Cochran 2014

Defining Non-Medical Use of
Prescription Opioids within Health
Care Claims: A Systematic Review
Gerald Cochran, PhD 1,2
Bongki Woo, MSW 3
Wei-Hsuan Lo-Ciganic, PhD, MS, MSPharm 2
Adam Gordon, MD, MPH 2,4,5
Julie M. Donohue, PhD 2,6
Walid F. Gellad, MD, MPH 2,4,5
of Pittsburgh, School of Social Work; 2University of Pittsburgh, Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing, 3Boston College, School of Social Work;
Pittsburgh Healthcare System, 5University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine; 6University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health
Supported by: CDC/NIDA U01CE002496-01
4.9 Million People Misusing Opioid Medications:
A Critical Public Health Issue
Increased Physical, Mental and Behavioral Health Issues
50 deaths/day (2010)
Societal cost of $55.7 billion (2007)
Health System, Payer Data could Flag Non-Medical Use of Prescription Opioids
(NMPO) for Timely Intervention
To Date, NMPO Definitions Remain Unclear
Systematic Review of Publications that Define & Measure NMPO Objectives:
Describe definitions of NMPO
Identify areas for improvement
Search Yielded 2,613 Studies
8 Databases 2000-2014
Medicine: CINAHL, Health Source: Nursing/Academic, Medline, PubMed
Psychology: PsychINFO, PsycArticles
Social Work: Social Work Abstracts
Public Affairs: PAIS International
Related Terms in 3 Broad Categories (Boolean AND/OR Queries)
Health Insurance Claims
Non-Medical Use/Dependence
Search strings/commanda
Opioid category AB/TI (Analges* OR Buprenorphine OR Fentanyl OR Hydromorphone OR Morphine OR Opi*
OR Oxycodone OR Oxymorphone OR Oxycontin OR Painkiller OR Pain Management OR
Pain Medication OR Suboxone OR Subtex)
(Admin* OR Benefi* OR Claim* OR Diversion* OR Enrollee OR Insur* OR Medicaid OR
Medicare OR Pay*)
claims category
use category
(Abuse OR Chronic OR Dependence OR Long-term OR Misuse OR Overuse)
Terms related to opioid medications were searched using the electronic database search engines within the title and abstract, and terms related to
claims and misuse were searched using the electronic database search engines from any part of the article. This decision was based on very limited
search results generated when all terms were only searched within titles and abstracts. * = Exploded mesh term encompassing all MeSH subheadings.
The Study Selection Process
Consort flow diagram of selected studies
Key Data Points Extracted
General: Author, Date, Source
NMPO Conceptualization: the Name of the Problem
Abuse? Misuse? Probable misuse? Rx mentioned?
NMPO Operationalization: Measurement Variables
Dosage? Diagnosis? Prescriptions filled? Number of providers?
Validation Methods
Purpose of Analysis
Rates of NMPO
Data from Publicly Funded Sources N=2; Commercial N=3; Both N=2
NMPO Conceptual Definitions
Identifying prescription opioid abusers n=3
Potential or probable misuse of opioid medications n=3
Persons who chronically misuse opioids and are non-adherent to prescribed
regimen n=1
4 General Types of Operational Definitions w/ Varied Combinations
ICD-9 diagnosis codes
Opioid prescription records
Provider/pharmacist records
Urine toxicology
Operationalization of NMPO
First author/ year
Stated NMPO concept
Number of providers
and pharmacies
Braker 2009
Potential Rxbopioid misuse
Leider 2011
Non-adherence among chronic
opioid users
Potential opioid misuse/
inappropriate Rx practices
Rice 2012
Rx opioid abuse
Roland 2013
Diagnosed Rx opioid abuse
Sullivan 2010
Probable opioid misuse among
chronic opioid users
304.0X (opioid-dependence), 304.7
X (combinations of opioid-type de
pendence with any other drug depe
ndence), 305.5X (nondependent opi
oid abuse), and 965.0 (poisoning by
opiates/related narcotics)
304.0X, 304.7X, 305.5X, 965.00, 96 -5.02 (methadone poisoning), and 9
65.09 (opiates poisoning not elsewh
ere classified)
Number of prescribers (≤2, 3-4, ≥5); number of pharmacies
(≤ 2, 3-4, ≥5)
White 2009
Rx opioid abuse
Logan 2013
304.0, 304.7, 305.5, or 965.0
Prescription-fill based
Received ≥3 opioid Rxs from Yes/no record of opioid Rx
≥2 providers; ≥6 opioid Rxs w
ithin 6-months
120 days of a qualifying opioid
-within 6-months
Opioid Rxs overlapping ≥1
-week; overlapping opioid and be
nzodiazepine Rxs; long-acting/
extended- release opioids for
acute pain; or ≥100 morphine mi
lligram equivalent/ day
-Yes/no record of opioid Rx
Medication match and levels
within expected ranges
> 90 days of opioid use; days of -short acting opioids (≤185, 186-2
40, >240) and days of long actin
g opioids (≤185, 186-240, >240)
within 6-months
Yes/no record of opioid Rx
Validity Tests: Varied as Well
Braker: adequate validity predicting >6 Rxs filled in 6 months
Sullivan: OUD diagnosis + NMPO outcome showed adequate validity
White: validity with integrated prescription + diagnosis variables
Leider, Rice, Logan
Based on face and content validity
Rational justification for definitions
Citations of previous work
Rates of NMPO: Varied
From 0.75% to 10.32%
Cause of differences:
Cutoff points
(a) Likely non-adherent patients
Total chronic users
(b) Patients with 1 inappropriate prescription factor
Patients w/prescription from ED
(c) “Abusers”
Total sample
Conclusion and Recommendation
There is a Need to Identify and Intervene in NMPO
Current Knowledge is Inadequate
Both conceptual and operational definitions vary among studies
Existing definitions and measures have not been convincingly validated
A Prospective Study Would Yield Valuable Data
Recruit subjects through health plans
Assess for NMPO
Validate measures with existing validated measures
Thank you