The Medicare Annual Wellness VisitIt’s Origin, Content, and Substance Duke Internal Medicine Bruce Peyser, MD FACP, Scott Joy, MD FACP, Anne Phelps, MD, Kathleen Waite, MD FACP May 2012 Disclosures for all four physicians Research Support Employee No relevant conflicts of interest to declare Consultant Dr. Joy serves as a consultant to Lilly, other 3 physicians do not serve as a consultant Major Stockholder No relevant conflicts of interest to declare Speakers Bureau No relevant conflicts of interest to declare Honoraria No relevant conflicts of interest to declare Scientific Advisory Board No relevant conflicts of interest to declare Disclaimer Comments are from us as individuals and do not represent official recommendations from Duke University Medical Center. However, we are from the Department of Medicine at Duke. And most importantly, we are all BLUE DEVILS and we sure love basketball in Durham, NC. The Medicare Annual Wellness Visit Many Patients Want a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit AWV Pitfalls-What to Watch out for?? • Insufficient or incomplete documentation. • Many rules and regulations, CMS does not have all the answers yet. • Concurrent provision of E/M services seems like an easy way to get into trouble. • These visits take time, and your staff need to help you. • Its not really clear what records you must retain . • How to do this with EPIC?? Common Questions and Course Objectives What are the Components of the AWV? What’s a HRA? How did the AWV get developed? What to do when A test is abnormal? What are common Errors made with AWV’s?? How to Bill for the AWV? How to teach learners To do this properly? Today’s outline-We have a really great show! 1. AWV-Background and Politics- Dr. Scott Joy 2. Component overview w/ focus on HRA- Dr. Kathleen Waite 3. What to do when an abnormality is discoveredDr. Anne Phelps 4. Billing 101-How to bill correctly-Dr. Bruce Peyser 5. Question and Answers 6. Session Evaluation The Magic of the AWV Be prepared for surprises! It’s hard to anticipate what you will find. This is an incredible opportunity that we must not squander. Sources for Our Work Govt websites Audits at Duke Conference call with CMS March 2012 Experience ACP and AAFP web sites Coming to You Fall 2012-Exciting New Websites !! The Political History of the Affordable Care Act and the Annual Wellness Visit Scott V. Joy, MD, FACP Associate Professor of Medicine Duke Primary Care White House Presidential Power • President Obama said that fixing health care would be one of his priorities if he won the presidency • President Obama announced to a joint session of Congress in February 2009 that he would begin working with Congress to construct a plan for health care reform. Understand The Game: How Our Laws Are Made United States Congress Committees of Importance: U. S. Senate • Finance – Chairman, Max Baucus, D-MT – Ranking Member, Orin Hatch, R-UT • HELP (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) – Chairman, Tom Harkin, D-IA – Ranking Member, Michael Enzi, R-WY • Appropriations – Chairman, Daniel Inouye, D-HI – Ranking Member, Thad Cochran, R-MS Genesis of the AWV Beginning June 17, 2009, and extending through September 14, 2009, three Democratic and three Republican Senate Finance Committee Members* met for a series of 31 meetings over 60 hours to discuss the development of a health care reform bill The principles that they discussed became the foundation of the Senate's health care reform bill. *Senators Max Baucus (D-Montana), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota), Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), Jeff Bingaman (D-New Mexico), and Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming Committees of Importance: House of Representatives Ways and Means Chairman, Dave Camp, R-MI Ranking Member, Sander Levin, D-MI Appropriations Chairman, Harold Rogers, R-KY Ranking Member Norman D. Dicks, D-WA Energy and Commerce Chairman, Fred Upton, R-MI Henry Waxman, D-CA The Legislative History of the Affordable Care Act Introduced in the House as the "Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009" (H.R. 3590) by Charles Rangel (D–NY) on September 17, 2009 Committee consideration by: Ways and Means Passed the House on October 8, 2009 (416–0) Passed the Senate as the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" on December 24, 2009 (60– 39) – “Cornhusker Kickback” – January 19, 2010, Scott Brown elected Senator from MA Understand The Game: How Our Laws Are Made House agreed to Senate amendment on March 21, 2010 (219–212) WASHINGTON, March 23, 2010 - President Obama signed the health care bill into law today, calling its historic expansion of insurance coverage "reforms that generations of Americans have fought for and marched for and hungered to see.” The Implementation Phase Once the ACA was passed, it became the responsibility of CMS (under Department of Health and Human Services, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, to create policies Each year, CMS issues regulations in the Federal Register Generally the Proposed Rule comes out in the summer for a 90 day comment period and then the Final Rule is issued, effective January 1, 20XX Department of Health and Human Services Pages 454-457 Health Risk Assessments U.S. Alters Rule on Paying for End-of-Life Planning Published: January 4, 2011 WASHINGTON — The Obama administration, reversing course, will revise a Medicare regulation to delete references to end-of-life planning as part of the annual physical examinations covered under the new health care law, administration officials said Tuesday. The move is an abrupt shift, coming just days after the new policy took effect on Jan. 1. Supreme Court Supreme Court and ACA The Supreme Court has granted review of four issues from challenges to the Affordable Care Act that have been pursued in the federal courts since passage of the act in March 2010. The four issues on which the court has granted review are: – Whether the Anti-Injunction Act prevents challenges to the Affordable Care Act at this time – The constitutionality of the individual mandate, requiring most Americans to purchase health insurance by 2014 – Whether the individual mandate is severable if it is found to be unconstitutional, or whether the entire Act would have to fail – Whether the Affordable Care Act's expansion of the Medicaid program is constitutional Supreme Court and ACA The Affordable Care Act does not contain a severability clause. Severability clauses provide that the failure of one provision in an act of Congress does not affect the remaining portions of the act. The absence of a severability clause does not mean that provisions are not severable, but it can leave the decision regarding severability up to the courts. The Citizens Speak Public Opinion of ACA Medicare’s Annual Wellness Visit: The benefit nobody knows Have you heard about this Annual Wellness Visit? In the past 12 months, have you had your free Annual Wellness Visit? Not sure, 9% DK, 14% Yes, 32% No, 54% Refused, 2% Yes, 17% No, 72% John A. Hartford Foundation Public Poll: “How Does It Feel? The Older Adult Health Care Experience” *Medicare’s records suggest that uptake is only 6.5 percent 35 Components of Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) Kathleen Waite, MD, FACP Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Duke Primary Care Medicare Preventive Services Initial Preventive Physical Examination (IPPE) One time benefit Must be provided within the first 12 months of the patient’s Medicare Part B coverage Initial Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) Once in a lifetime benefit If patient has received an IPPE then need to wait a full 12 months from that date of the IPPE before performing an AWV Subsequent Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) Provided yearly Must scheduled at least 11 full months from the last AWV Goals of the AWV Patient to review with their health care provider overall health status and maximize the preventive services that are available to Medicare beneficiaries. Components dictated by Medicare. Create a personalized prevention plan. It is NOT a physical exam. Components of First AWV Establish Medical History Past medical and surgical history Allergies Medication list INCLUDING supplements Establish Family History Includes parents, siblings and children List of current medical providers/suppliers Depression screening Review current and past experience with mood disorders. If no history then screen with available “standard screening test” recognized by national professional medical organizations. (PHQ-2) Components of First AWV Review patients functional ability and level of safety Hearing (Whisper test) Ability to perform ADLs (Consider Katz or other instrument) Fall Risk (Get up and go test) Home safety Include instrumental activities of daily living (iADLs) Examination Height, Weight, BMI or waist circumference, BP Other PE deemed appropriate per medical/family history Detection of any cognitive impairments Not specified – consider testing such as Mini Cog Health Risk Assessment (CHANGE for 2012) This way to complete your HRA…… Health Risk Assessment (HRA) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that a HRA be completed as part of the Medicare AWV effective Jan. 1, 2012. CMS does not require a specific HRA. Written at a 5th grade reading level. Should take no more than 20 min to complete. Can be complete before or during the AWV. Can be web based, telephonic or paper based. CDC Guidance on HRA Demographic information Self assessment of health and physical functioning Biometric Assessments Height, weight, BP, lipids, glucose Psychosocial risks Depression, social isolation, pain, stress/anger Behavioral risks Physical activity, nutrition, sexual practices, home safety, motor vehicle safety, tobacco use, alcohol use. ADLs and Instrumental activities of daily living (iADLs) HRA Resources Center for Disease Control and Prevention published online a “Framework for Patient-Centered Health Risk Assessment”. Appendix A contains a 7 page paper HRA. Dartmouth Co-Op Project is a non-profit organization that has an online free HRA. Short and long online HRA. The short HRA takes approximately 10 min to complete. Patient is given a summary “Action and Planning Form” which they are asked to print and bring to the AWV. http// FAMILY PRACTICE MANAGEMENT | | March/April 2012 FAMILY PRACTICE MANAGEMENT | | March/April 2012 Sample HRA Printout http// http// Medicine in the modern age of the AWV….. AWV Counseling Requirement Establishment of written screening schedule for patient for the next 5 to 10 years. Based on United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) grade A and B recommendations. Based on Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Example check list available (electronic form available to patients) AWV Counseling Requirement List risk factors and conditions which interventions are recommended. Examples sedentary lifestyle, fall risk, tobacco use Provide personalized health advice and referrals for health education and preventive counseling. http// USPSTF Grade A and B Recommendations Health Habits Alcohol Misuse (B) Depression Screen (B) Obesity Screen (B) Sexually Transmitted Infection Counseling (B), HIV (A) ,GC (B), Syphilis(B) Tobacco Use Counseling (A) Cardiovacular AAA Screening (B) Men 65-75 with tobacco history ASA Men 45-79 (A),Women 55-79 (B) Blood Pressure (A) Cholesterol Screen (A) Men > 35, Women > 45 Diabetes screening (B) If BP persistently over 135/80 Dietary Counseling (B) If hyperlipidemia, or other CV risk USPSTF Grade A and B Recommendations Cancer Screening Breast BRCA counseling high risk family history (B) Chemoprevention (B) Mammogram (B) Osteoporosis Screening Bone density All women 65 and older. Cervical (A) Colon (A) Preventive Services Covered by Medicare Immunizations: Flu, Hepatitis B, Pneumovax Cancer Screening: Colon, Pelvic Exam and Pap Smear, Prostate, Mammogram Bone Density Testing (every 2 years) Cardiovascular Screening (lipids every 5 years) Diabetes Screening (depends on risk factors) AAA Screening/EKG (once – only with IPPE) Glaucoma testing STI and HIV Screening Alcohol Misuse Counseling and Tobacco Cessation Comparison Between USPSTF Recommendations and Medicare Coverage Disparity between current USPSTF guidelines and preventive services covered by Medicare. USPSTF recommended against (D-rated) some preventive services yet Medicare reimburses physicians for these. Example, prostate cancer. AWV uses USPSTF guidelines and ACIP guidelines. Lesser, Lenard et al, Ann Fam Med 2011; Vol 9, No 1, pg 44-49 Subsequent AWVs HRA Updated medical and family history Update list of current providers and suppliers Physical Exam (BP, Height, Weight, BMI or waist circumference) Update written screening schedule and list of risk factors and medical conditions which require interventions Provide personalized health advice and referrals for health education and preventive counseling Subsequent AWVs What is Different from Initial AWV? Depression Screen – Unique to Initial AWV but still addressed in the HRA. Functional Ability – hearing, ability to perform ADLs, fall risk, home safety. Unique to Initial AWV but still addressed in the HRA. Advance Planning NOT required for either the initial or subsequent AWV. Optional to discuss and include during visit. Annual Wellness Visit Screening Tests Anne Phelps, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Duke University Medical Center Page 65 Depression Screen Patient Health Questionnaire PHQ2 Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following symptoms? Not at all Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day Little interest or pleasure in doing things? 0 1 2 3 Feeling down, depressed or hopeless? 0 1 2 3 Page 66 PHQ2 The PHQ2 is scored from 0-6. A score > 3 had a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 92% for major depression. Higher scores correlate with: A decrease in functional status An increase in symptom-related difficulty Sick days from work Source: Medicare 2003 Nov;41(11):1284-92. Page 67 Depression Screen If your PHQ2 is positive with a score greater than 3 you could consider screening the patient with a PHQ9. The PHQ9 is a set of nine questions scored the same way as the PHQ2. The PHQ9 gives guidance on treatment and therapy options. Page 68 Depression Screen Over the last 2 weeks how often have you been bothered by any of the following symptoms? 1. Little interest or pleasure in doing things? 2. Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? 3. Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much? 4. Feeling tired or having little energy? 5. Poor appetite or overeating? 6. Feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down? 7. Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television? 8. Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual? 9. Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way? Page 69 Scoring the PHQ9 PHQ-9 Depression Severity Treatment 0-4 None-minimal None 5-9 Mild Watchful waiting 10-14 Moderate Consider counseling +/- pharmacotherapy 15-19 Moderately Severe Pharmacotherapy +/- psychotherapy 20-27 Severe Pharmacotherapy + Mental health specialist for psychotherapy +/- collaborative management Page 70 PHQ9 Sensitivity and Specificity The PHQ9 has a sensitivity of 0.77 (0.71-0.84). The PHQ9 has a specificity of 0.94 (0.90-0.97). This was in an unselected group of primary care patients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2007 Sep-Oct;29(5):388-95. PRIME-MD Pfizer website to download the PHQ9. . Developed by Drs. Robert L. Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke and colleagues, with an educational grant from Pfizer Inc. No permission required to reproduce, translate, display or distribute Page 71 “You need to get your cholesterol where your sperm count is.” Page 72 Hearing Test Whispered Voice Test 1. Stand one arm’s length behind the patient. 2. Occlude the opposite ear 3. Exhale before speaking. 4. Whisper a combination of 3 numbers and letters (4, S, K). 5. If the patient responds incorrectly, then repeat using a different number letter combination. 6. Test each ear separately. Page 73 Whispered Voice Test The test is normal if the patient repeats at least 3 of a possible 6 numbers or letters correctly. The sensitivity is 90% and the specificity is 7087% for this test. If the test is abnormal, refer to audiology for formal hearing testing and hearing aid evaluation. Sandi Pirozzo, Tracey Papinczak, Paul Glasziou, BMJ. 2003 October 25; 327(7421): 967. 10.1136/bmj.327.7421.967 Page 74 Mobility and Fall Screening Tool Timed Get Up and Go Test On the word “Go” time the patient to do the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stand up from the chair Walk 3 meters in a line Turn around Walk back to the chair Sit down Normal result: < 10 seconds Abnormal result: >20 seconds Page 75 Timed Get Up and Go Test Score: Balance function was scored on a five-point scale: 1 = normal; 2 = very slightly abnormal; 3 = mildly abnormal; 4 = moderately abnormal; 5 = severely abnormal. Patients with score of 3+ are at risk for falling. Mathias, S., Nayak, U.S.L., & Isaacs, B. (1986). Balance in the elderly patients: The "get-up and go" test. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 67(6), 387-389. Page 76 Treatment for abnormal results? 1. Refer to physical therapy for gait training, which focuses on balance and resistance training. 2. Consider OT evaluation for mobility devices and walkers. 3. Suggest Calcium and Vitamin D supplementation. 4. Screen for osteoporosis. 5. Falls risk prevention: Page 77 Falls Risk Prevention Remove rugs and small objects Increase lighting Add grab bars and handrails Evaluate medications: 1. 2. 3. Benzodiazepines Antidepressants and neuroleptic agents Hypertension medications Avoid physical restraints Avoid immobility Page 78 Page 79 Memory Test: The Mini Cog 1. Ask your patient to remember 3 unrelated words and repeat them back to you. 2. Ask your patient to draw the face of a clock on a sheet of paper with a clock circle already drawn on the page. 3. After they have drawn the clock face, ask them to draw a specific time like 10:10. 4. Ask the patient to repeat the three stated words. . Page 80 Borson S. The mini-cog: a cognitive “vitals signs” measure for dementia screening in multilingual elderly Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2000; 15(11):1021. Page 81 What can we do with abnormal Mini Cog results? 1. Evaluate the degree of dementia Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) 2. Evaluate for cerebral vascular disease, delirium, or depression which can mimic dementia. 3. Evaluate for metabolic causes like B12, thyroid, folate, iron or copper abnormalities. Page 82 Katz Index of ADL Activities Independence Dependence Bathing 1 0 Dressing 1 0 Toileting 1 0 Transferring 1 0 Continence 1 0 Feeding 1 0 Total Score __________ Katz, S., Down, T.D., Cash, H.R., & Grotz, R.C. (1970) Progress in the development of the index of ADL. The Gerontologist, 10(1), 20-30. Page 83 Scoring the Katz ADL Screen Total Score Functional Status 5-6 Full function 3-4 Moderate impairment 0-2 Severe functional impairment Page 84 Billing 101: How to Bill Correctly (and Stay out of trouble!) Bruce Peyser, MD FACP Associate Professor of Medicine Duke University Medical Center Billing Issues and Guidelines Billing for AWV’s can be straight forward, or complex, depending on what you do. Will review the guidelines. Will talk about how to do this correctly. Who can bill for the AWV? Physician Osteopath Physician Assistant Nurse Practitioner Clinical Nurse Specialist Medical Professional Team (can include a health educator, a registered dietitian, nutrition professional, or other licensed practitioner) working under the DIRECT supervision of a physician. NOT medical assistants, certified nurses aides or certified nursing assistants. When Can You do the Annual Wellness Exam? Mr. Smith enrolls in Medicare on Jan 1, 2012. Eligible for a Welcome to Medicare visit Jan 1 2012Dec 31, 2012. Schedules and gets his visit May 1, 2012. Eligible for 1st Medicare Annual Wellness visit May 2, 2013. Eligible for next Medicare Annual Wellness visit April 3, 2014. Does the AWV have to take place in a physician’s office? NO it does not. If service is provided, the following institutions and/or sites can bill for it: o o o o o Hospitals Skilled nursing facilities Rural health centers Federally qualified health centers Critical Access Hospitals The Annual Wellness Visit Can Only be Carried out Once per Year per Patient (not per Doctor) From a practical viewpoint, when should one do an AWV?? 1. Once a year. 2. Plan it/schedule it in advance. 3. Block out enough time! 4. Do this when the patient’s health status is stable. 5. Encourage patient to do HRA prior to visit. 6. NOT when you are behind, pt needs to use bathroom, has long list of questions, and new problems. Coding for the Annual Wellness Visit G0438- AWV with personalized prevention plan service (PPPS), first visit. G0439-AWV w/ PPPS, subsequent visit Picking the ICD-9/10 code for the visit. A Diagnosis code must be reported on the claim, but no specific single ICD-9 code is required for the AWV. Could use V70.0, V70.8, or V70.9. “Any other valid, appropriate diagnosis code would be acceptable.” -Thomas Dorsey at CMS, from March 28, 2012 National Provider Call Coinsurance, deductible, and cost sharing.. 1. Copayment or coinsurance, and the Medicare Part B deductible are waived for the AWV. 2. Cost sharing will apply to the E/M service IF this is provided also. AWV 2012 National Payment Rates CPT G0438 (initial AWV) G0439 (subsequent AWV) RVUs Payment -4.74 Relative Value Units $155.89 $110.96 The AWV is a Preventative VisitIt is NOT a Routine Annual Physical Exam The AWV is NOT intended to be a head to toe physical exam!!!! Medicare does not cover “complete annual exams”. Be wary about trying to cover too much , in too short a time period, with inadequate documentation. To both physicians and patients, this can be very disappointing. Can one bill for other services at the same time as the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit? YES, ONE CAN!!!!!!! What can be done?? o Medically necessary diagnostic ECG. (93000) o Prostate Exam. (G0102) o Breast and Pelvic exam (G0101) o Screening pap smear (Q0091). o “Medically necessary” o E/M services-(Be really really, really careful!!!!!!!) Adding E/M services to the AWV -be careful! Medicare allows for payment of “Medically Necessary” E/M services that are furnished at same visit as AWV. When these are appropriate, add Modifier 25 and use CPT code range from 99201-99215. Again cost sharing will apply to the E/M service. How would you bill for an AWV with complaints of a urinary tract infection?? CPT G0438 99212-25 ICD9 V70.0 599.0 (UTI) Non Covered Preventative Services Medicare non-covered preventative services may also be billed with an AWV. Provider must issue an advance beneficiary notice (ABN) to notify the patient that payment for the additional preventative service will fall to the beneficiary. How to teach learners/colleagues /residents how to carry out the AWV?? Present at a meeting or dinner. Demonstrate 1:1. Have templates readily available especially with EPIC users. Have any of you tried to teach this? How did that work out? Final Common Misconceptions • The AWV covers a yearly complete head to toe annual exam. • You can do the AWV in a brief period of time. • It’s ok to do the AWV when there are lots of other medical problems that are occurring. • Information within the AWV can be used to support the level of care determination for E/M service. Important Links Overview from CMS: Overview from ACP _coding/wellness.htm Overview from AMA Overview from Duke Important Links ABC’s of providing the annual Wellness Visit Annual Wellness Visit Health Risk Assessment (paper version from Dartmouth) coding/medicare/hra.pdf Health Risk Assessment (electronic version, from Dartmouth) In summary… The Medicare Annual Visit is a relatively new service that we can and should be providing to Medicare beneficiaries. There is a proper time and place to do this. You can get help-consider this a team approach. Make sure your documentation is meticulous, especially if you add E/M codes as well. Use this time to cover topics that you might not otherwise address.