African American Women - Shelby County Schools

Healthy Choices Week
HIV 101
Orisha Bowers M.Ed., MA.
LaRonia Sawyer MPH.
Healthy Choices World AIDS Day Committee
The Flow
Getting to know you…
Facts and Stats Memphis/Shelby County
The Real Deal… Holyfield – HIV 101
Are you at Risk? Understanding
Choices...To Protect? Not to protect? .....That’ s the ?
Programs and Services
Concluding Thoughts
Real Talk Q and A
Getting To Know You
Introductory Exercises –People Bingo
 Expectations of the Presentation
 Establishing Ground Rules
Facts and Stats Memphis/Shelby County
As of December 31, 2008
435 newly reported cases of HIV/AIDS in Shelby County. 304 cases male
and 131 cases female.
 Highest percentage of newly reported cases were among African Americans
(88% or 382 cases).
 Incidence is highest amongst African American Males (262 cases). African
American females (120 cases)
 Incidence highest in people ages 25-34 year olds in Shelby County (127
 5949 PLWHA in Shelby County. (4,067 or 68%) are males and (1882 or
32%) are females.
 The majority of PLWHA in Shelby County are African American (4,935 or
 Shelby County has the highest incidence of HIV/AIDS in Tennessee
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
H - Human - because this virus can only infect
human beings.
 I - Immuno-deficiency - because the effect of
the virus is to create a deficiency, a failure to
work properly, within the body's immune
 V - Virus - because this organism is a virus,
which means one of its characteristics is that it
is incapable of reproducing by itself. It
reproduces by taking over the machinery of the
human cell
AIDS is to the most advanced stages of HIV infection.
A - Acquired - because it's a condition one must acquire
or get infected with, not something transmitted through
the genes.
I - Immune - because it affects the body's immune
system, the part of the body which usually works to fight
off germs such as bacteria and viruses.
D - Deficiency - because it makes the immune system
deficient (that is, the immune system may not function
S - Syndrome - because someone with AIDS may
experience a wide range of different diseases and
opportunistic infections.
The Real Deal… Holyfield – HIV 101
HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to another through-Blood , Semen,
Vaginal secretions, and breast milk and possibly pre-seminal fluid
HIV can be transmitted by having unprotected (vaginal, anal, or oral) sex with an
infected partner, sharing needles, mother to child transmission from an infected
mother, tattoos, piercing, acupuncture,;
HIV is NOT transmitted by hugging or kissing, hugging, pets, insect bites, sharing
dishes or food, toilet seats, contact with saliva, sweat, tears;
HIV can ONLY be diagnosed by a doctor. However, an HIV antibody test, either from
a blood sample or an oral sample (Orasure), can tell whether you have been infected.
A positive test result means antibodies to HIV were found. A negative test result
means no HIV antibodies were found. This usually means you are not infected.
However, if you engaged in behavior that could spread the virus within three months
of having the test, antibodies may not be detectable and you should be re-tested.
Understanding Risks
Interactive Exercises - Color Cards
 Personal Reflections
 Discussions About Risks… Myths
Women can't give men HIV.
It's harder for men to get HIV from women, because men have fewer areas on the penis where
the virus can enter the bloodstream. However, if a partner has an untreated STI like syphilis or
gonorrhea, which can break the skin, the risk of his getting HIV from a female partner increases.
He doesn't "look" like someone with HIV.
Any person may be practicing unsafe behaviors and if infected may spread the virus to you!
HIV is the same as AIDS.
HIV is the virus which causes AIDS. A person can be infected with HIV for years without having
AIDS. Having HIV infection does not mean you have AIDS. AIDS is the most advanced stages of
The government produced AIDS to reduce certain groups of people.
The government did not make this disease.
Knowing who is on the "down low" will save me from getting HIV.
Learning about your partner's sexual and drug history is important.
HIV can be cured.
People are living with HIV and AIDS, but there is no cure yet.
Choices.......To Protect? Not to protect?
...........That is the question.
Latex Condoms or Female Condom with water
based lubricant…Used correctly and consistently
(Demonstrations can be arranged and provided
to those in need.)
Dental Dams
Reduce the # of partners
Dose Reduction…Pull out or roll off (whoever is
in charge at the time)
Programs and Services
Free and confidential HIV counseling and testing (NO Needles!!! In Most
Cases Oral Screening) Shelby County Health Dept., St Andrew AME Project
Hope, South Memphis Alliance, Friends For Life, The Med, Christ Community
Health Services, Memphis Center For Reproductive Health, Planned
Parenthood of the Greater Memphis Region, Cocaine Alcohol Awareness
Program, and Community HIV Network. You must ASK your doctor to give
you an HIV test. DO NOT assume it is being done.
Prevention Education & Training: Agencies will come out and educate and
train ANYONE free.
Referrals to APPROPRIATE medical care and support services: Ryan White
Opportunities to help END this disease.
Concluding Thoughts
Women of color (especially African American women)
are the hardest hit. …Women have to make better
CHOICES about sex and reproductive health. We can not
afford to think about HIV the way we have been in the
 Younger women are more likely than older women to get
HIV…. We must teach our girls AND boys to make better
CHOICES by arming them with ALL of the facts. It’s
about empowering our young people to make the best
decisions for their situations.
 AIDS is a common killer, second only to cancer and heart
disease for women. Women need to get tested and
KNOW our status!
Real Talk
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