A Stored Macro Pack the beginnings

A Stored Macro Pack:
The Beginnings
Jacob D. Gundrum
Department of Medical Research
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
Repetitive programming tasks exist.
Repeated tasks can be coded as macro(s).
Macros can be compiled and stored.
Stored/compiled macros can be referenced from a
How about creating a directory of commonly used
No need to reinvent the wheel or produce another one.
Just use the ones you have.
To provide:
1. some framework to create a macro pack tool kit.
2. some examples to start with.
Method / Organization
Project 1
Create a directory with
stored/compiled macros
%macro a(…)
%macro b(…)
%macro c(…)
%macro z(…)
1. Open path to stored macros
2. Make macro calls as needed
Project 2
1. Open path to stored macros
2. Make macro calls as needed
Project n
1. Open path to stored macros
2. Make macro calls as needed
Two Main Parts
1. Macro code, where you
 Create source code then compile and store the compiled macro
2. Project / session code, where you
 open the path to the compiled / stored macros
 call / invoke the those macros
Part 1: Macro Code
Project 1
Create a directory with
stored/compiled macros
%macro a(…)
%macro b(…)
%macro c(…)
%macro z(…)
1. Open path to stored macros
2. Make macro calls as needed
Project 2
1. Open path to stored macros
2. Make macro calls as needed
Project n
1. Open path to stored macros
2. Make macro calls as needed
Storing and Compiling a Macro
To compile and store a macro, simply execute the 2 code sets below:
Tell SAS where to put the compiled macro (run once per session):
libname <name> ‘<path to where to put the compiled macro>';
options mstored sasmstore=<name>;
For each macro, add the “/ store” command at the end of the macro
definition line (run macro code as many times as you need in a
%macro x(<parameter list>) / store;
<macro code>
%mend x;
Storing and Compiling a Macro (cont.)
 The stored macro is compiled.
 i.e. it’s not stored as source code
There appear to be options that I have not investigated thus far.
 check out further documentation
Part 2: Project / Session Code
Project 1
Existing directory with
stored compiled macros
%macro a(…)
%macro b(…)
%macro c(…)
%macro z(…)
Open path to stored macros
Make macro calls as needed
Project 2
Open path to stored macros
Make macro calls as needed
Project n
Open path to stored macros
Make macro calls as needed
Using the Stored Macros in a Project
To use any of the macros you have stored and compiled:
1.Tell SAS where the compiled macros are located and that you want to
use them:
libname <name> ‘<path to where the compiled macros exist>';
options mstored sasmstore=<name>;
(execute the above statement once per session)
2. At any point in the session, just call the macros as usual:
• %x(<parameter list>);
Examples for Data Preparation
Example macros:
summarize missing values
identify order errors in an ordered sequence of variables
See the CheckOrder.sas file
convert raw variables to their formatted versions
See the EmptySummary.sas file
See the Format_To_Raw.sas file
Why data prep macros?
time consuming
common issue
 SAS 9.2 Documentation
 Search for: Introduction to Storing and Reusing Macros
The End
Thanks for Watching and Listening