konstnären på detta fält,
men hon är inte ens nämnd i
New York utom i en artikel i
Wall Street Journal: “Did a
Mystic Swede Invent Abstract
Painting?” En förklaring skulle
kunna vara, att Hilma af Klint,
som dog 1944, inte tillät, att
hennes konst fick visas förrän
20 år efter hennes död.
Målningarna har nu visats och
orsakat diskussionen. En rimlig
kommentar är väl, att båda
dessa svenska kvinnor var goda
pionjärer, när det gäller abstrakt
I år har vi ett gemensamt
jubileum att uppmärksamma,
375-årsminnet av “New
Sweden,” som grundades 1938
av de allra första svenskarnas
(och några finnars) ankomst till
USA. De kom på två båtar,
Kalmare Nyckel och Fogel
Grip, och gick i land vid
nuvarande Wilmington (då: Fort
Christina) i Delaware. De
förhandlade till sig mark av
Lenape-indianerna och spred ut
sig till närliggande delar av
New Jersey, Maryland och
Pennsylvania. Den svenska
kolonin erövrades först av holländarna (1655) och senare
(1664) av engelsmännen. De
flesta i den primära kolonin
bestämde sig för att stanna
under de nya herrarna och i dag
finns de i upp till 14:e generationen kvar i USA. Minnet
kommer att uppmärksammas
flera gånger, först vid den årliga
Kolonisternas Dag den 14 april
men ännu högtidligare den 11
maj i närvaro av kung CarlGustaf och drottning Silvia samt
finska riksdagens talman Eero
Ännu mer intressant för oss i
Sverige blir “The New Sweden
375 Friendship Delegation Tour
of Finland, Sweden and
Iceland” 2 – 14 juni 2013.
Resan arrangeras av “The
Swedish Colonial Society” i
Wilmington och kommer att
ledas av Herbert Rambo, en
välkänd Vasamedlem i LL No
172 Oscars Borg i Philadelphia.
Han är också huvudansvarig för
firandet den 11 maj. Jag och
andra Vasamedlemmar hoppas
kunna sammanträffa med delegationen på någon plats under
turen i Sverige.
I Sanning och Enighet
Stig Sälgeback, SLKL Sverige
In Memoriam
Till minne av hädangångna ordenssyskon genom vilkas bortgång syskonkretsen gjort en kännbar förlust
In memory of our departed members who will be sorely missed
Andersson, passed away in Sweden on March
15, 2013. May was born in Vaardsberg,
Sweden on August 12, 1917. She was predeceased by her husband, Erling Dahl. In the
1950’s she came to San Diego where she later
established residence. She became a member
of the Gustav V Lodge #175 and the House of
Pacific Relations and House of Sweden, and
affiliated with the House of Norway and the
House of France. She played the piano beautifully, and often entertained with music and
song and Scandinavian cultural events. She
regularly returned to the Linköping area of
Sweden, where she had many friends and relatives. After the loss of her husband, she relocated back to Sweden in 2011. She is survived
by her son, Urban Fridlund, his wife Roma
and their daughter Katarina in Sweden. She is
also survived by her stepdaughter Greta
Goszinski and her family in PA. She will be
dearly missed by her many friends in
California and the world. Among her close
friends were Marta and Bengt Nilsson, their
daughters Anna and Maria, all of San Diego,
and Britta Oskarson of Sweden.
away in Los Angeles on December 25, 2012 at
the age of 90. She was born July 11, 1922 in
Hallsberg, Sweden and joined North Star
Lodge #106 on October 3, 1989. She is survived by her daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.
Page 12
JUNE LILLIAN MORGAN passed away in
Placentia, CA, on January 4, 2013 at the age of
93. She was born in Los Angeles on June 28,
1919 and joined North Star Lodge #106 on
July 16, 1935, and was the longest-time member. She is survived by two dauthers and one
son, and their families.
ELEANOR PFEIL died unexpectedly
December 23, 2012, at the age 92, following a
fall. She was was initiated into membership in
Sveaborg Lodge #449 on March 19, 1942.
FRANK W. PETERSON was born in
Arvika, Sweden on July 23, 1922. He passed
away at home in Chicago on December 24,
2012. He is survived by his loving wife of 58
years, Vangelene, and his daughter Linnnea
(Paul) Johnson. He was ¨papa¨to Bjorn Erik,
Birgitta Maj, and Kjell Anders Johnson. Frank
was a founding member of Hagar Lodge #721.
He was a Past Chairman and Cultural Leader.
He was Santa Claus at the Christmas party for
many years, and active as the glögg maker for
Hagar and Vasa Park in November. Each
March he would regale the lodge with the
story of Sven Patrick. Frank served on the
board of the Vasa Park Association for several
years and the original concept of what became
Scandinavian Day came from him. He boiled
potatoes and worked the herring stand for
Children’s Day in June and worked non-stop
in the beer garden for Scandinavian Day. On
work days at Vasa Park, he painted alongside
Marion Johnson. Little did they know that one
day Paul Johnson would become his son-in-
law. Vasa Conventions were also a time to celebrate his Swedish heritage. Trips with Vasa
members were always enjoyed. Frank was a
quiet man, but his opinion was often sought by
others. His wisdom will be missed by all of us.
Hälsa hem med Gud.
January 19, 2013, at age 86. John served in
both the Finnish Army and the U.S. Army. He
worked for SAS Airlines and Finnair Airlines.
He was a member of Vinland Lodge of Cape
Cod #703, Nordic Lodge #603 of Worcester,
Lindbergh Lodge #505 in Long Island, NY,
and Royal Palm Lodge in FL. His wife Sonya,
son John Henrik, 3 children and 7 great-grandchildren survive him.
C. ALAN LINDQUIST, JR., was born
September 15, 1918 in South Dayton, NY, and
passed away April 22, 2012, in Orange City,
FL. He joined Stenbock Lodge #138 on June
20, 2010. Alan graduated from Alfred
University in NY in 1947 with a Masters in
Ceramic Engineering. He holds three U.S.
patents. He and his wife, Geraldine (also
deceased) were fromer members of Viking
Lodge #735 in Bethlehem, PA.
RONALD A. SWANSON was born in
Minneapolis, MN on November 25, 1929 and
passed away in Blommington, MN, on
December 12, 2012. He joined Stenbock
Lodge #138 on November 9, 1983. He served
as Chairman several years and was District
Master in 1998 for District #7. He is survived
by his wife Elna, daughter Sara, son Mark
(Julie), two granddaughters Hannah and
Olivia, and two brothers.
JANE O’NEILL OLSON, 81, born January
22, 1932, passed away April 1, 2013. Jane
joined Oscars Borg Lodge #172 in
Philadelphia in April 1997. Jane was the dear
wife of Frank W. and loving mother of Rev.
James, Eric, and Nancy. She also is survived
by four grandchildren, many nieces and
nephews, and her brother and sisters. She will
be sorely missed. Sov i ro.
FAGERSTROM (1924-1912), former
Arlington, TX, resident, educational pioneer
and community leader died September 27,
2012 in Boulder City, NV. She was preceded
in death by her husband, Jerry. She was a
member of the Carl XVI Gustaf Lodge #716 in
Dallas, TX.
ROBERT C. HOLLAND, 87, died on
January 3, 2013, at his home in Centreville
VA. An economist and a World War II veteran, Robert was born April 7, 1925, in
Tekamah, NE. He was predeceased by his
wife, the former DeEtte Hedlund in 1993.
Survivors include a son and two daughters, six
grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Robert joined Drott Lodge #168 in October
entered God’s loving arms on January 17,
2013 at the age of 93. Beloved wife of
Norbert for 57 years. Loving mother and
devoted grandmother and great-grandmother.
Ethel was a member in Linde Lodge #492 for
almost 35 years, and was very active. She held
the Financial Secretary position for many
years, and also assisted with the Skansen
Children’s Club. She could be counted on to
attend the District Conventions and will be
missed by all.
check or money order to:
Annelie Lindberg, 105 Gorrion
Ave., Ventura, CA 93004.
The fee is $8.00 for 1 column
inch. Longer obituaries will
be charged a flat rate of
$25.00. All notices MUST be
typed and WRITTEN in a format similar to those in this column. NO newspaper clippings.
Vasa Star Winter 2013