FILARIASIS DEFINISI FILARIASIS Filariasis (philariasis) is a parasitic disease caused by thread-like nematodes (roundworms) belonging to the superfamily Filarioidea,[1] also known as "filariae".[2] These are transmitted from host to host by blood-feeding arthropods, mainly black flies and mosquitoes. JENIS FILARIASIS (menurut lokasi infeksi). 1.Lymphatic filariasis 2.Subcutaneous filariasis 3.Serous cavity filariasis JENIS FILARIASIS (menurut lokasi infeksi). 1.Lymphatic filariasis is caused Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori. In the lymphatic system, the lymph nodes, in chronic cases lead to elephantiasis. 2.Subcutaneous filariasis is caused by Loa loa (the eye worm), Mansonella streptocerca, and Onchocerca volvulus. In the subcutaneous layer of the skin, in the fat layer. L. loa causes Loa loa filariasis O. volvulus causes river blindness. 3.Serous cavity filariasis is caused by Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi, in the serous cavity of the abdomen. VECTOR FILARIA W. bancrofti perkotaan culex quinquefasciatus W. bancrofti pedesaan: anopheles, aedes dan armigeres B. malayi : mansonia spp, an.barbirostris. B. timori : an. barbirostris EPIDEMIOLOGY International 1.Lymphatic filariasis 90 million people and throughout the tropics and subtropics INFECTED. 2.O volvulus in equatorial Africa and foci in Central and South America. At least 21 million people INFECTED. 3. L loa Approximately 3 million people in Central Africa are infected . In 1997, the World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a program to globally eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem. EPIDEMIOLOGY Mortality/Morbidity Filarial diseases are rarely fatal, infection can cause significant personal and socioeconomic hardship The WHO has identified lymphatic filariasis as the second leading cause of permanent and long-term disability in the world after leprosy. The morbidity of human filariasis mainly from the host reaction to microfilariae or developing adult worms in different areas of the body. EPIDEMIOLOGY Race Filariasis has no known racial predilection. Sex Both sexes are equally susceptible to filariasis. Age All ages are susceptible and potentially microfilaremic. Microfilaremia rates increase with age through childhood and early adulthood, although clinical infection may not be apparent. The manifestation of acute and chronic filariasis usually occurs only after years of repeated and intense exposure to infected vectors in endemic areas. LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS Disease caused by nematode worms of the genera Wucheriaand Brugia. Larval worms circulate in the bloodstream of infected persons, and adult worms live in the lymphatic vessels. Screening. Blood sample collected in the middle of the night with the time of peak microfilariae abundance. ELISA test for antigens of the parasite in blood samples collected any time of the day is now available, easier. KRITERIA ENDEMIS /PENULARAN FILARIASIS Kriteria penularan penyakit mikrofilarial rate ≥ 1% pada sample darah di sekitar kasus elephantiasis, atau adanya 2 atau lebih kasus elephantiasis di suatu wilayah pada jarak terbang nyamuk yang mempunyai riwayat menetap bersama/berdekatan pada suatu wilayah selama lebih dari satu tahun. Berdasarkan WHO, mikro filarial rate ≥ 1% pada satu wilayah maka daerah tersebut dinyatakan endemis ,harus diberikan pengobatan masal selama 5 tahun berturut-turut. GEJALA PENYAKIT FILARIASIS 1. gejala dan tanda klinis akut : Demam berulang ulang selama 3-5 hari, demam dapat hilang bila istirahat dan timbul lagi setelah bekerja berat Pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening (tanpa ada luka) di daerah lipatan paha, ketiak (limfadenitis) yang tampak kemerahan, panas dan sakit Radang saluran kelenjar getah bening yang terasa panas dan sakit yang menjalar dari pangkal ke arah ujung kaki atau lengan Abses filaria terjadi akibat seringnya pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening, dapat pecah dan dapat mengeluarkan darah serta nanah Pembesaran tungkai, lengan, buah dada dan alat kelamin perempuan dan laki-laki yang tampak kemerahan dan terasa panas. GEJALA PENYAKIT FILARIASIS 2. Gejala dan tanda klinis kronis : Limfedema : Infeksi Wuchereria mengenai kaki dan lengan, skrotum, penis, vulva vagina dan payudara, Infeksi Brugia dapat mengenai kaki dan lengan dibawah lutut / siku lutut dan siku masih normal Hidrokel : Pelebaran kantung buah zakar yang berisi cairan limfe, dapat sebagai indikator endemisitas filariasis bancrofti Kiluria : Kencing seperti susu kebocoran sel limfe di ginjal, j DIAGNOSA FILARIASIS DIAGNOSIS FILARIASIS 1.Klinis diagnosis klinis ditegakkan bila ditemukan gejala dan tanda klinis akut ataupun kronis 2. Laboratorium Dinyatakan sebagai penderita falariasis apabila dalam darahnya positif ditemukan mikrofilaria. Darah jari yang diambil pada malam hari (pukul 20.00 - 02.00). Test ELIZA tidak perlu malam hari PENGOBATAN 1. Pengobatan Masal di daerah endemis (mf rate > 1%) Diethyl Carbamazine Citrate (DEC) dikombilansikan Albendazole sekali setahun selama 5 tahun berturut-turut. Pengobatan massal seluruh penduduk yang usia > 2 tahun Ditunda usia ≤ 2 tahun, wanita hamil, ibu menyusui PENGOBATAN 2. Pengobatan Selektif Dilakukan pada orang yang mengidap mikrofilaria anggota keluarga yang tinggal serumah dan berdekatan dengan penderita (hasil survey mikrofilaria <1% (non endemis) 3. Pengobatan Individual (penderita kronis) Semua kasus klinis diberikan obat DEC 100 mg, 3x sehari selama 10 hari sebagai perawatan terhadap organ yang bengkak SYMPTOMATOLOGY 1.Asymptomatic : 70 % are asymptomatic. Symptoms usually do not manifest until adolescence or adulthood, when worm burden is usually the highest. Lymphatic filariasis The symptoms of lymphatic filariasis predominantly result from the presence of adult worms residing in the lymphatics. The clinical course is broadly divided into 1.asymptomatic microfilaremia, 2.acute phases of adenolymphangitis (ADL), 3.chronic irreversible lymphedema. Three acute syndromes in filariasis, as follows: 1.Acute ADL: This refers to the sudden onset of febrile painful lymphadenopathy. Pathologically, the lymph node is characterized by a retrograde lymphangitis, distinguishing it from bacterial lymphadenitis. Symptoms usually abate within one week, but recurrences are possible. 2.Filarial fever: characterized by fever without the associated adenitis. 3.Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia (TPE) Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia TPE is a form of occult filariasis. Presenting symptoms include a paroxysmal dry cough, wheezing, dyspnea, anorexia, malaise, and weight loss. Symptoms of TPE are usually due to the inflammatory response to the infection. Characteristically, peripheral blood eosinophilia and abnormal findings on chest radiography are observed. TPE is usually related to W bancrofti or B malayi infection. Onchocerciasis This also is known as hanging groins, leopard skin, river blindness, or sowda. Symptoms Microfilariae in the skin and include pruritus, subcutaneous lumps, lymphadenitis, and blindness. Patients with onchocerciasis may report impaired visual acuity due to corneal fibrosis. Loiasis The symptoms Lloa infection are usually to subcutaneous swellings on the extremities, localized pain, pruritus, and urticaria. Microfilaremia tends to be asymptomatic. Occasionally, the worm is observed migrating through the subconjunctiva or other tissues. M ozzardi, M perstans, and M streptocerca Mansonella infections are usually asymptomatic. If symptoms are present, fever, pruritus, skin lumps, lymphadenitis, and abdominal pain. MANSONIAMOSQUITO