Assessing volume responsiveness in spontaneously breathing patients Dr Xavier MONNET Medical Intensive Care Unit Bicêtre Hospital FRANCE Conflicts of interest Lilly Arrow Deltex Medical Pulsion Medical Systems Prediction of fluid responsiveness Concept Stroke volume When we administer fluid, we expect an increase in SV b' a' b' All patients do not « respond » to fluid administration a' A B VE A B VE Ventricular preload Prediction of fluid responsiveness Concept 2 situations must be distinguished initial phase of septic shock hypovolemic shock a positive « response » to fluid is certain fluid must be administered immediately septic shock after the initial phase previous fluid administration lung injury fluid responsiveness is not certain Prediction of fluid responsiveness Concept Stroke volume b' a' deleterious effects lung edema gas exchange alteration b' in case of ARDS interstitial edema a' alteration in tissue oxygenation How to predict fluid responsiveness A B A B Ventricular preload ? Prediction of fluid responsiveness CVP Prediction of fluid responsiveness CVP CVP does not enable predicting fluid responsiveness ? Prediction of fluid responsiveness CVP Stroke volume impaired ventricular function b' a' effects on SV impaired ventricular function b a "fluid challenge" CVP preload Ventricular preload Prediction of fluid responsiveness respiratory variation of stroke volume A B Prediction of fluid responsiveness pulse pressure variation Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations The respiratory variation of hemodynamic signals cannot be used in case of cardiac arrhythmias low Vt Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations PPmin PPmax PPmax PPmin Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations mmHg 110 90 70 50 PPmax PPmin Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations The respiratory variation of hemodynamic signals cannot be used in case of cardiac arrhythmias low Vt spontaneous breathing Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations 100 PPV for predicting a 15% increase in cardiac index 31 patients with spontaneous breathing activity sensitivity 80 60 40 20 PPV cannot be used in case of spontaneous breathing activity PPV 0 0 20 40 60 100 - specificity 80 100 Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations PPV for predicting a 15% increase in cardiac index 21 patients with spontaneous breathing activity Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations PPV for predicting a 15% increase in cardiac index 32 patients with SB Respiratory variation of stroke volume limitations The respiratory variation of hemodynamic signals cannot be used in case of cardiac arrhythmias low Vt spontaneous breathing frequent in the ICU How to predict fluid responsiveness ? cardiac arrhythmias, low Vt, spontaneous breathing ? no respiratory variation yes ? Passive leg raising hemodynamic effects 45° Blood shift toward the intrathoracic compartment Passive leg raising hemodynamic effects CVP PAOP Passive leg raising is enough for increasing right cardiac preload left cardiac preload base PLR base base PLR base Passive leg raising hemodynamic effects CVP PAOP PLR acts like a ″self volume challenge ″ base PLR base base PLR base Passive leg raising prediction of fluid responsiveness ? 76 ICU patients with acute circulatory failure Aortic blood flow (% change from baseline) 70 esophageal Doppler monitoring non responders responders 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 During PLR After fluid infusion After fluid infusion Monnet et al., Crit Care Med, 2006 Passive leg raising prediction of fluid responsiveness ? ABF Volume expansion PLR Passive leg raising prediction of fluid responsiveness ? 76 ICU patients with acute circulatory failure Aortic blood flow (% change from baseline) 70 esophageal Doppler monitoring non responders responders 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 During PLR After fluid infusion During PLR After fluid infusion Monnet et al., Crit Care Med, 2006 Passive leg raising prediction of fluid responsiveness ? % PLR-induced changes in ABF 80 prediction of fluid responsiveness 60 40 * Cut-off 10% 20 Se = 97 % Sp = 94 % 0 -20 -40 The PLR test allows a reliable NR R Passive leg raising prediction of fluid responsiveness ? 100 sensitivity 80 The PLR test remains reliable in case of SB 60 31 patients with spontaneous triggering of the ventilator 40 PLR effects on ABF 20 PPV 0 0 20 40 60 100 - specificity 80 100 How to predict fluid responsiveness ? cardiac arrhythmias, low Vt, spontaneous breathing ? no yes respiratory variation indices PLR PLR Passive leg raising Which monitoring tool for assessing PLR effects ? Passive leg raising which monitoring tool ? EDM 10 % increase in ABF 10 % increase in ABF echo 12 % increase in aoVTI 12 % increase in aoVTI PiCCO Passive leg raising which monitoring tool ? EDM 10 % increase in ABF 10 % increase in ABF 12 % echo increase in aoVTI 12 % increase in aoVTI 10 % PiCCO increase in PCCI Which method for performing PLR ? PLR test method importance of the postural change 45° semi-recumbent position 45° PLR position 45° recumbent position PLR position PLR test importance of the postural change 35 patients All responders to PLR % change in cardiac index from baseline 37.5 25 12.5 0 PLR test importance of the postural change PLR test importance of the postural change 35 patients (all responders to fluid administration) 35 responders 20 responders 15 non responders (not correctly classified) PLR test limitations PLR-induced changes in PP 80 false negative cases 60 40 * 20 0 -20 -40 PLR test effects cannot be assessed by arterial pressure changes NR R PLR test limitations cannot be assessed with arterial pressure cannot be used in the OR How to predict fluid responsiveness ? cardiac arrhythmias, low Vt, spontaneous breathing ? no yes respiratory variation indices PLR ? PLR ? Vasalva maneuver ? 30 patients without MV Prediction of a 15% increase in SV with fluid Vasalva maneuver ? Vasalva maneuver ? Vasalva maneuver ? 9 pigs with SB Prediction of a 15% increase in SV with fluid Breathing against an I and/or E 7.5 cmH2O resistance OAP de sevrage de la ventilation mécanique mécanismes Mise en VS pression intrathoracique pression intrathoracique postcharge cardiaque gauche retour veineux systémique pression transmurale VG précharge VG postcharge VG travail cardiaque POD OAP retour veineux systémique Tele-expiratory occlusion A B tele-expiratory occlusion Tele-expiratory occlusion test 34 patients with SB or cardiac arrhythmias Tele-expiratory occlusion test 34 patients with SB or cardiac arrhythmias Tele-expiratory occlusion test Effects of end-expiratory pause Effects of end-expiratory pause on cardiac index on pulse pressure 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 0 -10 increase 5% Se = 91% Sp = 100 % 10 0 -10 increase 5% Se = 87 % Sp = 100 % How to predict fluid responsiveness ? cardiac arrhythmias, low Vt, spontaneous breathing ? no yes respiratory variation indices PLR PLR TEO TEO