The market leader in virtual work environments for healthcare professionals Advisory Boards Scientific Discussion Groups The Case for Virtual Advisory Boards Hospital Professional Networks Voluntary Collaboration Programs Association Members & Committees 1 Agenda A Macro View: • Industry driving the need for change • Quick concepts about virtual advisory board capabilities The Case, Part 1: Top five reasons why pharmaceutical clients are implementing virtual advisory boards The Case, Part 2: Top five reasons why pharmaceutical agencies are implementing Within3’s virtual advisory boards The Case, Part 3: Top five reasons why advisory board participants/ consultants are embracing virtual advisory boards The Macro View: • Industry driving the need for change • Quick concepts about virtual advisory board capabilities 3 Macro Industry Drivers Drivers Result Government regulations • Physician Payment Sunshine Act • Fair Market Value reporting • Changes in the planning and execution of advisory boards − Focus on venues that make it easier for Pharma P&L challenges resulting in: • • • Layoffs and outsourcing Increased focus on specialty products participants − Allow for quicker, shorter sessions − No longer able to use advisory boards as marketing/relationship vehicles • Pharma must do more with less − Reduce cost of HCP engagement − Need to include varying participant types / specialties Participant concerns • Busy schedules limit ability to participate in live meetings • Employer/peer/patient pressure to avoid pharma payments • Opportunities for new and innovative solutions − Looking to build future capabilities − Looking to augment existing programs 4 Internal Viewpoints and Perspectives Internal Stakeholders •Medical Affairs •Brand Teams •Legal •Compliance “I’m facing headcount reductions, but still need to service internal and external clients.” — Medical Affairs Common Themes “Due to tightened legal and regulatory approaches, advisory board rules, processes and execution must be more transparent.” — Legal & Compliance “It is challenging to our team to grow revenue and become more responsive to customers with budget cuts and tighter regulatory constraints.” — Brand Manager 5 Better Outcomes By Integrating Digital Collaboration Solutions into Advisory Board Programs Traditional Live Meetings Digital Advisory Venues Online Community Discussion Compliant, multi-device access Traditional Live Meeting Processes and Best Practices Real-time Web Conferencing Digital Advisory Venues Processes and Best Practices 6 Virtual Advisory Boards Offer Additional Forms of Secure Communication Face-to-Face Telephone Online Discussion Email Notifications Webcast 7 Key Business Drivers For Advisory Board Approach Approach Live Meeting Only Key Business Drivers • Establishing New HCP Relationships • Year Round HCP Engagement Virtual Advisory Board Only • Comprehensive Insight and Feedback • Lowering Costs / Expanding # of Participants • Year Round HCP Engagement Live Meeting and Virtual Advisory Board • Comprehensive Insight and Feedback • Establishing New HCP Relationships 8 Virtual Advisory Boards Expand Live Advisory Boards 1 Ability to Support Shorter Engagement Needs: 2 Holding Virtual Advisory Sessions Before a Live Meeting: 3 Holding Virtual Advisory Sessions After a Live Meeting: Brand teams often do not have sufficient content / questions to support a full, eight-hour live advisory session. Virtual advisory boards allow brand teams to convene and execute sessions with smaller content amounts, avoiding wasted time and money “filling in” unnecessary hours of content to justify advisor meetings to internal compliance teams. Frequently, advisors can be helpful in framing the best questions to ask, and knowing the best materials required to make a live advisory board meeting successful. Some Within3 clients use the virtual advisory board platform in the weeks before a full live meeting to make everyone’s time better spent in live sessions. Oftentimes, follow-on data, market changes, or other factors make it useful to convene advisors weeks or months following a live advisory board session. The virtual advisory board platform permits brands to build annual plans/programs allowing for additional communication to improve strategy and ensure proper interaction with thought leaders. 9 Pharmaceutical Agencies Can Profitably and Effectively Integrate Virtual Advisory Boards into Their Offerings Within3 provides a full suite of technology and support services to help ensure agencies are successful in positioning, selling and delivering a best-of-breed customer experience. Within3’s services complement those of an agency – allowing agencies to develop deeper relationships, while continuing to focus on areas of business growth. 10 The Case, Part 1: Top Five Reasons Why Pharmaceutical Clients are Implementing Virtual Advisory Boards 11 Top Five Reasons Why Clients are Adopting Virtual Advisory Boards 1 2 3 Augment live advisory board programs with virtual advisory sessions for better results Increase the number or type of advisory board participants without increasing costs Address global or regional meeting needs where logistics are challenging or expensive 4 To be more responsive to current trends and industry changes 5 Lower costs by replacing live advisory board meetings with virtual advisory board meetings Reason 1: Augment Live Advisory Board Programs Scheduled Live Advisory Board Meeting Jan Feb March April… Dec Virtual session held before the live meeting to: Virtual session held soon after the live meeting to: Virtual Session held 6+ months after live meetings 1. Orient participants on key topics 2. Gain feedback on meeting agenda and scope 3. Present pre-meeting materials 1. Review summary and findings, documents and materials 2. Determine needs for go-forward discussion 1. Discuss latest developments and market changes 2. Ensure current perspectives remain valid Reason 2: Increase the Number or Type of Advisory Board Participants Within3 virtual environments allow for easy segregation of users into different rooms. Especially in complex disease states, clients are expanding “who” they wish to gain advice from to better serve their markets. Examples include: • • • • Differing types of specialists Participants from differing localities Physician extenders (nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, etc.) Payors / Practice Management professionals While honoraria costs (and perhaps content costs) may increase, venue costs remain low and scalable, making a deeper pool of participants possible. 14 Reason 3: Address Global or Regional Meeting Needs Especially in global settings, the cost to bring advisory board participants together can be prohibitive and determining the logistics can be burdensome. A virtual environment provides the following advantages: • Language • Participants from differing localities • Physician Extenders (nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, etc.) • Payors / Practice Management professionals 15 Reason 4: Faster Response Time • Participants can engage with a Within3 virtual environment at their convenience 24/7, fostering more collaboration and deeper clinical insights, allowing clients a faster response time • Within3 advisory boards ensure deeper dialogue by ALL participants as opposed to a live meeting where a few personalities tend to dominate the conversation 16 Reason 5: Lower Costs Within3 virtual advisory board meetings displace the costs associated with the following: • • • • • • Travel and airfare Hotel Food and beverages Meeting room Live site materials / signage Honoraria rates are often less considering physicians spend less time than they would going to / from a live advisory board session • Travel management / concierge services vs. Depending on the volume of meetings, Within3’s virtual advisory board meetings have been estimated to save as much as 25% to 50% over “pass-through” associated with live meetings 17 The Case, Part 2: Top Five Reasons Why Pharmaceutical Agencies are Implementing Within3 Virtual Advisory Boards 18 Top Five Reasons Why Pharmaceutical Agencies are Implementing Within3 Virtual Advisory Boards 1 2 To deliver innovative programs to clients for better results To allow for business growth without loss of key revenue sources when transitioning from live-only to digital or digital plus live services 3 To respond to client demand by replacing live advisory board meetings with virtual meetings 4 To deliver high customer satisfaction and value 5 Within3 Results Program assures strong readiness and training for agencies to be successful when offering new services for their clients Reason 1: Deliver Innovative Programs to Clients “More than ever before, the challenge for consultancies is to respond to the need to up-skill their staff in the use of new technologies, to offer an increasingly diverse range of services, yet at the same time, develop a unique offering that makes them stand out.” New skills and ways of working in healthcare comms - November, 2011 At best, agencies who are unable to provide innovative alternatives in response to the pressures facing pharma today open themselves up to potential competition, and at worse face the potential of losing pieces of business from key accounts. Conversely, agencies who can deliver modern, effective alternatives to traditional problems can differentiate themselves from the competition at both existing and new potential accounts. Reason 2: Allow for Business Growth Without Loss of Key Revenue Sources * Within3’s solutions increase “high value” services and revenues for agencies when deployed in conjunction with live meeting programs, while minimizing the “low profit” logistical and pass through services.* Key Service Summary High value, profitable services such as strategy, content development, project management, medical direction or editing, session moderation, and client communications. Low value (or even performed-at-a-loss) pass-though services such as advisor travel planning and concierge, physical logistics, hotel fees and sourcing, airlines, meals and lodging. Honoraria and contract management. Impact of Virtual Advisory Programs on Agency Fees Same or Higher Slightly Lower No Change * See “Comparison of Within3 vs. Webcast vs. Live Approach” in Product Learning Center for More Detail 21 Reason 3: Respond to Client Demand Whether it be via an RFP or through discussions with clients, increasingly more brand teams are demanding the adoption of virtual meetings into their strategic plans. “With about 71% of physicians already using or interested in using physician online communities, it’s the right time for pharma to look into the marketing and research opportunities offered by this channel.” — Erika S. Fishman Director of Research, Manhattan Research In response to these demands, agencies are often faced with the choice to either (a) dissuade the client from these ideas, (b) attempt to build and deliver solutions on their own, or (c) to search for (and manage) partners who can fit within their overall plans. Within3 is the clear choice for agencies that want to put forth a comprehensive, professional response to these requests. Reason 4: Within3 Advisory Boards Deliver High Customer Satisfaction and Value Positive Feedback from Advisors “The system was user-friendly and easily accessible.” “I was able to participate on my time.” “Community was easy to navigate.” Positive Feedback from Clients “I am very happy with the feedback and the participation.” “The system provided us access to our advisors 24/7 and created a positive environment for capturing insights.” Reason 4: Within3 Advisory Boards Deliver High Customer Satisfaction and Value Within3’s services complements — not competes — with those provided by a medical communications agency. In fact, no Within3 project can be delivered without an agency partner to drive the overall solution. This allows agencies to feel secure in maintaining key client relationships, delivering deep, valueadded services, and affecting positive results when working with Within3. “First Time” Readiness Services Goals Assessment / Fit Determination “Per Session” Services Content, Topics and Questions Organizational Readiness Medical / Legal / Compliance Planning and Implementation Discussion, Analysis and Monitoring Moderator Training and Faculty Orientation Within3’s methodology for enabling successful virtual advisory board sessions ensures the needs of agencies and their clients are met. 24 Reason 5: The Within3 Results Program Assures Successful Readiness and Training for Agencies Within3’s services complements – not competes – with those provided by a medical communications agency. In fact, no Within3 project can be delivered without an agency partner to drive the overall solution. This allows agencies to feel secure that they can maintain key client relationships, deliver deep, value-added services, and affect great results when working with Within3. Within3 Services Organizational Readiness Services Moderation Coaching Agency Services Brand Strategy Live Event Execution* Discussion Monitoring* User Orientation Venue Design, Setup and Operation Content Adaptation Session Moderation* Content Creation* Member Recruiting Honorarium and/or Contract Management Analysis and Conclusions Broader Program Integration * Within3 can provide assistance as needed for agencies in integrating existing content/processes into an online venue. 25 Within3’s Results Program Supporting agencies in securing new business Customized demos and sales materials to help realize the sale Proposal language, templates, sales aids and examples Medical/Legal/Compliance review support, materials and consulting Supporting agencies in high-quality delivery Deep experience structuring questions and content with agency clients Environments can be customized to meet any brand or need Free training available for moderation, administration and user orientation The Case, Part 2: Top 5 Reasons Why Participants/Consultants Embrace Virtual Advisory Boards 27 Top Five Reasons Why Pharmaceutical Agencies are Implementing Within3 Virtual Advisory Boards 1 2 The Sunshine Act has American physicians reconsidering how much work they do within the industry Convenience to engage whenever it is best for each participant during session windows 3 Ease of use of the Within3 virtual advisory board application 4 Language Barriers/Time to Consider answers before contributing 5 More efficient use of time Reason 1: The Sunshine Act is Deterring Physician Participation in Industry Programs In addition to concerns about limited time, American physicians are evaluating their participation in industry activities with an eye towards their overall Sunshine Act exposure. Within3 virtual advisory boards eliminate the non-work aspects of Sunshinerelated costs. This is doubly important because these fees are not viewed as “part of my payment” by most physicians. Example: High Level View of Sunshine Act-related exposure to an MD for same work provided: Expense Item Travel (Airline & Taxi) Live Meeting Within3 Virtual Meeting $1000 $0 Meals (over 2 days) $200 $0 Hotel $300 $0 $1,600 $1,600 $3,100 $1,600 Honoraria* Total “Payment” to physician * Assumes 8 hours at $200 per hour Reason 2: Convenience in Participating Within3 virtual advisory boards allow physicians to participate via discussion threads during a pre-defined session at their convenience — whether before rounds, after surgery, or late in the evening — avoiding the scheduling hassles associated with live meeting sessions. Reason 3: The Within3 Advisory Board Is Easy and Convenient Within3’s advisory boards are designed specifically with healthcare professionals in mind – with clear indicators of work to be done, and accessibility via any device. Reason 4: Language Barriers / Time to Consider Answers Before Contributing Participants respond at their own pace. After reading materials or accessing past posts, participants have the time to craft their thoughts vs. giving “on the fly” answers that sometimes permeate live sessions. This is especially convenient for clinical and/or global advisory boards where careful consideration of answers is desired. Reason 5: More Efficient Use of Time Adding travel headaches into an already busy schedule can be demanding for advisory board participants. By putting participants in control of when and where they participate, a greater respect for their busy schedules is achieved. Additionally, participants process information at different speeds, and engage at various levels. Helpful moderation tools assist moderators in drawing out needed information from users in an encouraging way. Appendix 34 Industry Wants to be More Effective When Delivering Advisory Board Programs Enhance the quality of the Advisory Board Process • More meaningful, thoughtful dialogue • Increase flexibility to achieve objectives Streamline compliance and audit safeguards Increase the productivity of thought leader engagements • Cover more topic areas Reduce overall resource utilization • Decrease internal planning time and expenses 35 Additional Reasons to Consider Virtual Advisory Board Programs Enables real time scientific information exchange with time sensitive questions for Brand/Medical Affairs Allows peer-to-peer connectivity and collaboration with more thoughtful responses Enables participation regardless of geographic boundaries; extends the conversation outside of a two-day meeting Enables increased connectivity and learning by allowing the possibility of multiple touch points throughout the calendar year 36 Virtual Advisory Boards Reduce the Effort Needed to Execute a Session Consistent Mechanism will significantly reduce time to implement Face-to-Face Advisory Boards Enterprise – Virtual Physician Community Months to Implement 1 1 Months to Implement 2+ 9+ Ongoing Engagement Much Improved Execution Time Platform compliance vetted and standardized by Legal / Compliance Core components of digital solution and advisor contract template already approved Logistical hurdles virtually eliminated (and flexibility increased) Reduced dependency on resource support Program content becomes focus 37 Virtual Advisory Board: 360 Degree Mutual Benefit Secure, private logon Ease of participation •Interact on their schedule from an internet browser •No travel •No geographic and time zone hurdle •Available 24/7 Content in context •Spend time crafting responses and submit when ready •Formulate responses based on the input of other colleagues Security •Private, invitation only environment Business Benefits •Enhanced knowledge exchange •Increased touch points with advisors throughout year •Built to support advisory board objective •Available 24/7 Advisor Life Sciences Company Reduced expense and human resource burden Terms / advisor contracts set the expectations 38 Virtual Advisory Boards Reduce the Overall Resource Burden Ad Board Cost Elimination of travel expenses enables significant savings (Up to a 37% reduction compared to day’s avg. cost*) Today Enterprise Online HCP Ad Board Communities • Hard Costs – Elimination of travel expenses • Travel, hotel, meals, etc. • Hard Costs – Reduced vendor cost • Limited spend on fees due to limited focus on content creation • Reduce number of vendors utilized for this function • Soft Costs – Reduced burden on internal resources • Consistent platform reduces time to implement * Large Pharma company cost analysis; includes only hard costs 39 Key Benefits of Conducting a Virtual Advisory Board Increased quality engagement, full participation and compliance Reduced out- of-pocket costs Easier preparation of conclusions and recommendations Better market understanding via increased interactions Improved planning and reaction to market events Conduct webinars within the Community 40 Anywhere, anytime. Same user experience, compliance standards 43 Medical / Legal / Regulatory: Common Issues Most Common MLR Concerns Additional MLR Concerns Off label / Claim Expansion Discussion Regional Differences Content/Response Approval Process Promotional Content Distribution Adverse Event Information & User Security Discoverability Safe-Harbor Data Retention Fair Market Value Member Contracting Sunshine Act 44 A Multitude of Compliance Capabilities Lower Risk in Virtual Advisory Boards Key Compliance Need Example Capabilities in Modern Community Platforms Automated Discussion Thread Moderation Off-Label/AE Keyword Matching Preventative Filtering Reactive Queuing Controlled Queuing Video Conference Moderation Attendee Question Queuing Authorized Speaker Controls Break-out Room Support Document Controls Monitoring and Alerts Role Support Moderation Dashboards Automatic Email Notifications Compliance Exception Handling Thread Administration Private Discussion Capability User Access Control Confidential Content Delivery Legal & User Agreements Audit Reporting & Traceability Secure Document Viewers Role-Secure Content Areas Configurable User Notifications User Terms-of-Use Community Guidelines Expectation Agreements User Conversation Tracking Synchronized Transcripts Key Resource Tracking 45