JD-MEDIA A.T.T 6 ZONE MIXING AMPLIFIER ZA-6120/6240/6360/6480 SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier PROTECT FAULT www.jd-media.co.kr JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. 435-831 231-19, Dang Jung Dong, Kun-Po City Kyung-Gi do, Republic of, KOREA Tel : +82-31-453-9514 Fax : +82-31-453-9502 C/N : 4M-6ZA010-02 M EMO S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS & GENERAL USE +⨲ⳮ▖㩗##⮓, 1 I NSTALLATIONS 2 F EATURES +㞣⺿, 3 F RONT PANEL CONTROLS 3~4 R EAR PANEL CONTROLS 5~9 P RIORITY FUNCTION +⮚☊ቶ#ጚត, 10 S TANDARD APPLICATION +⟆➎㙆#⫚ᆚℓⅿ, 11~12 P OWER INCREASING & MULTIPLE USE +⩚㧮#㊆ᴏ#⺇☎##⇟㩓⮞⮓, 13 P. T.T REMOTE (PTT-100) 13 R EMOTE CONTROLLER (RC-600/610) 14 S PECIFICATIONS 15 B LOCK DIAGRAM 16 SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier PROTECT FAULT SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T ZA-6360 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier PROTECT FAULT SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T ZA-6240 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier PROTECT FAULT SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T ZA-6120 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier PROTECT FAULT OPTION FM-300 AC POWER 120V/220V/230V/240VAC 50/60Hz (OPTION) 1 4ohm ZONE CONTROL 2 3 4 5 6 ALL CALL AUDIO IN LINK PRIORITY POWER +33V POWER AMP FAN DR FU4 + LEAK LEVEL ON/OFF CDR-100 CD & RECEIVER This apparatus should be serviced by qualified service person. CDP-100 CD PLAYER LEAK XUG㢨⤤G㣙㋀㜄G㉘㾌䚌㜠G㨰㐡㐐㝘U 㫸┍㢨⇌Gᷱ㇠ᴴG㐠䚌㫴G㙾ḔGⵈ␙㢨G䓽䓽䚐G㣙㋀U 䋩䗁㢨G㣌╌ḔGⱰὤ⇌G㏩ὤᴴG⬂㫴G㙾㡴G㣙㋀U 㫵㇠ṅ㉔㡸Gⵏ㫴G㙾⏈G㣙㋀G❄⏈G⇐ⵝὤẠOⵐ㜨㷨P㜄㉐G⫠G⛜㛨㫸G 㣙㋀UG 㢬䞈㉥GⱰ㫼O䞈䚍㚱䖼P㢨G㛺⏈G㣙㋀U YUG㉘㾌㐐G㢨⤤㥄㡸G㨰㢌䚌㐡㐐㝘U ㇠㟝㉘⮹㉐G㐐㏘䊐G㜤ᷤⵝⷉ㡸G㝸㤸䢼G㢱㡰㐔G䟸㜄G㜤ᷤ䚨G㨰㐡㐐㝘U ᴵ㦹G㜤ᷤ㉔㡸G㝸㤸䚌᷀G㜤ᷤ䚨G㨰㐡㐐㝘U O㨰㤸㠄G䂈☐⪰Gゅ㡴Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G㜤ᷤUP ⺼㝸㤸䚐G㜤ᷤ㡴G㣕㢀SG㥐䖼㢌G㋄ㇵG❄⏈G㙼㤸㇠Ḕ㢌G㠄㢬㢨G╝⏼␘U 㤸ὤ㤵G㻝ᷝG❄⏈Gᵄ㤸㇠Ḕ㢌G㠸䜌㢨G㢼㡰⦐G⟐ 㡸G㜨㫴G⬄㙸㨰㐡 㐐㝘UG 㨰GẄ⪌G㤸㠄G䙀⤠Ἤ⪰G㜤ᷤ䚌ὤG㤸㜄G㇠㟝㤸㚉㡸G䞉㢬䚌㐔G䟸G㙼㤸 䚌᷀G㜤ᷤ䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 㥐䖼㡸G㍌⫠㐐⏈Gἐ㥉═G⺴䖼ḰG㣄ᷝ㢨G㢼⏈G㇠⣀㢨G㍌⫠⪰G䚌㜠㚰G䚜U GENERAL USE 㟝⓸ ZA-6120, 6240, 6360, 6480 have been designed to ensure durable performance and reliable operation of sound systems. It is best suited for call and message transmission installation with alert systems, music in industrial enterprises, offices, congregation halls and sport centers, schools, churches, hospitals, super-maket, and other similar occasions. ㋀ἐ⯜GwUhG㐐㏘䊐㜄㉐G㟈Ạ䚌⏈Gὤ⏙㡸G㵸䈑䚌㜠G㉘᷸═G㐐㏘䊐㡰⦐㉐G␘㛅䚐G㉥ ⏙㡸Gⵐ䡌䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UG⸬G㥐䖼㡴G㎼䒰⫼䁇SG䝬䊈SGẄ䟀SG⸅㠄SG㏘䔠㽔㉰䉤SG䚍ẄSG ㇠ⱨ㐘☥㢌G㣙㋀㜄G㢀㠄㡸G㤸␠䚌ᶤ⇌Gᷱ⸨Gⵝ㋕㡸G䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤SGὨἽGㇵ䞝㐐G㣄┍ 㡰⦐G⮈㉬㫴G㤸␠㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U GND AM TEL PAGING -10dB R L LINE5 -10dB R LINE4 -10dB FM 75W 300W CHIME SWITCH H.A TP-100 TUNER PACK CHIME OPTION LEVEL LEVEL TEL RINGER BASS TREBLE H.A (BUILT-IN) CHIME SEL Connect the apparatus after reading of O/P manuals. Connect each connection of amplifier perfectly, if not, it maybe Caused hum, damage, electric shock in case of mis-connecting. To prevent electric shock, do not open top cover. Connect the power cord with safety after check of AC power. DM-100 DIGITAL MESSAGE LEVEL SIREN OPTION 㥐䖼㡸G㟨㟝䚌ὤ㤸㜄G⯜☔G㙼㤸㇠䚡㡸G㢱㛨G⸨㐡㐐㝘UG FEEDBACK REDUCTION MIC/LINE 3 -50dB~-10dB MIC/LINE 2 -50dB~-10dB L 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 MIC/LINE 1 -50dB~-10dB 㙼G㤸G㇠G䚡 Read all safety instruction before operating the ZA-Series. 1. Install equipment as follow conditions. 2. Keep in mind the following when connecting the apparatus. LEVEL CHIME REMOTE H.A GAIN -50~-10dB H.A PHANTOM POWER +12V BASS TREBLE BASS TREBLE BASS TREBLE LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL H.A GAIN -50~-10dB PHANTOM POWER H.A GAIN -50~-10dB H.A PHANTOM POWER 2 5 3 P.T.T REMOTE PRIORITY R/M 7 4 1 6 CHIME R/M P.T.T R/M +24V DC E/M CONTROL 17V REG 24V REG DC POWER DETECTOR CON 1 MIC 2 PRIORITY 3 BASS TREBLE LEVEL MESSAGE FIRST PROT +24V SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Install at the place, not bending curved. Do not install this apparatus in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no object filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be place on the apparatus. Locate this apparatus away from heat source, such as radiators or other device that produce heat. Do not drop objects or spill liquids into the inside of the apparatus. SLAVE/PRIORITY (BUILT - IN) M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 REPEAT/STOP START/STOP COM(G) BUSY 16 VOL CON SENSOR POWER SWTICH FU3 FU1 STAND-BY L.P.F MASTER PROTECT AC COM D.A OVER HEATING P.A +17V OPTION CON PRIORITY BUS 1 2 3 4 CON PAD MS 802 ATT. ALL CALL FAULT FD-200 CON PAD PAD DRIVER SERIAL TO PARALLEL CONVERTER BIAS POWER TRANS DR ATT. 6 RESET 5 4 3 2 1 CHIME P.T.T REMOTE SLAVE REMOTE PRIORITY RMOTE CONTROLLER PRE AMP ATT. BOARD & P.T.T R/M STAND-BY TRANS ZONE6 ZONE1 2 3 4 5 1 OUTPUT METER -13 -8 -3 0 CLIP å OUT TRANS 100V 70V 50V 25V 12.5V 8.9V 6V 0V 4ohm ( STEP OPTION) ATT. 6 AMP IN 0dB(NOR) R G +17V L B.A DATA CONVERTER DATA PRE OUT 0dB(NOR) RECORDING 0dB(NOR) E.B OPTION REMOTE RECEIVER (RR-600) POWER REMOTE FU2 BATTERY DC 24V SLAVE/PRIORITY Vcc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RJ45 G BUSY DATA IN 100V LOCK DIAGRAM +⋾᳗, 1 I S PECIFICATIONS NSTALLATION MOUNTING Amplifier racking size for ZA series are designed for standard 19" rack mounting with additional left, right bracket. Please pay close attention to the cooling requirements. 㦤 ⽀⢰䁇㡸 㥐䖼㜄 ᷤ䚝䚌⮨ 䖐㨴 X`I⣍㜄 㦤⫱╌⓸⦑ 㢼㡰⮤S ⵝ㜨㜄 䙸㟈䚐 䋩䗁 Ạ㦤㜄 㐔ᷱ㘬 䙸㟈ᴴ 㢼 TECHNICAL INPUT SENSITIVITY/IMPEDANCE Never block the air vents in the sides makes enough space line 44mm of the amplifier the following is figure of air-flow. Check inside temperature of rack system so as not to be more than 40 C for the stable operating in any case, we recommend you to install cooling fan additionally on the rear panel of rack cabinet. MIC/LINE1~3 : -50dBu(2.45mV) 5K -10dBu(245mV) 5K COOLING LINE 4~5 : -10dBu(245mV) 15K 㧀S㟤㽕⮨㜄 㢼⏈ ḩὤ Ạ⮁㡸 㤼 ⫽㫴 ⬄㙸 㨰㐡 㐐㝘U ❄䚐 ㇵ␜㜄⏈ [[OXoP㢌 ḩᴸ㡸 䞉⸨ 䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㚤䘸 ⇽ᴵ Ạ㦤㢌 ḩὤ 䢄⪸㡴 㙸⣌ Ἤ⫰Ḱ ᵍ㡴 䝉䈐㢹⏼␘U 㙼㥉═ 㟨㟝㡸 㠸䚨㉐⏈ ⣍ ⇨⺴ 㝜⓸ᴴ [W j⪰ 㸼Ḱ䚌㫴 㙾⓸ ⦑ 㐔ᷱ㡸 㘬 䙸㟈ᴴ 㢼㡰⮤S ⇽ᴵ 䟜Ḱ⪰ 㫑ᴴ㐐䇘ὤ 㠸䚨 ⣍ ◫ⷱ㜄 ㋕䗁ὤ⪰ ⺴㵝䚌㜠 㨰㐡㐐㝘U HEAT-SINK UNBAL TEL PAGING : -10dBu(245mV) 5K BAL PACK UNIT : -10dBu(245mV) 10K UNBAL REC OUT : 0dBu(775mV) 3K UNBAL PRE OUT : 0dBu(775mV) 100 UNBAL AMP IN : +4dBu(1.23mV) 10K UNBAL RATED OUTPUT ZA-6120 : 170W / 120W(RMS) OUTPUT IMPEDANCE/A / TT. STEP(OPTION) ZA-6240 : 290W / 240W(RMS) ZA-6360 : 410W / 360W(RMS) ZA-6480 : 530W / 480W(RMS) LOW IMP : 4 AUTOMATIC VARIABLE SPEED FAN BAL BAL EUROPE : 100V, 70V, 50V, 25V, 12.5V, 8.9V AMERICA : 70V, 50V, 25V, 12.5V, 8.9V, FREQUENCY RESPONSE(LINE SIGNAL) LESS THAN -3dB(55Hz ~ 16kHz) SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO LINE : MORE THAN 80dB("A" WEIGHT) 6V MIC : MORE THAN 70dB("A" WEIGHT) SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T T.H.D LESS THAN 1%(1kHz) POWER CONSUMPTION ZA-6120 : 350W ZA-6240 : 740W ZA-6360 : 1150W ZA-6480 : 1420W ZA-6120 : 1.6A /0.8A ZA-6240 : 2.8A /1.4A ZA-6360 : 4.4A /2.5A ZA-6480 : 5.6A /3.2A ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier PROTECT FAULT 1/8 POWER CURRENT DRAW 120V/230V INSIDE AIR FLOW AIR FLOW 4in(10cm)MIN IMPORTANT:Be sure rear of amplifier is securely mounted to rack. EQUIPMENT RACK (SIDE VIEW) AMPLIFIER (TOP VIEW) 2.4in(6cm)MIN AIR FLOW BLOWER FRONT OF RACK DOOR 1/3 POWER CURRENT DRAW 120V/230V ZA-6120 : 2.4A /1.2A ZA-6240 : 4A /2A ZA-6360 : 6.7A /3.8A ZA-6480 : 8.5A /4.7A RATED POWER CURRENT DRAW 120V/230V ZA-6120 : 3.6A /1.8A ZA-6240 : 6.4A / 3.2A ZA-6360 : 11A / 6A ZA-6480 : 14A / 7.5A GENERAL POWER SOURCE(OPTION) 24V DC DIMENSIONS(mm) 430(W) X 133(H) X 352(D) (inches) 16.9(W) X 5.2(H) X 13.9(D) WEIGHT(kg) RACK CABINET AIR FLOW BLOWER 120V/220V/230V/240V AC 50/60Hz NOTE ZA-6120 : 13.0 Kg ZA-6240 : 14.0 Kg ZA-6360 : 19.0 Kg ZA-6480 : 20.0 Kg Specifications and design subj b ect to change without notice fo f r improvements. +ᖞ⮓▫ⱂ ᆓ 㞣⺿Ⱚ ⴆ㥲ⱂ ☛ត 㪏▫Ⱞ ⯮㩂⫖ ▖ⳮ ⫲ᇊ ⪰ⱞ ↪ᆚᤊ ✂ Ⱳ➟ឲ៎1, RACK MOUNT SPACE 2 AIR FLOW IN RACK CABINET 15 R EMOTE CONTROLLER (RC-600) F EATURES (㞣⺿, AMP SECTION AUTOMAT A IC VA V RIABLE SPEED FA F N OVER CURRENT PROTECTION LOAD SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION BUILT L IN L.P.F(LOW PA P SS FILT L ER) CIRCUIT OUTPUT LED INDICAT A OR 6 ZONE SPEAKER OUTPUT OR ALL CALL SPEAKER AT A TENUTOR PER CHANNEL BY 6 STEP RC-600 Remote Controller DEMENSIONS 3 2 5 WEIGHT 6 1 REPEAT/STOP START/STOP POWER 2 PRE AMP AND OTHER 6 MESSAGE BANK 1 202(W)x51(H)x156(D)mm 8(W)x2(H)x6.1(D)inch 1.3kg/ 2.8Ibs 4 DIGITAL MESSAGE SEND SERIAL NO.: MODEL NO.: RC-600 REMOTE CONTROLLER 3 LINK MADE IN KOREA BUSY TALK SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 1 2 3 4 5 ON 6 OUT R L SLAVE PRIORITY OFF AUDIO OUT BUSY PRIORITY AUX IN -10dB -10 0 17V G AUDIO DATA ALL 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 dB 5 4 7 8 9 10 11 R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, 1. POWER (STATUS INDICATOR) Turn on the power, LED indicator lights. ⮨ slkᴴ 䁐㬅⏼␘U 2. SEND (STATUS INDICATOR) In case data are supplied to amplifier, send LED indicator lights. ⥙╔⚀GslkᴴG䁐㬅⏼␘U 3. BUSY 㾌⇌Gkpnp{hsGtlzzhnlᴴG┍㣅㩅㜄G㢼㢀㡸G䖐㐐䚌⏈Gslk㢹 yltv{l jvu{yvsslyG⸩䚝G㟨㟝㐐G䟸⮨GྠⶼG㏘㠸㾌⪰G 䈑 䚌⮨ i|z slkᴴG䁐㫸Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐⏈G┍㣅㢨G⺼ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U Busy means under operating of "TALK" or digital message. Also, When using remote controller(RC-600), if you select "SLAVE" of NO. 8, remote controller(RC-600) is not operated under busy LED. 4. TALK When pressing talk S/W, "TALK"S/W you talk VIA microphone with pre-chi e signal. ⪨⮨ 㣄┍㡰⦐ 㵜㢸 㐔䝬ᴴG㟬⫠⮨㉐G⫼㢨䆠Gⵝ㋕㢨Gᴴ⏙U ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier w ㈑GⵃG㥉㫴䚝⏼␘UGktTXWW㢌G⮈㉬㫴G䆠OtXTt]P ⪰Gⵌ⸩Gⵝ㋕G㉘㥉ὤ⏙㜄GⱨḴ䚌᷀GX䟀G㣠㈑GⵃG㥉㫴G PROTECT G㥉㫴䚝⏼␘UG ㋕G㉘㥉ὤ⏙O䇴㢸㢬䉤ⷀSⵌ⸩䟀㍌P㜄G㢌䚨G⫠G㉘㥉═ 䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U X W㡸G㣙㵝㐐⏈GIvuIG㠸㾌㜄GktTXWW㡸G㣙㵝䚌㫴G ⦐G㉘㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U 䚌㜠G㇠㟝㐐GX⏈Gwypvyp{㜄G㉘㥉䚌ḔG⇌⭬㫴⏈G z G 㜄G㉘㥉䚌⮨SGzsh}l㜄G㉘㥉═GyjT]WWG㢨G┍㣅㩅㜄G㢼⒈⢰⓸G wypvyp{㜄G㉘㥉═GyjT]WW㢌GI{hsrIGzV~⪰G⌸⪨⮨Gzsh}l㜄G㉘㥉═G yjT]WW㢌G┍㣅㢨G㥉㫴䟸Gwypvyp{㜄G㉘㾌═GyjT]WWG㢨G㟤㉔Ề㡸Gᴴ㫴⮤G ┍㣅䚐␘SG㢨Gὤ⏙㡴G{hsr⇌Gtlzzhnl┍㣅G㩅㜄⓸G㟤㉔Ề㡸Gᴴ㫸␘U ` v 㢨䇴S 㤸㠄㡸GḩἽ䚌ὤG㠸䚐Gyq[\G㣡㢹⏼␘UG㜤ᷤG䀴㢨⽈㡴Gⵌ yz shu jhisl㡸G㇠㟝䚌㜠㚰G⒤㢨䉤G⌸䞈⪰Gⵝ㫴G䚔G㍌G㢼㏩ ⽈㡴 ⸬㷨⦐⺴䉤GXWW㢨⇨㜄㉐G㜤㣙G㟨㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U |{ ⷜG㥐䖼㡸G㜤ᷤ䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㢹⥙㡰⦐Gἐ㥉═Gⵌ⸩G⮈ 㜄G⊭㢀㐐䁐Gⵝ㋕㡸G䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㟝⓸⦐G㇠㟝䚔G㍌G㢼 10. AUX INPUT AUX input is for cassette deck or other same input level products. 14 P G⊭㢀═G⮈㉬㫴G䆠⪰G㉔䈑䚝⏼␘U G㣠㈑╌㫴G㙾㏩⏼␘UP 8. SLAVE/PRIOROTY This is audio output control volume. FAULT w "ON" position for DM-100 operating, "OFF" position not for DM-100. 11. AUDIO OUT GAIN SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T ] k 7. DM-100 ON/OFF This is RJ45 connector for power supply of audio, data, make sure that 4pairs LAN cable is necessary for optimum operation. Use LAN cable within 100m distance. 8 ᴴG G U 㩅㟈㇠䚡GaG{hsrSGz{hy{Vz{vwG㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨ὤG㤸㜄Gⵌ☐㐐G㏘䙰䀘G 㦨㡸G㉔䈑䚌㐡㐐㝘SG㏘䙰䀘G㦨㢨G㉔䈑╌㫴G㙾㡰⮨G㢨G㏘㠸㾌G☘㡴G┍㣅 䚌㫴G㙾㏩⏼␘U START/STOP Message start and stop. This makes you replay, stop recorded message of the memory bank (M1-M6) one time without setting repeat function. REPEAT/STOP You can replay or stop by repeat setting and time interval. MESSAGE BANK(M1~M6) Message bank lets you select recorded bank. 9. OUT-LINK F RONT PANEL CONTROLS +ⳮጚត, 㷨G㦨G㻐⥙㡸G㉔䈑䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤SG㏘䙰䀘G Gylzl{╌ḔG㦨G㻐⥙㡴G㚤䘸㢌GopnoG ⫠ḔG㉔䈑═G㦨㡴G⸬㷨㢌G㏘䙰䀘G㦨Gslk 6. DIGATAL MESSAGE For operating of 2 pcs more for RC-600 simultaneously,one of RC-600 can be set priority and the other is set to SLAVE. Then, event though RC-600 is operating under SLAVE, if you push "TALK" S/W of RC-600 selected "PRIOROTY", RC-600 selected "PRIORITY" will be operated after operation stop of RC-600 selected "SLAVE". This function is same as that of "TALK" or "message" operation. ⱬ ᴵGtpj㢹⥙GnhpuG⸰⪜G㵸䈑U ᴵGtpjG㢹⥙ⷸGwohu{vtGwv~lyGḩἽᴴ⏙U w|zoG{vG{hsrOwU{U{PGtpjG㢹⥙㡸G㠸䚐Gⷸ⓸㢌kpuG䂌≙䉤G㵸䈑U spulG[SG\㢹⥙GyjhGqhjrG㵸䈑U ⊭㢀㻐⥙GyjhGqhjrG㵸䈑U wylGv|{V㞬⺴GhtwGpuG䂌≙䉤G㵸䈑U ᴵG㢹⥙ⷸG㢨䄸⢰㢨㥬G䂌䏬⦘G㵸䈑U {lslwovulGwhnpunⵃGupno{GypunlyGὤ⏙㵸䈑U joptlGὤ⏙㵸䈑OY{vuS[{vuG㉔䈑ὤ⏙PUG zpyluGὤ⏙㵸䈑U {wTXWWSGktTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWG whjrG㜤ᷤGᴴ⏙UOvw{pvuP 㤸㠄ḩἽG㠄ᷝ㥐㛨Gὤ⏙UOẄ⪌V㫵⪌P ⵤ䉤⫠G㤸㠄ḩἽ㐐Gklshᴴ⏙U 㠄ᷝ㥐㛨G㐐㏘䊐GOyq[\G䂌≙䉤P XUGkpnp{hsGtlzzhnlG㠄ᷝ㥐㛨U YUGjoptlG㠄ᷝ㥐㛨 ZUGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWPGZᵐG㜤ᷤG㟨㟝ᴴ⏙U kpnp{hsGtlzzhnlOktTXWWP㜤ᷤ㐐G㣄┍㤸㠄ḩἽGⵃG㣄┍GᷱḔG ⵝ㋕UOtlzzhnlGmpyz{Gwypvyp{ᴴG䞈㣠ᷱ⸨G㐐㏘䊐ḰG㜤ᷤ═Gㇵ䈐G 㜄㉐Gᴴ⏙P tpjGXSGYSGZG㟤㉔ỀG㉔䈑G㏘㠸㾌UG y 5. SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR Pressing one of the zone button(1 to 6) delegates the signal to the desired loud speaker zone. Then, attenuation function in the main amplifier are reset and zone power-out is converted to HI impedance power output. The corresponding LED indicator lights. IMPORTANT NOTE Select speaker zone what you want befor push "TALK, START/STOP, REPEAT/STOP" if not, all switches will not operate. INPUT GAIN VOLUME CONTROL PER MICROPHONE SELECTIVE PHANTOM POWER PER MICROPHONE INPUT DIN CONNECTER FOR P.T.T(PUSH TO TALK) MICROPHONE INPUT RCA JACK FOR LINE 4, 5 INPUT RCA JACK FOR RECORDING OUTPUT CONNECT FOR PRE-OUT/EXTERNAL AMP IN EQUALIZER PER INPUT CHANNEL TELEPHONE PAGING AND NIGHT RINGER CHIME(Permissible two tone/four tone chime). SIREN OPTIONAL MODULE CONNECTION (TP-100, DM-100, CDP-100, CDR-100) REMOTE CONTROL FOR POWER ON/OFF SOFT START FOR BATTERY POWER SUPPLY DELAY REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM BY RJ45 CONNECTER 1. DIGITAL MESSAGE 2. CHIME 3. CONNECTION WITH 3MODULES(RC-600) SIMULTANEOUSLY AUTO ALERT ANNOUNCEMENT AND AUTO POWER "ON" CONNECTING TO DIGITAL MESSAGE(DM-100) (MESSAGE FIRST PRIORITY CONNECTING WITH FIRE ALARM SYSTEM) MIC 1, 2, 3 PRIORITY SELECTOR SWITCH 㣄┍G㋁⓸㦤㤼G䑠G⇨㣙U Ḱ㤸⪌G⸨䝬䟀⦐G㵸䈑U ㏘䙰䀘G㉔⦐G㌰䏬Gᶴ㻐䟀⦐G㵸䈑U sUwUmG䟀⦐G⇨㣙U 㻐⥙㫴㐐GslkGsl}lsG⮈䉤U ]TvulGzwlhrlyGv|{w|{G❄⏈GzwlhrlyGhssGjhssὤ⏙U vulⷸG㏘䙰䀘G㻐⥙G㦤㥉ᴴ⏙UG u 㝘♈㝘G㻐⥙⤼ⷜG㦤㥉G⸰⪜㢹⏼␘U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. MIC/LINE LEVEL P T T1 VOLUME/EQ VO OLUME E P.T.T1 volume control/EQ volume control let you adjust input 1 level and P.T.T remote(PTT-100)level. BASS and TREBLE CONTROLS make you adjusted equalizer so as to suit for surrounding usually, first, position adjusted should be set at "0" of LED indicator with two 0clock of MASTER volume. Secound, you can increase input volume to the position "0" of LED indicator. : ase the priority function is activated, if you supply signal IC/LINE 1, than, all signals including LINE 4,5 PAGING RINGER and module signals like TP-100, CDP-100, CDR-100 will be closed. (set JUMP SHUNT MS2 on the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). w ⪜ ⪜ 㢹⥙X㢌G⤼ⷜḰGwU{U{Gyltv{lOw{{TXWWP㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼 㡰⮤SGihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㢌G䏭㉥㡸GḔ⥘䚌㜠G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㜄G ⬒ 㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG䋩ㇵG㦤㥉G㠸㾌⏈G⫼㏘䉤G⸰⪜㢨GY㐐G ⵝ 㟤Gྠⶼ㢌G㻐⥙G⤼ⷜ⮈䉤GIWIG㠸㾌㢌GslkᴴG䁐㫴⓸⦑G㦤㥉 䚌 䚡 XUGtpjVspulXG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\ GGGGwhnpunGypunlyG❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWW GGGGO㤸⮨GtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG GGGG㵜␜╝⏼␘U GGG 3 2. LINE LEVEL LINE level volume control makes you adjust line input level and BASS & TREBLE make you adjust sound color. 3. PACK EQUALIZER BASS & TREBLE control for pack series. 4. CHIME Pushing chime button, two tone/four tone chime will be activated also, can be adjusted signal level. This is for pre signal or alert signal.(Permissible two tone/four tone chime by jump shunt MS1 front PCB) 5. TELEPHONE TEL NIGHT RINGER TEL night ringer functio let you hear telephone fing Via speaker. Turm RINGER volume to clock-other wise for ring decrease, even RINGER volume go to clock-other wise completely, you can hear night Tel ring by dark function. (-20dB atteunation from max volume) PAGING You can adjust broadcasting level when broadcasting by telephone paging isoperated, even PAGING volume go to clock-otherwise completely, you can hear night Tel ring by dark function. (-20dB atteunation from max volume) IMPORTANT NOTE : In case paging is activated, priority makes stopping all signal like LINE 4,5 CHIME SIREN and signal of modules against paging(set jump shunt MS2 on the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). If priority is not activated against MIC 1, 2, 3(Priority switch rear panel NO.1), all MIC signal will be closed except P.T.T MIC remote control. 6. SIREN This is for emergency situation ~ : Alert siren curve.(repeat) : Alert siren flat.(continuously) IMPORTANT NOTE : In case paging is activated, priority makes stopping all signal like LINE 4,5 CHIME SIREN and signal of modules against paging(set jump shunt MS2 on the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). If priority is not activated against MIC 1, 2, 3(Priority switch rear panel NO.1), all MIC signals will be closed except P.T.T MIC remote control. 7. MASTER All signals from modules and others, are adjusted by MASTER volume to supply power amplifier placement master volume in the circuit is located between rer of "AMP IN" connector nd front side of power amplifier. 4 YUGwU{U{Gyltv{lG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╔Gᷱ㟤⓸Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨G␘ GGGG⪬G⯜☔G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜╝⏼␘UO␜SGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP GGGG㐔䝬⏈G㵜␜╌㫴G㙾㢀PG GGGGἬ⤠⇌SGyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌Gwypvyp{Vzsh}lG㏘㠸㾌⪰G GGGGzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑䚌⮨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌G㐔䝬⓸G㵜␜╝⏼␘U yltv{lGYG⸰⪜VlxG⸰⪜G 㢹⥙Y㢌G⤼ⷜḰGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉 䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤Gihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㢌G䏭㉥㡸GḔ⥘䚌㜠G㉘㾌 㣙㋀㜄G⬒⓸⦑G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 䋩ㇵG㦤㥉㠸㾌⏈G⫼㏘䉤G⺼⪜㢨GY㐐Gⵝ䛙㢰Gᷱ㟤Gྠⶼ㢌G㻐⥙⮈䉤G IWIG㠸㾌㢌GslkᴴG䁐㫴⓸⦑G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡 XUGtpjVspulYG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\ GGGGwhnpunGypunlyG❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWG GGGGO㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ GGGG╝⏼␘U YUGyltv{lGjvu{yvsG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╔Gᷱ㟤⓸Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨 GGGG␘⪬G⯜☔G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜═␘U GGGGO␜SGwU{U{Gyltv{lGjvu{yvsOw{{TXWWPG㐔䝬⏈G㵜␜╌㫴G㙾㢀PG GGGGἬ⤠⇌SGyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌Gwypvyp{Vzsh}lG㏘㠸㾌⪰G GGGGzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑䚌⮨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌G㐔䝬⓸G㵜␜╝⏼␘U ZG⸰⪜VlxG⸰⪜G 㢹⥙Z㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤Gihzz㝴G{ylisl⏈G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㢌 䏭㉥㡸GḔ⥘䚌㜠G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㜄G⬒⓸⦑G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 䋩ㇵG㦤㥉㠸㾌⏈G⫼㏘䉤G⺼⪜㢨GY㐐Gⵝ䛙㢰Gᷱ㟤Gྠⶼ㢌G㻐⥙⮈䉤G IWIG㠸㾌㢌GslkᴴG䁐㫴⓸⦑G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡 XUGtpjVspulZG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\ GGGGwhnpunGypunlyG❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwXWWSGjkyTXWW GGGGO㤸⮨GGwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ GGGG╝⏼␘U P OWER INCREASING AND MULTIPLE USE +⩚㧮㊆ᴏ#⺇☎##⇟㩓#⮞⮓, SIGNAL SOURCE +⟊㬢#Ɐᴏⴆ㥲, 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz OUT FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor IN NO SIGNAL SOURCE INTPUT +⟊㬢#ⱯᴏⰮ#℅Ⱞ#✂#⪰#ⴆ㥲, FR-400 7Hz OPERATE FD-200 Fault Detector ON 10Hz Feedback Reduction SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS NOR LOW IMP HIGH IMP 4 100V TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY FD-200 Fault Detector FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor RR-600 Remote Receiver 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 2. Also, P.T.T remote signal makes priority same as priority function of MIC/LINE 1(except signal of RC-600). But if you select switch of remote controller to "SLAVE", signal of remote control will be cut-off. REMOTE 2 VOLUME/EQ VOLUME Remote2 volume control/EQ volume control let you adjust input 2 level and REMOTE CONTROLS(RC-600) level. Bass and TREBLE CONTROLS make you adjusted equalizer so as so suit for surrounding usually, first, position djusted should be set at "0" of LED indicator with two 0'clock of MASTER volume. Second, you can increase input volume to the position "0" of LED indicator. IMPORTANT NOTE : 1. In case the priority function is activated, if you supply signal to MIC/LINE 1, than, all signals including LINE 4,5 PAGING RINGER and module signals like TP-100,CDP-100,CDR-100 will be closed. (set JUMP SHUNT MS2 the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). 2. Also, P.T.T remote signal makes priority same as priority function of MIC/LINE 1(except signal of PTT-100). 3 VOLUME/EQ VOLUME 3 volume control/EQ volume control let you adjust input 3 level. BASS and TREBLE CONTROLS make you adjusted sound's color so as to suit for surrounding usually, first, position djusted should be set at "0" of LED indicator with two 0'clock of MASTER volume. Second, you can increase input volume to the position "0" of LED indicator. IMPORTANT NOTE : In case the priority function is activated, if you supply signal to MIC/LINE 1, than, all signals including LINE 4,5 PAGING RINGER and module signals like TP-100, CDP-100, CDR-100 will be closed. (set JUMP SHUNT MS2 the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). MODEL NO.:ZA-6480 COMBINE USE 6 ZONE STATION MIXING AMPLIFIER JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. MADE IN KOREA EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) AC POWER DC POWER REMOTE 24V 40A DC FUSE AC 230V /50Hz 1420W 40 Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE PRE OUT AMP IN PA-148DP Single Channel P.A Power Amplifier IN OUT POWER INCREASEMENT +㊆ᴏ⺇☎, PA-148DP Single Channel P.A Power Amplifier YUGspulGsl}ls IN ⢰㢬G㢹⥙G[SG\㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤Gihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㢹⥙ ╌⏈G㢀㠄㢌G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚝⏼␘U OUT ZUGwhjrGlx|hsply whjr⪌㢌GO{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWPGihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㢹⥙ ╌⏈G㢀㠄㢌G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚝⏼␘U [UGjoptl ㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G㶔㢸G㐔䝬ᴴG㟬⫠⮤SG㉘㾌G㣙㋀㜄G⬒᷀G㐔䝬G⤼ⷜ㡸G 㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UG㢨G㐔䝬⏈G㙼⇨ⵝ㋕G㐐㣅㤸㢌Gⵝ㋕G㜼Ḕ㢀㡰⦐G ㇠㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UGO㤸⮨GwjiGtzXG㏘㠸㾌⦐GYG{vulSG[G{vulG ㉔䈑ὤ⏙P \UG{lslwovul upno{Gypunly 㚰ᴸ㜄G㤸䞈ᴴGᶬ⥘㝠⚀G㤸䞈ⷜG㋀⫠⪰G☗ὤG㠸䚐Gὤ⏙㡰⦐G㏘㠸㾌 ⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫵ᶤG㐔䝬㻐⥙㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘UGⷜG⤼ⷜG㦤㥉G⸰⪜㡴G㐐᷸G ⵌGⵝ䛙㡰⦐G㝸㤸䢼G─⥘⋇㡴Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐⓸G⫠䆠OslhrPGὤ⏙㢨G 㢼㛨Gⷜ㋀⫠⪰G☘㡸G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UGO⸰⪜G㺐Gὤ㨴㜄㉐GTYWiGᵄ㋸P ❄䚐SG㋀㢀㢨G㐠䚐G㣙㋀㜄G㉘㾌䚌㜠G㤸䞈ⷜG㋀⫠⪰G☗ὤ㠸䚐G㍌␜㡰 ⦐⓸G㇠㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UG whnpun 㤸䞈G䓌㢨㬉Gⵝ㋕㐐Gⵝ㋕G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤G⸰⪜㡸G㐐᷸GⵌG ⵝ䛙㡰⦐G㝸㤸䢼G─⥘G⋇㡴Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐⓸G⫠䆠OslhrPGὤ⏙㢨G㢼㛨GⵝG ㋕G㷡㼜ᴴGᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘UO⸰⪜G㺐Gὤ㨴㜄㉐GTYWiGᵄ㋸P 㩅㟈㇠䚡 䓌㢨㬉Gⵝ㋕㐐Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\GypunlySGjoptlSG zpyluG❄⏈G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWW O㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ ╝⏼␘UG P. T.T REMOTE(PTT-100) DIMENSION....126(W) x 54(H) x 156(D)mm` 5(W) x 2(H) x 6.1(D)inch WEIGHT..........0.8kg/1.76Ibs When pressing "TALK" MIC signal is activated and make input of DC 24V from the screw terminal NO.2 of main amplifier and priority is activated. 2. DIN JACK This cinsists of 7 pins use shield cable for microphone. MODEL NO.: PTT-100 P.T.T REMOTE JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. AUDIO OUT G LED PWR MADE IN KOREA PRIORITY CHIME PRIORITY 1 2 P.T.T REMOTE PTT-100 7 6 3 1 5 4 2 CHIME XUG{hsr ㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫼㢨䆠Gⵝ㋕㢨G╝⏼␘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡GaG◫⮨㢌GjoptlGzV~Gvu㐐GI{hsrIG㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G㣄┍GjoptlG 㐔䝬ᴴG㟬⫱⏼␘UG ◫⮨㢌Gwypvyp{GzV~Gvu㐐GI{hsrIG㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫼㢨䆠Gⵝ㋕㢌G 㟤㉔Ề㢨G㐘䚽╌⮤G⸬㷨G◫⮨GYⶼG㏘䆠⪌G䉤⇔㜄GRY[}kjᴴG㻐⥙╝⏼␘UG YUGkpuGqhjr 2 ^䙴㡰⦐GẠ㉥╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gtpj䟀⦐⏈G㐘☐G䀴㢨⽈㡸G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U 1 ]UGzpylhu 㠸Ἵ䚐Gㇵ䞝㢨Gⵐ㈑㐐GᷱḔGⵝ㋕㟝㡰⦐G㇠㟝╝⏼␘U ¥GaGᷱ⸨G㇠㢨⥀㢨G䑀ㇵ㡰⦐G㨰ὤ㤵㡰⦐G㟬⫱⏼␘U GTGaGᷱ⸨G㇠㢨⥀㢨G䓽䇸䚌᷀G㟬⫱⏼␘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡 ㇠㢨⥀G㐔䝬ᴴG㻐⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\GypunlyG ❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWSGjkyTXWW O㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ ╝⏼␘UG 1. TALK TALK ^UGthz{ly ⯜☔G㢹⥙㐔䝬G⤼ⷜ㡸G㺐㦹㤵㡰⦐G㦤㥉䚌㜠G䑀㠀G㚤䘸㜄GḩἽ䚌᷀G╌⮤ 䋩ㇵG㟨㟝G㠸㾌⏈GY㐐ⵝ䛙㢨G㤵䚝⏼␘UG⫼㏘䉤G⸰⪜㢌G䟀⦐⇨G㠸㾌⏈G htwGpuG㣡G◫␜ḰG䑀㠀G㚤䘸G㤸␜G㇠㢨㜄G㦨㣠䚝⏼␘U 13 WS 205 WS 205 WS 205 INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL+㩃ሺ, << TRACK POWER << 6CD-100 SENSOR PLAY/ PAUSE CD-POWER R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, << << 4F DISC REPEAT STOP 6CD CHANGER SCAN RANDOM WS 205 WS 205 8 7 WS 205 EJECT MAIN POWER 0 LEVEL 10 CD PLAYER 6CD-100 AM/FM TUNER STEREO M2 M3 BAND STER SCA MONO M4 M5 M6 A PS MUTE SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS SIGNAL STRENGTH 10 EVEL SEE 16 15 13 17 TU-110B M1 10 14 3F LINE 4 INPUT STATION CALL 9 WS 205 POWER WS 205 LOW IMP HIGH IMP TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY WS 205 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz 7Hz OPERATE FD-200 Fault Detector OUT FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor IN ON 10Hz FR-400 Feedback Reduction NOR RR-600 Remote Receiver 6 2F ZONE 1 5 4 3 2 1 4 100V DEL NO.:ZA-6480 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier 1 2 3 LINE 5 INPUT ZONE MIXING AMPLIFIER JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. MADE IN KOREA WS 205 WS 205 EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) WS 205 AC POWER DC POWER REMOTE 24V 40A ZONE 4 PROTECT 1F ZONE 5 DC FUSE ZONE 6 DIN CONNECTER INPUT SCHOOL MASTER CO-130W TALK SECRETARY Remote Controller RC-600 2 1 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP +⌮☆/#✂⯮⟎, MESSAGE BANK POWER START/STOP DIGITAL MASSAGE SEND BUSY 1 TALK 2 3 4 5 6 ALL CALL SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR RC-600/610 SCHOOL P L AY G R O U N D +ሺ⳿, MIC ON/OFF S/W MIC 3 INPUT INFORDESK ⸬ AUTOMATIC POWER SUPPLY AND AUTOMATIC ALERT VOLCE MESSAGE. +ⱺᣃ#ⳮ⮺ᇟዳ##ⱺᣃ#Ἶ☢⺪#ᆧ⇞ℓ⚋, CONNECT THIS TO TERMINAL OF FIRE RECEIVER CLOSED RELAY FOR EMERGENCY.+⌮▫⟆#㬾Ⲗ#✂⟊ጚⱂ#ẞᳲⱞ#⳻⳺ⱞ#FORVHᤂ#្ⱺ⬪#⫚ᆚ, SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS LOW IMP HIGH IMP TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz 7Hz OPERATE FD-200 Fault Detector OUT FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor IN ON 10Hz FR-400 Feedback Reduction NOR RR-600 Remote Receiver 5 4 3 2 1 4 100V MODEL NO.:ZA-6480 1 2 3 6 6 ZONE STATION MIXING AMPLIFIER JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. MADE IN KOREA EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) AC POWER DC POWER 24V 40A REMOTE DC FUSE 40 AC 230V /50Hz 1420W Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE 24VDC USE DIODE 1N 4007 BETWEEN POWER REMOTE AND FIRST PRIORITY MESSAGE.+GLRGH#4Q#733:▖⮓,1 BATTERY The above is for emergency situation like a fire. First, record alert voice message to the memory bank M6 in the DM-100(DIGITAL MESSAGE). Second, select S/W MS802 PCB of RR-600 to "off" position so as not to operate E/M message VIA RC-600. This is to prevent is to prevent mistake from remote controller(RC-600). 1 12 12 11 GYMNASIUM +⮞ᣃⲏ, BATTERY PTT-100 40 Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE CO-130W 24VDC P.T.T REMOT E PTT-100 +ሺⲏ⟎, AC 230V /50Hz 1420W 㢨Gⵝ㐑㡴Gὤ䇴G㠸Ἵ䚐Gㇵ䞝㢨Gⵐ㈑㐐GᷱḔGⵝ㋕㡸G 䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㍌␜㢹⏼␘UGἬ⫠ḔGὨἽGⵝ㋕G⊭㢀㡸G ♈㫴䉬G⮈㉬㫴Gt]㜄G⊭㢀G㐐䇘㐡㐐㝘U ὨἽGⵝ㋕G䀜䏬⦘㢨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP 㜄㉐G⺼ᴴ⏙䚌᷀G䚌ὤG㠸䚨Gyltv{lGyljlp}ly OyyT]WWP㢌GwjiGtz_WY⪰GIvmmI㠸㾌⦐G㉔䈑䚌㐡㐐㝘U 6 5 1. MIC PRIORITY SWITCH These are for priority setting switches for mic 1, 2, 3 to change priority ranking from No.3 to No.2, turn switch lever to the right. 2. P.T.T REMOTE JACK(DIN 7 PIN) This is DIN connector connecting P.T.T REMOTE via chime remote. O eration volta e for mic riority is DC 24V to the screw terminal. : Permissible maximum input current of +24VDC is 0.2A, if MAX input current flows 0.2A more. +24VDC is stopping power supply and will reset to +24VDC after 30seconds and P.T.T remote input is connected to MIC/LINE INPUT 1 connector in the internal circuitry. For phantom, please push phantom switch to supply with P.T.T MIC. Cable for audio line should be used by shield cable. Users can extend cable at 30m MAX. 3. MIC/LINE INPUT INPUT 1~3 let you connect sound sources with output levels. Variable range of input gain is -10dB~-50dB(245mV~2.45mV) it is necessary to adjust gain control for noisereduction and head room enhances. You had better use proper input ilevel. If clip indicator of output meter is turn-on, please turn GAIN control to the clock-otherwise for the optimum internal operstion. XLR and 1/4" phone jack re designed for MIC/LINE input phantom power can be supplied by condensor mic used only XLR pin2+,pin3-,pin1GND. tereo phone jack is : Tip+,Ring-,sleeve GND. : Turn gain volume and level controls of front panel to the clock-otherw se completely when you use phantom power. If not, speaker may get harmf l due to loud noise power by power shock. ZA-6120, 6240, 6360, 6480 been designed to use P.T.T MIC remote for the input 1 and remote MI control (RC-600) for MIC 2. 4. LINE IN 4~5 The input 4,5 are used for the connection of line-level equipment such a cassette deck, CD-players, the stereo signal of the connected sound sour gets internally converted into a manual signal. 5. RECORDING Recording output has designed with two L,R unbalanced jack. The stereo signal of the connected sound sources gets internally converted into a manual signal. All signals can be recorded but recording out can not sted by master volume because recording output is in the front of f master volume control. / PRE OUT IN N eiving signal from "PRE OUT" has been designed for phone jack. : an previous signal of amplifier are not activated. T which supplying signal to other products, has been unbalanced phone jack. : Out put impedance should be 600ohm more for pre-amp operation. 4 3 2 1 㾌 䚌⏈G㏘㠸㾌G㢹⏼␘U ⮨G㟤㉔G㍐㠸ᴴGZⶼ㜄㉐GYⶼ㡰⦐G㢨┍╝⏼␘U YU t p G G P G ⦐㉐GjoptlGyltv{lᴴGᴴ⏙䚌⮤G⫼㢨䆠 [}kjᴴG㻐⥙╝⏼␘U ═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G⫼㢨䆠G㻐⥙㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U 䚡 RY[}kj 㤸㠄㢌G㺐G䛼㟝G㤸⪌⏈GWUYh㢨⮤G㸼Ḱ㐐⏈G㣄┍㡰⦐G㤸㠄㢨G㵜␜ ╌⮤ 䛼㟝㤸⪌G㢨⇨⦐G⸩Ỵ╌⮨G㚱GZW㸼G㢨䟸G㤸㠄㢨G㣄┍㡰⦐GRY[}kj⦐G 㫑ᴴ╝⏼␘UGἬ⫠ḔGwU{U{Gyltv{l㢹⥙G䟀⦐⏈GtpjGspulGpuw|{XG㣡ḰG⇨⺴ 㜄㉐G㜤ᷤ╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gpuw|{GX㢌G䑠䉴G㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G䑠䉴G㤸㠄㢨GwU{U{ tpj㜄GḩἽ╝⏼␘UG㝘♈㝘Gspul㡴G㐘☐G䀴㢨⽈㡸G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 㺐GZWᾀ㫴G䀴㢨⽈G㜤㣙䚌㜠G㟨㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U { l ᷬ㟝 㣡㡰⦐ ㉘᷸╌㛨 㢼㡰⮤ 㢹⥙ⷸ 䑠䉴 㤸㠄 ḩἽ㟝 㢹⥙ nhpu㦤㥉 ⷈ㠸⏈ tpjVspul㢹⥙ 㐔䝬 ⤼ⷜ㜄 ♤⢰ 㦤 㥉䚔 ㍌ 㢼㡰⮤ nhpu㦤㥉 ⷈ㠸⏈ TXWi¥T\WiOY[\}¥YU[\}P㢹⏼␘U Onhpu 㦤㥉㡴 ⊬㢨㪼ᵐ㉔ ⵃ 䜘☐⨬ ㉥⏙㡸 㠸䚨㉐ 䙸㍌㤵㢨⮤ 㻐⥙ ⮈䉤㢌 jspw slkᴴ 䁐㫼ᷱ㟤 nhpu 㦤㥉 ⸰⪜㡸 ⵌ㐐᷸ ⵝ䛙㡰⦐ ─⥘ 㤵䚐 ⤼ⷜ㜄 ㉐ 㟨㟝䚌㜠㚰 䚜PU syⵃ XV[I䔤㣡 䂌≙䉤⏈ tpjS spul 㐔䝬 㢹⥙㢨 ḩ㟝㡰⦐ ḩἽ╌⓸⦑ ㉘᷸╌㛨 㢼㏩⏼␘U 䂌⒨㉐ ⫼㢨䆠⏈ sy䂌≙䉤⪰ ㇠㟝㐐 䑠䉴㤸㠄 ⏙䚌⮤ XV[I䔤㣡㜄㉐⏈ 䑠䉴㤸㠄 ḩἽ㢨 ╌㫴㙾᷀ ㉘᷸╌㛨 㢼㏩⏼␘U 䝬 Ἥ㉥ sy㡴 䙴YRS 䙴ZTS䙴X nukἬ⫠Ḕ XV[I䔤㣡㡴 䐵O{pwPaRS TS ㏠⫠⽀Ozsll}lPᴴ nuk㢹⏼␘U 䚡 䑠䉴 㤸㠄 ḩἽ㐐 ᵉ䚐G㣕㢀Gⵐ㈑㡰⦐G㏘䙰䀘ᴴG㋄ㇵ╔G㟤⥘ᴴG㢼㡰⦐G nhpu⸰⪜Ḱ 㤸⮨㢌 ⤼ⷜG⸰⪜㡸G㺐䚐Gⵌ㐐᷸Gⵝ䛙㡰⦐G─⫤ㇵ䈐㜄㉐G䑠䉴G ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨㐡㐐㝘U䑠䉴G㤸㠄㢨GḩἽ═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G⫼㢨䆠G䂌≙䉤⪰G↰㠔␘G ⿄␘ 䚌⮨ 䂌≙䉤 㥅㸽㐐Gᵉ⥙䚐G㤸㠄G㌰䆠G㣕㢀G㻐⥙㡰⦐G㏘䙰䀘ᴴGḔ㣙⇔G 㟤⥘ᴴG㢼㡰⏼G㐐㏘䊐G㉘㾌㐐G㢨⤠䚐G䚽㠸⏈G䚌㫴G⫼㐡㐐㝘UG wU{U{UtpjGyltv{lOw{{TXWWP⏈G㢹⥙GXSGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP tpj⏈G㢹⥙GY㜄G㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌᷀G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gyltv{lᴴG㜤ᷤ═Gㇵ䈐 㜄㉐⏈G⸬㷨㢌G㢹⥙G㇠㟝㡴G䚌㫴⫼㐡㐐㝘U 㢌 㧀S㟤 㛬ⵈ⢴㏘Gyjh㣡㡰⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤G⇨⺴G䟀⦐㜄㢌䚨G⯜⊬ 䞌╝⏼␘U ⢰㢬G㢹⥙G[SG\⏈G⒤䆠SGjkSGkh{⒤䆠SG䏐∼☥㢌G⢰㢬G⤼ⷜG 㐔䝬⪰ ḩἽ ⵏ㡸㍌G㢼⓸⦑GTXWiOY[\}P㢌G㢹⥙G⤼ⷜ⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G un n 㟤G㛬ⵈ⢴㏘Gyjh㣡㡰⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤G⇨⺴䟀⦐㜄㢌䚨G 㐔䝬⦐G⺸⫠╌᷀G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘UG㢹⥙╌⏈G⯜☔G㐔䝬 ⊭㢀G㻐⥙㡴G⫼㏘䉤G⸰⪜G㤸␜G䟀⦐㜄G㦨㣠G䚌⦐G⫼㏘䉤G 㡸 㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㛺㏩⏼␘U ]U { Y㢨ㇵG⸩䚝G㟨㟝㐐G㢀㠄㢨G㢹⥙╌⏈G㥐䖼㢌GwylGv|{⦐G⺴䉤G㐔䝬⪰GḩἽ ⵏ᷀G╌⮤G㢹⥙G䟀⦐⏈G㛬ⵈ⢴㏘GXV[IG䔤㣡㡸G㇠㟝䚌⓸⦑G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U 䚡 㣡㡸 ↰㟤⮨ 㚤䘸G㤸␜㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜╝⏼␘U { Y㢨ㇵG⸩䚝G㟨㟝㐐G㐔䝬⪰G␘⪬G㥐䖼㜄GḩἽ䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㻐⥙㢨⮤SG㻐⥙䟀⦐⏈ 㛬ⵈ⢴㏘GXV[IG䔤㣡㡸G㇠㟝䚌⓸⦑G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U ㇠䚡 䚡 㢸䙰⒌㏘⏈ ]WWG㢨䚌ᴴG╌᷀G㟨㟝䚌⮨G⇨⺴G䟀⦐㢌GwylGhtwᴴG ⇌᷀ ╌⏼ 㨰㢌䚌㐡㐐㝘UG␜SG㻐⥙㢨G㌰䏬╌⮨G㐔䝬G㢹⥙㢨GḩἽ╌㛨⓸G y htw 㻐⥙㢨G⺼ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U 5 S TANDARAD APPLICATION +⟆➎㙆 ⫚ᆚℓⅿ, R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, 7. SPEAKER ZONES & ATT. OUTPUT 䚡 ㏘䙰䀘⪰ 㜤ᷤ㐐Gἐ㥉═G㻐⥙㡸G㸼Ḱ䚌㜠G㟨㟝䚌㫴G⫼㐡㐐㝘U aYW~ thSGhT]Y[WGa[W~GthSGhT]Z]WGa]W~GthSGhT][_WGa_W~GthPU G Tptw㻐⥙㡰⦐G㏘䙰䀘G㐐㏘䊐㡸GẠ㉥㐐㜄⏈G㏘䙰䀘G㦨G[ⶼG㻐⥙㡸G ㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘UGkpylj{GXWW}G㻐⥙㜄G㜤ᷤG䚌㐡㐐㝘U Direct out jack has been designed for low impedance output(4ohm/100V concerning ATT. control. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE : LOW IMP: 40ohm, HIGH IMP100V. n ST-19-12/T10AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T5AH 250V(55T) ZA-6480 ST-19-12/T12AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T6.3AH 250V(55T) ANT. terminal is packed with tuner pack(TP-100) 14.REMOTE CONTROL RECEIVER(OPTION) R t t l i l ts you connect 3 PCS of remote controls N cable at the 100m MAX. of data of data receipt, data LED indicator w OR : All signal output of remote controller(RC-600) will setting "on" of priority switch on the rear of P.T.T remot (PTT-100). (SLAVE/PRIORITY switch of RC-600 to "SLAVE") PRIORITY SELECTOR : Remote controller(RC-600) is prior to any other prioroty priority is activated, an signals are closed(But, P.T.T MIC signal can be activated is spite of priority). ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier ZONE 5 CO-120W CO-120W ZONE 6 PROTECT y Ẅ⪌G㤸㠄G㥉㤸G❄⏈G⽸ㇵ㐐G㤸㠄㡸GḩἽ䚌ὤG㠸䚐Gⵤ䉤⫠G㜤ᷤ␜㣄G㢹⏼␘U ⵤ䉤⫠G㜤ᷤG䀴㢨⽈㡴G㫵ᷱ㢨GZUW༅G㢨ㇵGὬ㢨⏈G_㢨⇨⦐G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U O㤸⥙G㋄㐘㢨G㚱GX}㢨䚌PUG䘜㪼⏈G⇨⺴㢌Gwv~lyGwjiGm|Z㢨⮤G䘜㪼ᴴG㟝␜㐐 ἐᷝ䖼㡸 ㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U Oh ]XYWa{XWhVZY}SGhT]Y[Wa{YWhVZY}ShT]Z]Wa{ZWVZY}ShT][_Wa{[WhVZY}PU G l 㥐䖼㢌G㨰G㤸㠄G㏘㠸㾌ᴴGIvmmI═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G㥐䖼㜄G㤸㠄GḩἽ㡸Gjvu{yvs 䚌ὤG㠸䚐Gyltv{lG䑀㠀G㏘㠸㾌G㜤ᷤ␜㣄G㢹⏼␘UG YU GARDEN +⳿⮺, CS 405 TOILET +㬾ⲏ⟎, Only microphone input 3 let you make priority fo f r restaurant. When not using microphone , turn microphone "off f ". CS 405 㢰ⵌ㤵㢬 ⴭ㐥 㟨㟝 ⵝ㐑㡰⦐ ⫼㢨䆠Z 㐔䝬⬀ wypvyp{ ὤ⏙㢨 ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U ⫼㢨䆠 ⵝ㋕㡸 䚌㫴 㙾㡸 ᷱ㟤 ⫼㢨䆠 vuVvmm ㏘㠸㾌⪰ IvmmI⦐ ㉔䈑䚌㐡㐐㝘U hwf111 +ጚ㖪, INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE AND SUPERMARKET(㭶▖#❲㡦Ẳ㏽, DISC TRACK POWER 6CD-100 SENSOR PLAY/ PAUSE CD-POWER REPEAT STOP RANDOM EJECT MAIN POWER Ẅ⪌㤸㠄GḩἽG㋀䁇㢨⮤G㤸⮨㢌G㨰G㤸㠄G㏘㠸㾌ᴴGIvmmI═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G㤸㠄G䂈☐ ⪰G↰㠀㨰㐡㐐㝘U 0 LEVEL 10 D PLAY A ER 6CD- 00 LINE 4 INPUT AM/FM TUNER G G T2/FU1 (120VAC) TU-110B EREO lyGwjiGm|X㢨⮤G䘜㪼ᴴG㟝␜㐐Gἐᷝ䖼㡸G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U POWER MODEL MANUFACTURING -AREA OR SHOP 6CD CHANGER SCAN +◇▚ᱦⱢ/#Ỏⲏ, { STATION CALL M1 M2 M3 BAND STER MON M4 M5 M6 A PS MUTE ST-19-12/T6.3AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ST-19-12/T10AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T5AH 250V(55T) ZA-6480 ST-19-12/T12AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T6.3AH 250V(55T) WS 205 5 WS 205 POWER L STOCK HOUSE +ㄧᇊ, ZONE 1 ST-19-12/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T2AH 250V(55T) ZA-6360 SIGNAL STRENGTH 10 EL SEEK UP TUNE T2/FU1(220~240VAC) ZA-6240 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier WS 205 WS 205 ZONE 4 PROTECT ZONE 5 LOBBY +ᵆ⌮, ZONE 6 w P htVmtG㙼䊀⇌G䉤≄⦐㉐G䏐∼G䑝O{wTXWWP㜄G䉤≄㢨G䔠㣙╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U G Y COUNTER & BAR +㍞⮞㘚#)#, ZONE 2 << , y R WS 205 l ZA-6120 13.ANT. TERMINAL(OPTION) LOBBY +㫮ᇪ, ZONE 1 << ST-19-12/T6.3AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ZA-6360 RESTAURANT +⟇៣, << ZA-6240 CS 405 LINE 4 INPUT kpnp{hsGtlzzhnlOktTXWWP⮈⯜⫠G䆠Gt]㜄G⊭㢀═G㐔䝬ᴴG␘⪬G㐔䝬㠄⸨␘ 㺐㟤㉔㢨G╌⓸⦑Gjvu{yvs䚌⏈G㏘㠸㾌G䉤≄G㢹⏼␘U 㐐㏘䊐G㉘㾌㐐G㜼ㇵGᷱḔGⵝ㋕㡸GktTXWW㢌Gt]䆠㜄G⊭㢀㡸G㐐䇘ḔG⫠⯜䏬G ⫠㐐ⶸGwjiGyyT]WWOྦP㢌Gtz_WY⪰GIvmmIG㠸㾌⦐G↰㟤㐡㐐㝘U Ἤ⫠ḔSG㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gwypvyp{G㠸㾌⦐G㢨┍㐐䁐G㨰㐡㐐㝘U 㢨⤤G㦤ᶨ㡰⦐G㉘㥉═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐GtlzzhnlGmpyz{Gwypvyp{␜㣄⪰G㌰䏬㐐䇘⮨G t]㢌G⊭㢀G㐔䝬ᴴG㺐㟤㉔㡰⦐Gⵝ㋕╝⏼␘U 䚡 㢌 tz_WY⪰GIvmmIG㠸㾌⦐G↰㟤⮨G⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘OyjT]WWP㜄㉐⏈ 㢀═ ᷱḔ ⵝ㋕G㣠㈑G䀜䏬⦘㡴G⺼ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U 㐑㡰⦐ ㉘᷸䚐G⯝㤵㡴G⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘G㟨㟝㐐G㐘㍌⦐Gt]G㐔䝬⪰G㣠㈑ 㢼㡰⦐ tz_WY⪰ ᵉ㥐 ㍌␜㡰⦐ IvmmI㠸㾌⦐G↰㟤᷀G╌⏈Gᶷ㢹⏼␘U wji tzY q|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l㠸㾌SG WY⪰ IvmmI㠸㾌⦐G↰㟵⏼␘U Connect power plug after main power switch "OFF" and fuse blown-up, disconnect power cord and replace it. Fuse is in the power PCB FU1. ST-19-12/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T2AH 250V(55T) CS 605 6CD CHANGER CD PLAYER 6CD-100 㟬⫰ ὤ⏙㡸G㠸䚐G`W}⫵G㐔䝬G㢹⥙G␜㣄⦐㉐G㤸䞈G㉔⦐㜄Gⵌ☐㐐G㫵㥅 㝘U n 㬉 ⵝ㋕㡸 㠸䚐 㐔䝬 㢹⥙␜㣄⦐㉐Gⵌ☐㐐G㤸䞈GẄ䞌㢌G䓌㢨㬉G㐔 㝴 㜤ᷤ䚌㐐㝘U ET ZA-6120 LEVEL MIC ON/OFF S/W << WER REMOTE T2/FU1(220~240VAC) 6CD-100 SCAN 10 MIC 3 INPUT This is a switch terminal which make first ranking priority memoried on memory r bank No.6 against other memory bank on the digital message(DM-100) how to set first priority racking. First, be sure to place "off" of MS802 PCB/RR-600(劋) after recording n the M6 of DM-100. Scound, move jump shunt MS2 on the front PCB to the "PRIORITY T " Third contact terminal to what you want. TE : When placing "OFF" MS802 of RR-600. it is impossible to play, repeat, warnning of memorybank M6 by RC-600. n we designed like the above is to protect mistake like hen factory production for the adove, front PCB jump shunt ", MS802 of remote receiver PCB is "OFF". T2/FU1 (120VAC) RANDOM EJECT 0 G ⥙㡰⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gh{{Ujvu{yvs㢌G㜵䛙㡸G 10.MESSAGE FIRST PRIORITY POWER MODEL REPEAT STOP MAIN POWER ~GptwaG[SGopnoGptwaGXWW}PU ger terminal to telephone LINE. You can hear telephone from other office in the night. PA P AGING IN AG N Connect paging terminal to telephone exchanger. 1 . POWER SENSOR PLAY/ PAUSE CD-POWER l R R This terminal is emergency power battery connection. The battery connection cord has to be 3.0凪#in dimeter and this diamet should not be any longer than 7 meters(the loss of power 1V). Fuse is located in the PCB FU3 (ZA-6120 : T10A/32V, ZA-6240: T20A/ A3 2V, ZA6480 :T40A/32V). TE E off f amplifier by remote control CS 405 WS 205 n 9. TELEPHONE 1 DISC TRACK << 8. LOW/HIGH IMPEDANCE OUTPUT CS 605 RESTAURANT(ⰶ⟇⳺, << ㏘䙰䀘 㦨 ㉔䈑 ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨⮨G㉔䈑═G㦨ⷸ⦐G㻐⥙╝⏼␘U jhss ㏘㠸㾌⇌ wU{U{U⫼㢨䆠Ow{{TXWWPⵃGyltv{lGjvu{yvssly 㢌 㦨 ㉔䈑 ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨⮨ 㦨 㻐⥙㢨GXWW}V^W}Ovw{pvuP㻐⥙㡰⦐G << 㤸 ⬀ O 㤸 << Pushing speaker zone selector(front panel NO.8), signal will be assigned to the selected zone. If all call switch, P.T.T microphone(PTT-100) priority and zone selector of remote controller(RC-600) are Activated, selected zone output are reseted to 100V/70V output. IMPORTA TA ANT NOTE : Maximum power output per zone speaker. (ZA-6120 :20W MAX, ZA-6240 :40W MAX, ZA-6360 :60W MAX, ZA-6480 :80W MAX). For the direct output, use the screw terminal direct 100V. O P yltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP㝴G㜤ᷤ╌⮤GyjT]WW㡴G┍㐐㜄GZᾀ㫴G㜤ᷤ 㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘UG㇠㟝╌⏈G䀴㢨⽈㡴GshuGjhislG[Gwhpyz⪰G㇠㟝䚨㚰Gkh{h⌸䞈 ⪰Gⵝ㫴䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UGyjT]WWGZ⏈G㺐GXWWᾀ㫴G䀴㢨⽈G㜤㣙䚌㜠G㟨㟝䚔G ㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U slyᴴG㜤ᷤ═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐Gkh{hG㍌㐔㐐GslkᴴGIvuI╝⏼␘U zsh}lG㉔䈑㐐GaGwU{U{⫠⯜䏬Ow{{TXWWPG◫⮨㢌Gwypvyp{G㏘㠸㾌⪰GIvuI㡰⦐ ㉘㥉═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐Gtpj㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘OyjT]WWP㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬㻐 ⥙㢨G㩅␜╝⏼␘UG O␜SGyjT]WW㢌G◫⮨Gzsh}lVwypvyp{G㏘㠸㾌⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉘㥉㐐Gᴴ⏙UP wypvyp{G㉔䈑㐐GaGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP㢨G⸬㷨㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬㜄 䚌㜠G㟤㉔Ề㢨G⺴㜠╌㛨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvs㐐G␘⪬G㐔䝬㢌Gⵝ㋕㢨G㩅␜╝ ⏼␘UO␜SGwU{U{Gtpj㐔䝬⏈Gyltv{lGjvu{yvsḰG┍Ἵ㢨⦐Gⵝ㋕㢨Gᴴ⏙䚜UP WS 205 1 Remote Controller RC-600 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP MESSAGE BANK POWER START/STOP DIGITAL MASSAGE WS 205 SUPERINTENDENT +▖ⲏ⟎, SEND BUSY 1 2 TALK 3 4 5 RC-600/610 ALL CALL SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 2 SECRETARY Remote Controller RC-600 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP MESSAGE BANK POWER START/STOP DIGITAL MASSAGE SEND BUSY 1 2 TALK 3 4 5 ALL CALL 3 Remote Controller RC-600 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP MESSAGE BANK POWER DIGITAL MASSAGE SEND BUSY 1 TALK +⌮☆⟎, RC-600/610 SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 2 3 4 SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 5 ALL CALL START/STOP INFORDESK +⨲ᖞⲏ, RC-600/610 24VDC BATTERY IMPORTANT NOTE : For the first priority please select S/W "SLAVE/PRIORITY"of rear panel to "priority" among 3 remote control. When pushing remote control talk S/W, one time chime will be activated as a pre-signal. yltv{l jvuu[j{yvsOyjT]WWP Zᵐ㩅 ◫䑄㢌 zsh}lVwypvyp{ zV~⪰ wypvyp{⦐ ㉔䈑䚐 yltv{l⏈ 㟤㉔Ề㢨 ⺴㜠╝⏼␘U yltv{l jvuulj{vy㢌 I{hsrI ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨⮨ ⵝ㋕ 㜼⽸ 㐔䝬㟝㢬 㵜㢸 㐔䝬ᴴ Xⶼ 㟬⫱⏼␘U OFFICE +▖„⟎, WS 205 WS 205 ADMINISTRATION +ᇪẖ≪, WS 205 WS 205 etc.... +ጚ㖪, 6 1 11 P RIORITY FUNCTIONG+⮚☊ቶ#ጚត, PRIORITY FUNCTION When shipped it is factory preset as follows pack signal priority switch (FRONT PCB JUMP SHUNT MS2) : Setting at SLAVE. The following is priority ranking against all signal inputs of system and priority signal is "NO" "OFF" automatically. SIGNAL OUTPUTS DIGITAL MESSAGE (DM-100) M6 ALERT VOICE MESSAGE P.T.T MIC R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, 15. FM-300 FAULT MONITORING RELAY CONTACT (OPTION) wypvyp{Gὤ⏙ 㥐䖼G㻐ḔG㐐G㥐䖼G㞬⺴㜄㉐G㦤㥉㢨G⺼ᴴ⏙䚐G⇨⺴Gwypvyp{ὤ⏙㡴G␘㢀ḰG ᵍ㢨G㉔䈑╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U 䑝㐔䝬Gwypvyp{G㏘㠸㾌O㤸⮨wjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{PGaGzsh}lOwypvyp{P ㉔䈑U㙸⣌G䖐ὤ═G⇨㟝㡴G㐐㏘䊐㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬G㢹⥙㜄G䚐Gwypvyp{G㍐㠸ⷸ⦐G㣅㉥ 䚌㜴㡰⮤Gwypvyp{㐔䝬G䀜䏬⦘㡴G㣄┍㡰⦐G㵜␜GⵃG䟀⸩╝⏼␘U PRIORITY RANKING CONDITION -Rear apnel No.ྡྷ message first priority S/W :"ON"(close) SELECTOR. -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2): PRIORITY 1 REMARKS FAN FAULT RELAY CONTACT Fan fault relay contact is operating when fan fault or fan is disconnected. DC FUSE FAULT RELAY CONTACT DC fuse fault relay contact is operating when DC fuse is blowen out or DC 24V battery is disconnected. AC FUSE FAULT RELAY CONTACT AC fuse fault relay contact is operating when AC main power switch is "off" or AC fuse is blown-out or AC main power cord is unpluged. X\UGFM-300Gmh|s{G⯜⏼䉤⫵G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄GOOvw{pvuP 䑠GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄 䑠GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡴G䑠㢨GḔ㣙㢨ᶤ⇌G䑠㢨G㜤ᷤ╌㫴G㙾㚌㡸G⚀G㣅┍╝⏼␘U kjG䡨㪼GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄 kjG䡨㪼G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡴GkjGm|zlᴴGⅾ㛨㫴ᶤ⇌GkjY[}Gⵤ䉤⫠ᴴG 㜤ᷤ╌㫴G㙾㚌㡸G⚀G㣅┍╝⏼␘U hjG䡨㪼GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄 hjG䡨㪼GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡴Ghj䡨㪼ᴴGⅾ㛨㦀ᶤ⇌GhjG⮈㢬G䑀㠀G ㏘㠸㾌ᴴGIvmmI㢨ᶤ⇌SGhjG⮈㢬G䑀㠀G䂈☐ᴴG㜤ᷤ╌㫴G㙾㚌㡸G⚀G㣅┍╝⏼␘U 16. FD-200 FAUL DETECTION MODULE (OPTION) All signals closed. Announcement only for M6 (alertvoice message) OSC On SW1 Off U602 CN601 U601 Q602 Q601 XT602 -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2):PRIORITY -Rear panel No.ྦ remote receiver(RR-600) side S/W : SLAVE -Side S/W ontne rear of remote control : SLAVE 2 XT601 Fault Detector OSC Level Output only for P.T.T MIC and pack (TP-100,CDP-100,CDR-100, DM-100) others will be closed. min max Sensitivity RY601 T601 HYB601 VR602 MIC 1, 2, 3 TEL PAGING MIC 1, 2, 3 CHIME/SIREN -Rear panel No.ྦ remote receiver(RR-600) side S/W : PRIORITY 3 PT.T. MIC & remote control mic activated FD-200 -Rear panel No.ྙ MIC PRIORITY S/W :"ON" -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2): SLAVE -Rear panel No.ྙ MIC PRIORITY S/W :"OFF" -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2)` SLAVE 4 : 5 Chime/siren, ringer, line4,5 pack signalsnot activated. Ringer, line4, 5 pack signal not activated. COM HOT Line In wypvyp{ ㍐GGGGGGGG㠸 㦤GGGGGGGᶨ ⽸GGGGGGGGḔ X ⯜☔Gⵝ㋕㢨G㵜␜╌ḔGt]㢌G⊭㢀G ⵝ㋕⬀G㻐⥙U wU{U{Gtpj 䑝G㐔䝬U T䑝G㐔䝬Gwypvyp{GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)awypvyp{ T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྦⶼGyGOyyT]WWP GG㏠⢰㢨☐G㏘㠸㾌GaGzsh}lG㉔䈑U T⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘G䟸⮨G㏠⢰㢨☐G㏘㠸㾌a GGzsh}lG㉔䈑 Y wU{U{G⫼㢨䆠G㐔䝬GⵃG䑝⪌GO{wTXWWS jkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWSGktTXWWP 㐔䝬⬀G㻐⥙ὤ䇴SG⯜☔Gⵝ㋕㩅␜U wU{U{Gtpj yltv{lGjvu{yvs ⫼㢨䆠 T䟸⮨G䑄≠ྦⶼGyGyOyyT]WWP GG㏠⢰㢨☐GzV~GaGwypvyp{㉔䈑 Z wU{U{G⫼㢨䆠㝴GGG ┍㐐Gⵝ㋕╜U tpjGXSGYSGZ {lsG䓌㢨㬉 T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྙⶼGtpjGwypvyp{G GG㏘㠸㾌GaGIvuIG㉔䈑U T䑝G㐔䝬Gw GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)Ga GGzsh}lG㉔䈑 㥐䖼㢌G㉘⮹ ⴭ㐥G㚤䘸㢌GGG⯜◼㡴G㻐⥙⤼ⷜGY}GytzO^WGGXWW}GP 㜄㉐GYWro¡㢌G㨰䑀㍌㜄G㢌䚨㉐G㚤䘸㢌G㣅┍Gㇵ䈐⪰G䑀㙹䚌ḔSG㏘䙰䀘 ⢰㢬㢌G㥅㋁Gⅾὴ㡸G㷨䆠䚝⏼␘U iG㜄㉐G⸰㍌G㢼☣㢨SGYWro¡OY}GytzP⏈G㏘䙰䀘G䀴㢨⽈㡸G䋩 䚨㉐GG⯜◼⦐G㤸␠㢨G╌⮤G㚤䘸㢌G㻐⥙ㇵ㜄㉐G␘⪬GḰG㉒ 㢨᷀G═␘UGἬ⫠ḔGG⯜◼㡴G⪰G㷨䆠䚌⏈G⪰G䋩䚨㉐GYW ro¡G㨰䑀㍌⪰Gᵄ㐐䚝⏼␘UG tpjGXSGYSGZ joptlVzpylu T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྙⶼGtpjGwypvyp{G GG㏘㠸㾌GaGIvmmIG㉔䈑U T䑝G㐔䝬Gw GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)Ga GGzsh}lG㉔䈑 LINE 4,5 TEL ringer, tuner(TP-100) have no priority against other signals. Also they can not be activated priority function VIA pack signal priority S/W "SLAVE" deliverd to the detection module though speaker cables and the detection module detects only the sine wave of 20KHz through a filter to check a fault. 1. Unplug the power cable from a AC outlet. 2. Remove the rear mounted blank panel, and mount the FD-200 in the resultant hole using screws supplied with the module. 3. Set "ON" position SW1 on the FD-200 module after connection of AN301 on the FD-200. 4. Set the switch "FD-200" of FD-200 ON/OFF switch on the rear panel of amplifier. 5. Screw FD-200 on the panel. 6. Connect "COM" of AMP output terminal and 100V terminal to the "COM" and "HOT". [ \ jVSGSG⢰㢬G[SG\Gᴵ㦹G 䑝G㐔䝬G㵜␜U ySG⢰㢬[SG\Gᴵ㦹G䑝G㐔䝬G㵜␜U spulG[SG\GypunlySG䏐∼O{wTXWWPG㐔䝬⏈G␘⪬G⯜☔G㐔䝬㜄G䚨G 㟤㉔Ề㢨G㛺㏩⏼␘U ␜SG䑝㐔䝬Gwypvyp{GzV~⪰Gzsh}l㠸㾌㜄G㉔䈑㐐⬀G䑝G㐐⫠㪼㢌G㟤㉔Ề㢨G ㇵ㐘╝⏼␘U VR601 DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྡྷⶼGtGG GG㏘㠸㾌GaIvuIOPG㉔䈑G T䑝G㐔䝬Gwypvyp{GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)a GGwypvyp{㉔䈑 kpnp{hsGtlzzhnl OktTXWWP t]G⽸ㇵGᷱḔGⵝ㋕ BK1 TB1 The fault detection module of mixing amplifier checks operating conditions of amplifier and disconnection of speaker wiring by giving out the sine wave of 20KHz at an output level of 2V RMS (at 70 or 100V line). As the block diagram shows, the sine wave of 20KHz(2V RMS) is mixed with other signals on the amplifier output which is 㐔G䝬G㻐G⥙ BK2 TB2 0 10 Test RMS 2Vac CN602 P.T.T MIC REMOTE CONTROL MIC CALIBRATING FD-200 ON AMPLIFIERS Ensure amplifier to be adjusted in not being used, I.e. Unplug the PGM and PRIORITY input screw terminals. 1. Set Digital Portable Multimeter to measure AC voltage and connect across amplifier COM and 70V/100V terminals Confirm output of power amplifier is 2Vac RMS at 20KHz. Adjust "OSC LEVEL" potentiometer(VR602), If necessary. 2. Set Digital Portable Multimeter to measure AC voltage and connect "TEST" connector. Confirm reading of 2Vac RMS at 20KHz. Adjust "Sensitivity" potentiometer (VR601), If necessary. Insert PGM and PRIORITY input screw terminals if removed. ㉘㾌 XUG㚤䘸㢌G䑀㠀G䂈☐⪰GhjGv|{sl{G㡰⦐⺴䉤Gゅ㡰㐡㐐㝘U YUGmkTYWWGzsv{㢌GishurGwhuls㡸G㥐ᶤ䚐G␘㢀G䂌≙䉤Ohu]WXPᴴ GGGⱪ㢬G䀴㢨⽈䇴㢨⪰G䖴㛨㨰㐡㐐㝘U ZUGmkTYWWG⯜◼㢌Gju]WX㜄G䂌≙䉤Ohu]WXP⪰G㜤ᷤ䚐G␘㢀GmkTYWWG GGG⸨☐ㇵ㢌Gz~X㡸Gvu㠸㾌⦐G㉘㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U [UG㚤䘸㢌G䟸⮨G䑄≠㢌GmkTYWWGvuVvmmG㏘㠸㾌⪰GmkTYWW㠸㾌⦐G㉘㥉 䚌㜠G㨰㐡㐐㝘U \UGmkTYWW㡸G䟸⮨G䑄≠㜄G⺴㵝䚌㐡㐐㝘U ]UG㚤䘸㢌G㻐⥙G䉤≄㢌GjvtG␜㣄㝴GXWW}G␜㣄⪰GmkTYWW㢌GjvtG␜㣄 㝴Gov{G␜㣄㜄GᴵᴵGᷤ㉔䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㚤䘸G㉘㾌䟸GmkTYWWG㦤㥉ⵝⷉU 㚤䘸㢌GwntḰGwypvyp{G㢹⥙G㏘䆠⪌G䉤≄㡸Gゅ㡰㐡㐐㝘UG XUGkGwGt⪰GhjG㤸㚉G㽕㥉G⤼㢬㫴㜄G㉘㥉䚌ḔSG㽕㥉⫠ GGG☐⪰G䑀㠀G㚤䘸㢌GjvtḰG^W}VXWW}G␜㣄㜄G㜤ᷤ䚌㐐㝘U GGGIvzjGsl}lsIG⸰⪜㡸G㦤㥉䚌㜠G㤸㚉᷸ᴴGY}GytzOYWro¡PᴴG╌⓸⦑G㉘ GGG㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U YUGkGwGt⪰GhjG㤸㚉G㽕㥉G⤼㢬㫴㜄G㉘㥉䚌ḔSG㽕㥉⫠ GGG☐⪰GI{lz{IG䂌≙䉤㜄G㜤ᷤ䚌㐡㐐㝘UGG GGGIz IG⸰⪜㡸G㦤㥉䚌㜠G㤸㚉᷸ᴴGY}GytzOYWro¡PᴴG╌⓸⦑G㉘ GGG㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG GGG㥐ᶤG╌㛼⒌GwntḰGwypvyp{㝘♈㝘G㢹⥙G␜㣄⪰G␘㐐G㜤ᷤ䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㨰㢌aGkGG⏈ YWro¡ 㨰䑀㍌⪰G㽕㥉䚔 ㍌G㢼⏈G㥉ⴴ䚐G᷸㽕ὤ⪰G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘UG Note : Use accuracy Digital portable multimeter which has FQ test range. 10 7 R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, B LOCK DIAGRAM (FD-200) 17. FR-400 MODULE(OPTION) Operating Condition of FD-200 +24V Line in(com, hot) COM N.C Relay Contact Condition (N.O) 20KHz Signal (N.C) 20KHz No Signal COM LINE IN HOT 20KHz Filter SENSITIVITY LEVEL AMP Condition Speaker Line Condition AMP NORMAL LINE NORMAL AMP FAULT LINE OPEN or LINE SHORT 1 20KHz Detector 3 2 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz 7Hz ACTIVE OUT IN ON 10Hz FR-400 Feedback Reduction NOR CN602 TEST RMS 2Vac CN601 FD-200 ON IN MUTE +24V GND 20KHz FEATURES OFF +24V The FR-400 is to control feed-back when you want to design clear sound. For example, if you speak into MIC system, your input signal is amplified and then the audience hears your voice (music) from speaker system. But, as times goes by, amplified sound is little louder than it's first emanation from the speaker and you would like to adjust speaker sound more reliable. Because,first few second, your input signal is only your voice but now between your voice and emanated sound from the speaker input a MIC system few minute. (it is howling) Therefore, to hear clear sound, you will turndown volume or off MIC system (to prevent Feed-back) because of listener's attention. 20KHz Generator B.A OSC OUT LEVEL C ONNECTION DIAGRAM (FD-200) Accept NOISE GATE circuit to adjust resonant frequency jGGG G GGGGhtwGGGGGU ⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡸G㢨㟝䚌㜠GhtwGmh|s{㐐G㞬⺴G㣙⽸⪰GjG䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U kGG SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS LOW IMP HIGH IMP TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY Fault Detector OSC Level min max Sensitivity hGGGY}GytzOYWro¡PU Y}GytzOYWro¡PᴴG╌⓸⦑G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U hGGGY}GytzGOYWro¡PU FD-200 COM HOT Line In 10 Test RMS 2Vac kGG 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 100V By-Pass function of input signal. When you use this at public places, like hospital, totel, church, sport center, it is easy to control feel-back and even if situation is emergent, you will manage sound system properly. 1. FREQUENCY SHIFT SWITCH This is selector for Frequency shift operate / by-pass. When you select frequency active shift, input-signal is freuency shifting. 䏭GGGGGG㬉G wUhG㐐㏘䊐㜄㉐G䚌㟬⫵Gⱬ㥐㥄㡸G䚨ᷤ䚌㜠G⮹⦐⓸⪰G䛙ㇵ㐐䇘⏈ tvk|slG㢹⏼␘U 㜼⪰G☘㛨SG⫼㢨䆠⪰G䋩䚐G㣅㡴G㐔䝬ᴴG㜔䘸⦐GḩἽ╌㛨G䆤㐔䝬⦐G㫑䔡 ═G㋀⫠ᴴG㏘䙰䀘⦐G㣠㈑╔⚀G␘㐐G⫼㢨䆠⦐G╌─㙸ᴴG䚌㟬⫵㢨 ⵐ㈑═␘U 㢨G䜸ㇵ㡸G㝸ⷱ䚌᷀G㛩㥐䚌ὤG㠸䚨GmyT[WW⏈G⨜䘸╌⏈G㋀⫠㢌 㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍ⵝ㐑㡸G㵸䈑䚌㜠G䚌㟬⫵Gⱬ㥐㥄㡸G䚨ᷤ䚌ḔSG㻐⥙⤼ⷜ㡸 [ⵤ㢨ㇵG㙼㤸䚌᷀G㫑ᴴ㐐䁐G㟨㜵䚔G㍌G㢼⓸⦑G䚌㜴㏩⏼␘U uvpzlGnh{lG䟀⦐⪰G㵸䈑䚌㜠G㣕㢀Gᵐ㉔U puw|{GzpnuhsGiTwhzzG㉔䈑ὤ⏙U 䟀㢌㣙SGᵉ㢌㐘SGᵉSG㷨㡕ḴSG㟨┍㣙G☥㢌G㣙㋀G䚌㟬⫵G㛩㥐䟜ḰG䇵㠈䚜U XUG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G┍㣅㏘㠸㾌 㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G┍㣅Vⵈ㢨䑜㏘G㉔䈑G㏘㠸㾌㢨⮤Ghj{p}lG⦐G㉔䈑䚌⮨G㐔䝬 㢹⥙═G㨰䑀㍌ᴴG㢨┍╌㛨G㻐⥙㢨G═␘U YUG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G┍㣅G䞉㢬Gslk 㥐䖼G⇨⺴䟀⦐㢌G㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍Gⵐ㫸䟀⦐ᴴG┍㣅╌⮨GslkᴴG䁐㬄U ZUG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G㉔䈑G㏘㠸㾌 䚌㟬⫵Gⵐ㈑㐐SG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍㡸G㠸䚐G㏘㠸㾌㢨⮤SG[␜᷸O^S_S`SXWo¡P⦐ ㉔䈑㢨Gᴴ⏙U 2. OSCILLATOR INDICATOR Frequency shift is identical in this mode while LED indicator is on. 3. FREQUENCY SHIFT SELECTOR When the system makes the howling, this switch will adjust that, selectable 4 step switch(7,8,9,10Hz) EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) AC POWER DC POWER REMOTE 24V 40A LAUD SPEAKERS DC FUSE AC 230V /50Hz 1420W 40 Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE 8 9 R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, B LOCK DIAGRAM (FD-200) 17. FR-400 MODULE(OPTION) Operating Condition of FD-200 +24V Line in(com, hot) COM N.C Relay Contact Condition (N.O) 20KHz Signal (N.C) 20KHz No Signal COM LINE IN HOT 20KHz Filter SENSITIVITY LEVEL AMP Condition Speaker Line Condition AMP NORMAL LINE NORMAL AMP FAULT LINE OPEN or LINE SHORT 1 20KHz Detector 3 2 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz 7Hz ACTIVE OUT IN ON 10Hz FR-400 Feedback Reduction NOR CN602 TEST RMS 2Vac CN601 FD-200 ON IN MUTE +24V GND 20KHz FEATURES OFF +24V The FR-400 is to control feed-back when you want to design clear sound. For example, if you speak into MIC system, your input signal is amplified and then the audience hears your voice (music) from speaker system. But, as times goes by, amplified sound is little louder than it's first emanation from the speaker and you would like to adjust speaker sound more reliable. Because,first few second, your input signal is only your voice but now between your voice and emanated sound from the speaker input a MIC system few minute. (it is howling) Therefore, to hear clear sound, you will turndown volume or off MIC system (to prevent Feed-back) because of listener's attention. 20KHz Generator B.A OSC OUT LEVEL C ONNECTION DIAGRAM (FD-200) Accept NOISE GATE circuit to adjust resonant frequency jGGG G GGGGhtwGGGGGU ⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡸G㢨㟝䚌㜠GhtwGmh|s{㐐G㞬⺴G㣙⽸⪰GjG䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U kGG SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS LOW IMP HIGH IMP TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY Fault Detector OSC Level min max Sensitivity hGGGY}GytzOYWro¡PU Y}GytzOYWro¡PᴴG╌⓸⦑G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U hGGGY}GytzGOYWro¡PU FD-200 COM HOT Line In 10 Test RMS 2Vac kGG 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 100V By-Pass function of input signal. When you use this at public places, like hospital, totel, church, sport center, it is easy to control feel-back and even if situation is emergent, you will manage sound system properly. 1. FREQUENCY SHIFT SWITCH This is selector for Frequency shift operate / by-pass. When you select frequency active shift, input-signal is freuency shifting. 䏭GGGGGG㬉G wUhG㐐㏘䊐㜄㉐G䚌㟬⫵Gⱬ㥐㥄㡸G䚨ᷤ䚌㜠G⮹⦐⓸⪰G䛙ㇵ㐐䇘⏈ tvk|slG㢹⏼␘U 㜼⪰G☘㛨SG⫼㢨䆠⪰G䋩䚐G㣅㡴G㐔䝬ᴴG㜔䘸⦐GḩἽ╌㛨G䆤㐔䝬⦐G㫑䔡 ═G㋀⫠ᴴG㏘䙰䀘⦐G㣠㈑╔⚀G␘㐐G⫼㢨䆠⦐G╌─㙸ᴴG䚌㟬⫵㢨 ⵐ㈑═␘U 㢨G䜸ㇵ㡸G㝸ⷱ䚌᷀G㛩㥐䚌ὤG㠸䚨GmyT[WW⏈G⨜䘸╌⏈G㋀⫠㢌 㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍ⵝ㐑㡸G㵸䈑䚌㜠G䚌㟬⫵Gⱬ㥐㥄㡸G䚨ᷤ䚌ḔSG㻐⥙⤼ⷜ㡸 [ⵤ㢨ㇵG㙼㤸䚌᷀G㫑ᴴ㐐䁐G㟨㜵䚔G㍌G㢼⓸⦑G䚌㜴㏩⏼␘U uvpzlGnh{lG䟀⦐⪰G㵸䈑䚌㜠G㣕㢀Gᵐ㉔U puw|{GzpnuhsGiTwhzzG㉔䈑ὤ⏙U 䟀㢌㣙SGᵉ㢌㐘SGᵉSG㷨㡕ḴSG㟨┍㣙G☥㢌G㣙㋀G䚌㟬⫵G㛩㥐䟜ḰG䇵㠈䚜U XUG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G┍㣅㏘㠸㾌 㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G┍㣅Vⵈ㢨䑜㏘G㉔䈑G㏘㠸㾌㢨⮤Ghj{p}lG⦐G㉔䈑䚌⮨G㐔䝬 㢹⥙═G㨰䑀㍌ᴴG㢨┍╌㛨G㻐⥙㢨G═␘U YUG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G┍㣅G䞉㢬Gslk 㥐䖼G⇨⺴䟀⦐㢌G㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍Gⵐ㫸䟀⦐ᴴG┍㣅╌⮨GslkᴴG䁐㬄U ZUG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍G㉔䈑G㏘㠸㾌 䚌㟬⫵Gⵐ㈑㐐SG㨰䑀㍌G㢨┍㡸G㠸䚐G㏘㠸㾌㢨⮤SG[␜᷸O^S_S`SXWo¡P⦐ ㉔䈑㢨Gᴴ⏙U 2. OSCILLATOR INDICATOR Frequency shift is identical in this mode while LED indicator is on. 3. FREQUENCY SHIFT SELECTOR When the system makes the howling, this switch will adjust that, selectable 4 step switch(7,8,9,10Hz) EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) AC POWER DC POWER REMOTE 24V 40A LAUD SPEAKERS DC FUSE AC 230V /50Hz 1420W 40 Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE 8 9 P RIORITY FUNCTIONG+⮚☊ቶ#ጚត, PRIORITY FUNCTION When shipped it is factory preset as follows pack signal priority switch (FRONT PCB JUMP SHUNT MS2) : Setting at SLAVE. The following is priority ranking against all signal inputs of system and priority signal is "NO" "OFF" automatically. SIGNAL OUTPUTS DIGITAL MESSAGE (DM-100) M6 ALERT VOICE MESSAGE P.T.T MIC R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, 15. FM-300 FAULT MONITORING RELAY CONTACT (OPTION) wypvyp{Gὤ⏙ 㥐䖼G㻐ḔG㐐G㥐䖼G㞬⺴㜄㉐G㦤㥉㢨G⺼ᴴ⏙䚐G⇨⺴Gwypvyp{ὤ⏙㡴G␘㢀ḰG ᵍ㢨G㉔䈑╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U 䑝㐔䝬Gwypvyp{G㏘㠸㾌O㤸⮨wjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{PGaGzsh}lOwypvyp{P ㉔䈑U㙸⣌G䖐ὤ═G⇨㟝㡴G㐐㏘䊐㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬G㢹⥙㜄G䚐Gwypvyp{G㍐㠸ⷸ⦐G㣅㉥ 䚌㜴㡰⮤Gwypvyp{㐔䝬G䀜䏬⦘㡴G㣄┍㡰⦐G㵜␜GⵃG䟀⸩╝⏼␘U PRIORITY RANKING CONDITION -Rear apnel No.ྡྷ message first priority S/W :"ON"(close) SELECTOR. -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2): PRIORITY 1 REMARKS FAN FAULT RELAY CONTACT Fan fault relay contact is operating when fan fault or fan is disconnected. DC FUSE FAULT RELAY CONTACT DC fuse fault relay contact is operating when DC fuse is blowen out or DC 24V battery is disconnected. AC FUSE FAULT RELAY CONTACT AC fuse fault relay contact is operating when AC main power switch is "off" or AC fuse is blown-out or AC main power cord is unpluged. X\UGFM-300Gmh|s{G⯜⏼䉤⫵G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄GOOvw{pvuP 䑠GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄 䑠GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡴G䑠㢨GḔ㣙㢨ᶤ⇌G䑠㢨G㜤ᷤ╌㫴G㙾㚌㡸G⚀G㣅┍╝⏼␘U kjG䡨㪼GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄 kjG䡨㪼G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡴GkjGm|zlᴴGⅾ㛨㫴ᶤ⇌GkjY[}Gⵤ䉤⫠ᴴG 㜤ᷤ╌㫴G㙾㚌㡸G⚀G㣅┍╝⏼␘U hjG䡨㪼GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄 hjG䡨㪼GḔ㣙G⫨⤼㢨G㥅㥄㡴Ghj䡨㪼ᴴGⅾ㛨㦀ᶤ⇌GhjG⮈㢬G䑀㠀G ㏘㠸㾌ᴴGIvmmI㢨ᶤ⇌SGhjG⮈㢬G䑀㠀G䂈☐ᴴG㜤ᷤ╌㫴G㙾㚌㡸G⚀G㣅┍╝⏼␘U 16. FD-200 FAUL DETECTION MODULE (OPTION) All signals closed. Announcement only for M6 (alertvoice message) OSC On SW1 Off U602 CN601 U601 Q602 Q601 XT602 -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2):PRIORITY -Rear panel No.ྦ remote receiver(RR-600) side S/W : SLAVE -Side S/W ontne rear of remote control : SLAVE 2 XT601 Fault Detector OSC Level Output only for P.T.T MIC and pack (TP-100,CDP-100,CDR-100, DM-100) others will be closed. min max Sensitivity RY601 T601 HYB601 VR602 MIC 1, 2, 3 TEL PAGING MIC 1, 2, 3 CHIME/SIREN -Rear panel No.ྦ remote receiver(RR-600) side S/W : PRIORITY 3 PT.T. MIC & remote control mic activated FD-200 -Rear panel No.ྙ MIC PRIORITY S/W :"ON" -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2): SLAVE -Rear panel No.ྙ MIC PRIORITY S/W :"OFF" -Pack signal priority JUMP SHUNT(MS2)` SLAVE 4 : 5 Chime/siren, ringer, line4,5 pack signalsnot activated. Ringer, line4, 5 pack signal not activated. COM HOT Line In wypvyp{ ㍐GGGGGGGG㠸 㦤GGGGGGGᶨ ⽸GGGGGGGGḔ X ⯜☔Gⵝ㋕㢨G㵜␜╌ḔGt]㢌G⊭㢀G ⵝ㋕⬀G㻐⥙U wU{U{Gtpj 䑝G㐔䝬U T䑝G㐔䝬Gwypvyp{GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)awypvyp{ T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྦⶼGyGOyyT]WWP GG㏠⢰㢨☐G㏘㠸㾌GaGzsh}lG㉔䈑U T⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘G䟸⮨G㏠⢰㢨☐G㏘㠸㾌a GGzsh}lG㉔䈑 Y wU{U{G⫼㢨䆠G㐔䝬GⵃG䑝⪌GO{wTXWWS jkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWSGktTXWWP 㐔䝬⬀G㻐⥙ὤ䇴SG⯜☔Gⵝ㋕㩅␜U wU{U{Gtpj yltv{lGjvu{yvs ⫼㢨䆠 T䟸⮨G䑄≠ྦⶼGyGyOyyT]WWP GG㏠⢰㢨☐GzV~GaGwypvyp{㉔䈑 Z wU{U{G⫼㢨䆠㝴GGG ┍㐐Gⵝ㋕╜U tpjGXSGYSGZ {lsG䓌㢨㬉 T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྙⶼGtpjGwypvyp{G GG㏘㠸㾌GaGIvuIG㉔䈑U T䑝G㐔䝬Gw GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)Ga GGzsh}lG㉔䈑 㥐䖼㢌G㉘⮹ ⴭ㐥G㚤䘸㢌GGG⯜◼㡴G㻐⥙⤼ⷜGY}GytzO^WGGXWW}GP 㜄㉐GYWro¡㢌G㨰䑀㍌㜄G㢌䚨㉐G㚤䘸㢌G㣅┍Gㇵ䈐⪰G䑀㙹䚌ḔSG㏘䙰䀘 ⢰㢬㢌G㥅㋁Gⅾὴ㡸G㷨䆠䚝⏼␘U iG㜄㉐G⸰㍌G㢼☣㢨SGYWro¡OY}GytzP⏈G㏘䙰䀘G䀴㢨⽈㡸G䋩 䚨㉐GG⯜◼⦐G㤸␠㢨G╌⮤G㚤䘸㢌G㻐⥙ㇵ㜄㉐G␘⪬GḰG㉒ 㢨᷀G═␘UGἬ⫠ḔGG⯜◼㡴G⪰G㷨䆠䚌⏈G⪰G䋩䚨㉐GYW ro¡G㨰䑀㍌⪰Gᵄ㐐䚝⏼␘UG tpjGXSGYSGZ joptlVzpylu T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྙⶼGtpjGwypvyp{G GG㏘㠸㾌GaGIvmmIG㉔䈑U T䑝G㐔䝬Gw GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)Ga GGzsh}lG㉔䈑 LINE 4,5 TEL ringer, tuner(TP-100) have no priority against other signals. Also they can not be activated priority function VIA pack signal priority S/W "SLAVE" deliverd to the detection module though speaker cables and the detection module detects only the sine wave of 20KHz through a filter to check a fault. 1. Unplug the power cable from a AC outlet. 2. Remove the rear mounted blank panel, and mount the FD-200 in the resultant hole using screws supplied with the module. 3. Set "ON" position SW1 on the FD-200 module after connection of AN301 on the FD-200. 4. Set the switch "FD-200" of FD-200 ON/OFF switch on the rear panel of amplifier. 5. Screw FD-200 on the panel. 6. Connect "COM" of AMP output terminal and 100V terminal to the "COM" and "HOT". [ \ jVSGSG⢰㢬G[SG\Gᴵ㦹G 䑝G㐔䝬G㵜␜U ySG⢰㢬[SG\Gᴵ㦹G䑝G㐔䝬G㵜␜U spulG[SG\GypunlySG䏐∼O{wTXWWPG㐔䝬⏈G␘⪬G⯜☔G㐔䝬㜄G䚨G 㟤㉔Ề㢨G㛺㏩⏼␘U ␜SG䑝㐔䝬Gwypvyp{GzV~⪰Gzsh}l㠸㾌㜄G㉔䈑㐐⬀G䑝G㐐⫠㪼㢌G㟤㉔Ề㢨G ㇵ㐘╝⏼␘U VR601 DESCRIPTION INSTALLATION T䟸⮨G䑄≠GྡྷⶼGtGG GG㏘㠸㾌GaIvuIOPG㉔䈑G T䑝G㐔䝬Gwypvyp{GJUMP SHUNT(MS2)a GGwypvyp{㉔䈑 kpnp{hsGtlzzhnl OktTXWWP t]G⽸ㇵGᷱḔGⵝ㋕ BK1 TB1 The fault detection module of mixing amplifier checks operating conditions of amplifier and disconnection of speaker wiring by giving out the sine wave of 20KHz at an output level of 2V RMS (at 70 or 100V line). As the block diagram shows, the sine wave of 20KHz(2V RMS) is mixed with other signals on the amplifier output which is 㐔G䝬G㻐G⥙ BK2 TB2 0 10 Test RMS 2Vac CN602 P.T.T MIC REMOTE CONTROL MIC CALIBRATING FD-200 ON AMPLIFIERS Ensure amplifier to be adjusted in not being used, I.e. Unplug the PGM and PRIORITY input screw terminals. 1. Set Digital Portable Multimeter to measure AC voltage and connect across amplifier COM and 70V/100V terminals Confirm output of power amplifier is 2Vac RMS at 20KHz. Adjust "OSC LEVEL" potentiometer(VR602), If necessary. 2. Set Digital Portable Multimeter to measure AC voltage and connect "TEST" connector. Confirm reading of 2Vac RMS at 20KHz. Adjust "Sensitivity" potentiometer (VR601), If necessary. Insert PGM and PRIORITY input screw terminals if removed. ㉘㾌 XUG㚤䘸㢌G䑀㠀G䂈☐⪰GhjGv|{sl{G㡰⦐⺴䉤Gゅ㡰㐡㐐㝘U YUGmkTYWWGzsv{㢌GishurGwhuls㡸G㥐ᶤ䚐G␘㢀G䂌≙䉤Ohu]WXPᴴ GGGⱪ㢬G䀴㢨⽈䇴㢨⪰G䖴㛨㨰㐡㐐㝘U ZUGmkTYWWG⯜◼㢌Gju]WX㜄G䂌≙䉤Ohu]WXP⪰G㜤ᷤ䚐G␘㢀GmkTYWWG GGG⸨☐ㇵ㢌Gz~X㡸Gvu㠸㾌⦐G㉘㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U [UG㚤䘸㢌G䟸⮨G䑄≠㢌GmkTYWWGvuVvmmG㏘㠸㾌⪰GmkTYWW㠸㾌⦐G㉘㥉 䚌㜠G㨰㐡㐐㝘U \UGmkTYWW㡸G䟸⮨G䑄≠㜄G⺴㵝䚌㐡㐐㝘U ]UG㚤䘸㢌G㻐⥙G䉤≄㢌GjvtG␜㣄㝴GXWW}G␜㣄⪰GmkTYWW㢌GjvtG␜㣄 㝴Gov{G␜㣄㜄GᴵᴵGᷤ㉔䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㚤䘸G㉘㾌䟸GmkTYWWG㦤㥉ⵝⷉU 㚤䘸㢌GwntḰGwypvyp{G㢹⥙G㏘䆠⪌G䉤≄㡸Gゅ㡰㐡㐐㝘UG XUGkGwGt⪰GhjG㤸㚉G㽕㥉G⤼㢬㫴㜄G㉘㥉䚌ḔSG㽕㥉⫠ GGG☐⪰G䑀㠀G㚤䘸㢌GjvtḰG^W}VXWW}G␜㣄㜄G㜤ᷤ䚌㐐㝘U GGGIvzjGsl}lsIG⸰⪜㡸G㦤㥉䚌㜠G㤸㚉᷸ᴴGY}GytzOYWro¡PᴴG╌⓸⦑G㉘ GGG㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U YUGkGwGt⪰GhjG㤸㚉G㽕㥉G⤼㢬㫴㜄G㉘㥉䚌ḔSG㽕㥉⫠ GGG☐⪰GI{lz{IG䂌≙䉤㜄G㜤ᷤ䚌㐡㐐㝘UGG GGGIz IG⸰⪜㡸G㦤㥉䚌㜠G㤸㚉᷸ᴴGY}GytzOYWro¡PᴴG╌⓸⦑G㉘ GGG㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG GGG㥐ᶤG╌㛼⒌GwntḰGwypvyp{㝘♈㝘G㢹⥙G␜㣄⪰G␘㐐G㜤ᷤ䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㨰㢌aGkGG⏈ YWro¡ 㨰䑀㍌⪰G㽕㥉䚔 ㍌G㢼⏈G㥉ⴴ䚐G᷸㽕ὤ⪰G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘UG Note : Use accuracy Digital portable multimeter which has FQ test range. 10 7 S TANDARAD APPLICATION +⟆➎㙆 ⫚ᆚℓⅿ, R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, 7. SPEAKER ZONES & ATT. OUTPUT 䚡 ㏘䙰䀘⪰ 㜤ᷤ㐐Gἐ㥉═G㻐⥙㡸G㸼Ḱ䚌㜠G㟨㟝䚌㫴G⫼㐡㐐㝘U aYW~ thSGhT]Y[WGa[W~GthSGhT]Z]WGa]W~GthSGhT][_WGa_W~GthPU G Tptw㻐⥙㡰⦐G㏘䙰䀘G㐐㏘䊐㡸GẠ㉥㐐㜄⏈G㏘䙰䀘G㦨G[ⶼG㻐⥙㡸G ㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘UGkpylj{GXWW}G㻐⥙㜄G㜤ᷤG䚌㐡㐐㝘U Direct out jack has been designed for low impedance output(4ohm/100V concerning ATT. control. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE : LOW IMP: 40ohm, HIGH IMP100V. n ST-19-12/T10AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T5AH 250V(55T) ZA-6480 ST-19-12/T12AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T6.3AH 250V(55T) ANT. terminal is packed with tuner pack(TP-100) 14.REMOTE CONTROL RECEIVER(OPTION) R t t l i l ts you connect 3 PCS of remote controls N cable at the 100m MAX. of data of data receipt, data LED indicator w OR : All signal output of remote controller(RC-600) will setting "on" of priority switch on the rear of P.T.T remot (PTT-100). (SLAVE/PRIORITY switch of RC-600 to "SLAVE") PRIORITY SELECTOR : Remote controller(RC-600) is prior to any other prioroty priority is activated, an signals are closed(But, P.T.T MIC signal can be activated is spite of priority). ZONE 3 ZONE 4 ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier ZONE 5 CO-120W CO-120W ZONE 6 PROTECT y Ẅ⪌G㤸㠄G㥉㤸G❄⏈G⽸ㇵ㐐G㤸㠄㡸GḩἽ䚌ὤG㠸䚐Gⵤ䉤⫠G㜤ᷤ␜㣄G㢹⏼␘U ⵤ䉤⫠G㜤ᷤG䀴㢨⽈㡴G㫵ᷱ㢨GZUW༅G㢨ㇵGὬ㢨⏈G_㢨⇨⦐G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U O㤸⥙G㋄㐘㢨G㚱GX}㢨䚌PUG䘜㪼⏈G⇨⺴㢌Gwv~lyGwjiGm|Z㢨⮤G䘜㪼ᴴG㟝␜㐐 ἐᷝ䖼㡸 ㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U Oh ]XYWa{XWhVZY}SGhT]Y[Wa{YWhVZY}ShT]Z]Wa{ZWVZY}ShT][_Wa{[WhVZY}PU G l 㥐䖼㢌G㨰G㤸㠄G㏘㠸㾌ᴴGIvmmI═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G㥐䖼㜄G㤸㠄GḩἽ㡸Gjvu{yvs 䚌ὤG㠸䚐Gyltv{lG䑀㠀G㏘㠸㾌G㜤ᷤ␜㣄G㢹⏼␘UG YU GARDEN +⳿⮺, CS 405 TOILET +㬾ⲏ⟎, Only microphone input 3 let you make priority fo f r restaurant. When not using microphone , turn microphone "off f ". CS 405 㢰ⵌ㤵㢬 ⴭ㐥 㟨㟝 ⵝ㐑㡰⦐ ⫼㢨䆠Z 㐔䝬⬀ wypvyp{ ὤ⏙㢨 ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U ⫼㢨䆠 ⵝ㋕㡸 䚌㫴 㙾㡸 ᷱ㟤 ⫼㢨䆠 vuVvmm ㏘㠸㾌⪰ IvmmI⦐ ㉔䈑䚌㐡㐐㝘U hwf111 +ጚ㖪, INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE AND SUPERMARKET(㭶▖#❲㡦Ẳ㏽, DISC TRACK POWER 6CD-100 SENSOR PLAY/ PAUSE CD-POWER REPEAT STOP RANDOM EJECT MAIN POWER Ẅ⪌㤸㠄GḩἽG㋀䁇㢨⮤G㤸⮨㢌G㨰G㤸㠄G㏘㠸㾌ᴴGIvmmI═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G㤸㠄G䂈☐ ⪰G↰㠀㨰㐡㐐㝘U 0 LEVEL 10 D PLAY A ER 6CD- 00 LINE 4 INPUT AM/FM TUNER G G T2/FU1 (120VAC) TU-110B EREO lyGwjiGm|X㢨⮤G䘜㪼ᴴG㟝␜㐐Gἐᷝ䖼㡸G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U POWER MODEL MANUFACTURING -AREA OR SHOP 6CD CHANGER SCAN +◇▚ᱦⱢ/#Ỏⲏ, { STATION CALL M1 M2 M3 BAND STER MON M4 M5 M6 A PS MUTE ST-19-12/T6.3AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ST-19-12/T10AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T5AH 250V(55T) ZA-6480 ST-19-12/T12AL 250V(65TL) ST-19-2224/T6.3AH 250V(55T) WS 205 5 WS 205 POWER L STOCK HOUSE +ㄧᇊ, ZONE 1 ST-19-12/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T2AH 250V(55T) ZA-6360 SIGNAL STRENGTH 10 EL SEEK UP TUNE T2/FU1(220~240VAC) ZA-6240 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier WS 205 WS 205 ZONE 4 PROTECT ZONE 5 LOBBY +ᵆ⌮, ZONE 6 w P htVmtG㙼䊀⇌G䉤≄⦐㉐G䏐∼G䑝O{wTXWWP㜄G䉤≄㢨G䔠㣙╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U G Y COUNTER & BAR +㍞⮞㘚#)#, ZONE 2 << , y R WS 205 l ZA-6120 13.ANT. TERMINAL(OPTION) LOBBY +㫮ᇪ, ZONE 1 << ST-19-12/T6.3AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ZA-6360 RESTAURANT +⟇៣, << ZA-6240 CS 405 LINE 4 INPUT kpnp{hsGtlzzhnlOktTXWWP⮈⯜⫠G䆠Gt]㜄G⊭㢀═G㐔䝬ᴴG␘⪬G㐔䝬㠄⸨␘ 㺐㟤㉔㢨G╌⓸⦑Gjvu{yvs䚌⏈G㏘㠸㾌G䉤≄G㢹⏼␘U 㐐㏘䊐G㉘㾌㐐G㜼ㇵGᷱḔGⵝ㋕㡸GktTXWW㢌Gt]䆠㜄G⊭㢀㡸G㐐䇘ḔG⫠⯜䏬G ⫠㐐ⶸGwjiGyyT]WWOྦP㢌Gtz_WY⪰GIvmmIG㠸㾌⦐G↰㟤㐡㐐㝘U Ἤ⫠ḔSG㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gwypvyp{G㠸㾌⦐G㢨┍㐐䁐G㨰㐡㐐㝘U 㢨⤤G㦤ᶨ㡰⦐G㉘㥉═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐GtlzzhnlGmpyz{Gwypvyp{␜㣄⪰G㌰䏬㐐䇘⮨G t]㢌G⊭㢀G㐔䝬ᴴG㺐㟤㉔㡰⦐Gⵝ㋕╝⏼␘U 䚡 㢌 tz_WY⪰GIvmmIG㠸㾌⦐G↰㟤⮨G⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘OyjT]WWP㜄㉐⏈ 㢀═ ᷱḔ ⵝ㋕G㣠㈑G䀜䏬⦘㡴G⺼ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U 㐑㡰⦐ ㉘᷸䚐G⯝㤵㡴G⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘G㟨㟝㐐G㐘㍌⦐Gt]G㐔䝬⪰G㣠㈑ 㢼㡰⦐ tz_WY⪰ ᵉ㥐 ㍌␜㡰⦐ IvmmI㠸㾌⦐G↰㟤᷀G╌⏈Gᶷ㢹⏼␘U wji tzY q|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l㠸㾌SG WY⪰ IvmmI㠸㾌⦐G↰㟵⏼␘U Connect power plug after main power switch "OFF" and fuse blown-up, disconnect power cord and replace it. Fuse is in the power PCB FU1. ST-19-12/T3.15AH 250V(55T) ST-19-2224/T2AH 250V(55T) CS 605 6CD CHANGER CD PLAYER 6CD-100 㟬⫰ ὤ⏙㡸G㠸䚐G`W}⫵G㐔䝬G㢹⥙G␜㣄⦐㉐G㤸䞈G㉔⦐㜄Gⵌ☐㐐G㫵㥅 㝘U n 㬉 ⵝ㋕㡸 㠸䚐 㐔䝬 㢹⥙␜㣄⦐㉐Gⵌ☐㐐G㤸䞈GẄ䞌㢌G䓌㢨㬉G㐔 㝴 㜤ᷤ䚌㐐㝘U ET ZA-6120 LEVEL MIC ON/OFF S/W << WER REMOTE T2/FU1(220~240VAC) 6CD-100 SCAN 10 MIC 3 INPUT This is a switch terminal which make first ranking priority memoried on memory r bank No.6 against other memory bank on the digital message(DM-100) how to set first priority racking. First, be sure to place "off" of MS802 PCB/RR-600(劋) after recording n the M6 of DM-100. Scound, move jump shunt MS2 on the front PCB to the "PRIORITY T " Third contact terminal to what you want. TE : When placing "OFF" MS802 of RR-600. it is impossible to play, repeat, warnning of memorybank M6 by RC-600. n we designed like the above is to protect mistake like hen factory production for the adove, front PCB jump shunt ", MS802 of remote receiver PCB is "OFF". T2/FU1 (120VAC) RANDOM EJECT 0 G ⥙㡰⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gh{{Ujvu{yvs㢌G㜵䛙㡸G 10.MESSAGE FIRST PRIORITY POWER MODEL REPEAT STOP MAIN POWER ~GptwaG[SGopnoGptwaGXWW}PU ger terminal to telephone LINE. You can hear telephone from other office in the night. PA P AGING IN AG N Connect paging terminal to telephone exchanger. 1 . POWER SENSOR PLAY/ PAUSE CD-POWER l R R This terminal is emergency power battery connection. The battery connection cord has to be 3.0凪#in dimeter and this diamet should not be any longer than 7 meters(the loss of power 1V). Fuse is located in the PCB FU3 (ZA-6120 : T10A/32V, ZA-6240: T20A/ A3 2V, ZA6480 :T40A/32V). TE E off f amplifier by remote control CS 405 WS 205 n 9. TELEPHONE 1 DISC TRACK << 8. LOW/HIGH IMPEDANCE OUTPUT CS 605 RESTAURANT(ⰶ⟇⳺, << ㏘䙰䀘 㦨 ㉔䈑 ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨⮨G㉔䈑═G㦨ⷸ⦐G㻐⥙╝⏼␘U jhss ㏘㠸㾌⇌ wU{U{U⫼㢨䆠Ow{{TXWWPⵃGyltv{lGjvu{yvssly 㢌 㦨 ㉔䈑 ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨⮨ 㦨 㻐⥙㢨GXWW}V^W}Ovw{pvuP㻐⥙㡰⦐G << 㤸 ⬀ O 㤸 << Pushing speaker zone selector(front panel NO.8), signal will be assigned to the selected zone. If all call switch, P.T.T microphone(PTT-100) priority and zone selector of remote controller(RC-600) are Activated, selected zone output are reseted to 100V/70V output. IMPORTA TA ANT NOTE : Maximum power output per zone speaker. (ZA-6120 :20W MAX, ZA-6240 :40W MAX, ZA-6360 :60W MAX, ZA-6480 :80W MAX). For the direct output, use the screw terminal direct 100V. O P yltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP㝴G㜤ᷤ╌⮤GyjT]WW㡴G┍㐐㜄GZᾀ㫴G㜤ᷤ 㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘UG㇠㟝╌⏈G䀴㢨⽈㡴GshuGjhislG[Gwhpyz⪰G㇠㟝䚨㚰Gkh{h⌸䞈 ⪰Gⵝ㫴䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UGyjT]WWGZ⏈G㺐GXWWᾀ㫴G䀴㢨⽈G㜤㣙䚌㜠G㟨㟝䚔G ㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U slyᴴG㜤ᷤ═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐Gkh{hG㍌㐔㐐GslkᴴGIvuI╝⏼␘U zsh}lG㉔䈑㐐GaGwU{U{⫠⯜䏬Ow{{TXWWPG◫⮨㢌Gwypvyp{G㏘㠸㾌⪰GIvuI㡰⦐ ㉘㥉═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐Gtpj㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫠⯜䏬G䂌䏬⦘OyjT]WWP㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬㻐 ⥙㢨G㩅␜╝⏼␘UG O␜SGyjT]WW㢌G◫⮨Gzsh}lVwypvyp{G㏘㠸㾌⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉘㥉㐐Gᴴ⏙UP wypvyp{G㉔䈑㐐GaGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP㢨G⸬㷨㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬㜄 䚌㜠G㟤㉔Ề㢨G⺴㜠╌㛨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvs㐐G␘⪬G㐔䝬㢌Gⵝ㋕㢨G㩅␜╝ ⏼␘UO␜SGwU{U{Gtpj㐔䝬⏈Gyltv{lGjvu{yvsḰG┍Ἵ㢨⦐Gⵝ㋕㢨Gᴴ⏙䚜UP WS 205 1 Remote Controller RC-600 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP MESSAGE BANK POWER START/STOP DIGITAL MASSAGE WS 205 SUPERINTENDENT +▖ⲏ⟎, SEND BUSY 1 2 TALK 3 4 5 RC-600/610 ALL CALL SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 2 SECRETARY Remote Controller RC-600 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP MESSAGE BANK POWER START/STOP DIGITAL MASSAGE SEND BUSY 1 2 TALK 3 4 5 ALL CALL 3 Remote Controller RC-600 1 2 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP MESSAGE BANK POWER DIGITAL MASSAGE SEND BUSY 1 TALK +⌮☆⟎, RC-600/610 SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 2 3 4 SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 5 ALL CALL START/STOP INFORDESK +⨲ᖞⲏ, RC-600/610 24VDC BATTERY IMPORTANT NOTE : For the first priority please select S/W "SLAVE/PRIORITY"of rear panel to "priority" among 3 remote control. When pushing remote control talk S/W, one time chime will be activated as a pre-signal. yltv{l jvuu[j{yvsOyjT]WWP Zᵐ㩅 ◫䑄㢌 zsh}lVwypvyp{ zV~⪰ wypvyp{⦐ ㉔䈑䚐 yltv{l⏈ 㟤㉔Ề㢨 ⺴㜠╝⏼␘U yltv{l jvuulj{vy㢌 I{hsrI ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨⮨ ⵝ㋕ 㜼⽸ 㐔䝬㟝㢬 㵜㢸 㐔䝬ᴴ Xⶼ 㟬⫱⏼␘U OFFICE +▖„⟎, WS 205 WS 205 ADMINISTRATION +ᇪẖ≪, WS 205 WS 205 etc.... +ጚ㖪, 6 1 11 WS 205 WS 205 WS 205 INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL+㩃ሺ, << TRACK POWER << 6CD-100 SENSOR PLAY/ PAUSE CD-POWER R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, << << 4F DISC REPEAT STOP 6CD CHANGER SCAN RANDOM WS 205 WS 205 8 7 WS 205 EJECT MAIN POWER 0 LEVEL 10 CD PLAYER 6CD-100 AM/FM TUNER STEREO M2 M3 BAND STER SCA MONO M4 M5 M6 A PS MUTE SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS SIGNAL STRENGTH 10 EVEL SEE 16 15 13 17 TU-110B M1 10 14 3F LINE 4 INPUT STATION CALL 9 WS 205 POWER WS 205 LOW IMP HIGH IMP TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY WS 205 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz 7Hz OPERATE FD-200 Fault Detector OUT FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor IN ON 10Hz FR-400 Feedback Reduction NOR RR-600 Remote Receiver 6 2F ZONE 1 5 4 3 2 1 4 100V DEL NO.:ZA-6480 ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier 1 2 3 LINE 5 INPUT ZONE MIXING AMPLIFIER JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. MADE IN KOREA WS 205 WS 205 EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) WS 205 AC POWER DC POWER REMOTE 24V 40A ZONE 4 PROTECT 1F ZONE 5 DC FUSE ZONE 6 DIN CONNECTER INPUT SCHOOL MASTER CO-130W TALK SECRETARY Remote Controller RC-600 2 1 3 4 5 6 REPEAT/STOP +⌮☆/#✂⯮⟎, MESSAGE BANK POWER START/STOP DIGITAL MASSAGE SEND BUSY 1 TALK 2 3 4 5 6 ALL CALL SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR RC-600/610 SCHOOL P L AY G R O U N D +ሺ⳿, MIC ON/OFF S/W MIC 3 INPUT INFORDESK ⸬ AUTOMATIC POWER SUPPLY AND AUTOMATIC ALERT VOLCE MESSAGE. +ⱺᣃ#ⳮ⮺ᇟዳ##ⱺᣃ#Ἶ☢⺪#ᆧ⇞ℓ⚋, CONNECT THIS TO TERMINAL OF FIRE RECEIVER CLOSED RELAY FOR EMERGENCY.+⌮▫⟆#㬾Ⲗ#✂⟊ጚⱂ#ẞᳲⱞ#⳻⳺ⱞ#FORVHᤂ#្ⱺ⬪#⫚ᆚ, SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS LOW IMP HIGH IMP TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz 7Hz OPERATE FD-200 Fault Detector OUT FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor IN ON 10Hz FR-400 Feedback Reduction NOR RR-600 Remote Receiver 5 4 3 2 1 4 100V MODEL NO.:ZA-6480 1 2 3 6 6 ZONE STATION MIXING AMPLIFIER JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. MADE IN KOREA EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) AC POWER DC POWER 24V 40A REMOTE DC FUSE 40 AC 230V /50Hz 1420W Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE 24VDC USE DIODE 1N 4007 BETWEEN POWER REMOTE AND FIRST PRIORITY MESSAGE.+GLRGH#4Q#733:▖⮓,1 BATTERY The above is for emergency situation like a fire. First, record alert voice message to the memory bank M6 in the DM-100(DIGITAL MESSAGE). Second, select S/W MS802 PCB of RR-600 to "off" position so as not to operate E/M message VIA RC-600. This is to prevent is to prevent mistake from remote controller(RC-600). 1 12 12 11 GYMNASIUM +⮞ᣃⲏ, BATTERY PTT-100 40 Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE CO-130W 24VDC P.T.T REMOT E PTT-100 +ሺⲏ⟎, AC 230V /50Hz 1420W 㢨Gⵝ㐑㡴Gὤ䇴G㠸Ἵ䚐Gㇵ䞝㢨Gⵐ㈑㐐GᷱḔGⵝ㋕㡸G 䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㍌␜㢹⏼␘UGἬ⫠ḔGὨἽGⵝ㋕G⊭㢀㡸G ♈㫴䉬G⮈㉬㫴Gt]㜄G⊭㢀G㐐䇘㐡㐐㝘U ὨἽGⵝ㋕G䀜䏬⦘㢨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP 㜄㉐G⺼ᴴ⏙䚌᷀G䚌ὤG㠸䚨Gyltv{lGyljlp}ly OyyT]WWP㢌GwjiGtz_WY⪰GIvmmI㠸㾌⦐G㉔䈑䚌㐡㐐㝘U 6 5 1. MIC PRIORITY SWITCH These are for priority setting switches for mic 1, 2, 3 to change priority ranking from No.3 to No.2, turn switch lever to the right. 2. P.T.T REMOTE JACK(DIN 7 PIN) This is DIN connector connecting P.T.T REMOTE via chime remote. O eration volta e for mic riority is DC 24V to the screw terminal. : Permissible maximum input current of +24VDC is 0.2A, if MAX input current flows 0.2A more. +24VDC is stopping power supply and will reset to +24VDC after 30seconds and P.T.T remote input is connected to MIC/LINE INPUT 1 connector in the internal circuitry. For phantom, please push phantom switch to supply with P.T.T MIC. Cable for audio line should be used by shield cable. Users can extend cable at 30m MAX. 3. MIC/LINE INPUT INPUT 1~3 let you connect sound sources with output levels. Variable range of input gain is -10dB~-50dB(245mV~2.45mV) it is necessary to adjust gain control for noisereduction and head room enhances. You had better use proper input ilevel. If clip indicator of output meter is turn-on, please turn GAIN control to the clock-otherwise for the optimum internal operstion. XLR and 1/4" phone jack re designed for MIC/LINE input phantom power can be supplied by condensor mic used only XLR pin2+,pin3-,pin1GND. tereo phone jack is : Tip+,Ring-,sleeve GND. : Turn gain volume and level controls of front panel to the clock-otherw se completely when you use phantom power. If not, speaker may get harmf l due to loud noise power by power shock. ZA-6120, 6240, 6360, 6480 been designed to use P.T.T MIC remote for the input 1 and remote MI control (RC-600) for MIC 2. 4. LINE IN 4~5 The input 4,5 are used for the connection of line-level equipment such a cassette deck, CD-players, the stereo signal of the connected sound sour gets internally converted into a manual signal. 5. RECORDING Recording output has designed with two L,R unbalanced jack. The stereo signal of the connected sound sources gets internally converted into a manual signal. All signals can be recorded but recording out can not sted by master volume because recording output is in the front of f master volume control. / PRE OUT IN N eiving signal from "PRE OUT" has been designed for phone jack. : an previous signal of amplifier are not activated. T which supplying signal to other products, has been unbalanced phone jack. : Out put impedance should be 600ohm more for pre-amp operation. 4 3 2 1 㾌 䚌⏈G㏘㠸㾌G㢹⏼␘U ⮨G㟤㉔G㍐㠸ᴴGZⶼ㜄㉐GYⶼ㡰⦐G㢨┍╝⏼␘U YU t p G G P G ⦐㉐GjoptlGyltv{lᴴGᴴ⏙䚌⮤G⫼㢨䆠 [}kjᴴG㻐⥙╝⏼␘U ═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G⫼㢨䆠G㻐⥙㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U 䚡 RY[}kj 㤸㠄㢌G㺐G䛼㟝G㤸⪌⏈GWUYh㢨⮤G㸼Ḱ㐐⏈G㣄┍㡰⦐G㤸㠄㢨G㵜␜ ╌⮤ 䛼㟝㤸⪌G㢨⇨⦐G⸩Ỵ╌⮨G㚱GZW㸼G㢨䟸G㤸㠄㢨G㣄┍㡰⦐GRY[}kj⦐G 㫑ᴴ╝⏼␘UGἬ⫠ḔGwU{U{Gyltv{l㢹⥙G䟀⦐⏈GtpjGspulGpuw|{XG㣡ḰG⇨⺴ 㜄㉐G㜤ᷤ╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gpuw|{GX㢌G䑠䉴G㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G䑠䉴G㤸㠄㢨GwU{U{ tpj㜄GḩἽ╝⏼␘UG㝘♈㝘Gspul㡴G㐘☐G䀴㢨⽈㡸G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 㺐GZWᾀ㫴G䀴㢨⽈G㜤㣙䚌㜠G㟨㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U { l ᷬ㟝 㣡㡰⦐ ㉘᷸╌㛨 㢼㡰⮤ 㢹⥙ⷸ 䑠䉴 㤸㠄 ḩἽ㟝 㢹⥙ nhpu㦤㥉 ⷈ㠸⏈ tpjVspul㢹⥙ 㐔䝬 ⤼ⷜ㜄 ♤⢰ 㦤 㥉䚔 ㍌ 㢼㡰⮤ nhpu㦤㥉 ⷈ㠸⏈ TXWi¥T\WiOY[\}¥YU[\}P㢹⏼␘U Onhpu 㦤㥉㡴 ⊬㢨㪼ᵐ㉔ ⵃ 䜘☐⨬ ㉥⏙㡸 㠸䚨㉐ 䙸㍌㤵㢨⮤ 㻐⥙ ⮈䉤㢌 jspw slkᴴ 䁐㫼ᷱ㟤 nhpu 㦤㥉 ⸰⪜㡸 ⵌ㐐᷸ ⵝ䛙㡰⦐ ─⥘ 㤵䚐 ⤼ⷜ㜄 ㉐ 㟨㟝䚌㜠㚰 䚜PU syⵃ XV[I䔤㣡 䂌≙䉤⏈ tpjS spul 㐔䝬 㢹⥙㢨 ḩ㟝㡰⦐ ḩἽ╌⓸⦑ ㉘᷸╌㛨 㢼㏩⏼␘U 䂌⒨㉐ ⫼㢨䆠⏈ sy䂌≙䉤⪰ ㇠㟝㐐 䑠䉴㤸㠄 ⏙䚌⮤ XV[I䔤㣡㜄㉐⏈ 䑠䉴㤸㠄 ḩἽ㢨 ╌㫴㙾᷀ ㉘᷸╌㛨 㢼㏩⏼␘U 䝬 Ἥ㉥ sy㡴 䙴YRS 䙴ZTS䙴X nukἬ⫠Ḕ XV[I䔤㣡㡴 䐵O{pwPaRS TS ㏠⫠⽀Ozsll}lPᴴ nuk㢹⏼␘U 䚡 䑠䉴 㤸㠄 ḩἽ㐐 ᵉ䚐G㣕㢀Gⵐ㈑㡰⦐G㏘䙰䀘ᴴG㋄ㇵ╔G㟤⥘ᴴG㢼㡰⦐G nhpu⸰⪜Ḱ 㤸⮨㢌 ⤼ⷜG⸰⪜㡸G㺐䚐Gⵌ㐐᷸Gⵝ䛙㡰⦐G─⫤ㇵ䈐㜄㉐G䑠䉴G ㏘㠸㾌⪰ ⌸⪨㐡㐐㝘U䑠䉴G㤸㠄㢨GḩἽ═Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G⫼㢨䆠G䂌≙䉤⪰G↰㠔␘G ⿄␘ 䚌⮨ 䂌≙䉤 㥅㸽㐐Gᵉ⥙䚐G㤸㠄G㌰䆠G㣕㢀G㻐⥙㡰⦐G㏘䙰䀘ᴴGḔ㣙⇔G 㟤⥘ᴴG㢼㡰⏼G㐐㏘䊐G㉘㾌㐐G㢨⤠䚐G䚽㠸⏈G䚌㫴G⫼㐡㐐㝘UG wU{U{UtpjGyltv{lOw{{TXWWP⏈G㢹⥙GXSGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP tpj⏈G㢹⥙GY㜄G㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌᷀G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gyltv{lᴴG㜤ᷤ═Gㇵ䈐 㜄㉐⏈G⸬㷨㢌G㢹⥙G㇠㟝㡴G䚌㫴⫼㐡㐐㝘U 㢌 㧀S㟤 㛬ⵈ⢴㏘Gyjh㣡㡰⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤G⇨⺴G䟀⦐㜄㢌䚨G⯜⊬ 䞌╝⏼␘U ⢰㢬G㢹⥙G[SG\⏈G⒤䆠SGjkSGkh{⒤䆠SG䏐∼☥㢌G⢰㢬G⤼ⷜG 㐔䝬⪰ ḩἽ ⵏ㡸㍌G㢼⓸⦑GTXWiOY[\}P㢌G㢹⥙G⤼ⷜ⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G un n 㟤G㛬ⵈ⢴㏘Gyjh㣡㡰⦐G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤G⇨⺴䟀⦐㜄㢌䚨G 㐔䝬⦐G⺸⫠╌᷀G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘UG㢹⥙╌⏈G⯜☔G㐔䝬 ⊭㢀G㻐⥙㡴G⫼㏘䉤G⸰⪜G㤸␜G䟀⦐㜄G㦨㣠G䚌⦐G⫼㏘䉤G 㡸 㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㛺㏩⏼␘U ]U { Y㢨ㇵG⸩䚝G㟨㟝㐐G㢀㠄㢨G㢹⥙╌⏈G㥐䖼㢌GwylGv|{⦐G⺴䉤G㐔䝬⪰GḩἽ ⵏ᷀G╌⮤G㢹⥙G䟀⦐⏈G㛬ⵈ⢴㏘GXV[IG䔤㣡㡸G㇠㟝䚌⓸⦑G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U 䚡 㣡㡸 ↰㟤⮨ 㚤䘸G㤸␜㢌G⯜☔G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜╝⏼␘U { Y㢨ㇵG⸩䚝G㟨㟝㐐G㐔䝬⪰G␘⪬G㥐䖼㜄GḩἽ䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㻐⥙㢨⮤SG㻐⥙䟀⦐⏈ 㛬ⵈ⢴㏘GXV[IG䔤㣡㡸G㇠㟝䚌⓸⦑G㉘᷸╌㛨G㢼㏩⏼␘U ㇠䚡 䚡 㢸䙰⒌㏘⏈ ]WWG㢨䚌ᴴG╌᷀G㟨㟝䚌⮨G⇨⺴G䟀⦐㢌GwylGhtwᴴG ⇌᷀ ╌⏼ 㨰㢌䚌㐡㐐㝘UG␜SG㻐⥙㢨G㌰䏬╌⮨G㐔䝬G㢹⥙㢨GḩἽ╌㛨⓸G y htw 㻐⥙㢨G⺼ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U 5 2. LINE LEVEL LINE level volume control makes you adjust line input level and BASS & TREBLE make you adjust sound color. 3. PACK EQUALIZER BASS & TREBLE control for pack series. 4. CHIME Pushing chime button, two tone/four tone chime will be activated also, can be adjusted signal level. This is for pre signal or alert signal.(Permissible two tone/four tone chime by jump shunt MS1 front PCB) 5. TELEPHONE TEL NIGHT RINGER TEL night ringer functio let you hear telephone fing Via speaker. Turm RINGER volume to clock-other wise for ring decrease, even RINGER volume go to clock-other wise completely, you can hear night Tel ring by dark function. (-20dB atteunation from max volume) PAGING You can adjust broadcasting level when broadcasting by telephone paging isoperated, even PAGING volume go to clock-otherwise completely, you can hear night Tel ring by dark function. (-20dB atteunation from max volume) IMPORTANT NOTE : In case paging is activated, priority makes stopping all signal like LINE 4,5 CHIME SIREN and signal of modules against paging(set jump shunt MS2 on the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). If priority is not activated against MIC 1, 2, 3(Priority switch rear panel NO.1), all MIC signal will be closed except P.T.T MIC remote control. 6. SIREN This is for emergency situation ~ : Alert siren curve.(repeat) : Alert siren flat.(continuously) IMPORTANT NOTE : In case paging is activated, priority makes stopping all signal like LINE 4,5 CHIME SIREN and signal of modules against paging(set jump shunt MS2 on the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). If priority is not activated against MIC 1, 2, 3(Priority switch rear panel NO.1), all MIC signals will be closed except P.T.T MIC remote control. 7. MASTER All signals from modules and others, are adjusted by MASTER volume to supply power amplifier placement master volume in the circuit is located between rer of "AMP IN" connector nd front side of power amplifier. 4 YUGwU{U{Gyltv{lG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╔Gᷱ㟤⓸Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨G␘ GGGG⪬G⯜☔G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜╝⏼␘UO␜SGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP GGGG㐔䝬⏈G㵜␜╌㫴G㙾㢀PG GGGGἬ⤠⇌SGyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌Gwypvyp{Vzsh}lG㏘㠸㾌⪰G GGGGzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑䚌⮨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌G㐔䝬⓸G㵜␜╝⏼␘U yltv{lGYG⸰⪜VlxG⸰⪜G 㢹⥙Y㢌G⤼ⷜḰGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWP㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉 䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤Gihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㢌G䏭㉥㡸GḔ⥘䚌㜠G㉘㾌 㣙㋀㜄G⬒⓸⦑G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 䋩ㇵG㦤㥉㠸㾌⏈G⫼㏘䉤G⺼⪜㢨GY㐐Gⵝ䛙㢰Gᷱ㟤Gྠⶼ㢌G㻐⥙⮈䉤G IWIG㠸㾌㢌GslkᴴG䁐㫴⓸⦑G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡 XUGtpjVspulYG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\ GGGGwhnpunGypunlyG❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWG GGGGO㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ GGGG╝⏼␘U YUGyltv{lGjvu{yvsG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╔Gᷱ㟤⓸Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨 GGGG␘⪬G⯜☔G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜═␘U GGGGO␜SGwU{U{Gyltv{lGjvu{yvsOw{{TXWWPG㐔䝬⏈G㵜␜╌㫴G㙾㢀PG GGGGἬ⤠⇌SGyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌Gwypvyp{Vzsh}lG㏘㠸㾌⪰G GGGGzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑䚌⮨Gyltv{lGjvu{yvssly㢌G㐔䝬⓸G㵜␜╝⏼␘U ZG⸰⪜VlxG⸰⪜G 㢹⥙Z㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤Gihzz㝴G{ylisl⏈G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㢌 䏭㉥㡸GḔ⥘䚌㜠G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㜄G⬒⓸⦑G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 䋩ㇵG㦤㥉㠸㾌⏈G⫼㏘䉤G⺼⪜㢨GY㐐Gⵝ䛙㢰Gᷱ㟤Gྠⶼ㢌G㻐⥙⮈䉤G IWIG㠸㾌㢌GslkᴴG䁐㫴⓸⦑G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡 XUGtpjVspulZG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\ GGGGwhnpunGypunlyG❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwXWWSGjkyTXWW GGGGO㤸⮨GGwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ GGGG╝⏼␘U P OWER INCREASING AND MULTIPLE USE +⩚㧮㊆ᴏ#⺇☎##⇟㩓#⮞⮓, SIGNAL SOURCE +⟊㬢#Ɐᴏⴆ㥲, 7Hz 7Hz ON 8Hz ON 9Hz OUT FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor IN NO SIGNAL SOURCE INTPUT +⟊㬢#ⱯᴏⰮ#℅Ⱞ#✂#⪰#ⴆ㥲, FR-400 7Hz OPERATE FD-200 Fault Detector ON 10Hz Feedback Reduction SPK ZONES ATT. OUTPUTS NOR LOW IMP HIGH IMP 4 100V TEL MESSAGE NIGHT PAGING FIRST IN RINGER PRIORITY FD-200 Fault Detector FM-300 Fault DC/AC/FAN Monitor RR-600 Remote Receiver 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 2. Also, P.T.T remote signal makes priority same as priority function of MIC/LINE 1(except signal of RC-600). But if you select switch of remote controller to "SLAVE", signal of remote control will be cut-off. REMOTE 2 VOLUME/EQ VOLUME Remote2 volume control/EQ volume control let you adjust input 2 level and REMOTE CONTROLS(RC-600) level. Bass and TREBLE CONTROLS make you adjusted equalizer so as so suit for surrounding usually, first, position djusted should be set at "0" of LED indicator with two 0'clock of MASTER volume. Second, you can increase input volume to the position "0" of LED indicator. IMPORTANT NOTE : 1. In case the priority function is activated, if you supply signal to MIC/LINE 1, than, all signals including LINE 4,5 PAGING RINGER and module signals like TP-100,CDP-100,CDR-100 will be closed. (set JUMP SHUNT MS2 the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). 2. Also, P.T.T remote signal makes priority same as priority function of MIC/LINE 1(except signal of PTT-100). 3 VOLUME/EQ VOLUME 3 volume control/EQ volume control let you adjust input 3 level. BASS and TREBLE CONTROLS make you adjusted sound's color so as to suit for surrounding usually, first, position djusted should be set at "0" of LED indicator with two 0'clock of MASTER volume. Second, you can increase input volume to the position "0" of LED indicator. IMPORTANT NOTE : In case the priority function is activated, if you supply signal to MIC/LINE 1, than, all signals including LINE 4,5 PAGING RINGER and module signals like TP-100, CDP-100, CDR-100 will be closed. (set JUMP SHUNT MS2 the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). MODEL NO.:ZA-6480 COMBINE USE 6 ZONE STATION MIXING AMPLIFIER JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. MADE IN KOREA EACH ZONE / 80W(MAX) AC POWER DC POWER REMOTE 24V 40A DC FUSE AC 230V /50Hz 1420W 40 Fuse Rating T40AL 32V FUSE INSIDE PRE OUT AMP IN PA-148DP Single Channel P.A Power Amplifier IN OUT POWER INCREASEMENT +㊆ᴏ⺇☎, PA-148DP Single Channel P.A Power Amplifier YUGspulGsl}ls IN ⢰㢬G㢹⥙G[SG\㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤Gihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㢹⥙ ╌⏈G㢀㠄㢌G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚝⏼␘U OUT ZUGwhjrGlx|hsply whjr⪌㢌GO{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWPGihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㢹⥙ ╌⏈G㢀㠄㢌G㢀㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚝⏼␘U [UGjoptl ㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G㶔㢸G㐔䝬ᴴG㟬⫠⮤SG㉘㾌G㣙㋀㜄G⬒᷀G㐔䝬G⤼ⷜ㡸G 㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UG㢨G㐔䝬⏈G㙼⇨ⵝ㋕G㐐㣅㤸㢌Gⵝ㋕G㜼Ḕ㢀㡰⦐G ㇠㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UGO㤸⮨GwjiGtzXG㏘㠸㾌⦐GYG{vulSG[G{vulG ㉔䈑ὤ⏙P \UG{lslwovul upno{Gypunly 㚰ᴸ㜄G㤸䞈ᴴGᶬ⥘㝠⚀G㤸䞈ⷜG㋀⫠⪰G☗ὤG㠸䚐Gὤ⏙㡰⦐G㏘㠸㾌 ⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫵ᶤG㐔䝬㻐⥙㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘UGⷜG⤼ⷜG㦤㥉G⸰⪜㡴G㐐᷸G ⵌGⵝ䛙㡰⦐G㝸㤸䢼G─⥘⋇㡴Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐⓸G⫠䆠OslhrPGὤ⏙㢨G 㢼㛨Gⷜ㋀⫠⪰G☘㡸G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UGO⸰⪜G㺐Gὤ㨴㜄㉐GTYWiGᵄ㋸P ❄䚐SG㋀㢀㢨G㐠䚐G㣙㋀㜄G㉘㾌䚌㜠G㤸䞈ⷜG㋀⫠⪰G☗ὤ㠸䚐G㍌␜㡰 ⦐⓸G㇠㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UG whnpun 㤸䞈G䓌㢨㬉Gⵝ㋕㐐Gⵝ㋕G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤G⸰⪜㡸G㐐᷸GⵌG ⵝ䛙㡰⦐G㝸㤸䢼G─⥘G⋇㡴Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐⓸G⫠䆠OslhrPGὤ⏙㢨G㢼㛨GⵝG ㋕G㷡㼜ᴴGᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘UO⸰⪜G㺐Gὤ㨴㜄㉐GTYWiGᵄ㋸P 㩅㟈㇠䚡 䓌㢨㬉Gⵝ㋕㐐Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\GypunlySGjoptlSG zpyluG❄⏈G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWW O㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ ╝⏼␘UG P. T.T REMOTE(PTT-100) DIMENSION....126(W) x 54(H) x 156(D)mm` 5(W) x 2(H) x 6.1(D)inch WEIGHT..........0.8kg/1.76Ibs When pressing "TALK" MIC signal is activated and make input of DC 24V from the screw terminal NO.2 of main amplifier and priority is activated. 2. DIN JACK This cinsists of 7 pins use shield cable for microphone. MODEL NO.: PTT-100 P.T.T REMOTE JD-MEDIA CO.,LTD. AUDIO OUT G LED PWR MADE IN KOREA PRIORITY CHIME PRIORITY 1 2 P.T.T REMOTE PTT-100 7 6 3 1 5 4 2 CHIME XUG{hsr ㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫼㢨䆠Gⵝ㋕㢨G╝⏼␘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡GaG◫⮨㢌GjoptlGzV~Gvu㐐GI{hsrIG㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G㣄┍GjoptlG 㐔䝬ᴴG㟬⫱⏼␘UG ◫⮨㢌Gwypvyp{GzV~Gvu㐐GI{hsrIG㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨⮨G⫼㢨䆠Gⵝ㋕㢌G 㟤㉔Ề㢨G㐘䚽╌⮤G⸬㷨G◫⮨GYⶼG㏘䆠⪌G䉤⇔㜄GRY[}kjᴴG㻐⥙╝⏼␘UG YUGkpuGqhjr 2 ^䙴㡰⦐GẠ㉥╌㛨G㢼㡰⮤Gtpj䟀⦐⏈G㐘☐G䀴㢨⽈㡸G㇠㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U 1 ]UGzpylhu 㠸Ἵ䚐Gㇵ䞝㢨Gⵐ㈑㐐GᷱḔGⵝ㋕㟝㡰⦐G㇠㟝╝⏼␘U ¥GaGᷱ⸨G㇠㢨⥀㢨G䑀ㇵ㡰⦐G㨰ὤ㤵㡰⦐G㟬⫱⏼␘U GTGaGᷱ⸨G㇠㢨⥀㢨G䓽䇸䚌᷀G㟬⫱⏼␘U 㩅㟈㇠䚡 ㇠㢨⥀G㐔䝬ᴴG㻐⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\GypunlyG ❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWSGjkyTXWW O㤸⮨GwjiGtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG㵜␜ ╝⏼␘UG 1. TALK TALK ^UGthz{ly ⯜☔G㢹⥙㐔䝬G⤼ⷜ㡸G㺐㦹㤵㡰⦐G㦤㥉䚌㜠G䑀㠀G㚤䘸㜄GḩἽ䚌᷀G╌⮤ 䋩ㇵG㟨㟝G㠸㾌⏈GY㐐ⵝ䛙㢨G㤵䚝⏼␘UG⫼㏘䉤G⸰⪜㢌G䟀⦐⇨G㠸㾌⏈G htwGpuG㣡G◫␜ḰG䑀㠀G㚤䘸G㤸␜G㇠㢨㜄G㦨㣠䚝⏼␘U 13 R EMOTE CONTROLLER (RC-600) F EATURES (㞣⺿, AMP SECTION AUTOMAT A IC VA V RIABLE SPEED FA F N OVER CURRENT PROTECTION LOAD SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION BUILT L IN L.P.F(LOW PA P SS FILT L ER) CIRCUIT OUTPUT LED INDICAT A OR 6 ZONE SPEAKER OUTPUT OR ALL CALL SPEAKER AT A TENUTOR PER CHANNEL BY 6 STEP RC-600 Remote Controller DEMENSIONS 3 2 5 WEIGHT 6 1 REPEAT/STOP START/STOP POWER 2 PRE AMP AND OTHER 6 MESSAGE BANK 1 202(W)x51(H)x156(D)mm 8(W)x2(H)x6.1(D)inch 1.3kg/ 2.8Ibs 4 DIGITAL MESSAGE SEND SERIAL NO.: MODEL NO.: RC-600 REMOTE CONTROLLER 3 LINK MADE IN KOREA BUSY TALK SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR 1 2 3 4 5 ON 6 OUT R L SLAVE PRIORITY OFF AUDIO OUT BUSY PRIORITY AUX IN -10dB -10 0 17V G AUDIO DATA ALL 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 dB 5 4 7 8 9 10 11 R EAR PANEL CONTROLS +㮮ጚត, 1. POWER (STATUS INDICATOR) Turn on the power, LED indicator lights. ⮨ slkᴴ 䁐㬅⏼␘U 2. SEND (STATUS INDICATOR) In case data are supplied to amplifier, send LED indicator lights. ⥙╔⚀GslkᴴG䁐㬅⏼␘U 3. BUSY 㾌⇌Gkpnp{hsGtlzzhnlᴴG┍㣅㩅㜄G㢼㢀㡸G䖐㐐䚌⏈Gslk㢹 yltv{l jvu{yvsslyG⸩䚝G㟨㟝㐐G䟸⮨GྠⶼG㏘㠸㾌⪰G 䈑 䚌⮨ i|z slkᴴG䁐㫸Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐⏈G┍㣅㢨G⺼ᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U Busy means under operating of "TALK" or digital message. Also, When using remote controller(RC-600), if you select "SLAVE" of NO. 8, remote controller(RC-600) is not operated under busy LED. 4. TALK When pressing talk S/W, "TALK"S/W you talk VIA microphone with pre-chi e signal. ⪨⮨ 㣄┍㡰⦐ 㵜㢸 㐔䝬ᴴG㟬⫠⮨㉐G⫼㢨䆠Gⵝ㋕㢨Gᴴ⏙U ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier w ㈑GⵃG㥉㫴䚝⏼␘UGktTXWW㢌G⮈㉬㫴G䆠OtXTt]P ⪰Gⵌ⸩Gⵝ㋕G㉘㥉ὤ⏙㜄GⱨḴ䚌᷀GX䟀G㣠㈑GⵃG㥉㫴G PROTECT G㥉㫴䚝⏼␘UG ㋕G㉘㥉ὤ⏙O䇴㢸㢬䉤ⷀSⵌ⸩䟀㍌P㜄G㢌䚨G⫠G㉘㥉═ 䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘U X W㡸G㣙㵝㐐⏈GIvuIG㠸㾌㜄GktTXWW㡸G㣙㵝䚌㫴G ⦐G㉘㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘U 䚌㜠G㇠㟝㐐GX⏈Gwypvyp{㜄G㉘㥉䚌ḔG⇌⭬㫴⏈G z G 㜄G㉘㥉䚌⮨SGzsh}l㜄G㉘㥉═GyjT]WWG㢨G┍㣅㩅㜄G㢼⒈⢰⓸G wypvyp{㜄G㉘㥉═GyjT]WW㢌GI{hsrIGzV~⪰G⌸⪨⮨Gzsh}l㜄G㉘㥉═G yjT]WW㢌G┍㣅㢨G㥉㫴䟸Gwypvyp{㜄G㉘㾌═GyjT]WWG㢨G㟤㉔Ề㡸Gᴴ㫴⮤G ┍㣅䚐␘SG㢨Gὤ⏙㡴G{hsr⇌Gtlzzhnl┍㣅G㩅㜄⓸G㟤㉔Ề㡸Gᴴ㫸␘U ` v 㢨䇴S 㤸㠄㡸GḩἽ䚌ὤG㠸䚐Gyq[\G㣡㢹⏼␘UG㜤ᷤG䀴㢨⽈㡴Gⵌ yz shu jhisl㡸G㇠㟝䚌㜠㚰G⒤㢨䉤G⌸䞈⪰Gⵝ㫴G䚔G㍌G㢼㏩ ⽈㡴 ⸬㷨⦐⺴䉤GXWW㢨⇨㜄㉐G㜤㣙G㟨㟝䚌㐡㐐㝘U |{ ⷜG㥐䖼㡸G㜤ᷤ䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㢹⥙㡰⦐Gἐ㥉═Gⵌ⸩G⮈ 㜄G⊭㢀㐐䁐Gⵝ㋕㡸G䚌ὤG㠸䚐G㟝⓸⦐G㇠㟝䚔G㍌G㢼 10. AUX INPUT AUX input is for cassette deck or other same input level products. 14 P G⊭㢀═G⮈㉬㫴G䆠⪰G㉔䈑䚝⏼␘U G㣠㈑╌㫴G㙾㏩⏼␘UP 8. SLAVE/PRIOROTY This is audio output control volume. FAULT w "ON" position for DM-100 operating, "OFF" position not for DM-100. 11. AUDIO OUT GAIN SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T ] k 7. DM-100 ON/OFF This is RJ45 connector for power supply of audio, data, make sure that 4pairs LAN cable is necessary for optimum operation. Use LAN cable within 100m distance. 8 ᴴG G U 㩅㟈㇠䚡GaG{hsrSGz{hy{Vz{vwG㏘㠸㾌⪰G⌸⪨ὤG㤸㜄Gⵌ☐㐐G㏘䙰䀘G 㦨㡸G㉔䈑䚌㐡㐐㝘SG㏘䙰䀘G㦨㢨G㉔䈑╌㫴G㙾㡰⮨G㢨G㏘㠸㾌G☘㡴G┍㣅 䚌㫴G㙾㏩⏼␘U START/STOP Message start and stop. This makes you replay, stop recorded message of the memory bank (M1-M6) one time without setting repeat function. REPEAT/STOP You can replay or stop by repeat setting and time interval. MESSAGE BANK(M1~M6) Message bank lets you select recorded bank. 9. OUT-LINK F RONT PANEL CONTROLS +ⳮጚត, 㷨G㦨G㻐⥙㡸G㉔䈑䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤SG㏘䙰䀘G Gylzl{╌ḔG㦨G㻐⥙㡴G㚤䘸㢌GopnoG ⫠ḔG㉔䈑═G㦨㡴G⸬㷨㢌G㏘䙰䀘G㦨Gslk 6. DIGATAL MESSAGE For operating of 2 pcs more for RC-600 simultaneously,one of RC-600 can be set priority and the other is set to SLAVE. Then, event though RC-600 is operating under SLAVE, if you push "TALK" S/W of RC-600 selected "PRIOROTY", RC-600 selected "PRIORITY" will be operated after operation stop of RC-600 selected "SLAVE". This function is same as that of "TALK" or "message" operation. ⱬ ᴵGtpj㢹⥙GnhpuG⸰⪜G㵸䈑U ᴵGtpjG㢹⥙ⷸGwohu{vtGwv~lyGḩἽᴴ⏙U w|zoG{vG{hsrOwU{U{PGtpjG㢹⥙㡸G㠸䚐Gⷸ⓸㢌kpuG䂌≙䉤G㵸䈑U spulG[SG\㢹⥙GyjhGqhjrG㵸䈑U ⊭㢀㻐⥙GyjhGqhjrG㵸䈑U wylGv|{V㞬⺴GhtwGpuG䂌≙䉤G㵸䈑U ᴵG㢹⥙ⷸG㢨䄸⢰㢨㥬G䂌䏬⦘G㵸䈑U {lslwovulGwhnpunⵃGupno{GypunlyGὤ⏙㵸䈑U joptlGὤ⏙㵸䈑OY{vuS[{vuG㉔䈑ὤ⏙PUG zpyluGὤ⏙㵸䈑U {wTXWWSGktTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWWG whjrG㜤ᷤGᴴ⏙UOvw{pvuP 㤸㠄ḩἽG㠄ᷝ㥐㛨Gὤ⏙UOẄ⪌V㫵⪌P ⵤ䉤⫠G㤸㠄ḩἽ㐐Gklshᴴ⏙U 㠄ᷝ㥐㛨G㐐㏘䊐GOyq[\G䂌≙䉤P XUGkpnp{hsGtlzzhnlG㠄ᷝ㥐㛨U YUGjoptlG㠄ᷝ㥐㛨 ZUGyltv{lGjvu{yvsslyOyjT]WWPGZᵐG㜤ᷤG㟨㟝ᴴ⏙U kpnp{hsGtlzzhnlOktTXWWP㜤ᷤ㐐G㣄┍㤸㠄ḩἽGⵃG㣄┍GᷱḔG ⵝ㋕UOtlzzhnlGmpyz{Gwypvyp{ᴴG䞈㣠ᷱ⸨G㐐㏘䊐ḰG㜤ᷤ═Gㇵ䈐G 㜄㉐Gᴴ⏙P tpjGXSGYSGZG㟤㉔ỀG㉔䈑G㏘㠸㾌UG y 5. SPEAKER ZONES SELECTOR Pressing one of the zone button(1 to 6) delegates the signal to the desired loud speaker zone. Then, attenuation function in the main amplifier are reset and zone power-out is converted to HI impedance power output. The corresponding LED indicator lights. IMPORTANT NOTE Select speaker zone what you want befor push "TALK, START/STOP, REPEAT/STOP" if not, all switches will not operate. INPUT GAIN VOLUME CONTROL PER MICROPHONE SELECTIVE PHANTOM POWER PER MICROPHONE INPUT DIN CONNECTER FOR P.T.T(PUSH TO TALK) MICROPHONE INPUT RCA JACK FOR LINE 4, 5 INPUT RCA JACK FOR RECORDING OUTPUT CONNECT FOR PRE-OUT/EXTERNAL AMP IN EQUALIZER PER INPUT CHANNEL TELEPHONE PAGING AND NIGHT RINGER CHIME(Permissible two tone/four tone chime). SIREN OPTIONAL MODULE CONNECTION (TP-100, DM-100, CDP-100, CDR-100) REMOTE CONTROL FOR POWER ON/OFF SOFT START FOR BATTERY POWER SUPPLY DELAY REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM BY RJ45 CONNECTER 1. DIGITAL MESSAGE 2. CHIME 3. CONNECTION WITH 3MODULES(RC-600) SIMULTANEOUSLY AUTO ALERT ANNOUNCEMENT AND AUTO POWER "ON" CONNECTING TO DIGITAL MESSAGE(DM-100) (MESSAGE FIRST PRIORITY CONNECTING WITH FIRE ALARM SYSTEM) MIC 1, 2, 3 PRIORITY SELECTOR SWITCH 㣄┍G㋁⓸㦤㤼G䑠G⇨㣙U Ḱ㤸⪌G⸨䝬䟀⦐G㵸䈑U ㏘䙰䀘G㉔⦐G㌰䏬Gᶴ㻐䟀⦐G㵸䈑U sUwUmG䟀⦐G⇨㣙U 㻐⥙㫴㐐GslkGsl}lsG⮈䉤U ]TvulGzwlhrlyGv|{w|{G❄⏈GzwlhrlyGhssGjhssὤ⏙U vulⷸG㏘䙰䀘G㻐⥙G㦤㥉ᴴ⏙UG u 㝘♈㝘G㻐⥙⤼ⷜG㦤㥉G⸰⪜㢹⏼␘U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. MIC/LINE LEVEL P T T1 VOLUME/EQ VO OLUME E P.T.T1 volume control/EQ volume control let you adjust input 1 level and P.T.T remote(PTT-100)level. BASS and TREBLE CONTROLS make you adjusted equalizer so as to suit for surrounding usually, first, position adjusted should be set at "0" of LED indicator with two 0clock of MASTER volume. Secound, you can increase input volume to the position "0" of LED indicator. : ase the priority function is activated, if you supply signal IC/LINE 1, than, all signals including LINE 4,5 PAGING RINGER and module signals like TP-100, CDP-100, CDR-100 will be closed. (set JUMP SHUNT MS2 on the FRONT PCB to "SLAVE"). w ⪜ ⪜ 㢹⥙X㢌G⤼ⷜḰGwU{U{Gyltv{lOw{{TXWWP㢌G⤼ⷜ㡸G㦤㥉䚔G㍌G㢼 㡰⮤SGihzz㝴G{ylisl㡴G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㢌G䏭㉥㡸GḔ⥘䚌㜠G㉘㾌G㣙㋀㜄G ⬒ 㫼㡸G㦤㥉䚌㐡㐐㝘UG䋩ㇵG㦤㥉G㠸㾌⏈G⫼㏘䉤G⸰⪜㢨GY㐐G ⵝ 㟤Gྠⶼ㢌G㻐⥙G⤼ⷜ⮈䉤GIWIG㠸㾌㢌GslkᴴG䁐㫴⓸⦑G㦤㥉 䚌 䚡 XUGtpjVspulXG㐔䝬ᴴG㢹⥙╌⮨Gwypvyp{ᴴG┍㣅╌㛨GspulG[SG\ GGGGwhnpunGypunlyG❄⏈Gwhjr⪌㢌G{wTXWWSGjkwTXWWSGjkyTXWW GGGGO㤸⮨GtzYGq|twGzo|u{⪰Gzsh}l⦐G㉔䈑P㢌G㐔䝬ᴴG GGGG㵜␜╝⏼␘U GGG 3 I S PECIFICATIONS NSTALLATION MOUNTING Amplifier racking size for ZA series are designed for standard 19" rack mounting with additional left, right bracket. Please pay close attention to the cooling requirements. 㦤 ⽀⢰䁇㡸 㥐䖼㜄 ᷤ䚝䚌⮨ 䖐㨴 X`I⣍㜄 㦤⫱╌⓸⦑ 㢼㡰⮤S ⵝ㜨㜄 䙸㟈䚐 䋩䗁 Ạ㦤㜄 㐔ᷱ㘬 䙸㟈ᴴ 㢼 TECHNICAL INPUT SENSITIVITY/IMPEDANCE Never block the air vents in the sides makes enough space line 44mm of the amplifier the following is figure of air-flow. Check inside temperature of rack system so as not to be more than 40 C for the stable operating in any case, we recommend you to install cooling fan additionally on the rear panel of rack cabinet. MIC/LINE1~3 : -50dBu(2.45mV) 5K -10dBu(245mV) 5K COOLING LINE 4~5 : -10dBu(245mV) 15K 㧀S㟤㽕⮨㜄 㢼⏈ ḩὤ Ạ⮁㡸 㤼 ⫽㫴 ⬄㙸 㨰㐡 㐐㝘U ❄䚐 ㇵ␜㜄⏈ [[OXoP㢌 ḩᴸ㡸 䞉⸨ 䚌㐡㐐㝘U 㚤䘸 ⇽ᴵ Ạ㦤㢌 ḩὤ 䢄⪸㡴 㙸⣌ Ἤ⫰Ḱ ᵍ㡴 䝉䈐㢹⏼␘U 㙼㥉═ 㟨㟝㡸 㠸䚨㉐⏈ ⣍ ⇨⺴ 㝜⓸ᴴ [W j⪰ 㸼Ḱ䚌㫴 㙾⓸ ⦑ 㐔ᷱ㡸 㘬 䙸㟈ᴴ 㢼㡰⮤S ⇽ᴵ 䟜Ḱ⪰ 㫑ᴴ㐐䇘ὤ 㠸䚨 ⣍ ◫ⷱ㜄 ㋕䗁ὤ⪰ ⺴㵝䚌㜠 㨰㐡㐐㝘U HEAT-SINK UNBAL TEL PAGING : -10dBu(245mV) 5K BAL PACK UNIT : -10dBu(245mV) 10K UNBAL REC OUT : 0dBu(775mV) 3K UNBAL PRE OUT : 0dBu(775mV) 100 UNBAL AMP IN : +4dBu(1.23mV) 10K UNBAL RATED OUTPUT ZA-6120 : 170W / 120W(RMS) OUTPUT IMPEDANCE/A / TT. STEP(OPTION) ZA-6240 : 290W / 240W(RMS) ZA-6360 : 410W / 360W(RMS) ZA-6480 : 530W / 480W(RMS) LOW IMP : 4 AUTOMATIC VARIABLE SPEED FAN BAL BAL EUROPE : 100V, 70V, 50V, 25V, 12.5V, 8.9V AMERICA : 70V, 50V, 25V, 12.5V, 8.9V, FREQUENCY RESPONSE(LINE SIGNAL) LESS THAN -3dB(55Hz ~ 16kHz) SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO LINE : MORE THAN 80dB("A" WEIGHT) 6V MIC : MORE THAN 70dB("A" WEIGHT) SPEAKER ZONES & A.T.T T.H.D LESS THAN 1%(1kHz) POWER CONSUMPTION ZA-6120 : 350W ZA-6240 : 740W ZA-6360 : 1150W ZA-6480 : 1420W ZA-6120 : 1.6A /0.8A ZA-6240 : 2.8A /1.4A ZA-6360 : 4.4A /2.5A ZA-6480 : 5.6A /3.2A ZA-6480 A.T.T 6 Zone Mixing Amplifier PROTECT FAULT 1/8 POWER CURRENT DRAW 120V/230V INSIDE AIR FLOW AIR FLOW 4in(10cm)MIN IMPORTANT:Be sure rear of amplifier is securely mounted to rack. EQUIPMENT RACK (SIDE VIEW) AMPLIFIER (TOP VIEW) 2.4in(6cm)MIN AIR FLOW BLOWER FRONT OF RACK DOOR 1/3 POWER CURRENT DRAW 120V/230V ZA-6120 : 2.4A /1.2A ZA-6240 : 4A /2A ZA-6360 : 6.7A /3.8A ZA-6480 : 8.5A /4.7A RATED POWER CURRENT DRAW 120V/230V ZA-6120 : 3.6A /1.8A ZA-6240 : 6.4A / 3.2A ZA-6360 : 11A / 6A ZA-6480 : 14A / 7.5A GENERAL POWER SOURCE(OPTION) 24V DC DIMENSIONS(mm) 430(W) X 133(H) X 352(D) (inches) 16.9(W) X 5.2(H) X 13.9(D) WEIGHT(kg) RACK CABINET AIR FLOW BLOWER 120V/220V/230V/240V AC 50/60Hz NOTE ZA-6120 : 13.0 Kg ZA-6240 : 14.0 Kg ZA-6360 : 19.0 Kg ZA-6480 : 20.0 Kg Specifications and design subj b ect to change without notice fo f r improvements. +ᖞ⮓▫ⱂ ᆓ 㞣⺿Ⱚ ⴆ㥲ⱂ ☛ត 㪏▫Ⱞ ⯮㩂⫖ ▖ⳮ ⫲ᇊ ⪰ⱞ ↪ᆚᤊ ✂ Ⱳ➟ឲ៎1, RACK MOUNT SPACE 2 AIR FLOW IN RACK CABINET 15 OPTION FM-300 AC POWER 120V/220V/230V/240VAC 50/60Hz (OPTION) 1 4ohm ZONE CONTROL 2 3 4 5 6 ALL CALL AUDIO IN LINK PRIORITY POWER +33V POWER AMP FAN DR FU4 + LEAK LEVEL ON/OFF CDR-100 CD & RECEIVER This apparatus should be serviced by qualified service person. CDP-100 CD PLAYER LEAK XUG㢨⤤G㣙㋀㜄G㉘㾌䚌㜠G㨰㐡㐐㝘U 㫸┍㢨⇌Gᷱ㇠ᴴG㐠䚌㫴G㙾ḔGⵈ␙㢨G䓽䓽䚐G㣙㋀U 䋩䗁㢨G㣌╌ḔGⱰὤ⇌G㏩ὤᴴG⬂㫴G㙾㡴G㣙㋀U 㫵㇠ṅ㉔㡸Gⵏ㫴G㙾⏈G㣙㋀G❄⏈G⇐ⵝὤẠOⵐ㜨㷨P㜄㉐G⫠G⛜㛨㫸G 㣙㋀UG 㢬䞈㉥GⱰ㫼O䞈䚍㚱䖼P㢨G㛺⏈G㣙㋀U YUG㉘㾌㐐G㢨⤤㥄㡸G㨰㢌䚌㐡㐐㝘U ㇠㟝㉘⮹㉐G㐐㏘䊐G㜤ᷤⵝⷉ㡸G㝸㤸䢼G㢱㡰㐔G䟸㜄G㜤ᷤ䚨G㨰㐡㐐㝘U ᴵ㦹G㜤ᷤ㉔㡸G㝸㤸䚌᷀G㜤ᷤ䚨G㨰㐡㐐㝘U O㨰㤸㠄G䂈☐⪰Gゅ㡴Gㇵ䈐㜄㉐G㜤ᷤUP ⺼㝸㤸䚐G㜤ᷤ㡴G㣕㢀SG㥐䖼㢌G㋄ㇵG❄⏈G㙼㤸㇠Ḕ㢌G㠄㢬㢨G╝⏼␘U 㤸ὤ㤵G㻝ᷝG❄⏈Gᵄ㤸㇠Ḕ㢌G㠸䜌㢨G㢼㡰⦐G⟐ 㡸G㜨㫴G⬄㙸㨰㐡 㐐㝘UG 㨰GẄ⪌G㤸㠄G䙀⤠Ἤ⪰G㜤ᷤ䚌ὤG㤸㜄G㇠㟝㤸㚉㡸G䞉㢬䚌㐔G䟸G㙼㤸 䚌᷀G㜤ᷤ䚌㐡㐐㝘UG 㥐䖼㡸G㍌⫠㐐⏈Gἐ㥉═G⺴䖼ḰG㣄ᷝ㢨G㢼⏈G㇠⣀㢨G㍌⫠⪰G䚌㜠㚰G䚜U GENERAL USE 㟝⓸ ZA-6120, 6240, 6360, 6480 have been designed to ensure durable performance and reliable operation of sound systems. It is best suited for call and message transmission installation with alert systems, music in industrial enterprises, offices, congregation halls and sport centers, schools, churches, hospitals, super-maket, and other similar occasions. ㋀ἐ⯜GwUhG㐐㏘䊐㜄㉐G㟈Ạ䚌⏈Gὤ⏙㡸G㵸䈑䚌㜠G㉘᷸═G㐐㏘䊐㡰⦐㉐G␘㛅䚐G㉥ ⏙㡸Gⵐ䡌䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘UG⸬G㥐䖼㡴G㎼䒰⫼䁇SG䝬䊈SGẄ䟀SG⸅㠄SG㏘䔠㽔㉰䉤SG䚍ẄSG ㇠ⱨ㐘☥㢌G㣙㋀㜄G㢀㠄㡸G㤸␠䚌ᶤ⇌Gᷱ⸨Gⵝ㋕㡸G䚔G㍌G㢼㡰⮤SGὨἽGㇵ䞝㐐G㣄┍ 㡰⦐G⮈㉬㫴G㤸␠㢨Gᴴ⏙䚝⏼␘U GND AM TEL PAGING -10dB R L LINE5 -10dB R LINE4 -10dB FM 75W 300W CHIME SWITCH H.A TP-100 TUNER PACK CHIME OPTION LEVEL LEVEL TEL RINGER BASS TREBLE H.A (BUILT-IN) CHIME SEL Connect the apparatus after reading of O/P manuals. Connect each connection of amplifier perfectly, if not, it maybe Caused hum, damage, electric shock in case of mis-connecting. To prevent electric shock, do not open top cover. Connect the power cord with safety after check of AC power. DM-100 DIGITAL MESSAGE LEVEL SIREN OPTION 㥐䖼㡸G㟨㟝䚌ὤ㤸㜄G⯜☔G㙼㤸㇠䚡㡸G㢱㛨G⸨㐡㐐㝘UG FEEDBACK REDUCTION MIC/LINE 3 -50dB~-10dB MIC/LINE 2 -50dB~-10dB L 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 MIC/LINE 1 -50dB~-10dB 㙼G㤸G㇠G䚡 Read all safety instruction before operating the ZA-Series. 1. Install equipment as follow conditions. 2. Keep in mind the following when connecting the apparatus. LEVEL CHIME REMOTE H.A GAIN -50~-10dB H.A PHANTOM POWER +12V BASS TREBLE BASS TREBLE BASS TREBLE LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL H.A GAIN -50~-10dB PHANTOM POWER H.A GAIN -50~-10dB H.A PHANTOM POWER 2 5 3 P.T.T REMOTE PRIORITY R/M 7 4 1 6 CHIME R/M P.T.T R/M +24V DC E/M CONTROL 17V REG 24V REG DC POWER DETECTOR CON 1 MIC 2 PRIORITY 3 BASS TREBLE LEVEL MESSAGE FIRST PROT +24V SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Install at the place, not bending curved. Do not install this apparatus in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no object filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be place on the apparatus. Locate this apparatus away from heat source, such as radiators or other device that produce heat. Do not drop objects or spill liquids into the inside of the apparatus. SLAVE/PRIORITY (BUILT - IN) M6 M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 REPEAT/STOP START/STOP COM(G) BUSY 16 VOL CON SENSOR POWER SWTICH FU3 FU1 STAND-BY L.P.F MASTER PROTECT AC COM D.A OVER HEATING P.A +17V OPTION CON PRIORITY BUS 1 2 3 4 CON PAD MS 802 ATT. ALL CALL FAULT FD-200 CON PAD PAD DRIVER SERIAL TO PARALLEL CONVERTER BIAS POWER TRANS DR ATT. 6 RESET 5 4 3 2 1 CHIME P.T.T REMOTE SLAVE REMOTE PRIORITY RMOTE CONTROLLER PRE AMP ATT. BOARD & P.T.T R/M STAND-BY TRANS ZONE6 ZONE1 2 3 4 5 1 OUTPUT METER -13 -8 -3 0 CLIP å OUT TRANS 100V 70V 50V 25V 12.5V 8.9V 6V 0V 4ohm ( STEP OPTION) ATT. 6 AMP IN 0dB(NOR) R G +17V L B.A DATA CONVERTER DATA PRE OUT 0dB(NOR) RECORDING 0dB(NOR) E.B OPTION REMOTE RECEIVER (RR-600) POWER REMOTE FU2 BATTERY DC 24V SLAVE/PRIORITY Vcc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RJ45 G BUSY DATA IN 100V LOCK DIAGRAM +⋾᳗, 1