Prepared by: Berk Demirgok Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University 3/15/2012 Overview of position sensors Applications of position sensors Types of position sensors Applications Study Rotary Encoders in position sensors Specifications Purchasing References “Mechatronics – An Integrated Approach” by Clarence W. de Silva Wikipedia Mechanical measurements by Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard view/Catalog/Sensors_-z_Encoders/Encoders?source=google&keyword =rotary%20encoders%20incremental&type=sea rch&gclid=CMOT44X19q4CFQUZQgodyHEJz A =21 _2.php?big=01&mid=01/06 tent/bdeee4/bdeee4_3.aspx A position sensor is a device allowing position measurements. The sensor can either be to some fixed point or position or from some fixed point or position. A position sensor can measure any positions, such as linear positions, angular positions and rotary positions. Linear Positions Angular Positions Rotary Positions Servomotors Amusement equipment Music live control Computer game joysticks Steering wheels Robot applications Industrial applications Rotary encoders are also called shaft encoders. Rotary encoder converts angular position of mechanical movement of a shaft or axle to an analog or digital signal. Generally, digital signal is preferred. • enUS474US474&biw=1024&bih=624&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=2Rz18G1gJ9Bn XM:&imgrefurl= &imgurl= FT9pT431IqeYiQKW4dDbBg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=270&vpy=292&dur=807&hovh =221&hovw=221&tx=102&ty=133&sig=103248373012637440328&page=5&tbnh=133& tbnw=136&start=72&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:72 • Rotary encoder works just like an optical encoder. Lights from LED or infra-red light visible semiconductor diodes goes through a rotating encoded disk which contains the required code designs in binary grey code. Then, photo sensors examine the disk while it is rotating. While the disk rotates, an electronic circuit procedures the information from rotating disk into a digital information in binary code. Converted digital output is in binary code form because, binary code helps controllers to determine the actual angular position of the shaft or axle. After the output converted into digital signal, a rotary encoder can helps us to know position or distance. Moreover, rotary encoders also can provide information about speed, revolution. • encoder#Incremental_rotary_encoder Incremental rotary encoders Delivers only cyclical outputs when the encoder is rotating. Incremental rotary encoders can get one of three following signal categories: Quadrature Single channel Pulse Direction Incremental rotary encoder looks like this 289447-Incremental_Optical_Encoder.jpg Standard rotary encoders wsimages/orig/cde86e815031c45457c1ba2 73b8c88d0.jpg Modular rotary encoders Modular rotary encoders are the most sensitive to motor shaft run-out and axial movement. They are commonly used in servomotors. /photo-m2/miniature-optical-incrementalrotary-encoder-734405.jpg Kit rotary encoders Encoder-Module-Kit-Encoder-OpticalEncoder-Rotary-Encoder.jpg Single channel rotary encoders Rotary encoders have very wide-range application areas and some of them are mentioned as: Industrial Controls Robotics Photographic Lenses Cellphones Computers Automotive Rotary Position sensor can be easily purchased from many online stores Here is some good web-sites to look if you want to buy rotary position sensor. k/Rotary%20Encoders.JPG Light Duty use rotary encoders Medium Duty use rotary encoders $25-$125 $75-$200 Heavy Duty use rotary encoders $150-$300