BUSINESS BULLETIN # 19 HOLAND BUSINESS BORREL – RABOBANK - FEBRUARY 18 BUSINESS BORREL IN RIO DE JANEIRO - FEBRUARY 20 STAFF CHANGE ADVERTISING – GAIA SILVA GAEDE & ASSOCIADOS B.D.O. INVITATION NEW MEMBER – V.P.C. INTERNATIONAL NEW MEMBER – FALE MELHOR EVENT - GAIA SILVA GAEDE & ASSOCIADOS – PANEL DISCUSSION B.N.D - INVITATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 HOLAND BUSINESS BORREL – RABOBANK Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce 01 Bulletin #19 BUSINESS BORREL IN RIO DE JANEIRO - FEBRUARY 20 As suggested by Dutcham´s Rio Advisory Board, during the year 2014, "Business Borrels" will be organized in Rio following the pure networking concept as proven successful in São Paulo. The next is scheduled for Thursday February 20, starting 17:30. All members and friends in or with connections in Rio are welcome to keep an eye on our Facebook and LinkedIn page, and / or send us an e-mail requesting an invitation Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 02 STAFF CHANGE This year we say goodbye to Laís Silveira, who throughout all these years played an important role in our organization. We appreciate her commitment and rejoicing during this time at Dutcham. We would like to say thank you to Laís for everything she has done here and wish her sucess in her new challenge at the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional CSN. We also like to introduce you Ulisses Rinaldi that will be taking of Laís duties from now on. Good luck Ulisses! Dutcham's Staff Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 03 Law Prac tice and Legal Consulting. Gaia Silva Gaede & Associados has been recognized as a national leader among Brazilian top law firms by offering solutions in the most economical, timely and creative ways possible. São Paulo - Rio de Janeiro - Curitiba - Belo Horizonte Brasília Buenos Aires - Miami - New York - Lima - Los Angeles Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 04 B.D.O. Invitation Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 05 NEW MEMBER – V.P.C. INTERNATIONAL VPC International is specialized in e-commerce outsourcing, distribution, physical stores, telemarketing sales, local production, setup local entity and business development. VPC contemplates all steps of the supply chain, from purchasing locally or importing, to post sale customer service. Including credit and antifraud analysis, billing, invoicing, fulfillment, distribution, local production, management and online marketing. The platform and services are developed in modules, which can be used integrated or separately, according to the customer needs. Global Presence VPC is now part of an International cross border network, providing local services in the following countries: Australia, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. In all those 16 countries VPC is able to provide the following services: Market research, Localization Roadmap, Market Approach Plan, Translations, Country Manual, Setup Local Address, Legal documents, Legal Update Service, Trustmark Implementation Support, Site check, Local Bank Account, VAT Number Registration, Monthly VAT Applying, Training On Location, Customer Care Service, Shop Management, Online Marketing Support, Affiliate Marketing Support, SEO Analysis Support, SEO Copywriting and Link Building, Social Media Support, Executing Work, Logistic Fulfillment, Foreign Trade Work, Setup Local Return Address, Setup local Warehouse/Fulfillment, Return Handling, Return Shipment. Company Roots The company was founded in 2006 by Daniel Pellegrini, a Brazilian entrepreneur with international business experience, who had already worked for other multinational companies, such as Tectoy, Microsoft, 3Com/ U.S. Robotics and Microsiga (Totvs). Headquartered in Santana de Parnaíba industrial complex, in the Greater Sao Paulo Area, VPC distribution center has three thousand square meters of storage room in VPC distribution centers and a highly qualified team capable to deploy Omni Channel services and fulfillment. Website: / Phone: 5511 3522-5524 Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 06 NEW MEMBER – FALE MELHOR Fale Melhor is a clinic specialized in all areas of audiology including: voice, stuttering, dysphagia, oral motor disorders, dyslexia, among others.For over 15 years always offering a modern and current in speech therapy treatments. The clinic counts on 12 speech therapists who receive training and constant updates to clinical care of adults and children. Fale Melhor offers members of Dutcham and their dependents a discount of 25% charged by the clinic table, effective at the time of service in conditions not covered by attended conventions, such as: elimination of esthetic accent or speech. The diseases covered by the covenants, which are accredited, will be served in the traditional manner, ie presentation of medical claim, the patient's ID card, signature service guide and your timely payments and that clinical judgment required To better identify future patients that work for companies associated with Dutcham. It’s required that the patient provides the name of the company that he or she works for at the time of schedule a consultation along with address, and contact telephone. Fale Melhor is located in a strategic point of the city of São Paulo, close to Marechal Deodoro subway station, train, bus and with easy parking at the subway station. Our service is from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 19 pm. Rua Tupi, 267- cj 61/64 Perdizes / Pacaembu Dra. Marisa Farber Contact (11) 3664-8785 Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 07 PAINEL DE DEBATES - 20 de Fevereiro de 2014 – Comércio Eletrônico e Computação em Nuvem: Aspectos Tributários Este Painel de Debates tem o escopo de discutir os pontos controvertidos da legislação e da jurisprudência relativos à tributação do comércio eletrônico e de algumas operações efetuadas no ambiente de nuvem (cloud computing). O Painel pretende tratar de pontos específicos de cada um desses temas e, sempre que possível, traçar paralelos entre as cargas tributárias de cada modelo de negócios, eventualmente com uma visão crítica do tratamento tributário já manifestado pelas autoridades fiscais. Programa 1. Introdução: Conceitos básicos de Comércio Eletrônico e Computação em Nuvem 1.1. Comércio eletrônico direto X Comércio eletrônico indireto 1.2. Aquisição de intangíveis via nuvem: as operações SaaS e Streaming 2. Tributação na aquisição de tangíveis (Comércio eletrônico indireto) 2.1. ICMS o 2.1.1. O Problema do Protocolo ICMS 21/2011 o 2.1.2. Pessoa Física X Pessoa Jurídica: Questões envolvendo documentos fiscais e a venda direta 2.2. Possíveis incidências do IPI 2.3. Tributação Aduaneira 3. Tributação do download (Comércio eletrônico direto) 3.1. Bens virtuais: mercadorias ou serviços? 3.2. O download como forma de aquisição de bens produzidos em série 3.3. ICMS no download 3.4. Download internacional X Tributação aduaneira (II, PIS/COFINS, IPI) 3.5. Download internacional X Tributação de serviços (ISS, CIDE, PIS/COFINS) 3.6. Tributação do software sem mídia 4. Tributação da computação em nuvem 4.1. Tributação do Software as a Service (SaaS) X Tributação do download 4.2. Tributação do Streaming X Tributação do download de músicas Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 08 Local, Data e Horário Hotel Renaissance Alameda Santos, 2233 – Jardins, São Paulo – SP – Brasil 20 de fevereiro de 2014, quinta-feira 08:30 h – Recepção 09:00 h – Seminário 10:30 h – Coffee Break 12:15 h – Encerramento Expositores Advogados de Gaia, Silva, Gaede & Associados Investimento e Inscrição R$ 420,00 (quatrocentos e vinte reais) por participante. Inscrições e Informações Falar com Ana Carolina Fone: +55 11 3797-7400 Email: Atenciosamente, Gaia Silva Gaede Advogados Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 09 B.N.D - INVITATION Wat Seminar Doing Business in Brazil en de Brazil Network borrel Wanneer woensdag 5 maart 2014 14:00 - 18:00 uur, met aansluitend de Brazil network day borrel Kosten Gratis. Er geldt voor dit seminar wel een noshow fee van 225 euro. Waar Kyocera Stadion, Ado Den Haag Info & programma Ter gelegenheid van de Brazilian Network Day 2014 en de komst van de nieuwe ambassadeur organiseren Fenedex en Dutcham op 5 maart a.s. een seminar Doing Business in Brazil. Als een van de BRIC-landen geldt Brazilië als een markt die legio kansen biedt voor ondernemers. Hoewel de economische groei de afgelopen twee jaar vertraagde, kent Brazilië nog steeds een groeiende middenklasse en daarmee ook een groeiende consumentenmarkt. Sprekers, o.a. de nieuwe ambassadeur voor Brazilie Rob Wilmink, voorzitter van de DTB Brazilië Tanja Jungen, Brazilië desk, Rabobank Durand Rekko, Commercial Director, Vanderlande Industries in Brazilië Toch blijft Brazilië ook voor ervaren ondernemers een moeilijke markt. Men ondervindt veel hinder van protectionistische maatregelen die export naar dit land op het eerste gezicht onaantrekkelijk maken. Tijdens deze middag, gaan experts en een tweetal exportbedrijven in op de kansen en randvoorwaarden voor succesvol zakendoen in Brazilië. De middag wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Rabobank, BDO en Zaroni Advogados. Dutch Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Bulletin #19 10