Interim Study Proposal 2013-199 Presented to Joint Public Health and Welfare Committee November 25th, 2014 The health care system is changing “A number of barriers prevent nurses from being able to respond effectively to rapidly changing health care settings and an evolving health care system.” (IOM, 2010) So must current state laws and regulatory rules “The power to improve the current regulatory, business, and organizational conditions does not rest solely with nurses...” Government, businesses, health care organizations, professional associations, and the insurance industry all must play a role.” (IOM, 2010) Pressures on Arkansas Healthcare AR Center for Health Improvement study (ACHI, 2012) showed 15% fewer primary care physicians than are currently needed Projected a shortage of 1000 primary care physicians within 5 years HRSA (2014) data shows an even greater shortage, which indicates a shortage of all primary care providers Arkansas has currently only about 65% of needed primary care providers Arkansas needs more primary care providers Source: Bureau of Clinician Recruitment and Service, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, HRSA Data Warehouse: Designated Health Professional Shortage Areas Statistics, as of April 28, 2014. Rural Arkansans Most at Risk Approximately 40% of the state’s population live in rural areas. 2011- UAMS Center for Rural Health: 514 vacancies for primary care physicians 2017 - Expected to reach 860 vacancies NPs more likely to practice in rural areas (AANP, 2013) Nationally, 18% of NPs practice in communities of less than 25,000 Arkansas Demographics In 2014, Arkansas - 75 total primary care Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) designations Thirty-six entire Arkansas counties are designated as primary care HPSAs, representing almost half of the counties in the state In 61 of 75 counties in Arkansas – demand for primary care exceeds supply of health care providers Most severe in 5 counties were demand outpaces supply by 75% to 85% How can the APRN help? By improving access to care through APRN clinics By recognition of APRNs as Primary Care Providers By leading a Patient Centered Medical Home. By authorizing qualified APRNs to prescribe Schedule II controlled substances By parity in third party reimbursement By authorizing APRN hospital admitting privileges Educational Preparation APRNs already have RN preparation prior to starting advanced practice education Minimum education is a master’s degree. Many pursue doctoral degrees. NP education is competency-based; not time-based. Percentages of APRNs in Arkansas CNM 1% CNS 6% CRNA 30% CNP 63% There are 2,376 APRNs in Arkansas Certified Nurse Practitioners (CNP) 1503 CNPs Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) 708 CRNAs Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) 28 CNMs Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) 137 CNS (Arkansas State Board of Nursing, 2013) Clinical Outcomes Head-to-head comparison of educational models is not the appropriate measure of clinical success or patient safety. The appropriate measure is patient outcomes. Forty years of patient outcomes and clinical research demonstrates that APRNs consistently provide highquality and safe care. Improving Access to Care The APRN can: Improve access to care: In rural areas In other healthcare provider shortage areas Augment the healthcare workforce Reduce delay of care Coordinate care, creating a more effective delivery model Reduce cost by decreasing duplication and repetition APRNs as a Primary Care Provider APRNS could directly provide care without physician referral. Patients in underserved areas could see APRNs who may be much closer to where they live. Lack of PCP recognition for APRNs adds cost and inconvenience for patients without adding to quality or safety. Leading in a Patient Centered Medical Home model Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) through the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative (CPCI) define a primary care practitioner as: a physician OR nurse practitioner clinical nurse specialist physician assistant CMS through CPCI recognizes APRNs as a team leader of the PCMH, as does the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). Arkansas’ VA system also recognizes APRNs as team leaders in the PCMH model Arkansas. Arkansas’ VA PCMH model The VA’s patient-centered medical home model was launched in April of 2010 to: “increase access and clinical effectiveness by identifying and removing barriers to high-quality care” Patient centered care, increased access, and care coordination are the main principles of the model referred to as: Patient Aligned Care Team or PACT VA APRN led PACT What does a PACT do? Provides total primary care and comprehensive women’s health care Each PACT serves about 950-1600 patients Team members: APRN team leader, RN, LPN, and unit clerk Awards for “high performing PACT teams, 2012 Fayetteville Silver Medal North Little Rock Gold Medal VA PACT teams led by APRNs Central AR VA system Northwest AR VA system Mountain Home VISN 16/Fayetteville 3 APRNs with panel sizes of ~600 to 1000 Mena 2 APRNs with panel sizes of ~850 El Dorado 1 APRN with panel size of ~500 Hot Springs 2 APRNs with panel sizes of ~1550 Searcy 1 APRN with panel size of ~1300 NLR/LR 2 APRNs with panel size of ~800 total of 7 APRNs in PACTs – 4 floats APRNs in Primary Care 1 Primary Care/Home-Based Primary Care 1 Women’s Health Primary Care 1 Primary Care . APRNS and Schedule II APRNs in 43 states may prescribe schedule II controlled drugs. Arkansas is NOT one of those. Since 1995 Arkansas State Board of Nursing as disciplined under 5 APRNs for over prescribing hydrocodone drugs. APRNs are educationally prepared to prescribe for patients with legitimate need for this drug class. Prescriptive Authority for Qualified APRNs In Arkansas: 20 year history of APRNs prescribing: APRNs have been prescribing scheduled III –V medications with a good safety record. Federal DEA guidelines changed in October, moving some medications from schedule III to schedule II, making them unavailable for APRNs to prescribe in Arkansas. We need to change Arkansas law to reflect contemporary practice needs. Six Aims of Quality Health Care (IOM, 2001): timely, patient-centered, effective, safe, efficient, & equitable Interrupt process and find another prescriber “Work around” of electronic record Involving 2nd provider who may not know the patient Delay of care Increases risk of errors Disrupts continuity Not timely; less effective Not safe or efficient Not equitable or patient centered APRNs and Schedule II prescribing Patient population APRN role in providing care Terminally ill/hospitalized with moderate to severe pain control needs Providing palliative Acutely injured; Severe acute pain control Acute care pain control in Children and adolescents with ADHD Stimulants are still mainstay care/hospice care/post op care/inpatient emergent/urgent care of treatment The PCMH concept coincides with the strengths of the APRN Coordination of care and patient follow-up Patient teaching and communication Management of chronic disease A “whole-person” orientation, focusing on prevention Reimbursement Parity Amend Insurance statue 23-79-114 to include the APRN with prescriptive authority. The APRN is entitled to payment or reimbursement for health services on an equal basis for the services when: The health service is provided by an APRN with prescriptive authority Practicing within his or her area of competence Reimbursement Parity Lack of direct payment or low payment rates ….. discourages many APRNs from establishing new clinics; ……particularly given high overhead and costs associated with investments in electronic health records and other fixed costs ……Business costs are largely the same whether provided by physician or an APRN THIS CREATES A BARRIER TO ACCESS TO CARE Hospital admitting privileges In Arkansas, there is no federal or state statute which prevents hospital privileges for APRNs. Qualified APRNs are already being credentialed in Arkansas hospitals as hospitalists. The VA system specifically includes hospital admitting privileges for APRNs. Who agrees… The Federal Trade Commission. “Relative to primary care physicians, APRNs are more likely to practice in underserved areas and care for large numbers of minority patients, Medicaid beneficiaries and uninsured patients.” (FTC, 2014) “Additional scope of practice restrictions, such as physician supervision requirements, may hamper APRNs’ ability to provide primary care services that are well within the scope of their educations and training.” (FTC, 2014) “Based on our extensive knowledge of health care markets, economic principles, and competitions theory, we {conclude}: expanded APRN scope of practice is good for competition and American consumers.” (FTC, 2014) And… By using non-physician primary care providers to the fullest extent of the education…. States can potentially work toward meeting growing healthcare needs of their rural populations” National Conference of State Legislatures. (2013) “Expanded utilization of NPs has the potential to increase access to health care, particularly in historically underserved areas” National Governors Association. (2012) “Now is the time to eliminate the outdated regulations and organizational and cultural barriers that limit the ability of nurses to practice to the full extent of their education, training and competence” Institutes of Medicine. (2010) And…. NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition is the most widely-used way to transform all clinician lead, primary care practices into medical homes. National Centers Quality Assurance (2014) States should amend current scope of practice laws and regulations to allow APRNs to perform duties for which they have been educated and certified.” AARP. 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