APRIL 2013
June 10, 2014
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• Webinar recording will be available online at
www.firstfilltosettlement.com shortly after
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• No continuing education credits are available
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2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
• Matthew Foster, PharmD
Clinical Pharmacy Manager
• Brian Allen, CIC
Vice President of Governmental Affairs
• Joe Anderson, MBA
Director of Analytical Services
• Tron Emptage, M.A., R.Ph.
Chief Clinical Officer
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
• 2012 – 2013
• Combines data from Progressive Medical and PMSI into a single data set
and was analyzed as one unit
• Over 300,000 claims and nearly six million prescriptions were analyzed
• Does not include transactions for clients with us fewer than two years
Overall Cost and Utilization Trends
• Strong network enforcement programs
Average Wholesale Price
• Advanced analytics
• Holistic utilization management
Average Cost per Days’
• Collaborative clinical interactions
Product and Claim Mix
Average Prescription Cost per
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Therapeutic Classes
• The top 10 classes represent 85% of the overall spend
• Overall spend of long-term opioid analgesics decreased 7.2%
• Generic utilization rate of 76%
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Average Wholesale Price (AWP) Inflation
• The upward trend continues
• Both brand and generic medications affected
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Average Wholesale Price (AWP) Inflation
More than 20%
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Mail Order
Effective mail order programs favorably impact cost containment
• For every 10% shift in days’ supply from retail to mail order, our clients
experienced a 1.2% reduction in spend
• Average days’ supply for mail order is 53.5 days compared to 24.6 days
for retail
• The average cost per days’ supply of mail order prescriptions was 17.3%
less than its retail equivalent
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Compounded Medications
• We typically see topical formulations
• On average, compounded medications include 4-5 ingredients
• Represented 0.69% of total number of prescriptions, up slightly from 0.62%
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Specialty Medications
• Used to treat complex medical conditions including rheumatoid
arthritis, Hepatitis C, HIV and some cancers
• Encountered in workers’ compensation claims for occupations
such as emergency responders and health care professionals
• Specialty medications did not represent significance to our
book of business from the standpoint of either cost or utilization
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Network Enforcement
A key to successful cost containment is a PBM’s ability to drive transactions
“in network”
• Network discounts are applied to more prescriptions for greater cost savings
• Formulary controls, utilization edits and business rules are consistently
• Collection, eligibility and verification calls are virtually eliminated; paper bills
virtually cease
• More data is captured allowing payers to proactively manage their claims
• Payers are better equipped to spot the warning signs of misuse and abuse,
which triggers an intervention earlier in the claim
• Therapeutic concerns are identified sooner allowing for more
informed and empowered medication management
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Through our efforts we achieve retail
network penetration rates up to
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Network Enforcement
Our specialty network continues to expand to help optimize cost control
• Spend related to physician-dispensed medications decreased 14%
• Cost of physician dispensed medication was flat
• Top six states California, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland and
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Claim Age
We realized a decrease in both utilization and prescription cost per claim in
all claims, even with a slight increase in claims aged ten years or older
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Opioid Analgesics
• Our efforts, in collaboration with our clients
and industry stakeholders is starting to bend
the curve
• Metrics associated with utilization and cost
are all trending downward
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Morphine Equivalent Dose (MED)
• Our programs are driven by evidence-based medicine, national and regional
approved guidelines and experienced clinicians
• Collaborative approach involving education, effective screening and careful
• American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM)
released an updated treatment guidelines limiting MED doses to 50 mg
per day
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Generic Utilization and Generic Efficiency
Generic utilization went up 1.9 points in 2013, moving from 74.1% to 76.0%
Predictive analytics combines our expertise with industry and claim data to
identify which claims will result in long-term pharmacy costs
• Multi-variate, log-linear regression models predict pharmacy costs
• Data includes age, geography, prescriber, medications filled, and local
demographics to identify high-cost claims
• Predictions allow for smarter
clinical triage and drive better decision-making
• Protects clients’ financial interests
• Optimizes therapy
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Interventions – A Couple Examples of our
Program in Practice
Our models accurately identify the claims that require attention
Early Intervention
Timing Begins after 120 days
Find the 10% of claims that make
Goal up 90% of long-term pharmacy
Our models identify 67% of the
Outcome claims that will be long-term
pharmacy cost claims
Long-term Intervention
Begins after 180 days
Target changes in behavior to any
chronic issues that have started to
62% success rate in eliciting a
change to an injured worker’s
therapeutic regimen
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Clinical Interactions – A Couple Examples of our
Program in Practice
Our highly-trained team of clinicians is well versed in workers’ compensation
and medication therapy management
Multiple Prescriber Service
Urine Drug Testing and
Identify injured workers
medications from multiple
Help payers and physicians confirm
the injured worker is adhering to
their medication therapy regimen
• 94% conversion to a single
• 9.6% decrease in total spend
for the study group
• 32% decrease in utilization of
opioid analgesics
• 26% reduction in total utilization of
all medications
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Claim Duration of Pharmacy Use
Shorter claim duration means fewer claims use prescription medications
years after the injury
Fewer active claims may influence:
• Loss ratios
• Combined operating ratios
• Adjustor case loads
• Claim closure ratios
• Productivity
• Experience modifications
• Premium reductions
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Aging Population
Typical Characteristics
• Body functions begin to decrease as early as the third decade of life
• Higher incidence of pain
• Prolonged recovery
• More prevalent psychiatric factors
What to Manage and Monitor
• Drug-to-drug interactions
• Intensified side effects
• Comorbid conditions
• Use of certain antidepressants as an adjunctive medication
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Comorbid Conditions
The presence of a comorbid condition may extend the duration of treatment
of the primary injury or become a compensable condition
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Prescribing Practices
There are an increasing number of prescriptions for opioid analgesics being
written by nurse practitioners and physician assistants
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Closed Formularies
• Texas closed formulary became fully operational for all claims and
has achieved significant results by reducing “N” drugs by over 70%
and trimming reimbursement for these drugs by over 80%
• Oklahoma adopted a closed formulary that took effect February 1,
• Louisiana and California are looking at adopting a closed formulary
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Compounded Medications
The FDA has called for stricter controls and many states are questioning the
efficacy and cost of compounded medications
• Oklahoma enacted guidelines requiring pre-authorization for all compounded
medications as part of their closed formulary
• Mississippi adopted a rule addressing how compounded medications can be
billed and when they should be pre-authorized
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Medication Rescheduling
The rescheduling of certain medications is a growing trend
• Hydrocodone products most commonly addressed
• Rescheduling impacts an injured worker’s ability to obtain a refill
• States with activity
– West Virginia passed legislation to move hydrocodone products
to Schedule II
– Louisiana just passed SB 618
– Consideration also at the Federal level
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Opioid Analgesics
Finding an effective way to curb the misuse and abuse of opioids continues
to be a key focus for stakeholders throughout the system
• The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation adopted standard dose weaning
schedules for opiates and a set of benzodiazepines
• Arizona passed legislation requiring pre-authorization, a medication agreement and
random drug testing for all Schedule II medications
• Florida and Alaska introduced legislation that requires drug testing
• West Virginia introduced legislation to ban non-abuse-deterrent hydrocodone products
• Virginia and New Jersey imposed stricter requirements to verify a
patient’s drug use history prior to prescribing or dispensing opioid
• Delaware enacted legislation to control the number and the cost of drug tests
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Pharmacy Choice
One of the best tools for controlling pharmacy costs is the use of a managed
care network
• New legislation could undermine the positive results that managed
pharmacy care has delivered to the various states’ workers’
compensation systems
• Alabama, Arizona, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New
York, and West Virginia have introduced legislation on this issue
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Physician Dispensing and Repackaged
• A challenge throughout the
• Inroads are being made
– Florida
– Delaware
– Indiana
– Hawaii
– Pennsylvania
– Utah
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs
• States are re-tooling or
otherwise enhancing their
– Enforcement
– Educational efforts
– Availability beyond state
• Activities also occurring at
the Federal level
• We anticipate this will
Medical Marijuana
• Legalization in growing
number of states is
generating conversation
• Schedule I classification at
the Federal level
• Does not have an assigned
NDC, so may not be
• Excluded from our
medication plans and
Looking Ahead
In 2014 and beyond we do not foresee any of today's challenges going away;
rather we will become even more adept at mitigating their influence
• Through product innovation and service enhancements we will work
with our clients to make our industry better, together
• We will use our balanced and unbiased perspective, veteran clinical
expertise, keen analytic insight, and strong moral compass to guide
2014 Workers’ Compensation Drug Trend Report l Progressive Medical, Inc. and PMSI - Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved
Email to marketing@progressive-medical.com
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