
…to Physics 2135.
PHYSICS 2135 (previously 24)
Engineering Physics II
Spring 2015
Dr. Allan Pringle
Course Instructor
Room 122 Physics, 341-4031
Online quizzes: blackboard.mst.edu
In recitation yesterday, you picked up the handout containing:
Course Handbook
Syllabus (course schedule and assigned homework)
Starting Equations
Special Homework assignments.
Make sure you recorded your recitation instructor’s name and
your recitation section letter on the first page of the handout.
Under the new course numbering scheme, Physics 24 has
become Physics 2135. You will need to look for Physics 2135
when you log in to Blackboard. Engineering Physics I is now
Physics 1135. I will frequently refer to that course as Physics
23, because that’s what it was for many decades!
From the syllabus:
read 1: 1-4
number 2
2. Thursday, January 22
1: 13, 18 (also express the force in unit vector
notation), 28, 87, Special Homework #1
chapter 1
You can find homework assignments online here:
Your recitation instructor will call students to the board
tomorrow to present their homework solutions to the class.
If you are called on to do boardwork, you may use your
calculator, a blank handout problem sheet (which we will
provide), and the starting equation sheet. Nothing else. We do
understand that this is the first week of class.
Homework help will be available in the Physics Learning
Center (PLC), rooms 129 and 130 Physics, from 2-4:30 pm and
6-8:30 pm.
The Physics 2135 Final Exam will be from 7:30-9:30 AM on
Friday, May 15, 2015. Make sure you have nothing else
scheduled during this time period!
Go to http://physics.mst.edu/currentcourses/labs/index.html to get a lab
schedule. There are no labs this week. Odd-numbered
sections meet next week (3L05 is odd, 3L06 is even).
You must purchase a lab manual. Go to the department
office, room 102, to purchase your lab manual! The cost is
$25.00. Do not ask me for a lab manual; I do not have
You will not receive a lab grade (15% of the course points)
if you don’t have a lab manual!
Our text is a custom edition of University Physics with Modern
Physics, Young and Freedman, 13th Edition
Full Text
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Custom Text
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Mastering Physics is included in the package you buy at the
You may use Mastering Physics as a supplement to lectures
and recitations.
I will “assign” all of the Mastering Physics material that is
related to Physics 2135. This is optional material, and will not
*count towards your course grade.
Instructions for signing up for Mastering Physics are here.
*Knowledge you acquire while using Mastering Physics could improve your course grade.
This semester we study electromagnetic forces and their
These forces are responsible for holding together living
and man-made things, as well as all things in nature, so I
suppose they are worth studying…
…not to mention the fact that the technology that
dominates your life depends on electromagnetic forces.
Lecture 1 agenda:
Electric Charge.
Just a reminder of some things you learned back in grade school.
Coulomb’s Law (electrical force between charged particles).
You must be able to calculate the electrical forces between one or more charged particles.
The electric field.
You must be able to calculate the force on a charged particle in an electric field.
Electric field due to point charges.
You must be able to calculate electric field of one or more point charges.
Motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
You must be able to solve for the trajectory of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
Electric Charge
Read about electric charge in sections 1.1 and 1.2 in your text.
You should have learned this material in your prior academic
career. If you haven’t, there is important information you need
to learn now!
There are two kinds of charge.
 like charges repel
 unlike charges attract
 charges can move but charge is conserved
Law of conservation of charge: the net amount of electric
charge produced in any process is zero. (Not on your starting equation
sheet, but a fact that you can use any time.)
Although there are two kinds of charged particles in an atom,
electrons are the charges that usually move around.
A proton is roughly 2000 times more massive than an
electron and are typically bound inside nuclei.
Charges are quantized (come in units of e= 1.6x10-19 C).
The charge of an electron is –e = –1.6x10-19 coulombs.
The charge of a proton is +e = +1.6x10-19 coulombs.
That’s all the lecture time I’ll devote to sections 1.1 and 1.2.
Lecture 1 agenda:
Electric Charge.
Just a reminder of some things you learned back in grade school.
Coulomb’s Law (electrical force between charged
You must be able to calculate the electrical forces between one or more charged particles.
The electric field.
You must be able to calculate the force on a charged particle in an electric field.
Electric field due to point charges.
You must be able to calculate electric field of one or more point charges.
Motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
You must be able to solve for the trajectory of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
Coulomb’s Law
Coulomb’s law quantifies the magnitude of the electrostatic*
Coulomb’s law gives the force (in newtons) between charges q1
and q2 (in units of Coulombs), where r12 is the distance in
meters between the charges, and k=9x109 N·m2/C2.
q1q 2
F k 2
*Moving charged particles also exert the Coulomb force on each other.
a note on starting equations
q1q 2
F k 2
is on your starting equation sheet.
In general, you need to begin* solutions with starting equations.
You may begin with any correct variant of a starting equation.
For example, F  k
is “legal” and may be used.
Don’t get hung up about starting a problem with an equation
which is an exact copy of one from the OSE sheet.
*“Begin” does not mean that a starting equation has to be the first thing that appears
on your paper. It might be several lines before you use a starting equation.
Force is a vector quantity. Your starting
equation gives the magnitude of the force.
Use your diagram for the problem to figure
out the direction. If the charges are opposite
in sign, the force is attractive; if the charges
are the same in sign, the force is repulsive.
q1q 2
F k 2
This equation just gives the
magnitude of the force.
I want this class to make you
hear little voices in your head.
If a problem asks you to calculate a force, assume that means
both magnitude and direction (or all components).
Also, k 
0  8.85 1012
Remember, a vector has a magnitude and a direction.
Coulomb’s Law is valid for point charges. If the charged objects
are spherical and the charge is uniformly distributed, r12 is the
distance between the centers of the spheres.
I just told you it’s OK to
use Coulomb’s Law for
charge distributions.
If more than one charge is involved, the net force is the vector
sum of all forces (superposition). For objects with complex
shapes, you must add up all the forces acting on each separate
charge (calculus!!).
Example: a positive charge Q1 = +Q is located a distance d
along the y-axis from the origin. A second positive charge
Q2 = +Q is located at the origin and a negative charge Q3 = -2Q
is located on the x-axis a distance 2d away from Q1. Calculate
the net electrostatic force on Q1 due to the other two charges.
To be worked at the blackboard. You should apply the expert
techniques you learned in Physics 1135 when you work
Physics 2135 problems.
Once you have become an expert at problems like this, you can
combine and perhaps even skip some steps.
Skipping steps on work to be graded is not recommended!
You may express your answer in unit vector notation, as I will do
in lecture.
Or you may write
3 kQ2
Fx 
4 d
3 kQ2
Fy 
4 d
You may also express your answer as a magnitude and
All three of the above ways of writing F completely specify the
If Q1 were free to move, what direction would its initial
acceleration be? How would I calculate the acceleration?
Would the acceleration remain constant as Q1 moved? Could I
use the equations of kinematics (remember them from Physics
1135?) to describe the motion of Q1?
Lecture 1 agenda:
Electric Charge.
Just a reminder of some things you learned back in grade school.
Coulomb’s Law (electrical force between charged particles).
You must be able to calculate the electrical forces between one or more charged particles.
The electric field.
You must be able to calculate the force on a charged particle in an electric field.
Electric field due to point charges.
You must be able to calculate electric field of one or more point charges.
Motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
You must be able to solve for the trajectory of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
Coulomb’s Law:
it’s just part of a bigger picture
Coulomb's Law quantifies the interaction between charged
1 q1q 2
F =
12 4πε 0 r12
Charged particles exert forces on each other over great
How does a charged particle "know" another one is “there?”
We use the concept of an electric field to explain this
interaction. Here's the idea…
The Electric Field
 A charged particle propagates (sends
out) a "field" into all space.
 Other charged particles
sense the field, and “know”
that the first one is there.
A charged particle modifies the
properties of the space around it.
The idea of an electric field is good for a number of reasons:
 It makes us feel good, like we’ve
actually explained something.
OK, that was a flippant remark. There are serious reasons
why the idea is “good.”
 We can develop a theory based on this
idea. From this theory may spring
unimagined inventions.
If the theory explains past observations and leads to new
predictions, the idea was “good.”
 The electric field is real!
Trust me. Or go stand outside in an electric storm and then
try to tell me the electric field is not real.
Some physicists will tell you the electric field is real. Others disagree. It seems to depend on what you define “real” to mean.
We define the electric field by the force it exerts on a test
charge q0:
The subscript “0” reminds you the force is on the
“test charge.” I won’t require the subscripts when
you use this equation for boardwork or on exams.
If the test charge is "too big" it perturbs the electric field, so the
“correct” definition is
E = lim
q0 0 q
You won’t be required to use
this version of the equation.
Any time you know the electric field, you can use this equation to calculate the force
on a charged particle in that electric field: F = qE
This version of the electric field equation is on your equation
sheet. Use it for problems involving electric fields and forces:
I’m not mad, I tell you, not mad. The
little voices tell me I’m quite sane.
F = qE
This is your second starting equation. The equation tells you the direction of the
electric field is the direction of the force exerted on a POSITIVE test charge. The
absence of absolute value signs around q means you MUST include the sign of q in
your work.
The units of electric field are
 F0  N
E  =
 
q0  C
In chapter 3, you will learn that the units of electric field can
also be expressed as volts/meter:
E = =
C m
The electric field can exist independent of whether there is a
charged particle around to “feel” it.
Remember: the electric field direction is the
direction a + charge would feel a force.
A + charge would be repelled by another + charge.
Therefore the direction of the electric field is away from
positive (and towards negative).
Gravitational Fields
The idea of a field is not new to you. You experienced fields
(gravitational) in Physics 1135.
FG =G 2 , attractive
g(r) =
Units of g are
actually N/kg!
g(r) is the local gravitational field. On earth, it is about 9.8
N/kg, directed towards the center of the earth.
A particle with mass modifies the properties of the space around it.
If the last equation
looks like this, you
have missing fonts.
Lecture 1 agenda:
Electric Charge.
Just a reminder of some things you learned back in grade school.
Coulomb’s Law (electrical force between charged particles).
You must be able to calculate the electrical forces between one or more charged particles.
The electric field.
You must be able to calculate the force on a charged particle in an electric field.
Electric field due to point charges.
You must be able to calculate electric field of one or more point charges.
Motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
You must be able to solve for the trajectory of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
The Electric Field
Due to a Point Charge
Coulomb's law says
q1q 2
F =k 2 ,
... which tells us the electric field due to a point charge q is
Eq =k 2 , away from +
…or just…
This is your third starting equation.
E=k 2
E=k 2
A physics 2135 equation is like a toaster!
You wouldn’t shove
yogurt down your
toaster, would you?
You can’t expect to just shove numbers into an equation and
out pops the correct answer.
To experience the optimum user satisfaction from your physics
2135 toaster equations you need to understand what they
mean and think about what you are doing with them.
If we define rˆ as a unit vector from the source point to the field
source point
rˆ +
field point
…then the equation for the electric field of a point charge
E=k 2 rˆ
Consult a professional before using. Do not use more
than 4 times a day without seeing your physicist.
May cause headaches, dizziness, and upset stomach.
Drink a full glass of water with each use.
You may start with either equation
for the electric field (this one or the
one on the previous slide). But
don’t use this one unless you
REALLY know what you are
doing! (So for now don’t use it!)
Example: calculate the electric field at the electron’s distance
away from the proton in a hydrogen atom (5.3x10-11 m).
k q k(+e)
EP  2 
E P  5.110
9 109 1.6 1019 
5.310 
For comparison, air begins to break down and conduct
electricity at about 30 kV/cm, or 3x106 V/m.
11 2
A Dipole
A combination of two electric charges with equal magnitude and
opposite sign, separated by a fixed distance, is called a dipole.
- -q
+q +
The charge on this dipole is q (not zero, not +q, not –q, not
2q). The distance between the charges is d. Dipoles are
“everywhere” in nature.
This is an electric dipole. Later in the course we’ll study magnetic dipoles.
The Electric Field of a Dipole
Example: calculate the electric field at point P, which lies on the
perpendicular bisector a distance L from a dipole of charge q.
to be worked at the
blackboard in lecture
- -q
+q +
4o r 3
- -q
+q +
Caution! The above
equation for E applies
only to points along
the perpendicular
bisector of the dipole.
It is not a starting
(r is not a system parameter, but let’s
not worry about that right now)
Lecture 1 agenda:
Electric Charge.
Just a reminder of some things you learned back in grade school.
Coulomb’s Law (electrical force between charged particles).
You must be able to calculate the electrical forces between one or more charged particles.
The electric field.
You must be able to calculate the force on a charged particle in an electric field.
Electric field due to point charges.
You must be able to calculate electric field of one or more point charges.
Motion of a charged particle in a uniform electric
You must be able to solve for the trajectory of a charged particle in a uniform electric field.
Motion of a Charged Particle
in a Uniform Electric Field
A charged particle in an electric field experiences a force, and if
it is free to move, an acceleration.
If the only force is due to the
electric field, then
 F  ma  qE.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
If E is constant, then a is constant, and you can use the
equations of kinematics* (remember way back to the beginning
of Physics 1135?).
*If you get called to the board, you can use the Physics 1135 starting equations. They are posted.
Example: an electron moving with velocity v0 in the positive x
direction enters a region of uniform electric field that makes a
right angle with the electron’s initial velocity. Express the
position and velocity of the electron as a function of time.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
To be worked at the blackboard in lecture.
What would be different for a proton?
vfx  vix  a x t
x f  x i  vix t  a x  t 
Make sure you understand what a uniform electric field is.
Concluding Remarks
Homework Hints (may not apply every semester)
There are two kinds of electric field problems in
today’s lecture:
1. Given an electric field, calculate the force on a
charged particle.
F = qE
2. Given one or more charged particles, calculate
the electric field they produce.
Make sure you understand which kind of problem you are
working on!
Homework Hints (may not apply every semester)
Symmetry is your friend. Use it when appropriate. Don’t use it
when not appropriate.
, attractive
The above equation is on the Physics 1135 Starting Equation
Sheet, which is posted in the recitation classrooms. You are free
to use Physics 1135 starting equations at any time.
Homework Hints (may not apply every semester)
Your starting equations so far are:
q1q 2
F k 2
E=k 2
(plus Physics 1135 starting equations).
Remove the absolute value signs ONLY IF you know that all
charges are positive.
NEVER do this: E =
 q0 =
Learning Center Today
2:00-4:30, 6:00-8:30
Rooms 129/130 Physics