Wegwijzer Gezondheid voor groei Calls 2014 Gezondheid voor Groei is het derde meerjarig actieprogramma van de EU op het gebied van gezondheid voor de periode 2014-2020 Versie juni 2014 3e Europese actieprogramma ‘Gezondheid voor Groei’ In deze wegwijzer… Deze wegwijzer leidt u door het 3e Europese actieprogramma voor gezondheid ‘Gezondheid voor Groei’. Het programma loopt van 2014 tot 2020 en richt zich op een gezond Europa. Het bundelen van kennis ter ondersteuning van nationaal beleid staat centraal. Het programma heeft vier thematische prioriteiten: De Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) voert dit programma uit voor DG Sanco van de Europese Commissie. De prioriteiten en criteria voor de financiering van activiteiten staan elk jaar vast in een werkprogramma. Calls in 2014 Het totale budget voor het werkprogramma van 2014 is 54,5 miljoen euro. In deze wegwijzer vindt u de belangrijkste mogelijkheden binnen het werkprogramma van 2014 in een beknopt overzicht: I. II. III. Grants for projects Grants for joint actions Procurement Aanbestedingen verschijnen het hele jaar door en zijn te vinden op de website van de Europese Commissie. Oproepen voor projecten worden gepubliceerd via de Participant Portal. Heeft u vragen over het programma? Neem dan contact op via horizon.health@rvo.nl Wegwijzer Gezondheid voor Groei voor vragen mail horizon.health@rvo.nl I. Grants for Projects 2014 Thematic priority 1. Promoting health, preventing diseases and fostering supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the ‘health in all policies’ principle Topic ID: Topic title: PJ-01-2014 Innovation to prevent and manage chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular…) Promoting early diagnosis and screening of preventable chronic diseases Innovative approaches to promote the professional reintegration of people with chronic diseases PJ-02-2014 PJ-03-2014 Total call budget € 2 500 000 Deadline € 1 500 000 25-09-2014 € 1 000 000 25-09-2014 25-09-2014 Thematic priority 2. Protecting Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats No calls foreseen in 2014 Thematic priority 3. Contributing to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems Topic ID: Topic title: PJ-04-2014 Support in areas related to adherence, frailty, integrated care and multi-chronic conditions Financial support for statistical data in the area of medicinal product pricing in Member States Towards a sustainable health monitoring and reporting system PJ-05-2014 PJ-06-2014 Total call budget € 3 000 000 Deadline € 300 000 25-09-2014 € 3 500 000 25-09-2014 25-09-2014 Thematic priority 4. Facilitating access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens Topic ID: Topic title: PJ-07-2014 Healthcare associated infection in long-term care Wegwijzer Gezondheid voor Groei Total call budget € 500 000 Deadline 25-09-2014 voor vragen mail horizon.health@rvo.nl II. Grants for Joint Actions 2014 Thematic priority 1. Promoting health, preventing diseases and fostering supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the ‘health in all policies’ principle Joint Action Topics Deadline Facilitating the sharing of good practices between the EU Member States on national policies related to unbalanced dietary habits and physical inactivity No call for proposals Improvement of HIV and co-infection prevention and treatment in priority regions and priority groups in the European Union No call for proposals Promoting the implementation in Member States of coordinated actions to improve the situation of people with dementia and their carers No call for proposals Thematic priority 2. Protecting Union citizens from serious cross-border health threats Joint Action Topics Deadline Efficient response to highly dangerous and emerging pathogens at EU level – Phase II No call for proposals Thematic priority 3. Contributing to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems Joint Action Topics Deadline Technical and scientific co-operation allowing improved coordination and resource sharing between Member States eHealth support for the eHealth Network by national competent authorities No call for proposals No call for proposals Thematic Priority 4. Facilitating access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens Joint Action Topics Deadline Support to the implementation of Council Recommendation and Commission Communication on Rare Diseases, in particular to an EU wide rare diseases information database Strengthening the Member States’ capacity of monitoring and control in the field of blood transfusion and tissue and cell transplantation No call for proposals Wegwijzer Gezondheid voor Groei No call for proposals voor vragen mail horizon.health@rvo.nl III. Procurement 2014 Thematic priority 1 - Promoting health, preventing diseases and fostering supportive environments for healthy lifestyles taking into account the ‘health in all policies’ principle Ref: Description Type of contract 3.1.1 Evaluation of the anti-tobacco campaign “Exsmokers are unstoppable” and Antitobacco communication campaign aimed at encouraging smoking cessation Monitoring of the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health Specific contracts based on existing framework service contracts 3.1.2 3.1.3. Monitoring the EU Alcohol and Health Forum 3.1.4. EU Health Policy Forum or similar cross cutting stakeholder activities 3.1.5. Disseminating good practice on mental health through the European Compass for Action on Mental Health and Well-being Tobacco legislation: Provision of technical and scientific input and tailor-made tools to prepare and adopt cost-effective measures against smoking on the EU level, as well as to support the implementation of the existing policies 3.1.6. Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contracts based on a new service framework contract New direct service contract Direct service contracts or specific contracts based on existing framework service contracts Indicative timeframe Second quarter of 2014 First semester of 2014 First semester of 2014 First semester of 2014 First semester of 2014 20141 Thematic priority 2 - Protecting Union citizens from serious crossborder health threats Ref: Description Type of contract 3.2.1 High level hearing/conference with stakeholders on the state of art of seasonal influenza vaccination followed by a study on cost-benefit and socioeconomic impact of seasonal influenza vaccination Study on cost-benefit of reference laboratories for human pathogens Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Direct service contract Second quarter of 2014 3.2.3. Organisation of a command post exercise to test emergency coordination 3.2.4. Support to preparedness activities under Decision No 1082/2013/EU on serious crossborder health threats including joint procurement of medical countermeasures Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contract based on an existing framework service contrac Second quarter of 2014 Second quarter of 2014 3.2.2 Indicative timeframe Second quarter of 2014 1 Two contracts in the second quarter, two contracts in the third quarter and two contracts in the fourth quarter of 2014 Wegwijzer Gezondheid voor Groei voor vragen mail horizon.health@rvo.nl Thematic priority 3 - Contributing to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems Ref: Description Type of contract 3.3.1. Maintenance and development of the existing Eudamed and the PORT authentication e-services portal Development of the future EUDAMED following the adoption by the legislators of new Regulations on medical devices Development of a data storage system for reports of assessments of notified bodies Specific contracts based on an existing framework service contract Specific contracts based on an existing framework service contract Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Depends on subaction 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 3.3.4. Video on National Contact Points on cross-border healthcare 3.3.5. 3.3.6. Assessment of implementation of Patients’ Rights directive Cross-border health services 3.3.7. Study on health economics 3.3.8. Communication on online pharmacies – translation support 3.3.9. Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) 3.3.10. EMP database (management of marketing authorisations for medicinal products and of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products) and IT systems 3.3.11. Studies on off-label use of medicinal products 3.3.12. Studies on the implementation of the pharmaceutical legislation 3.3.13. ICH reform and Establishment of the International Pharmaceutical Regulators Forum (IPRF) 3.3.14. Scientific and technical assistance for scientific committees, the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in Health and public health policies 3.3.15. Support for the definition of core competences of healthcare assistants Wegwijzer Gezondheid voor Groei Indicative timeframe First semester of 2014 First/2nd semester of 2014 First semester of 2014 Second semester of 2014 2014 Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contracts based on an existing framework service contract Specific contract based on an existing service framework contract Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contracts based on existing framework service contracts First semester of 2014 2014 Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Specific contract based on an existing service framework contract Direct service contracts/One specific contract based on an existing framework Direct service contract Second semester of 2014 Second semester of 2014 Second semester of 2014 Second semester of 2014 First semester of 2014 First semester of 2014 2014 First semester of 2014 voor vragen mail horizon.health@rvo.nl Thematic priority 4 - Facilitating access to better and safer healthcare for Union citizens Ref: Description Type of contract 3.4.1. Implementation of the Cross-border Healthcare Directive Study on costs of unsafe care and cost-effectiveness of patient safety programmes Depending on subactions Indicative timeframe 2014 Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract First semester of 2014 3.4.3. AMR – Third EU Report on the implementation of the Council Recommendation 77/2002/EC on prudent use of antimicrobial agents Direct service contract Second quarter of 2014 3.4.4. Eurobarometer for blood, tissues and cells Specific contract based on an existing framework service contract Second semester of 2014 Indicative timeframe First and second semesters 2014 3.4.2. Horizontal activities (related to all previous objectives) Ref: Description Type of contract 3.5.1. Communication, promotion and dissemination of information on EU health policies and the results of the Health programmes Specific contracts based on existing framework service contracts and direct service contracts 3.5.2. Information technologies in support of public health policies Specific contracts based on existing framework service contracts Wegwijzer Gezondheid voor Groei First and second semesters 2014 voor vragen mail horizon.health@rvo.nl