Allison Mentink, Christine Ostendorf, Jessica Gums University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire We have all heard stories regarding nurses: killer nurses, incompetent nurses, poorly trained nurses and of course the entertainment media have their “naughty nurses” Negative/derogatory portrayal of nursing in the media has become more prevalent over the past 50 years. This has heightened with more negative images in the past 20 years. The medias portrayal of nurses is one of the most difficult to compete with Print ads Radio News coverage Books Internet Television Movies 2008 Gallup poll ranked nurses #1 for honesty and ethics Trust is not the same as respect! Nursing is an autonomous profession TV, movies, and news accounts frequently give credit for the work nurses do to physicians or hospitals People are affected by what they see and hear – this is why companies and politicians spend millions of dollars on advertising Entertainment education In the 1950s and 1960s, the American Medical Association asserted control over network television shows, ensuring scripts included heroic physicians Where are all the nurses? In 2008, 39 of 43 major characters on the top 5 U.S. health related prime time TV shows were physicians. In reality, there were 3 million nurses and 700,000 physicians; a 4:1 ratio WHAT REAL NURSE DO WHAT TV NURSES DO Educate Answer Phones Patient Advocate Follow Doctor Orders Triage Have Affairs with Doctors Monitor Patients Assist Doctors Provide Emotional Support Watch Doctors Save Lives Perform Procedures Save Lives 2000 survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed: 52% of people reported getting information they trust to be accurate from a prime time TV show Greater than 25% said such shows are among their top 3 sources for health information 9 out of 10 regular viewers said they learned something about diseases from TV Almost 50% took some action after watching the show 42% told someone the storyline 16% told someone to do something or did something themselves 9% visited a clinic or physician From 2003-2005, NBC’s daytime soap opera Passion’s had an orangutan play the role of Precious – a private duty nurse. Angels of Mercy until end of WWII 1920’s to end of WWII – pragmatic, even heroic A Farewell to Arms (1932) 1930’s-1940’s – Dr. Kildare films introduced nurses as love interests 1940’s-1960’s – series of juvenile novels about Cherry Ames Adventurous, bright, young nurse crime solver 1950’s-1960’s – AMA asserted control over network television Heroic physician characters virtuous, no mistakes 1960’s brought the naughty nurse, balanced by the senior battle-ax Quality of nursing portrayal decreased in both film and prime time television One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) 1962-1965: The Nurses series 1960’s and 1970’s: increase in portrayal of explicit sexual activity Catch 22 (1970) M.A.S.H. (1972) Kalischs of University of Michigan Nursing School published multiple studies in the 1980’s Nurses were shown as peripheral assistants to dominant physicians St. Elsewhere 1982-88 showed occasional formidable nurse character China Beach 1988-91 lead character colleen McMurphy was competent, tough army nurse but did not generally display much skill TV sitcom Nurses 1991-94 treated nurses with some respect Nightingales 1988-89 featured sexy nursing students who spent so much time partially undressed that outraged nurses actually managed to chase the show off the air ER 1994 One of the most influential health care shows in history. Fairly realistic scenes, some of the best depictions of nursing ever to appear on network TV, occasionally showed serious nursing skill and autonomy, but as a whole depicted nurses as the handmaiden, as a skilled physician assistant who must defer to him. 2000-2006 Strong Medicine on Lifetime had a handsome, articulate nurse midwife Peter Riggs, but other nurses were mute handmaidens 2001-Present Scrubs, main nurse Carla Espinosa at times shows real skill, but also shows doctors starting iv’s and hanging medications and providing virtually all care House stated nurses were invented to pick patients up when they fall and to get him coffee Private Practice only has one nurse/receptionist character-male midwife student HawthoRNe – Told from the point of view of nurses as they struggle against the odds to deliver the best care possible. Several different nurses in different stages of their nursing careers. Nurse Jackie – Portrays an irresponsible nurse that is addicted to pain medications and does things the way she wants to, not the legal way. Nursing shortage Prevented men from entering nursing Reduced respect and trust in nursing Reduced the patient population of nurse practitioners Nurses must recognize that they have the power to change the profession Project a professional image Write letters to editors and producers Hospital managers can promote nursing just like they do medicine Media can consult with nurses Hollywood can include characters to reflect real nursing work “Most people know they can’t get into a hospital without a doctor. What they don’t know is that they won’t get out of one – at least not alive – without a nurse.” - Nursing Historian Joan Lynaugh Adler, J. (2009, February 28). The nurse will see you now. Newsweek. Retrieved from Buresh,B. & Gordon,S. (2006). From silence to voice: What nurses know and must communicate to the public (2nd ed.). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Fealy, G. M. (2004). The good nurse: Visions and values in images of the nurse. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 46 (6), 649-656. Gordon, S. (2005). Nursing against the odds: How health care cost cutting, media stereotypes, and medical hubris undermine nurses and patient care. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. Kalisch, B.J. & Kalilsch, P. A. (1983). Improving the image of nursing. The American Journal of Nursing, 83 (1), 48-52. Kalisch, B.J., Kalisch, P.A. & McHugh, M.L. (1982). The nurse as a sex object in motion pictures, 1930 to 1980. Research in Nursing and Health, 5, 147-154. Kalisch, P. A., Kalisch, B.J. & Clinton, J. (1982). The world of nursing on prime time television, 1950 to 1980. Nursing Research, 31 (6), 358-363. Lusk, B. (2000). Pretty and powerless: Nurses in advertisements, 1930-1950. Research in Nursing & Health, 23 (3), 229-236. Saad, L. (2008). [Graph illustration Top rated professions for honesty and ethics Nov 7-9, 2008] Nurses shine while bankers slump in ethics rating. Retrieved November 10, 2010, from Gallup: Schorr, T. (1963). Nursing's TV image. American Journal of Nursing, 63 (10), 119-121. Spangler, R. W. (1955). We're on TV every week. American Journal of Nursing, 55 (5), 592-593. Summers, S., & Summers, H. J. (2009). Saving lives: Why the media's portrayal of nurses puts us all at risk. New York, NY: Kaplan Publishing. Takase, M., Maude, P., & Manias, E. (2006). Impact of the perceived public image of nursing on nurses' work behaviour. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53 (3), 333343.