Screening and Brief Intervention - California Society of Addiction


Substance Use Disorders

From Screening to Brief Intervention

Maureen Strohm, M.D.

Director, USC/California Hospital

Family Medicine Residency

So what’s the problem?

 >1000 tobacco-related deaths/day

 about 100 deaths/d due to 2nd hand smoke

 >300 alcohol-related deaths/day

 Nearly 100 drug-related deaths/day


 for men, as high as 23% over lifetime

 15-20% primary care patients with AODA

Substance Use Continuum:

All levels carry risk

 Abstinence: PH or FH

 Non-problem Use: “social use”

 Problem Use: public health issue, gray issue

 Abuse: 50% may progress to dependence

 Dependence: abstinence is ONLY option

CDC/PHS Guidelines

 Moderate Drinking

 Men <2 drinks/d, < 10 drinks/wk, 4 drink tolerance

 Women/ All over 65 <1 drink/d, < 7/wk, 3 drink tolerance

 “At risk” or “Hazardous” Drinking

 Men >4 drinks per occasion, >10 drinks/wk

 Women >3 drinks per occasion, >7 drinks/wk

 > 2 on CAGE Questions

“Problem Drinking/Using” or Abuse is...

A Maladaptive pattern of alcohol or substance use leading to

Major Roles: Problems at work, school or home.

Physical Hazards: Using while driving car.

Legal Entanglements: Bankruptcy

Social Difficulties: arguments with spouse, fights

(Health Consequences): Pancreatis, Ulcers, Fractures

(DSM-IV, 1994)

Spectrum of Substance Use

Disorders in Primary Care


….possible problems in 3-5 years

Problem Use

…non-compulsive use associated with negative consequences.


…compulsive use, loss of control and associated negative consequences.

Goals with Each Patient

 Prevention

 Screening and Assessment

 Brief Intervention

 heavy use or problem use

 Full Intervention

 if abuse or dependence identified

Goals with Each Patient

 ASK: Direct and/or indirect screening

 ASSESS: change

Point on continuum, Readiness for

 ADVISE: Educational feedback, CDC guidelines

 ASSIST: measures geared for preparation and action steps

 ARRANGE: follow-up, re-screen, referral

BEYOND Brief Intervention:

Formal Treatment

 DSM IV: Substance Abuse Disorders

 use-related problems at work, home, school

 use when physically hazardous

 use despite problems

 DSM IV: Substance Dependence Disorders

 tolerance or withdrawal

 use-related focus, unsuccessful at control

 continued use despite consequences

 better definition - adds addictive patterns of use


Better Definition

Three C’s...

Compulsion to Use

Loss of Control

Neg. Consequences


Screening and Assessment

 Routine History - Medication Review

 Direct Questions

 Quantity-frequency, short question(s)


 Indirect Screening

 CAGE Questions

 T-ACE for women



Routine History

 Use Medication Review as entry point:

 What Rx drugs are you taking?

 What about OTC drugs?

 Tell me about your own drugs…

 caffeine, tobacco

 What about alcohol…marijuana...cocaine… IV drugs?

 Move on to the direct question(s)


Traditional” questions

 Simple quantity/frequency questions are very insensitive (34-47%):

 How much? How often? (think of our games of interpretation!)

 More sensitive (Cyr and Wartman, 1988):

 When was your last drink?

 Have you ever had problems due to alcohol use?

Even Better!

Single Question

 When was the last time you had more than “X” drinks in 1 day?

(Never, >12 mon, 3-12 mon, <3 mon)

 X = 5 drinks for men, X = 4 drinks for women

 Sensitivity = 88% men, 83% women, overall 86%

 Specificity = 81% men, 91% women, overall 86 %

 Williams & Vinson, 2001, ER patients with injuries


Direct Screening

 More specific approach to quantity/frequency

 consumption per week, per occasion

 Medication History: Rx -> OTC -> “Personal drugs”

(caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, others)

 Simple tools/questionnaires

 Direct screening: Simple questions, AUDIT

 Focus on patterns and amount of use


Indirect Screening

 Identify patient/family risk for problems

 determine problems related to use

 Simple tools/questionnaires


 Gender differences in consequences

 Men have more legal consequences

 DUI, disorderly conduct, violence

 Women have more relational problems

 PH/FH of physical + sexual abuse

CAGE Questions:

Indirect Screen/Assessment

 Have you ever felt the need to your drinking (or using)?


 Has anyone ANNOYED drinking (or using)?

you by criticizing your

 Have you ever felt bad or drinking (or using)?

GUILTY about your

 Have you ever had a drink to settle your nerves or get rid of a hangover? (EYE-OPENER)

 91% sensitivity, 77% specificity


 Developed for use in pregnant women

 Substitutes Tolerance for Guilt for women

 > 2 drinks for a high indicates increasing tolerance


Point on Continuum / Risk Status

 At-Risk

 Exceed recommended guidelines.

 Problem Drinker/User …

 Review associated problems.

 Dependent

 Compulsion & Loss Control

 CAGE>=2


Level of Risk/Readiness for Change

 History MOST important

 Physical Examination

 Not good for early assessment!

 Blood pressure is one exception

 2-3 drinks/day may raise BP to HTN levels

 Labs - Most insensitive for screening

 “best” = BAC, GGT, MCV

 Other “Studies” Families live with problem drinkers for 7-8 yr before seeking help

Raising the Red Flags:

Enter the 5As from a different angle

 During H/P, episodic visits, PE or labs for other reasons

 Frequent URIs, bronchitis, pneumonia

 Chronic pain syndromes: HA, neck pain, LBP

 Chronic “stress” syndromes: anxiety, depression, insomnia, GI complaints

 Injuries and accidents

 Explore the use of alcohol/drugs to treat symptoms

ASSESS! Physical exam

 Skin changes rosacea, rhinophima, bruises, spider angiomata

 HEENT conjunctival injection

 Lungs associated COPD changes

 Heart arrhythmias, tachycardia, cardiomegaly

 Abdomen liver enlargement, tenderness, ascites

 Extremities - vascular changes, nicotine stains


FAMILY as “Screening Tool”

 Co-dependent families:

 Higher rate of health care utilization

 Similar cluster on nonspecific problems:

 headaches, back pain, GI complaints

 anxiety or depressive disorders

 Adolescents as “identified patient”

 Families live with problem drinkers for 7-8 years before seeking help


Readiness for Change


Relapse Contemplation




(Prochaska, DiClemente, Psychother Theory Res Pract. , 1982)

Readiness for Change

Each stage requires a unique message

Precontemplation …Unaware of problem


....Weighs Risks/Benefits

Preparation …....Makes Decision &Plans

Action ………...Practices New Behaviors

Maintenance ………..Sustaining Change

Relapse ………….………………...Oops!


 Non-judgemental approach critical

 Simple advice about consequences:

 CDC guidelines for moderate drinking

 Hazards of continued use (physical, interpersonal, legal)

 Potential for addiction (especially if +PH/FH, current crises)

ASSIST! Steps to Intervene

 Brief Intervention

 patient at risk due to PH/FH, current use patterns

 Further assessment, education, motivational counseling, follow-up

 Full Intervention

 patient meeting criteria for dependence

 “problem-user” patient who fails brief intervention


Monitor use and problems

 Ongoing assessment at follow-up

 Repeated screening at regular intervals

 at medical, psychosocial, family crises

 preventive health visits

 Referral for addiction consultation if questions remain

Targeting Substance Use


At Risk

Problem Use

Sub. Dependence

“Cut Back”

Brief Intervention



Formal CD Tx

Moving to Brief Intervention

 What is it? Time-limited strategy

 5 minutes -> 1 hour

 1 - 5 sessions

 Most studies used 10-15 minute session

 Brief advice, self-help booklets, weekly diaries of use

 Written contract with physician


 What is the aim?

 Prevention or elimination of problems

 Reducing/eliminating use

 Eliminating/reducing risk of harm



 Over 40 controlled trials

 Even control subjects reduced use 10-

30% at 1 year follow-up

 66%-74% reduction in quantity/frequency of use (men - women), with 5-15 min physician advice

 fewer binge episodes, reduction in total use

 improved liver function (reduced GGT levels)


Key studies

 WHO:

10 countries, >1600 nondependent drinkers

3 protocols + 10 item AUDIT questionnaire

similar results for simple advice group as for extended counseling + 3 follow-up sessions

 British Study (1988): 909 heavy drinkers

 Project TrEAT (1997): 776 at-risk drinkers

 reduced consumption: 39% fewer drinks/wk (18% in controls)

 47% fewer binge episodes (21% in controls)

 fewer in-hospital days though same # ER visits

Summary of Studies

 SIMPLY ASKING reduces use and subsequent problems at follow-up (10-30%)

 Brief Intervention results in further reduction of use (30-50%), often to “safe” levels

 Failure of brief intervention suggests diagnosis of dependence


What’s next?

 Initiation of recovery


 Formal Intensive CD Treatment Programs

 introduction to concepts and recovery

 day treatment, inpatient, medical vs social model

 Long Term Remission

 12 Step participation shows best chance for remission


 Screening:

 important throughout the life cycle

 Simply asking about use can reduce use

 a form of brief intervention by itself

 Single question: When was the last time you had more than X drinks in one day? (men=5, women=4)

 Simple tools for brief visit:

 AUDIT for detailed direct screening

 CAGE, T-ACE for further assessment


 Stage-based intervention can speed the process through the cycles of change

 Motivational counseling places the patient perspective and needs …and responsibility… at the center

 Failure of brief intervention suggests dependence - need for formal treatment

 Intervening with the family can enhance the health of family members …

 … and may break the cycle of co-dependence and lead to recovery for addicted member

