WELCOME TOMA Practice Management “Tips and Tricks to Getting Paid” PRE-QUESTION # 1 Can you bill Medicare for the DX of Obesity? A. Yes B. No C. Only if the patient’s BMI is greater than 30 kg/m2 D. Only if you document that the patient is obese PRE-QUESTION # 2 What modifier do you use if you perform a toenail removal on Left Great Toe? A: T5 B: TA C: F5 D: FA PRE-QUESTION # 3 If you have two procedures with an office visit on the same day, which procedure do you add the 59 modifier (Procedure or service was distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day.) ? A: Least Paid Procedure B: Both Procedures C: On the office visit D: Most Expensive Procedure PRE-QUESTION # 4 What is the penalty for NOT having an EHR by 2019? A: 1% B: 2% C: 3% D: 5% PRE-QUESTION # 5 If you started the EHR Incentive Program in 2012, you no longer have to use G8553 on your claims to show you sent an electronic prescription since the E-Rx Bonus is included in the EHR bonus. A. True B. False GETTING PAID File Claims on a daily basis Correct Rejections on a daily basis Keep electronic deposits posted Work Insurance A/R weekly to avoid missing deadlines Collect copays and Co-insurance at time of service GETTING PAID Collect past due balances before the patient is seen. Let patient know that payment is expected when appointment is made. Keep logs of Injections given and Labs done so they can be checked monthly for missed charges. Audit 20 to 30 charts a month for billing accuracy. EMPLOYEE BONUSES WELCOME TO MEDICARE PHYSICAL (IPPE EXAM) Must be done within the first 12 months of Medicare effective date Can only be billed ONCE in a lifetime Code is G0402 Reimbursement is $ 149.03 for a Participating Physician in Locality of 99 (Rest of Texas) INITIAL ANNUAL WELLNESS VISIT Can only be billing ONCE in a lifetime Cannot be billed the same year as the IPPE Exam If Eligible for IPPE, must do IPPE not AWV. Code is G0438 Reimbursement is $ 158.65 for a Participating Physician in the Locality of 99 (Rest of Texas) SUBSEQUENT ANNUAL WELLNESS VISIT Can be billed EVERY year after the Initial Annual Wellness Visit (Must be 12 months) Code is G0439 Reimbursement is $ 105.59 for a participating Physician in the Locality of 99 (Rest of Texas) OVERVIEW OF MEDICARE PHYSICALS G0402 – IPPE Exam - $ 149.03 G0438 – Initial AWV - $ 158.65 G0439 – Subsq AWV - $ 105.59 ** Co-Payment/Co-Insurance or Deductible are waived. ** Based on 2011 Medicare Fee Schedule – Rest of Texas – Participating Provider ADDITIONAL CODES FOR IPPE EXAM OR INITIAL AWV EXAM (OPTIONAL) G0403 – ECG $17.82 G0404 – ECG Tracing $ 9.59 G0405 – ECG Interpret & Report $ 8.23 Pap Smear and Prostate exam should be scheduled for a different day (not included in this physical) CODING ALERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are seeing the patient for another Dx NOT related to the Medicare Physical Code, you may bill and office visit code (99201-99205 or 99211-99215) in addition to their IPPE or AWV code. Your office visit code will need a 25 modifier and a different DX code attached to it. MEDICARE WELL WOMAN EXAM HIGH – RISK FEMALE PATIENT VS LOW – RISK FEMALE PATIENT MEDICARE - WELL WOMAN EXAM What is considered High – Risk ? Early onset of sexual activity Multiple sex partners ( 5 or more in lifetime) History of STD DES exposed daughters of women who took DES during pregnancy MEDICARE - WELL WOMAN EXAM HIGH RISK Patient – Every year ( 11 months) Dx code – V15.89 G0101 – Screening Pelvic & Breast Exam Q0091 – Obtaining Smear for pap You may bill an office visit with 25 modifier if you are seeing the patient for another dx. (ex: hypertension, diabetes, CHF, COPD, etc) MEDICARE - WELL WOMAN EXAM Low risk patient – every 2 years (24 months) DX Code - V76.2 G0101 – Screening Pelvic & Breast Exam Q0091 – Obtaining Smear for pap You may bill an office visit with 25 modifier if you are seeing the patient for another dx. (ex: hypertension, diabetes, CHF, COPD, etc) INFLUENZA A & B SCREENING When screening for Influenza A & B you must Use a 59 or 91 modifier to get paid for both. CLIA waived tests must still have a QW modifier in addition to the 59 or 91 Ex: 87804 QW 87804 QW 59 ** Medicaid claims use modifier 91 instead of 59 & most insurances will accept either. PSYCHOTHERAPY MANAGEMENT CODE DX Codes – ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Etc. 90862 – Pharmacologic management, including prescription, use, and review of medication with no more than minimal medical psychotherapy. Most insurance companies including Medicaid pay more than a 99213 POWER MOBILITY EVALUATION G0372 – Power Mobility Evaluation Reimbursement for 2012……….$ 9.17 (You may also bill an office visit in addition to G0372 and no modifier is needed) TRIGGER POINT INJECTIONS 20552 - Injection(s);single or multiple trigger point(s), 1 or 2 muscle(s) Key Words : Single or Multiple (can bill only one unit) PR-22 MEDICARE DENIAL CODE Definition: Payment adjusted because this care may be covered by another payer per Coordination of Benefits. What does this mean??? Medicare is the secondary payer. AETNA BUNDLING 36415 – venipuncture 81002 – UA Aetna bundles these with office visit. If you will add a 25 modifier to Office visit, they will pay all. INJECTION ADMINISTRATION 96372 – Injection administration You can bill for a E/M code with a 25 modifier in addition to the 96372 code. ** New requirements for 5010…..the unit and NDC number must be on the medication. INJECTABLE MEDICATIONS ** New requirements for 5010 Unit Measurement codes are: F2- International Unit GR- Gram ML- Milliliter UN – Unit ** www.Calculateme.com NDC NUMBER CONVERSION NDC numbers have to be converted from a 10 digit code to an 11 digit code: 4-4-2 *####-####-## (add zero in 1st position) 5-3-2 #####-*###-## (add zero in 6th position) 5-4-1 #####-####-*# (add zero in 10 position) MEDICARE PART B COVERED VACCINES Pneumonia Vaccine (V03.82) Admin Code (G0009) Influenza Vaccine (V04.81) Admin Code (G0008) (If Pneumonia and Influenza is given on same visits, you must use V06.6 for dx code) Hepatitis B vaccine (high risk only - ex: exposed to Hepatitis B) (V05.3) Admin Code (G0010) Other vaccines (ex: tetanus toxoid) when directly related to the treatment of an injury or direct exposure to a disease or condition) MEDICARE PART D VACCINES Zostavax ( for shingles) – This is a Medicare Part D vaccine. You will not be reimbursed in the office without filing the claim thru this website. Go to : www.mytransactrx.com – Merck can set your practice up with a login to file the claim www.checkcoveragenow.com – Private insurance and Medicare Part D verification PREVENTATIVE CARE CODES (INSURANCE) 99401 is for 15 minutes of preventative care 99402 is for 30 minutes of preventative care 99403 is for 45 minutes of preventative care 99404 is for 60 minutes of preventative care Examples of counseling would be: Use condoms, buckle up, adjust water temp, lift with your legs, lose weight ANNUAL ALCOHOL SCREENING – MEDICARE Effective for dates of service on or after October 14, 2011, CMS will cover annual alcohol screening, and for those that screen positive, up to four brief, face-to-face behavioral counseling interventions annually for Medicare beneficiaries, including pregnant women. Medicare coinsurance and Part B deductible are waived ANNUAL ALCOHOL SCREENING – MEDICARE G0443 - brief face-to-face behavioral counseling for alcohol misuse, 15 minutes - $24.21 G0442 - Annual alcohol misuse screening, 15 minutes - $ 16.34 (http://www.cms.gov/Outreach-andEducation/Medicare-Learning-NetworkMLN/MLNMattersArticles/downloads/MM7791.pdf) ALCOHOL/SUBSTANCE ABUSE INTERVENTION CODES G0396 (99408) Alcohol and/or substance (other than tobacco) abuse structured assessment (e.g., AUDIT, DAST) and brief intervention, 15 to 30 minutes. ($ 33.16) G0397 (99409) Alcohol and/or substance (other than tobacco) abuse structured assessment (e.g., AUDIT, DAST) and intervention greater than 30 minutes. ($65.39) ( Reimbursement based on Medicare Fee Schedule of a participating physicians in locality 99 (Rest of Texas) ) SMOKING CESSATION CODES G0436 ($13.10)– Smoking/Tobacco cessation counseling visit 3 to 10 minutes. G0437 –($27.16) - Smoking/Tobacco cessation counseling visit 10 minutes or greater. ** Use dx codes: 305.1 or V15.82 ** 2 cessation attempts per year; 8 sessions in a 12 month period. (Copays, Co-Ins and Ded are waived) INTENSIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY FOR OBESITY Medicare beneficiaries with obesity, defined as Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to or greater than 30 kg/m2, who are competent and alert at the time that counseling is provided and whose counseling is furnished by a qualified primary care physician or other primary care practitioner in a primary care setting, are eligible for: One face-to-face visit every week for the 1 st Month One face-to-face visit every other week for Months 2 – 6 One face-to-face visit every month for Months 7-12, IF the Medicare Patient meets the 6.6 lbs weight loss requirement during 1 st Six months INTENSIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY FOR OBESITY G0447 – Face-to-Face behavioral counseling for obesity (15 minutes) Reimbursement is $ 24.21 for Participating Medicare Provider in Locality 99 (Rest of Texas) DX codes: 278.00 or 278.01 Medicare coinsurance and Part B deductible are waived Office Visit may be billed if you are seeing patient for another DX. If so, add 25 modifier to OV ANNUAL DEPRESSION SCREENING - MEDICARE Effective October 14, 2011, Medicare covers annual depression screening for adults in the primary care setting that has staff-assisted depression care supports in place to assure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment and follow-up. Medicare co-insurance and deductibles are waived http://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/MedicareLearning-NetworkMLN/MLNMattersArticles/downloads/MM7637.pdf ANNUAL DEPRESSION SCREENING - MEDICARE G0444 – Annual Depression Screening (15 minutes) Type of Service is 1 Reimbursement - $ 16.34 for Participating Physicians in Locality 99 (Rest of Texas) Office Visit may be billed if you are seeing patient for another DX. If so, add 25 modifier to OV TEXAS MEDICAID CO-PAY CODES CP001 – Private HMO Copayment CP002 – Private PP0 Copayment CP003 – Medicare HMO Copayment CP004 – Medicare PPO Copayment Reimbursement $ 10.00 MEDICARE/MEDICAID PATIENTS As of January 1, 2012, Texas Medicaid will no longer pay the 20 % co-insurance approved by Medicare. Medicaid will only pay the Medicaid rate on the deductible amount. CANNOT bill patient !! INGROWN TOENAIL Are you having trouble getting paid for an Ingrown Toenail Removal? INGROWN NAIL MODIFIERS : TA Left foot, great toe T1 Left foot, second digit T2 Left foot, third digit T3 Left foot, fourth digit T4 Left foot, fifth digit FA Left hand, thumb F1 Left hand, second digit F2 Left hand, third digit F3 Left hand, fourth digit F4 Left hand, fifth digit T5 Right foot, great toe T6 Right foot, second digit T7 Right foot, third digit T8 Right foot, fourth digit T9 Right foot, fifth digit F5 Right hand, thumb F6 Right hand, second digit F7 Right hand, third digit F8 Right hand, fourth digit F9 Right hand, fifth digit MODIFIERS 24 - Unrelated E/M service during a post op period. 25 - Evaluation and Management service by the same physician on the same day as the procedure 50 – Bilateral Procedure 59 - Procedure or service was distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day. (Least paid procedure) 79 - Unrelated surgery/Procedure during postop period GW - Service not related to the hospice patient's terminal condition. GV - Physician not employed or paid under agreement by the patient's hospice provider. MEDICARE INCENTIVE PROGRAMS EHR - $ 44,000 E-Rx – Now included in the EHR Incentive. QIP – End Stage Renal Disease Incentive. HPSA – Shortage Area Bonus (10 %) HSIP – Surgeries ( 10-day and 90-day Globals) in a shortage area (extra 10%) MEDICARE INCENTIVE PROGRAMS PQRS – (formally PRQI) Physician Quality Report System (2011 – 1%) PCIP – Primary Care Incentive Program (10%) http://www.trailblazerhealth.com/Tools/PCIPEligibility.aspx E-RX NOTICE G8553- At least one prescription created during the encounter was generated and transmitted electronically using a qualified eRx system. This code must be included on at least 10 claims before June 30, 2012 or Medicare will PENALIZE your 2013 Medicare payments by 1.5% (E-Rx Bonus is included in EHR Bonus) EHR INCENTIVE PAYMENTS First Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 18,000 -------------- -------------- ------------- 2012 12,000 18,000 -------------- ------------- 2013 8,000 12,000 15,000 ------------- 2014 4,000 8,000 12,000 12,000 2015 2,000 4,000 8,000 8,000 2,000 4,000 4,000 44,000 39,000 24,000 2016 44,000 EHR INCENTIVE PENALTIES 2015 – 1% of the allowed amount 2016 – 2 % of the allowed amount 2017 – 3 % of the allowed amount 2018 – 4% of the allowed amount 2019 – 5% of the allowed amount PQRS INCENTIVE BONUSES & PENALTIES 2012 – 0.5 % Bonus 2013 – 0.5 % Bonus 2014 – 0.5 % Bonus 2015 – 1.5 % Penalty 2016 – 2.0 % Penalty 2017 – 2.0 % Penalty All other years 2.0 % Penalty INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) Claim Information Pending and processed claim information. Coinsurance amount (Part A only). Amount paid. Order a duplicate remittance notice (Part B paid remittances only). Overlapping/duplicate claim lookup . INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) Eligibility and Benefits Information Part A and Part B effective and termination dates. Amount of Part B deductible remaining to be met for the current year. Amount of Part B deductible remaining to be met for the prior year. Amount of physical and speech-language pathology cap remaining to be met the for current year. Amount of occupational therapy cap remaining to be met for the current year. Medicare Advantage Plans. Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) information. Benefits under a different Medicare number. Hospice enrollment. Home health enrollment. Capability of verifying preventive services available for patient. INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) Financial Information Information on the last five checks (up to 25), which includes the issue date, check number, check amount and status of the check (Part B). The number of claims approved to pay and the approved-to-pay amount (Part B only). Check status by check number (Part B only). Number of pending claims and the pending claims amount (Part B only). INTERACTIVE VOICE RESPONSE (IVR) Provider Enrollment PECOS status (Part B only). Application status (Part B only). Duplicate Remittance Request a duplicate copy of a remittance (Part B paid remittances only). HELPFUL TOOLS LCD – Local Coverage Determination http://www.trailblazerhealth.com/Tools/LCDs.aspx?DomainID=1 Part B IVR - (877) 567-9230 Denial Reason Code Search – http://www.trailblazerhealth.com/Tools/ReasonCodeSearch.aspx?ProgramID=2 FREE EHR PROGRAM – www.practicefusion.com PRE-QUESTION # 1 Can you bill Medicare for the DX of Obesity? A. Yes B. No C. Only if the patient’s BMI is greater than 30 kg/m2 D. Only if you document that the patient is obese PRE-QUESTION # 2 What modifier do you use if you perform a toenail removal on Left Great Toe? A: T5 B: TA C: F5 D: FA PRE-QUESTION # 3 If you have two procedures with an office visit on the same day, which procedure do you add the 59 modifier (Procedure or service was distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day.) ? A: Least Paid Procedure B: Both Procedures C: On the office visit D: Most Expensive Procedure PRE-QUESTION # 4 What is the penalty for NOT having an EHR by 2019? A: 1% B: 2% C: 3% D: 5% PRE-QUESTION # 5 If you started the EHR Incentive Program in 2012, you no longer have to use G8553 on your claims to show you sent an electronic prescription since the E-Rx Bonus is included in the EHR bonus. A. True B. False CONTACT INFORMATION Skinner Medical Billing & Consulting Kelly Skinner, CMM, CPC, CFPC P.O. Box 1521 Eastland, Texas 76448 254-631-1012 – cell 254-629-2747 – office skinnermedicalbilling@gmail.com