B型肝炎治療新知 新竹馬偕醫院 肝膽胃腸科張瀚文 The HBV Genome preS1 Relaxed circular partially preS2 (-) double-stranded DNA (+) S Approximately 3,219 bps Four overlapping open reading frames Core DR1 DR2 Pre-core X Adapted from Lee WM. N. Engl. J. Med. 1997; 337:1733–45 POL The Life Cycle of HBV in the Hepatocyte Infectious HBV virion Subviral Particles HBsAg Hepatocyte HBeAg ER/Golgi Viral POL converts pgRNA to partially dsDNA Partially dsDNA HBeAg Encapsidated pre-genomicRNA cccDNA mRNA HBsAg HBcAg Pre-core/Core Nucleus Adapted from Lai CL and Yuen MF. J. Med. Virol. 2000; 61:367–73 HBV Infection 15-20% HBsAg carrier in adult Infants Inapparent Disease Recovery (<10%) 30-40% Chronic Infection (>90%) 60-70% Chronic Hepatitis 2%/year 0.8%/year Healthy Carrier Cirrhosis 0.1%/year 3-10%/year HCC 哪些B型肝炎容易變成肝硬化肝癌 Stage of chronic hepatitis B Immune Immune Remission Reactivation Recover Tolerance Clearance stage stage HBsAg + + + + -- HBeAg + + -- -- -- HBV DNA +++ ++ +- ++ -- GOT/ GPT N N N Stage HBeAg Positive of chronic hepatitis HBeAg Negative hepatitis B hepatitis Immune Immune Remission Reactivation Recover Tolerance Clearance stage stage HBsAg + + + + - HBeAg + + - - - HBV DNA +++ ++ +- ++ - GOT/ GPT N N N B型肝炎如何致病? HBV主要的致病機轉並不是直接殺死肝細胞,它是藉 由人體的免疫機轉而導致肝細胞壞死的。人體免疫系 統內的T cell,平常不會攻擊體內的正常細胞,當體內 的正常細胞遭受到病菌感染時,它就會將已受感染的 細胞殺死,目的是為了要除去入侵的病菌。 B型肝炎病毒導致肝炎就是經由這樣的途徑。T cell要 將HBV「驅除出境」,然而HBV是在肝細胞內,所以在T cell欲除去HBV同時,肝細胞也跟著陪葬了。 Who should be tested for HBV infection Who should be tested for HBV infection Recommendations for Infected Persons Regarding Prevention of Transmission of HBV to Others Evaluation of Patients with Chronic HBV Infection Suggested follow-up for patients not considered for treatment Definition of Response to Antiviral Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B Definition of Terms Relating to Antiviral Resistance to Nucleoside Analogue(NA) Treatment Genotypes of HBV and Geographic Distribution Genotype Geographic Distribution A Africa, India, Northern Europe, United States B Asia, United States C Asia, United States D India, Middle East, Southern Europe, United States E West and South Africa F Central and South America G Europe, United States H Central and South America, California in United States Int J Med Sci. 2005; 2(1): 36–40. 治療慢性B型肝炎的目標 Stop HBV replication, ideally permanently Improve hepatitis: normalise ALT, HBeAg seroconversion, improve symptoms Arrest/reverse hepatic fibrosis: Improve long-term prognosis Stop progressive liver damage cirrhosis Prevent HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma Prolong life, or at least improve life quality 慢性B型肝炎治療之endpoints Biochemical: Normalisation of ALT Virological: Decrease HBV DNA to <105 copies/mL Loss of HBeAg Histological: Decrease HAI score by >2 points and to below score of 7 Complete: Biochemical and virological response plus loss of HBsAg 治療慢性B型肝炎的藥物 抗病毒 (Antiviral) Interferon Lamivudine (3TC) *Adefovir dipivoxil *Entecavir Telbivudine (L-dT) Emtricitabine (FTC) *Tenofovir *Remofovir *LB80380 *Clevudine (L-FMAU) *L-Fd4C *DAPD 免疫調節 (Immunomodulation) Interferon ( PEG-IFN ) Thymosin-1 Steroid withdrawal, IL-12 Therapeutic vaccines 無效或有毒 (Toxic or ineffective) Acyclovir, ganciclovir, levamisole, IL-2, ribavirin, AZT, ddI, ARA-AMP, fialuridine, foscarnet, lobucavir, famciclovir *Effective for YMDD mutants Endpoints defining efficacy of treatment Termination of HBV replication Loss of HBeAg, seroconversion to Anti-HBe Loss of HBV DNA by hybridization assay Cessation of chronic liver injury Normalization of aminotransferases Decreased symptomatology, if any Disease-free state Seroconversion to HBsAg–negative and Anti-HBs– positive status Absence of HBV DNA from serum and liver tissue by PCR Stage of chronic hepatitis B ? Immune Immune Remission Reactivation Recover Tolerance Clearance stage stage HBsAg + + + + - HBeAg + + - - - HBV DNA +++ ++ +- ++ - GOT/ GPT N N N TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS B Interferon FDA approved Since 1991 Action of the interferons 干擾素治療慢性B型肝炎的好處 Short treatment course (4-6 months) 40% HBeAg seroconversion (less in Asians) Best predictors: ALT> 5 ULN HBV DNA <200 pg/mL Short duration infection Alters outcome of chronic liver disease - Wang, NEJM, 1996 干擾素治療慢性B型肝炎的缺點 Few cases are optimal Most are neonatally acquired, low ALT Minimally effective with HBeAg (-) variants Poorly tolerated Frequent unpleasant side effects Occasional dangerous side effects Hazardous for decompensated cirrhosis Poorly accepted Need for injections Expensive TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS B Lamivudin (Zeffix)干安能 FDA approved Since 1998 NH2 NH2 N N O O O P O P O P O O O (-)O P (-)O O P O P N O O S (-)O (-)O O O N (-)O O (-)O (-)O (-)O O OH Deoxycytidine Triphosphate (dCTP) Lamivudine Triphosphate (3TCTP) Antiviral mechanism of lamivudine Lamivudine Infectious HBV virion DNA Partially pol doublestranded DNA cccDNA Infectious HBV virion HBsAg envelopes RT (-)DNA A(n) mRNA Encapsidated pregenomic mRNA Lai et al., J Med Virol 2000 Lamivudine, IFN- 與安慰劑副作用的比較 Adverse event Malaise and fatigue Headache Viral respiratory infection Nausea and vomiting Muscle pain Temperature disturbance Arthralgia Depression Feeding problems Hair loss Decreased white cells Placebo n=200 Lamivudine n=416 IFN- n=70 28 21 19 17 9 9 5 5 3 3 1 26 22 19 16 8 7 6 4 3 3 1 70 47 37 34 40 43 23 13 33 23 26 Integrated data from NUCB3009, NUCA3010, NUCB3010 and NUCAB3011 治療前血清ALT值與e抗原陰轉的關係 HBeAg seroconversion Placebo 70 (%) ALT < 2X ULN ALT 2–5X ULN Lamivudine ALT >5X ULN 50 30 10 0 0 8 16 24 32 40 52 0 8 16 24 32 40 52 0 8 16 24 32 40 Duration of lamivudine therapy (weeks) 52 TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS B Adefovir Dipivoxil (干適能) FDA approved Since 2002 Adefovir Dipivoxil Lamivudine Naive Adefovir in HBeAg positive CHB (Beyond 48 weeks) 75 80 67 70 60 46 50 44 41 Week 24 Week 48 40 30 20 Week 72 26 14 23 23 14 13 8 10 0 HBV DNA ALT < 400 copies/mL normalization HBeAg loss HBeAg seroconversion Marcellin, et al. AASLD 2002 TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS B Entecavir (Baraclude貝樂克) FDA approved Since 2005 HBV DNA suppression after 2 years treatment HBeAg seroconversion Long-term ETV therapy Chang TT Hepatology 2010 Long term ETV therapy achieved histologic improvement Chang TT Hepatology 2010 Lont-term ETV therapy induce reversal of advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis Schiff ER Clin Gastrol and Hepatol 2011 TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS B Pegylated-Interferon alpha 2a Pegasys FDA approved Since 2004 Pegas Pegylated interferon (PEG IFN) alpha 2-a in HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B (from Marcellin et al. NEJM 2004). Pegylated interferon (PEG IFN) alpha 2-a in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B (from Cooksley et al. Journal of Viral Hepatitis 2003). HBeAg Seroconversion rate May Last After Drug is Stopped Treatment Follow up TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HEPATITIS B Telbivudine (Tyzeka) Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. FDA approved 2006 Telbivudine (LdT) vs. Lamivudine in Lamivudine-Experienced Patients: Week 24 E Gane, R Safadi, Q Xie, et al. 57th AASLD. 2006. Abstract 1007. Telbivudine vs Lamivudine in Chronic Hepatitis B HBeAg+ 1 year: LDT PCR-negative (%) 60 LAM 40 HBeAg loss (%) 26 23 HBeAg seroconversion (%) 22 21 Resistance 3 8 Primary treatment failure (%) 5 PCR-negative (%) eAg seroconversion (%) P < .01 HBeAgLDT 88 LAM 71 2 7 13 0 3 69 41 84 67 33 24 < .01 P < .01 < .01 1.5 year: < .05 Comparison of neucletide analogues Lamivudin Adefovir Resistance E seroconversion* Durability ~70%/5yr ~29%/5yr Telbivudi n <1%/3yr ~22%/2yr ~17% ~12% ~22% ~22% 50~80% ~90% ~80% ~80% low low - 3.5-4.5 5.2-7.0 5.2-6.5 Flare after Moderate withdrawal Viral suppression* 4.5-5.5 DNA negative* Entecavir 32%-78% 21%-51% 69%-91% 60%-88% Long term data >5yr >5yr 3 yr 2yr Adverse effect rare rare rare rare * 1 year data