

宣武医院 儿科

I. Definition

 General connective tissue disease

 Autoimmune disease

(B type ,A group Strep.)

 forerunner infection 1 to 4 weeks ago,Scarlet


 ASO ↑

 Penicillin , RF ↓ , only 3~5% morbility

 trend of recurrent attack

 main clinical manifestions

 Fever

 Migratory Polyarthritis

 Carditis

 Chorea

 Annular erythem and subcutalleous nodules

II. pathogenesis

i. Molecular simulation for Streptococcus antigen

B type, A group heamolytic strept. and the metabolite

Antibody of strept.

Cell wall antibody of strept. membrane antibody of streptococcal extrotoxins and enzymes

Anti-M antibody cross reaction to human Vessel base membrane antibody of other cross reaction to human connective tissue and glycoprotein of heart valve cross reaction to human skeletal , muscle of heart and smooth muscle arteriole

ASO , antihyaluronidase, antisreptokinase, antideoxyribose , etc.

no cross reaction to human tissues

ii. Immunocomplex antigen,antibody,complement iii. Damage of Cyto-immunity

1) lymphocyte increased respond for Streptococcus antigen

2) increased of leukocyte magration inhibition test decreased of blast transformation and hyperlasia

(multiplication) reaction increased of nature killer cyto-toxic

3) the monocyte immuno-reactive abnormaly to Streptococcus antigen in patient tonsil iv. heredity the alloantigen in lymphocyte in the patient with rhumatic fever 99% postive in the normal people 14% postive

III. Pathogen

Exudation phase :

1~2months arthrosis 、 synovial menbrane 、 pericardium 、 pleura 、 progresion of exudation and degeneration

Proliferative phase :

3~4 months progression of grenuloma : myocardium interstitial tissue 、 subendocardium 、 skin.

base of rheumatism activity mark of rheumatism activity

Sclerosis phase :

5~6months endocardium 、 bicuspid valve 、 tricuspid valve 、 scarification

IV. Clinical manifestions

 general signs

Fever, Pale, Listless, poor appetite, Lose weight ,

Sweat (hyperidrosis), fatigue, tiredness, nose blood (epistaxs) abdomen pain

 Active carditis heart rate/temperature increased heart rate, gallop rhythm heart sounds weaken cardiac enlargement 5%~10% congestive heart failure heart beat spread all over the precordial aortic insufficiency. systolic murmur mitral stenosis murmurs : SM : mitral incompetence → half year

DM : relative stenosis of mitral → more than 2 years prolonged PR interval pericaditis :

 polyarthritis migratory fashion heat,redness,swelling,severe pain knees hips wrists ellbows shoulders

 sydenham chorea combined with heart lession 40% emotional instrability and involuntary movements ataxia and slurring of speech——disphasia agraphia fine movement incoordination

 skin lession Erythema Marginatum subcutaneous nodule joints,scalp,spinalcolumn etythma annulare

 others pheumonia 、 pleuritis etc

V. lab exammination

i. blood routine ii. ESR ↑ :important mark iii. ASO : 2w ↑ , 2m ↓ 20%no step up iv. detemination of special protein

1). CRP

2). mucoprotein

3). completment

α γ globulin , IgG 、 IgM ↑

VI. Diagnosis

Jones criteria (modified) for diagnosis of rheumatic fever

Major manifestations

carditis polyarthritis sydenham chorea erythema marginatum subcutaneous nodules

Minor manifestations clinical:

previous rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease polyarthralgia fever


accute phase reaction, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate,C-reaction protein,leukocytosis prolonged PR interval


Supporting evidence of preceeding streptococcal infection. that is : increased titers of antistreptolysin O or other streptococcal antibodys, positive throat culture for group A streptococcus.

VII. Differential diagnosis

i. post-streptococcal infection ii. viral myocarditis iii. juvenile rheumatoud : chronicity 、 symmetry 、 progressive 、 inflamatery 、 destructive diseases

VIII. Treatment

i. general treatment bed rest ii. Diet iii. control of focus of infection iv. anti-rheumatisn

8~12weeks cortica hormone salilytic acid 3~6weeks v. treatment of heart failure vi. chorea

IX. prognosis & prophylaxis early diagnosis thoroughly treatment reasonable prophylaxis




(二)心脏扩大( X 线、超声心动图检查具有表现之


(三)心电图改变:以 R 波为主的 2 个或 2 个以上主要导

联( I 、 II 、 aVF 、 V5 )的 ST-T 改变,持续 4 天以上伴




(新生儿除外)及异常 Q 波。

(四) CK-MB 升高或心肌肌钙蛋白( cTnL 或 cTnT )阳






1 、分离到病毒。

2 、用病毒核酸探针查到病毒核酸。

3 、特异性病毒抗体阳性。



1 、自患儿粪便、咽拭子或血液中分离到病毒,且恢复期血

清同型抗体滴度较第一份血清升高或降低 4 倍以上。

2 、病程早期患儿血中特异性 IgM 抗体阳性。

3 、用病毒核酸探针自患儿血中可查到病毒核酸。


(一)具备临床诊断依据 2 项,可临床诊断为心肌炎。发病

同时或发病前 1~3 周有病毒感染的证据支持诊断者。









先天性房室传导阻滞、心脏自主神经功能异常、 β 受体功能








常,病情时轻时重,病程在 1 年以上。
