A partnership of ADVANTAGE CareSelect with Roche to support Providers caring for members with Diabetes The Past, Present and Future • 11.3% of those 20+ in the US have diabetes1 • Estimated to grow to 33% by 20502 Millions of People with Diabetes 120 100.0 64.0 3 20.6 23.5 25.6 18.0 2002 2005 2007 2011 0 2008 0% – 6.3% 6.4% - 7.5% 7.6% - 8.8% 8.9% - 10.5% 2050 ≥ 10.6% 1 CDC’s National Diabetes Fact Sheet, 2011 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Jan. 2006, http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2011/p0126_diabetes.html accessed October 12, 2011 3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/DDT_STRS2/NationalDiabetesPrevalenceEstimates.aspx?mode=DBT Accessed October 12, 2011. 2 Costs have and will continue to increase. Projected at $680 billion (in 2007 dollars) $174 billion $455 Direct costs: Excess medical expenditures resulting from diabetes $132 billion $92 $116 $40 $58 2002 2007 $225 Indirect costs: Reduced productivity associated with disability, work loss or premature mortality 2050 American Diabetes Association: Economic costs of diabetes in the U.S. in 2007 3 Why focus specifically on Diabetes? • Incidence is exploding • #1 contribution to healthcare spending growth1 • Only 54.1% of adults between the ages of 40-59 have Hba1c <7%2 • Self management behaviors have a profound impact 1 Thorpe K et al., “Chronic Conditions Account for Rise in Medicare Spending from 1987 to 2006,” Health Affairs, April 2010: 718-724; Health Care Advisory Board interviews and analysis. 2 AHRQ 2010 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports. Accessed on 5/18/11 at http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/qrdr10/#Diabetes. 4 5 LifeMap combines high-touch and high-tech to engage people with diabetes • • • • Goes beyond diet, exercise and diabetes basics Incorporates evidence-based methods Personalizes the experience to each member Incentives members for enrollment and progress − $10 Visa Card for enrollment before February 20, 2012 − Periodic acknowledgements of progress 6 LifeGuides are teamed with members All LifeGuides are hired with specializedEnvironment: backgrounds Factors like work and the stress of • Healthcare competing demands • Counseling Helps members overcome these • Education barriers and enable them to fit • Experienced service center professionals diabetes into their everyday life… not fitting their life into diabetes. LifeGuides complete extensive training in: • Diabetes management • Emotional intelligence • Motivational interviewing • Assessment integration • Discovering the uniqueness of each member • Validated health coaching methods 7 LifeGuides and members interact by phone and through a secure web portal Environment: Scope: Factors like work and the stress of • Develop and reach goals competing demands • Explore pros and cons Helps members overcome these barriers and enable them to fit • Anticipate and overcome barriers diabetes into their everyday life… • Drive confidence not fitting their life into diabetes. • Provide general education LifeGuides do NOT practice medicine: • No medication change • No changes to diet or exercise regimen 8 LifeGuide and Member Interaction Example for Opt-IN Participation Welcome Call Follow up Calls Web Portal Interactions throughout LifeMap experience Second Call • Welcome Call: (20 min.) Enroll, answer questions, build rapport, complete assessments, schedule 2nd call • Second Call: (40 min.) Motivational interviewing, goal setting, review portal interaction, answer questions, build rapport • Follow up Calls: (10-15 min.) Motivational interviewing, goal setting (average membership Roche Confidential anticipated to be 4-6 months) LifeMap Web Portal The way members communicate with their LifeGuide outside of live conversations 80 education modules tailored to their LifeScape (PAM®) activation level https://mylifemapsitedemo.insi gniahealth.com/sign_in_roche .aspx Where goal setting, tracking and program participation take place 10 Patient Activation Measurement (PAM) Assessment • Patient Activation Measurement (PAM) History • Used by over 25 million patients • Evaluated in more than 65 peer reviewed studies in the last six years • Developed and tested by Dr. Judith Hibbard at the University of Oregon • How it works • 10 questions assessing knowledge, skills and confidence • Given at the start of the LifeMap experience and periodically throughout to guide interactions, determine web portal content and gauge progress • Places members in one of 4 Levels of Activation PAM is a registered trademark of Insignia Health, LLC 11 A PAM score is predictive of future utilization and outcomes for diabetes patients PAM is a registered trademark of Insignia Health, LLC 12 The LifeMap experience is a patient engagement program driven by the member. Sparking aspirations Making discoveries Motivational interviewing Celebrating success LifeScape assessment Building blocks to: • Personalization • Differentiation • Engagement/retention Educational modules Evidence based foundation leading to outcomes 13 The LifeMap experience was developed by Roche, a leader in diabetes care • Over 1 million conversations annually with people with diabetes • Full-time access to an online community of people with diabetes • Partnerships with leading physicians and educators to create innovative diabetes management solutions for patients and healthcare providers • Manufacturer of diabetes-related products for over 35 years • The global leader in blood glucose monitoring 14 Identifying patients and enrolling them in LifeMap Eligibility: • Candidates identified through claims and Case Management information with Diabetes or pre-diabetes on a blood glucose lowering medication • Selected from ADVANTAGE CareSelect Files • Additional candidates can be referred by PCP 15 We are Here to Assist You If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to: Dr. John T. Hinton Senior Medical Director, Vulnerable Populations 317-810-4469 jhinton@advantageplan.com Diane Butler, BSN, RN Manager of Medicaid Disease/Care Management 317-810-4479 dbutler@advantageplan.com Roche LifeMap phone: 1-888-444-1174. We’re here to help you make the LifeMap experience successful for your patients. A personalized, guided experience for living a fuller life with diabetes. 17