Treated with homoeopathy
A system of medicine based on the principle of “like cures like” -similia similibus curentur
Uses the smallest dose possible to produce a response
Homoeopathy works with the body’s response to illness
Disease due to bacterial, viral invasion, inflammation, autoimmune, degeneration
Symptoms – body’s attempt to attack the disease process
Homoeo – detailed history to match with appropriate remedy
Allergens – House dust, house dust mite, grass, pollen, oil seed rape
Cats, dogs, cattle, guinea pigs
– Staphylococcin, Streptococcin
Eczema for many years
Allergies - guinea pig, dog, dust, straw eczema worse on uncovered areas,
< knees to ankles - has to wear short trousers scratches bleeding, > cool pain in head when running
Strong FH of Atopy – uncle, grandmother, father
Referred to dermatology clinic in 1997
Mild to moderate eczema, patches on wrists, flexures, neck – trunk clear but dry skin
Fucibet, Trimovate, Dermol,
Acute admssion for asthma in 1995 and 1997
Dermatology referral again in 2003
RAST – animal fur, strawberry, hay/straw, wool, high IgE to house dust mite
V. itchy at night sticks feet out of bed anxious about school, noisy if angry likes affection sociable, lots of friends
Fears - sharks, snakes likes performing prefers routine desires - salt, spicy, sweet
Sulphur 30C one day per month
House dust/ house dust mite 30C - one day per month
Graphites cream – often relieves itching and has healing properties. Enables reduction in use of steroid creams
Very hungry partic at 11 a.m.
Eat anything, craves fat
Dislike heat, washing, put feet out of bed
Red orifices
Active but dislike standing
Skin dry, burning eruptions > scratching
Offensive eruptions, pimples, boils
Fear - snakes
possibly more good days than bad with skin pain in head ++ gave Manganum 6C t.I.d., Graphites cream, continue with HD/HDM
Manganum – eruptions around joints, itching > scratching, chronic eczema
Bryonia for headaches
Seen 6 months later as cancelled previous appt skin much better, arms clear, some slight patches behind knees stopped Manganum but takes when skin flares up and > headaches much better dog hair, guinea pig, mixed grass/pollen
Eczema since birth
Tried avoiding dairy products – no effect
< summer, swimming
FH of atopy – sister,father, aunt
Hayfever < horses
2 cats at home – make her sneeze
Scratches → bleeding
Itching < heat
Stormy relationships with friends but has lots
Loves performing – sings in public
Fears spiders, dark, alone
Creative, sporty,
Phosphorus 1M – 1 day per month
Graphites 6C tablets, 1 tab t.i.d. and
Graphites cream
Chlorum 30C, 1 tab before and after swimming
Skin much better – no patches of eczema and itching disappeared
Advised to reduce Graphites
Mentioned that she is reacting to horses and hayfever has started
Given Horse tabs 30C to take before and after contact
And Mixed grass/pollen/oilseed rape tabs 30C
1Tab t.i.d. on 1 day per week
Improvement continued
No hayfever symptoms
Occasional flare-ups of eczema but less than previously
Attractive children and personalities
Maintain eye contact
Anxious to please
Dramatic, love performing
Fear - dark, thunder, alone
Burning in skin, cracks at joints
Burning pains
Pale complexion
Red hair
Eczematous rash on both hands
Discoid eczema on arms and lower legs
Started 3 years before, after going on to Ramipril
Allergies – nickel, alcohol based solutions
Hands – v. itchy, sore, cracked, weeping
Seen by dermatologist
Patch testing – NAD
Given Fucibet, Elconton, Dermocream and dermal soap
No improvement
Fairly easy-going, generous – wants to make people happy
Was a perfectionist at work
Dislikes heat
Weepy at happy and sad events, anxious about his family
Desires sweet foods
Lycopodium 1M - 1 tab t.i.d. on 1 day per month
Graphites tabs 6C – 1 tab t.I.d. until improvement
Graphites cream.
Improvement ++
Patches on limbs much less but not completely disappeared
Hands – itching > cracks and weeping >
Cream very soothing
Itching not completely disappeared so
Graphites stopped and Sulphur given instead.
Did not feel that Sulphur v. effective so has gone back to Graphites
Itching much >
Skin of hands, legs and abdomen virtually clear
Advised to reduce Graphites tabs with a view to stopping it completely
affects ears, skin and nails
Itchy eruptions with oozing
Eczema on head, crusts matting the hair
Eczema in flexures, groins, neck, behind ears
Thick, dry skin
Nails – thick, deformed, brittle
Tendency to constipation, obesity, indecision
Children – impudent, laugh at reprimands
Safe to take for any age group
Cost effective
Looking at the patient as a whole
Patient satisfaction
Practitioner fullfilment
Useful option to consider in the treatment of any patient for any symptom picture