Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

Stephanie Knight
Airedale General Hospital
PFMT in treatment of incontinence
Abdominal muscles and continence
The role of exercise
Does general exercise improve continence
What should we tell patients?
I leak when I run or jump
I have stopped going to the gym because of
I can’t play in the park with my children
I daren’t jump on the trampoline
I don’t go to social functions/dancing
Prevention and therapy for many chronic
Exercise increases muscle strength &
improves cardiovascular fitness
Is exercise a risk factor for incontinence?
Can general exercise improve continence?
28% nulliparous female athletes reported
incontinence (Nygaard et al.1994)
Most common with high impact, jumping,
running, trampolining
Possible “continence threshold”
High incidence of UI in high impact sports
(Jang et al. 2004)
3 Supportive Layers
Endopelvic fascia
Muscle layer (Levator Ani & Coccygeus)
Superficial perineal muscles
Additional urethral closure from striated
urethral muscle, smooth muscle and vascular
Grade A evidence for improvement of stress
and mixed urinary incontinence (NICE CG40
NICE recommend vaginal assessment
Need to be performed correctly
Incorrect technique may promote
incontinence (straining/Valsalva/using other
Increase urethral pressure
Elevate bladder neck
Narrow the levator hiatus in AP & transverse
Prevent descent of pelvic organs
Increase “stiffness” of PFM
Improve timing and coordination (the
Improve endurance/reduce fatigue
Bo K. 2004
Three layers
Deepest layer
Abdominis (TrA)
TrA is part of core
stability complex
Synergist of PFM
Indirect training of PFM via abdominal muscle
(Sapsford 2001)
Abdominals co-contract with PFM
No additional benefit of PFM + TrA training
(Dumoulin et al. 2003)
No RCT’s to show PFM can be trained
(Hay Smith et al. 2009)
“Paula” method also not effective
(Bo et al. 2011)
Unable to provide pelvic organ support
Unable to increase urethral closure pressure
Unable to prevent bladder neck/urethral
Potential to increase incontinence
Pilates Method is an exercise system focused
on improving flexibility and strength for the
total body
The Pilates method relies on strengthening
core postural muscles and developing body
Exercise instruction should always start with
pelvic floor contraction
No claims to treat incontinence
In normal activity PFM & TrA show synergistic
activity to stabilise the spine
Intra-abdominal pressure also increases
Lee & Lee 2004
If continent urethral closure pressure
increases simultaneously with IAP
If PFM weak stress leak occurs
Muscle imbalance
“Timing” is important
Instructors focus on Abd, back,adductors,
Hypothesis: Pilates strengthens PFM if taught
in conjunction
62 women little or no pelvic floor dysfunction
2 groups: PFMT/Pilates
Strength measured with perineometer in both
PFM symptoms/QoL improved in both-no
significant difference
Culligan et al. 2010
Grade A evidence that obesity increases risk
for incontinence (Subak et al. 2009)
Weight loss can improve continence
status(Subak et al. 2002)
Exercise promotes weight loss!
Maximal contractions?
Train for function
Encourage long term adherence
Make it FUN!
Combine with other exercises
Vaginal examination to ensure correct
NICE CG40 2006
PFMT is long term
Need fun ways to
maintain motivation
Using other muscle
groups can improve
No evidence that abdominal or physical
exercise alone improves continence status
PFMT does improve continence
Teach correct PFM contraction to combine
with general exercises
Weight loss important
Any fun activity to improve long term
Patients need motivation