Unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortion and women`s

Unwanted pregnancy, unsafe
abortion and women’s reproductive
rightswhy pregnancy may be unwanted, what is unsafe
abortion and complications of unsafe abortion
Dr Michael Ezeanochie
Learning Objectives
Concept of women’s Reproductive rights
Unwanted/unplanned pregnancy
Consequences of unwanted pregnancy
Unsafe abortion
Complications of unsafe abortion
 Sexual
and reproductive health and rights
or SRHR is the concept of human rights
applied to sexuality and reproduction.
 It is a combination of four fields that are
separate but inherently intertwined.
 These four fields are sexual health, sexual
rights, reproductive health and
reproductive rights.
Reproductive rights are legal rights and freedoms
relating to reproduction and reproductive health
Reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the
basic right of all couples and individuals to decide
freely and responsibly the number, spacing and
timing of their children and to have the information
and means to do so, and the right to attain the
highest standard of sexual and reproductive health.
They also include the right of all to make decisions
concerning reproduction free of discrimination,
coercion and violence
Reproductive rights may include :
the right to legal or safe abortion;
the right to birth control;
freedom from coerced sterilization, abortion, and
the right to access good-quality reproductive
the right to education and access in order to make
free and informed reproductive choices.
the right to receive education about sexually
transmitted infections and other aspects of sexuality,
and protection from gender-based practices such as
female genital mutilation
Unwanted pregnancies
Unintended pregnancies are pregnancies
that are mistimed, unplanned or unwanted at
the time of conception.
It is a core concept to better understand the
fertility of populations and the unmet need for
contraception and family planning.
Unintended pregnancy is associated with an
increased risk of problems for the mother and
In 2006, 49% of pregnancies were unintended
Among women aged 19 years and younger,
more than 4 out of 5 pregnancies were
The proportion of pregnancies that were
unintended was highest among teens
younger than age 15 years, at 98%.
Large increases in unintended pregnancy
rates were found among women with lower
education, low income, and cohabiting
Source: Unintended pregnancy in the
United States: incidence and disparities,
 Worldwide,
38% of pregnancies (about 80
million pregnancies) were unintended as
at 1999. WHO
 ??
Nigerian figures
 In
2008, just over half of all unintended
pregnancies (excluding those ending in
miscarriage) among unmarried 20–29year-old women ended in abortion
 Unintended
pregnancies are the main
reason for induced abortions
Prenatal care initiated later, and less adequate.
Adversely affects health of woman and of child and less
preparation for parenthood
Unintended pregnancies preclude chance to resolve
sexually transmitted diseases (STD) before pregnancy.
Untreated STD in pregnant woman can result in premature
delivery, infection in newborn or infant death.
Preclude use of genetic testing to help make decisions
about whether to become pregnant.
Women with an unintended pregnancy are more likely to
suffer depression during or after pregnancy.
Poorer maternal mental health
Increased risk of physical violence during pregnancy.
Reduced likelihood of breastfeeding, resulting in less
healthy children.
Lower mother-child relationship quality and thus Greater
relationship instability
Children whose births were unintended are:
Greater likelihood of low birth weight,
particularly for unwanted pregnancies
Greater infant mortality.
Likely to be less mentally and physically
healthy during childhood.
At higher risk of child abuse and neglect.
Less likely to succeed in school
More likely to live in poverty and need public
More likely to have delinquent and criminal
Less likely to have a close relationship with
Unsafe abortion
 An
unsafe abortion is the termination of a
pregnancy by people lacking the
necessary skills, or in an environment
lacking minimal medical standards, or
both. (WHO)
 Unsafe abortion is a significant cause of
maternal mortality and morbidity in the
 Unsafe
abortions usually occur:
where abortion is illegal
where affordable well-trained medical
practitioners are not readily available
where modern contraceptives are
Some common methods of unsafe abortion include:
Trying to break the amniotic sac inside the womb with a sharp
object or wire
Pumping toxic mixtures, such as chemicals like alum and herbal
preparations into the body of the woman. This method can cause
the woman to go in to toxic shock and die.
Inducing an abortion without medical supervision by selfadministering abortifacient over-the-counter drugs or drugs
obtained illegally or by using drugs not indicated for abortion but
known to result in miscarriage or uterine contraction. Drugs like
oxytocin, ergometrine, misoprostol, prostaglandins , quinine,
ampiclox etc.
Risks include uterine rupture, irregular heartbeat, a rise in blood
pressure hypertension, a drop in blood pressure cardiovascular
problems, intense bronchospasms in women with asthma and
genital tract infection
Pelvic abscess
incomplete evacuation
renal failure
 Ectopic
 Infertility
 Chronic
pelvic pain
 Socio-economic consequences
 Women's
reproductive rights are
intricately intertwined with their
fundamental human rights
 They should be able to take decisions on
their sexuality freely with coercion and
 Unwanted pregnancy often leading to
unsafe abortion with its associated
morbidity and mortality result from
restriction of the reproductive rights of