Cultural Competence: Strengthening the
Clinicians Role in Delivering Quality HIV
Care within Hispanic Adolescent MSM
February 9, 2012
Updated August 10, 2013
Presented by Lisa Hightow-Weidman, MD, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Understand the impact of the epidemic among
young Latino men who have sex with men
 Identify critical cultural issues and other
considerations related to Latino MSM and HIV
 Provide an example of a successful HIV
prevention intervention with Latino MSM
 Identify important priorities for maintaining the
health and wellness of young Latino MSM
MSM embodies a wide range of men with
varying social identities related to their sexual
and or relationship practices with other men.
 The term “Latino” is used to denote a person of
Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central
American, or other Spanish culture or origin
regardless of race as men born in the U.S.
 Youth/young encompasses adolescents and
young adults ages 13-24 years.
The Latino community is the fastest growing
population in the U.S. and the group with the
second-highest risk for HIV/AIDS1
Between 2000 and 2010 the Latino population in the
U.S. has increased by 43%; from 35.3 million in 2000,
to 50.5 million in 20102
1.The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation HIV/AIDS Policy Fact Sheet. Latinos and HIV July 2010
2. U.S. Bureau of the Census 2012. Available at
U.S. Bureau of the Census, Available at
Risk factors vary by country of origin
Cultural beliefs
Substance and alcohol use
Engagement in HIV risk behaviors/High rates of
 Low HIV testing rates
 Limited access to health care/HIV treatment
 Language
AIDS Diagnosed in the United States During 2006
AIDS Cases (%)
Country of Birth
Central/South America (n=814)
Cuba (n=145)
Mexico (n=1334)
Puerto Rico (n=1346)
United States (n=2608)
10% 9%10%
CDC. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, 2006. 2007;18:1-46.
3% 4/4% 5%
MSM and
1% 0% 1/1% 2%
Discrimination toward homosexual behavior,
racism and poverty associated with greater rates
of sexual risk behaviors among Latino MSM
Internalized homophobia associated with
increased consumption of drugs and alcohol
during sex among Latino MSM
Jarama, AIDS Behav, 2005; Mizuno, AIDS Behav, 2011; Diaz, AJPH, 2001
Huebner, AJPH, 2004
 Multisite study of 351 racial/ethnic HIV+ minority young MSM
Hightow-Weidman, AIDS Patient Care and STDs, in press
912 men recruited in 35 Latino gay bars
New York:
Los Angeles:
n = 309
n = 302
n = 301
50% under age 30
27% unemployed
82% self-identified as gay
or homosexual
73% immigrant (including
from Puerto Rico)
55% some college or more
41% mostly Spanishspeaking (with friends)
Diaz, AJPH, 2001
19% HIV-positive
Ever experienced % (95% confidence interval)
Made fun of
as a child
64% (60-68)
As a child heard
gays not normal
91% (89-94)
Violence as
a child
18% (15-21)
As a child felt their
gayness hurt family
70% (66-75)
Made fun of as 50% (45-54)
an adult
Have had to pretend 64% (59-69)
to be straight
Violence as
an adult
Job discrimination
15% (12-18)
Had to move away
from family
29% (25-33)
Police harassment
20% (17-24)
10% (7-12)
As a child heard
gays grow old 71% (67-75)
Diaz, AJPH, 2001
 Machismo: complicated and global concept that
defines what is “manly” in the Latino community;
may consist of values and behaviors related to
masculinity, pride, bravery, and invulnerability
Familismo: Strong commitment to family.
Acculturation: the exchange of cultural features
that results when groups of individuals having
different cultures come into continuous first hand
Proving masculinity through
power and dominance can lead
both straight and gay Latino men
to engage in risky sex behavior
 Higher levels of machismo
predicts having a greater number
of sex partners
 Exaggerated hyper-masculinity
can be expressed with physical
and sexual aggressiveness
 Latino men may perceive
themselves as invulnerable to HIV
CDC. Available at: ; Jarama, AIDS Behav, 2005.
Can be a strong incentive for some Latino men to
reduce unprotected sex with casual partners.
 Can also be a source of conflict for young Latino
MSM, whose families may have a negative view
of homosexuality.
 Many Latino MSM identify themselves as
heterosexual and, as a result, may not relate to
prevention messages crafted for gay men.
 Individuals may delay or refuse treatment
because of the advice and opinions of family
CDC. Available at:
Fatalismo: (fatalism) may convince some Latinos that
it is in their destiny to be afflicted with HIV
 Latinos more likely than Whites to think that chronic
disease is determined by God and therefore must be
accepted and endured as punishment for personal sins
Marianismo: a cultural concept in women that
encompasses qualities of chastity, virginity, devotion
to home and family
 For some Latinas admitting that their husbands may have
infected them through infidelity could possibly be
interpreted as domestic failure of their role as wife
Stone V, et al. HIV/AIDS in U.S. Communities of Color. Springer; New York, NY: 2009.
Greater acculturation into the U.S. culture has
been associated with the adoption of several
health-protective behaviors among Latinos, as
well as with an increase in behaviors that are risk
factors for HIV infection.
Latino MSM frequently report coming to the U.S.
to escape homonegativity and to achieve greater
sexual freedom
 Among younger MSM - tendency to engage in high
levels of sexual activity during the early period after
Bianchi FT, Culture, Health and Sexuality, 2007
Constant mobility
 Cultural
 Linguistic
 Geographic barriers to
health care services
 Change in sexual
 Limited education
Psychosocial factors
 Substandard housing
Organista, KC et al. Migrant laborers and AIDS in the United States: A Review of the literature.
AIDS Educ. Prev. 1997;9:83-93
Adoption of new sexual practices
 Seeking companionship to compensate for the alienating
aspects of migration experience
 Fewer constraints or social control on behaviors
 Exposure to previously unknown or unacceptable sexual
behaviors and practices
 Exchange sexual services for money, food or lodging
Low levels of knowledge relating to the mechanisms of
HIV infection and prevention
Multiple partners
Low condom use
Increased alcohol and drug use
Limited access to medical care and HIV testing
HIV Risk Ten Times Higher for Migrant Farm-workers. Public Health Rep. 1994;109:459
20-24 years
25-29 years
Undiagnosed (%)
Percent Undiagnosed by Race/Ethnicity
Asian/Pacific American
21% of 1,106,400 HIV-infected persons in the United States were undiagnosed in 2006.
Campsmith ML, JAIDS. 2009
HIV Positive (%)
10% of 5649 Young MSM Tested
Were HIV Positive 77% Were
Unaware They Were HIV Infected
Unaware of HIV Infection
Aware of HIV Infection
15 to 22 Years of Age
23 to 29 Years of Age
MacKellar DA, JAIDS. 2005. Conducted in Baltimore, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and Seattle.
CDC, 2010
Proportion of patients by race/ethnicity presenting with CD4 counts <350
cells/µl by period entering care. Categorized by CD4 count distribution.
A. Dennis, et al, Clinical Infect Dis. 2011
Delayed presentation, which is common among
Latino patients1, results in
Disproportionately high number with AIDS2
High baseline viral load
Impaired immune status3
Increased morbidity, hospitalization for OIs
Increased mortality
1. Suplemental HIV Surveillance Study Project. Los Angeles County, Department of Heatlh Services, January 2000 2. Turner
et al, Delayed Medical Care After Diagnosis of Persons Infected with HIV. Arch of Int Med 16, 2000 3. Swindells S. AIDS.
U.S. health system is confusing: Understanding
insurance and ways to pay for healthcare
 Language for monolingual Spanish speakers
 Names: some Latinos use two or more last
names and sometimes they are hyphenated
 Time away from work: Economic loss
 Urgent comes before important
 Undocumented status: Fear of being reported by
healthcare staff
Bowden, et al. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 2006.
Behavioral Interventions
for young Latino MSM
Paucity of data examining HIV prevention within
Latinos in general and within Latino MSM in
Only one reported RCT that addressed an HIV
prevention intervention directed specifically at
Latino MSM1
Interventions focused on MSM in general are less
effective for Latino MSM2
AIDS Care, 2005; 2Johnson, Cochrane Review, 2008
Helped reduce risky sexual behaviors among Latino
adolescents (55% male), even a year after students
attended the training.
 The intervention consists of six 60-minute modules
delivered to small, mixed-gender groups.
 ¡Cuídate! incorporates salient aspects of Latino culture,
including familismo and gender-role expectations like
 These cultural beliefs are used to frame abstinence and
condom use as culturally accepted and effective ways to
prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
Case Presentation
Pedro is a 19-year-old youth from Mexico.
He is a seasonal worker who spends months
each year in the US working as a day laborer.
He has a girlfriend and a 2 month old son in
Mexico. He sends financial support to his family
when he can.
 When in the United States, he lives with 2 male
roommates, one of whom he has sex with from
time to time.
 His girlfriend and family in Mexico and most of his
friends are unaware of his sexual relationships with
men. He is afraid to face rejection from his family.
Pedro has not been tested for HIV and he is
concerned about his status.
 Is Pedro at risk for HIV?
 How should the provider discuss this with him?
Lack of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and new treatments
Fear of knowing they have the disease
HIV-related stigma and discrimination
Financial reasons that extend beyond testing and
include costs related to follow-up health care,
medications, and possible job loss
Cultural attitudes
Believing that this could never happen to them
Mistrust of health care providers
Drug use
Mental illness
Daniels P, et al. J Natl Med Assoc. 2004;96:1107-1108.
Pedro tests positive for HIV infection and is
referred to an HIV provider
 What are some things to consider that might
be barriers for Pedro to keep that
Linguistic Issues – English, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.
Access to Care and HIV Testing
 Under/uninsured – lack of citizenship, job characteristics,
 Education – 50% Latinos not completing high school
 Transportation, no childcare, excessive waiting times, can’t miss
Constructs of Culture and Gender
 Religious beliefs
 Gender roles
 Fatalistic views of life – “que sera, que sera”
Stigma – greater than in U.S. culture
Bias of Health Care Provider
Personalismo. Preference for relationships with
others that reflect a certain familiarity and
 May be more likely to trust and collaborate with
someone with whom they had pleasant
Simpatia. The importance of polite and cordial
social relations. (central cultural value and social
expectation). Shuns assertiveness, direct
negative responses and criticism.
Pedro makes it to the HIV clinic
 At his first visit
 HIV-1 RNA was 88,500 copies/mL
 CD4+ cell is 280 cells/mm3
What are some important things to consider at
that first visit?
Should Pedro start medications?
Eye contact – demonstrates respect
Facial Expression – an unexaggerated, friendly
Gestures – stand up, walk to, & greet patient
Touch – greet with handshake and offer
handshake upon completion of the encounter
Voice Intonation – speaking loudly will not
increase understanding
Addressing Latino Patients – the use of titles
The Use of Interpreters
Key issues to explore with the patient
 Are they ready to begin HAART
 Can they take and adhere to the prescribed HAART regimen
 Do they believe the medications are effective and can make a
Evaluate for depression and active substance abuse
Evaluate for heath literacy level
 Become familiar with the patient’s social situation, stability of
social and living situation, psychosocial supports and key
people in their life
 Logistical aspects
 Medication organizers
Stone V, et al. HIV/AIDS in U.S. Communities of Color. Springer; New York, NY: 2009.
Identify the patient’s core cultural issues
Explore the meaning of the illness to the patient
Explore the patient’s social context
 Life control
 Change in environment
 Literacy and language
 Support systems
Negotiate across patient-physician culture to
develop a treatment plan that is mutually agreeable
Stone V, et al. HIV/AIDS in U.S. Communities of Color. Springer; New York, NY: 2009. Carrillo JE, et al. Ann Intern Med.
1999;130:829-834. Stone VE. Clin Infect Dis. 2004;38:400-404.
Build trust and optimize patient-provider
 Be aware of health-related cultural beliefs,
including stigma, within the predominant minority
groups in your practice
Be comfortable and skilled in eliciting personal
and cultural views and perspective of each
individual patient and applying a cultural
competency framework for each visit
Stone V, et al. HIV/AIDS in U.S. Communities of Color. Springer; New York, NY: 2009.
Based on family traditions,
various religions, and the
balance nature.
Common illnesses are
usually treated by, or at
the advice of , a family
caregiver – typically a
female caregiver.
tion tends to lead to a
hybrid of conventional and
traditional medicine.
Source: Ortiz, et al. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2007
 (Spiritual Healers)
 (Magic Practitioners)
 (Herbalist)
Supplies , amulets, dietary
supplements can be
purchased in the
community at stores called
Awareness and acceptance of differences
 Awareness of your own cultural values
 Awareness of dynamics of differences
 Development of cultural knowledge
 Ability to work within other’s cultural context
 Healthy self-concept
 Free from ethnocentric judgment
1. Donini- Lenhoff FG et al. Increasing awareness and implementation of cultural competence principles in health education professions
education. J. Allied Health. 2000;29:241-245.; 2. Robins LS et al. Improving cultural awareness and sensitivity training in medical school.
Academic Med. 1998;73 (10 suppl): S31-S34.
Latino/ a / Hispanic people are a heterogeneous
Cultural beliefs may affect one’s risk for HIV
infection and one’s choices for health care if
Migration and immigration can be an isolating
experience and may lead to HIV risk behavior.
Gay and Bisexual Latino’s experience a unique set
of cultural challenges when faced with HIV.
Barriers to care may not be apparent. Open up a
discussion about fears or challenges associated
with HIV care.
Traditional medicine can be a complement or a
determent to HIV care. Take interest in family
traditions centered around health and healing.
Cultural Competence: Strengthening the Clinicians
Role in Delivering Quality HIV Care within Hispanic
Adolescent MSM Communities
Goulda Downer, Ph.D., RD, LN, CNS - Principle
Investigator/Project Director (AETC-NMC)
 Josepha Campinha-Bacote, PhD, MAR,
 I. Jean Davis, PhD, DC,PA
 Denise Bailey, MEd.
1840 7th Street NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20001
202-865-8146 (Office)
202-667-1382 (Fax)
Goulda Downer, Ph.D., RD, LN, CNS
Principal Investigator/Project Director (AETC-NMC)
HRSA Grant Number: U2THA19645