Salmonella Typhi By: Susana Vergil-Alvarado Shape and Arrangement • Shape: Rod • Flagellated and motile • Non-spore forming Classification • • • • • • • Kingdom: Eubacteria Phylum: Proteobacteria Class: Gamma Proteobacteria Order: Enterobacteriales Family: Enterobacteriaceae Genus: Salmonella Species: Salmonella Typhi Unique Structural Features: • Mode of nutrition: Salmonella Typhi gets its food from other living organisms. • Effect of Oxygen: Facultative anaerobic Historical Significance • It is a multi-organ pathogen that inhabits the lymphatic tissues of the small intestine, liver, spleen and blood stream of infected humans. • It is a Heterotrophic bacteria Gram Stain Characteristics • Salmonella Typhi is Gram Negative (light red or pink color) Health-Related Issues: Typhoid Fever: Caused by the ingestion of the bacteria in contaminated food or water Treatment: Antibiotics that kill the Salmonella bacteria. Modes of transmission: Oral transmission via food or beverages handled by an individual who chronically sheds through urine. Hand-to-mouth transmission after using a contaminated toilet and neglecting hand hygiene Oral transmission via sewage-contaminated water or shellfish Citations • Salmonella serotype Typhi.“Salmonella blog.”< _page.aspx#image> • Salmonella Typhi diagram. “Marler blog.” < om/uploads/image/salmonella_typhimurium_300.jpg&imgrefurl=ht tp:// 0&sz=49&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=N2EcNwgyzjnsX M:&tbnh=117&tbnw=111&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsalmonella%2Bt yphi%2Bbacteria%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3D isch:1&ei=AghHTYr-E4OBlAe9j-HzDw(info)> • Salmonella Typhi, the agent of typhoid. Gram stain. “The Microbial World.”< onella.html>