Annual Scientific Meeting of the
European Society for
Clinical Investigation
30 April - 3 May 2014
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to host this
prestigious congress in the city where
ESCI was founded by
Prof. Albert Struyvenberg in 1967.
Great international experts will cover
a broad spectrum of basic, translational
and clinical science.
We hope to welcome you in Utrecht,
Organizing committee
Hendrik Nathoe, President of Congress
Piero Portincasa, President of ESCI
Wednesday 30 April 2014
17.00 - 18.00 Registration
18.00 - 19.00 Opening ceremony
19.00 - 19.30 “Albert Struyvenberg Medal Lecture” by Prof. H. Clevers
19.30 - 21.30 Welcome Reception
Thursday 1 May 2014
08.00 - 08.30 Registration
08.30 - 12.30 Parallel Sessions:
Workshop Cardiology: regenerative medicine in CV disease
Workshop Phagocyte Biology: trafficking of leucocytes
Workshop Mitochondrial Disease: mitochondria in life and disease
Workshop Rheumatology: extracellular vesicles and microRNAs
Workshop Hypertension: cardiovascular risk factors and risk assessment
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 17.00 Parallel Sessions:
Workshop Cardiology: endogenous cardiac repair strategies
Workshop Phagocyte Biology: phagocytes balancing immune system
Workshop Metabolic and Mitochondrial Disease: multidisciplinary aspects in obesity,
diabetes & nutrition Workshop
Rheumatology: cardiovascular risk in autoimmune disease
Workshop Hypertension: new treatment options in hypertension
17.00 - 19.00 Poster session
Friday 2 May 2014
08.00 - 08.30 Registration
08.30 - 12.30 Parallel Sessions:
Workshop Cardiology: gender disparity in CV disease
Congress venue
Workshop Phagocyte Biology: cell biology of phagocytes
Workshop Metabolic Disease: highlights in translational research liver/gut
Workshop Rheumatology: from the basics to the clinic I
Workshop Mitochondrial Disease: translational medicine
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch
Plenary joint session: regenerative medicine (RM)
13.30 - 14.00 RM: Phagocyte Biology
14.00 - 14.30 RM: Rheumatology
14.30 - 15.00 RM: Mitochondrial Disease
15.30 - 16.00 RM: Cardiovascular Disease
16.00 - 16.30 RM: Metabolic Disease
16.30 - 17.00 Plenary Discussion
17.00 - 19.00 Poster session
19.45 - 22.00 Congress dinner
Saturday 3 May 2014
Plenary Sessions: clinical and basic science award
08.30 - 09.30 ESCI Awards: clinical and basic/translational research
09.30 - 10.00 Presidential lecture: clinical genetics of liver diseases
10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break
10.30 - 13.30 Parallel Sessions:
Workshop Cardiology: imaging in CV disease
Workshop Phagocyte Biology: therapeutic strategies
Workshop Mitochondrial Disease: from the basics to the clinic II
Workshop Rheumatology: systemic autoimmune disease pathophysiology
Ass. Prof. Geena Allison (UK)
Prof. Van Berge-Henegouwen (NL)
Prof. Ulrich Brandt (NL)
Ass. Prof Annelien Bredenoord (NL)
Prof. Edwin Chilvers (UK)
Prof. Hans Clevers (NL)
Prof. Fabio Di Lisa (IT)
Prof. Stefanie Dimmeler (DE)
Prof. Pieter Doevendans (NL)
Prof. Pál Géher (HU)
Prof. Ron Germain (US)
Prof. Mauro Giacca (IT)
Ass. Prof. Max Gnecchi (IT)
Prof. Rick Grobbee (NL)
Prof. A.K. Groen (NL)
Prof. Tim Henry (US)
Prof. Mark Hogarth (AU)
Ass. Prof. Felix Mahfoud (DE)
Prof. Christine Mummery (NL)
Prof. Falk Nimmerjahn (DE)
Prof. Savina Nodari (IT)
Prof. Thomas Pap (DE)
Prof. Franco Perticone (IT)
Ass. Prof. Kris Reedquist (NL)
Prof. Georg Schett (DE)
Prof. Dirk Schübeler (CH)
Prof. Tony Segal (UK)
Prof. Ladislav Senolt (CZ)
Prof. Jan Smeitink (NL)
Prof. Oliver Soehnlein (DE)
Prof. Csaba Szalai (HU)
Prof. Akira Takashima (US)
Prof. Markus Sperandio (DE)
Prof. Thomas Valerius (DE)
Workshop organizers
Workshop Cardiology:
Steven Chamuleau, Eva van Rooij and Tim Leiner (Ass. Prof. Utrecht, NL)
Yolande Appelman (Ass. Prof. Amsterdam, NL)
Workshop Phagocyte Biology:
Leo Koenderman (Prof.) and Jeanette Leusen (Ass. Prof. Utrecht, NL)
Workshop Mitochondrial Disease and Translational Medicine:
Paulo Oliveira and Carlos Palmeira (Ass. Prof., Coimbra, PT), Werner Koopman
(Ass. Prof. Nijmegen, NL) and Mariusz Wieckowski (Ass. Prof. Warsaw, PL)
Workshop Rheumatology:
György Nagy (Ass. Prof. Budapest, Hungary)
Workshop Metabolic Aspects, Liver and Gut: Highlights in Translational Research:
Piero Portincasa (prof, Bari, Italy), Gema Frühbeck (prof, Pamplona, ES) and
Dan Dumitrascu (prof, Cluj, RO)
Workshop Hypertension and Cardiovascular disease:
Michiel Voskuil and Peter Blankestijn (Ass. Prof. Utrecht, NL)
Check website for a detailed programme of individual workshops:
Congress venue
Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Important dates
02 February 2014
07 February 2014
18 February 2014
30 March 2014
Deadline abstract submission
Deadline application travel grants
Notification acceptance/rejection abstract & travel grant
Early registration deadline
Registration and accommodation
The registration form including our selected hotels:
Registration fee
Members ESCI
Non member ESCI
Young Scientists under 35
By 30 March 2014
€ 275
€ 300
€ 200
€ 200
€ 100
After 30 March 2014
€ 425
€ 450
€ 300
€ 300
€ 150
Daily fee Thursday
€ 150
Daily fee Friday
€ 150
Daily fee Saturday
€ 75
Accompanying people
€ 100
Additional congress dinner Friday 2 May
€ 225
€ 225
€ 125
€ 100
€ 50