CHEMEXC AMERICAN Who are we ? Group of companies that work in research, development, manufacture and commercialization of bio pesticides for Green Agriculture. MISION Contribute to global agriculture, offering natural and economically viable alternatives to pest control, with a positive impact in the environment and human health. VISION To become leaders in bio pesticide manufacture, with high quality products.. Our manufacturing process • Production is carried out following strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) with local, annual certification. Our Products : We guarantee Quality and Safety, both for humans and the environment. NEMATICIDES NEMAGOLD TM NEMAKLIN TM Marigold Extract Paecilomyces sp. NEMAGOLD TM NEMATICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Pratylenchus sp, Ditylenchus sp, Helicotylenchus sp, Meloidogyne sp, Radopholus sp. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Mix of Petiveria spp. and Tagetes spp. Extracts FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE 7 – 10 lts/ha 2-3 lts/ 200 Lts of water ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Works best at pH 6. Do not mix with powdered or palletized products. May be used in other crops CHARACTERISTICS Acts by destroying the nematode membrane. It also acts as insecticide. The product also acts on the enzymes that are found in the cuticle of the nematode. It immobilizes the nematode causing its death. The infested plant may then return to root growth improving crop yields. The product can be used preventive (most recommended) or curative if the plague is already present. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. NEMAKLINTM BIOLOGIC NEMATICIDE USE CROPS Fresh market fruits and vegetables, Tabaco, Forestry PESTS Nematodes in general, specifically, Meloidogyne genus. Sinfilids GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Phaecilomyces lilacinus FORMULATION HIDROSOLUBLE POWDER ACTION Contact-Treatment PACKING 400 gr. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1-2 doses/Ha. Aplly through irrigation system or by drench. Distribute the dose through all the irrigation system. Best if use water with pH 4-8. Apply every 7 days or according to field infestation. May be used in other crops CHARACTERISTICS This microorganism is extremely lethal to nematodes. Acts directly over the eggs and larvae causing their death in very few days May also be used to control sinfilids. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. SOIL FUMIGANT BOTANICAL PRODUCT FUMINATTM Liquidámbar Extract FUMINATTM NATURAL SOIL FUMIGANT USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals, flowers, Grains Nematods, soil fungi and bacteria, Sinfilids, ants, Japanese Beettle worm, worms in general, etc. DOSE 7-10 Lt/ Ha. Pre-planting 2-4 Lt/Ha. During Harvest if neccesary GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de LIQUIDAMBAR FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Apply to the soild through the irrigation system enough to cover the whole fields pH de 6.0. a 7.0 is recommended MAY ALSO BE APPLIED DURING THE GROWTH AND HARVEST OF A CROP. CHARACTERISTICS Is a full spectrum soil fumigant, fungicide, bactericide, nematicide and insecticide. Works against most types of pests that prevent good crop yields. In some cases such as cantaloup and melon crops, yields are comparable to METHYL BROMIDE fumigation (when used with other Chemexc products as recommended). Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. FUNGICIDES BACTERICIDES BOTANICAL PRODUCTS REVANCHATM Mimosa tenuiflora Extract CITRONOLTM Mix of Citrus Seed and Citrus Pulp Extracts FUNGOSINTM Ageratum spp. Extract TM REVANCHA FUNGICIDE / BACTERICIDE USE CROPS PESTS DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Oidium mangiferae, Colletotrichium gloesporoides, Phytophthora sp, Mycospharella citri, Alternaria cucumerina, Cercospora sp, Rhizoctonia sp, Dydimella sp, Fusarium sp, Pyricularia oryzae, Pseudomonas sp, Peronospora destructor, Xanthomonas sp, Erwinia sp. 1-2 Lts/ 200 Lt of water pH de 6.0 is recommended. May be used in post harvest production. may be applied on the same day of harvest. If its applied to the leaves of the crop, it is best if applied during early morning hours or late evening hours. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de Mimosa tenuiflora FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. Can be applied directly to the roots, stemps, leaves or fruits of the crop CHARACTERISTICS It is a highly effective fungicide and bactericide against most fungi and phytopathogenic bacteria, inhibiting their growth systemically and preventing most related diseases to fresh market fruits and vegetables. It stops the formation of essential metabolytes in fungi and bacteria, denaturalizing the enzymes, generating a full membrane rupture, causing the death of the microorganism and thus preventing its reproductive cycle. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. CITRONOLTM FUNGICIDE / BACTERICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals, flowers, Grains, Fusarium sp, Pseudomonas sp, Xanthomonas sp, Erwinia sp. DOSE 1-2 Lts/ Ha. 2 lts/ 200 Lts of water ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Perform 3 curative treatments in 5-7 day cyclesdias. pH 2.5-5.0 is recommended. Should not be mixed with foliar fertilizers. Do not apply without a trial runin the crops GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de semillas de citricos FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. CHARACTERISTICS It is a highly effective fungicide and bactericide against most fungi and phytopathogenic bacteria, inhibiting their growth systemically and preventing most related diseases to fresh market fruits and vegetables. It stops the formation of essential metabolytes in fungi and bacteria, denaturalizing the enzymes, generating a full membrane rupture, causing the death of the microorganism and thus preventing its reproductive cycle. It is fast acting. Because of this, care should be taken with every new application. If applied in excesive concentration, may damage fruits or vegetables. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. TM FUNGOSIN FUNGICIDE / BACTERICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Oidium mangiferae, Colletotrichium gloesporoides, Phytophthora sp, Mycospharella citri, Alternaria cucumerina, Cercospora sp, Rhizoctonia sp, Dydimella sp, Fusarium sp, Pyricularia oryzae, Pseudomonas sp, Peronospora destructor, Xanthomonas sp, Erwinia sp. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de Ageratum FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE 1-2 Lts/ 200 Lt of water Can be applied directly to the roots, stemps, leaves or fruits of the crop ADDITIONAL INFORMATION pH de 6.0 is recommended. May be used in post harvest production. may be applied on the same day of harvest. If its applied to the leaves of the crop, it is best if applied during early morning hours or late evening hours. CHARACTERISTICS It is a highly effective fungicide and bactericide against most fungi and phytopathogenic bacteria, inhibiting their growth systemically and preventing most related diseases to fresh market fruits and vegetables. It stops the formation of essential metabolytes in fungi and bacteria, denaturalizing the enzymes, generating a full membrane rupture, causing the death of the microorganism and thus preventing its reproductive cycle. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. FUNGICIDES BACTERICIDES BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTOS TRICHO-DTM Trichoderma sp. M.E. TM Effective Microorganisms SUBTILEXTM ULTRA Bacillus subtilis VERTILEXTM Lecanicillium lecanii TRICHO-D TM BIOLOGIC FUNGICIDE USE CROPS PESTS DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals, grains, sugar cane, forestry, tobacco. Fusarium sp., Pythium sp., Sclerotium sp., Sclerotinia sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Phytophtora sp. Botrytis sp., Erwinia sp., Alternaria sp., Oidium, Mildius 1-2 doses/Ha. Apply through the irrigation system or by drench. Best if pH 4-8 is used. Apply every 7 days according to disease incidence in the fields. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Trichoderma harzianum. FORMULATION HIDROSOLUBLE POWDER ACTION Preventive PACKING 400 gr. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. CHARACTERISTICS Its a preventive bio fungicide, antagonits to crop diseases.Trichoderma acts as an antagonits, parasitic antibiosis. May be used in Integrated Pest Management systems for plague control. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. SUBTILEX TM BIOFUNGICIDE / BACTERICIDE USE CROPS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Forestry. PESTS Fusarium sp., Pythium sp., Sclerotium sp., Sclerotinia sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Phytophtora sp. Botrytis sp., Erwinia sp., Alternaria sp., Oidium Mildius GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Bacillus subtilis FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE 1 L/ 200 L of Water ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Apply through drip irrigation system Best if pH 4-8 is used. Do not apply in sunny days. Best if applied late in the afternoon. Best if applied when pets are in early stages of develpment. Apply every 7 days Do NOT use adherents CHARACTERISTICS SUBTILEX is a bacteria that colonizes the foliage and soil, rapidly limiting the physical space of competing pathogenic microorganisms. It also produces antibiotics providing a chemical barrier, protecting the plant. SUBTILEX may be applied to the soil as well as the plant, stems and leaves themselves. Best if used as preventive treatment. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. M.E. TM (EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS) FUNGICIDE / BACTERICIDE USE CROPS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals, forestry. PESTS DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fusarium sp., Pythium sp., Sclerotium sp., Sclerotinia sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Phytophtora sp. Botrytis sp., Erwinia sp., Alternaria sp., Oidium Mildius 1-2 doses /Ha. Best if pH 4-8 is used. The mix product works best if prepared accordingly, 24 hours before application Best if applied every 7 days according to the field infestation GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Trichoderma harzianum, Bacillus subtilis, Saccharomyces sp. FORMULATION HIDROSOLUBLE POWDER ACTION Preventive PACKING 400 gr. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. CHARACTERISTICS Its a group of microorganisms that rapidly colonize the soil and produce antibiotics that protect the roots of the crops. Tehy also produce enzymes and vitamins that help maintain a healthy soil. Best if also used as preventive treatment. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. VERTILEX TM MICROBIOLOGIC INSECTICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals, grains. Insects homopterous, y sinfilids GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Lecanicillium lecanii FORMULATION HIDROSOLUBLE POWDER ACTION Contact-Treatment PACKING 400 gr. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1-2 doses/Ha. Best if pH 4-8 is used. The mix product works best if prepared accordingly, 24 hours before application Best if applied every 7 days according to the field infestation Best if an adherent is used. Best if applied directly over the infestation. CHARACTERISTICS Broad Spectrum insecticide that introduces itself within the isect to feed on it, thus killing it and effectively controlling the plague. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. DISEASE CONTROL REVANCHATM Mimosa tenuiflora Extract M.E. TM TRICHO-DTM Effective Microorganisms Trichoderma sp. SUBTILEXTM CITRONOLTM Bacillus subtilis Citrus Pulp and Citrus Seed Extract FUMINATTM Liquidambar Extract INSECTICIDES BOTANICALS LIMO-KTM QUAZINOLTM Lemmon Peel Extract Quassia amara Extract ALLIUMTM AFFIXTM Extracto de Ajo Potassium salts Soap BIOCONTROL NEEM-50TM Neem oil Soap LIMO-KTM INSECTICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals White flies, Trips, Adult mites, Suckers, Affids, harmful insects in general, Recently hatched worms GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de cascaras de limon FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE 1-1.5 Lts/ Ha. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For best results, make sure to cover both the upside and underside of the leaves until full drp is reached. Does not create resistance to the plague. Smay be aplied on the same day as the harvest. Should not be mixed with foliar fertilizers or micro nutrients. CHARACTERISTICS LIMO-K , is a powerful contact insecticide that acts by destroying the celular membrane of insects, trips, mites, and soft bodied mites. This product should be applied directly over the infested area. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. QUAZINOLTM INSECTICIDE USE CROPS PESTS DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Grains White flies, Trips, Adult mites, Suckers, Affids, harmful insects in general, Recently hatched worms, grasshoppers. 1-2 Lts/ 200 Lt of water Apply early during the day or late during the evening if its going to be applied to the foliage. Cover both the upside and the underside of the leaves. Best if used at pH 6-7. Should not be mixed with hard water Should not be used excesively. Should not be applied with acid pH foliar fertilizers. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de Quassia amara FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. CHARACTERISTICS QUAZINOL, works by ingestion. Stops the insect developemtn, acts systemically when absorbed by the plant, the plant changes in taste, thus preventing the insect from feeding on the plant and dies of malnourishment. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. AFFIXTM Potassium Salt Soap USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals. White flies, Trips, Adult mites, Suckers, Affids, harmful insects in general, Recently hatched worms GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de Aceite de Palma Africana FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE 1-2 Lts/ 200 Lt of water ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Apply early during the morning or late in the afternoon. Does not create resistance. Do not apply during harvest. Should not be applied along with acid pH fertilizers. CHARACTERISTICS AFIX is a natural potassium salt soap manufactured from african palm oil. Contact insecticide that acts best over soft bodied insects. It penetrates the insect´s body rupturing the cuticle and membrane, distorting cell phisiology thus producing insect death. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. BIOCONTROL NEEM TM Neem Oil Soap USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals, coffee, Grains. White flies, Trips, Adult mites, Suckers, Affids, harmful insects in general, Recently hatched worms DOSE 1- 1.5 Lts/ Ha ADDITIONAL INFORMATION pply early during the morning or late in the afternoon. Does not create resistance. Do not apply during harvest. Should not be applied along with acid pH fertilizers. GENERAL INFORMATION CHARACTERISTICS ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Etracto de Azadirachtin indica FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. Biocontrol Neem is a natural potassium salt soap manufactured from neem oil. Contact insecticide that acts best over soft bodied insects. It penetrates the insect´s body rupturing the cuticle and membrane, distorting cell phisiology thus producing insect death. It also acts by ingestion. The azadirachtin content acts as a growth regulator in insects, specially those in early stages of development such as larvae and eggscausing death and thus preventing the reproductive cylce from continuing. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. ALLIUMTM Systemic Insect Repellent USE CROPS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Grains, foliage. PESTS White flies, Trips, Adult mites, Suckers, Affids, harmful insects in general, Recently hatched worms, grasshoppers, ants. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Etracto de Allium sativum FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 0.5 - 1 Lts/ Ha Apply during early morning hours or during late afternoon hours. Does not create resistance. Does not change the smell or taste of the produce. The smell dissapears within minutes. Best if used at pH 6. do NOT apply during polinnization or flowering. Apply directly over the infested area. CHARACTERISTICS Allium is a systemic insect repellent. It is absorbed through the vascular plant system. The change in the plant´s natural odor repells insects. It also aplies a natural repelling taste to the plant 10 – 15 days after application. Once applied to a crop, it is absorbed and alters the enzimatic plant system, causing alteration in the plant´s transpiration, causing the taste in the plants sap. Allium also acts by over exciting the insects nervous system, disorienting the insects and repelling them. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. INSECTICIDES BIOLOGICS Bau-BTM Beauveria sp METARIXTM Metarhizium sp. B-THURINTM M.A. TM Bacillus thuringiensis Active Microorganisms BAU-B TM BIOLOGIC INSECTICIDE USE CROPS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals, sugar cane, coffee, bananas. PESTS DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Borer insects in general including coffe berry borers and sugar cane borers. 1-2 doses /Ha. Best if pH 4-8 is used. The mix product works best if prepared accordingly, 24 hours before application Best if applied every 7 days according to the field infestation Best if an adherent is used. Best if applied directly over the infestation. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Beauveria bassiana FORMULATION HIDROSOLUBLE POWDER ACTION Contact-Treatment PACKING 400 gr. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. CHARACTERISTICS Broad Spectrum insecticide that introduces itself within the isect to feed on it, thus killing it and effectively controlling the plague. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. METARIXTM BIOLOGIC INSECTICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Sugar cane Candelilla (Aeneolamia sp.) Foliage Salivazo (Prosapia sp.) Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Pulgones (Aphis sp. Mysus sp) DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1-2 doses/Ha. Best if pH 4-8 is used. The mix product works best if prepared accordingly, 24 hours before application Best if applied every 7 days according to the field infestation Best if an adherent is used. Best if applied directly over the infestation. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Metarhizium anisopliae FORMULATION HIDROSOLUBLE POWDER ACTION Contact-Treatment PACKING 400 gr. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. CHARACTERISTICS Broad Spectrum insecticide that introduces itself within the isect to feed on it, thus killing it and effectively controlling the plague. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. M.A. TM (ACTIVE MICROORGANISMS) BIOLOGIC INSECTICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Sugar cane, forestry. - Pulgones (Aphis sp. Mysus sp), - Butterfly worms (Lepidópters) in general. -Beettle worms ( coleopters) DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1-2 doses /Ha. Best if pH 4-8 is used. The mix product works best if prepared accordingly, 24 hours before application Best if applied every 7 days according to the field infestation Best if an adherent is used. Best if applied directly over the infestation. GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Metarhizium sp., Beauveria sp. FORMULATION HIDROSOLUBLE POWDER ACTION Contact-Treatment PACKING 400 gr. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. CHARACTERISTICS This is a prduct designed to control soil and foliage insects by contact and ingestion. Fantastic combination of fungi and bacteria that provide synergism amongst each other and do not compete with themselves to scavange insects that damage crops. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. ACARICIDES KANELITETM Cinnamon Extrac Contact acaricide that acts safely and rapidly Trips & Mites KANELITETM ACARICIDE-INSECTICIDE-FUNGICIDE USE CROPS PESTS Fresh market fruits and vegetables Ornamentals Mites, Afids, Powdery Mildew GENERAL INFORMATION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) Extracto de Cinnamomum zeylanicum FORMULATION Liquid ACTION Prevention-Treatment PACKING 1 – 200 L. TOXICITY Group IV. Product does not present danger. Green Band. DOSE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1.5 lts/ 200 Lts of water Apply through aspersion. May be used in post harvest. Full coverage of the upside and underside of the leaves is preferred method. Application intervals will depend on the infestation reentry time can be as short as 4 hours aster application.. CHARACTERISTICS 100% natural human and evironmentally friendly. Re entry time = 0 days, Harvest time = 0 days. PRODUCTS FOR PLAGUE CONTROL ALLIUMTM Garlic Extract KANELITETM B-THURINTM Cinnamon Extract Bacillus thuringiensis QUAZINOLTM LIMO-KTM Quassia amara Extract Citrus peel Extract CITRONOLTM BIOCONTROL NEEMTM Citrus Seed and Citrus Pulp Extract Neem Oil Extract M.A. TM AFFIXTM Active Microorganisms Potassium salts Soap AMERICAN BIOTEC CHEMEXC S. DE R.L Km 6 Desvió al Picacho, Tegucigalpa Honduras Tel: +(504)-2211-9060 / -9068 / -9064 Email: