建道神學院 研討會 教牧如何藉崇拜牧養教會: 一個平信徒的心聲 香港中文大學音樂系 Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped. 崇拜改變一位崇拜者,使他披上敬拜 對象的形象。 ~Jack Hayford 教牧如何藉崇拜牧養教會: 一個平信徒的心聲 大綱 A. B. 引子 應用 提到一些現集體崇拜問題 從一些崇拜項目舉例說明如何藉崇拜牧養 C. Q & A 教牧如何藉崇拜牧養教會: 一個平信徒的心聲 大綱 引子 A. 1. 定位 2. 解魅 3. 要義 4. 泛牧養 5. 模式 6. 神學 引子 A. 1. 定位 講員角色: 平信徒會友 執事 指揮 崇拜委員會委員 Consumerism: He hadn’t yet came upon a church that he and his wife really found “ministered to them” and got them exited about worshipping God.” and not “I go to church where I can best serve.” 誰會說出此話? 神學教授! 見Ben Witherington III. We have Seen His Glory: A Vision of Kingdom Worship. Grand Rapids, MI: William B Eermans Pub. House, 2010, p.viii - ix. A. 引子 1. 定位 講員角色: 平信徒會友 執事 指揮 崇拜委員會委員 牧養 : 教牧神學的重要部份 (見《聖樂綜論》II p. 46ff. 有關“神學”的解說 又見 Farley, E. (Ed.) (1990) Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling. Nashville: Abington Press, p.934) 有關“實踐神學” 崇拜不是望彌撒 不是娛樂 不是聽書 不是解經 不 是聚集 不是佈道會 不是清黨大會 不是宣傳 A. 引子 1. 定位 教牧角色: 領導,家長, 先見,但不是老闆 從崇拜是什麼地方反省 a. 西乃山下: 神召者 不要私有化 a. 會幕: 寄居者 不要擁有 b. 聖殿: 崇拜者 不要自戀 c. 會堂: 受教者 不要自限 關係與愛 e. 宇宙的縮影: 永恆的象徵 d. 家: 不要獨來獨往 不要沒有古今時空 A. 引子 1. 定位 教牧角色: 為教會編寫傳統 : 你希望你教會的崇拜是怎樣的 ? 希望你教會的兒童是如何在教會長大的 ? • 屬靈 • 動感 • 包容 • 時代 live • 敬讚 • 美感 • 奧祕 Spiritual Passionate Inclusive Meaningful to the contemporary world where we Worshipful and Praiseful Beautiful Mystical and Historical 2 . 為集體崇拜解魅 集體崇拜是在四面(六幅)牆裡的活動 先接觸後差遣 在裡面 經心靈至腦袋 能經歷不可教 不停發掘永無窮盡 心胸闊腦袋活 基礎厚定位易 3 . 要義 崇拜是 神人相遇(個人,集體) 雅各的驚醒 Gen 28 : 11-19 基甸的錯愕 Judges 6: 11- 18 西門的專業 Luke 5: 1- 11 保羅的勞碌 I Cor. 15 : 5 - 19 以賽亞的發現 Isa 6: 1 - 11 未信者的觀察 I Cor 14 : 23-25 奧祕與懼怕? 平信徒的心聲 : 今天不常發生的事 4. 泛牧養 崇拜 牧養包括 自己 執事 風琴師 敬拜隊 長老 師母 幹事 教牧永遠是崇拜的領導 平信徒的心聲 : 今天的教牧選擇性的領導 5. 模式 崇拜 透過 解經 團契 祈禱 輔導 音樂藝術 視覺藝術 5. 模式 崇拜是教會:-- 團契 = 最大的集體研經會 = 最大的團契 祈禱 = 最大的祈禱會 輔導 = 充滿心靈醫治的地方 解經 音樂藝術 = 最大的讚美會 視覺藝術 = 充滿表徵的場所 •平信徒的心聲 : 今天的教會未有充分 利用崇拜來牧養信徒 6. 神學 基督大牧者 在集體敬拜中的角色 曾成為人 物質, 建築, 擺設,顏色,餅與 酒 瞭解 人性,行為 同行 背負人的重擔 學習與敬拜對象 褔音 分咐 上帝的形象 救贖,成聖,醫治,再來君王 心靈,真理 平信徒的心聲 :今天的教會須要加強在崇 拜中的基督論 短結 心態 我必盡一切力量以崇拜牧養, 又使集體敬拜的地方成為好客的場所, . . . . . . 教牧如何藉崇拜牧養教會: 一個平信徒的心聲 大綱 應用 1. 以主為中心 2. 行走基督的路 3. 祈禱 4. 讀經 5. 認信與宣告 6. 看得見的信仰 7.社群關係 B. 8 . 歌曲 9. 立約 B. 應用 禮拜規程 以主為中心 Scriptural Statements with opening call: Analysis Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church: God is a spirit We will give thanks to you, O Lord, with our whole heart; We will tell you of all your wonderful deeds. spirit and truth 我要一心稱謝耶和華;我要傳揚你一切奇妙的作為。 We will be glad and exult in you; We will sing praise to your name, O Most High. 我要因你歡喜快樂;至高者啊,我要歌頌你的名! From Psalm 9:1-2 attitude Object and what we will do B. 應用 禮拜規程 以主為中心 Greeting: Analysis Scriptural: The Lord be with you. Based on Ruth 2:4 Or May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, And the love of God , And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Trinitarian formula And also with you. Response Or Amen! True and honest B. 應用 禮拜規程 以主為中心 Welcome: Analysis Whether we are old or young, whether we are first-time or longtime worshipers, whether we come full of doubts or confidence, joy or sorrow, In this place we are all family, Because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Welcome to all of you. age familiar spiritual stages spiritual reality Christology action Inclusive language B. 應用 教會年 行走基督的路 節日的神學Theology of the Feasts 記念anamnesis及預期prolepsis = 先現 一. 過去變成現在 = 記念 (紀念, 回想, 活現在)重演 (reenact) 先現 anamnesis 不是一個腦筋活動而是一個禮儀活動 amnesia = 失憶 anamnesis = 記憶的臨近 事情進入我們的經歷 從聖詩舉一些例子說明 92 v.1 What Child is this, who, laid to rest, On Mary’s lap is sleeping? 《生命聖詩》94 v.1 O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lie; 《生命聖詩》88 v.1 l. Come and behold Him Born the King of angels. 《生命聖詩》93 v.1 Silent night, Holy night! All is calm, all is bright. 《生命聖詩》128 v.1 l.2 Your Redeemer’s conflict see; watch with Him one bitter hour 《生命聖詩》122 v.3 See from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down. Historical present tense?!?! 《生命聖詩》 今天,現在 《生命聖詩》 94 v,1 l.4 The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee tonight. 二. 將未來帶到今天 prolepsis = 先現, 預期 prolepsis 就是將未來帶到今天 希臘文prolepsis = to take beforehand, or to receive beforehand (預見 anticipation) 當然主的再來與永恆也有預見的成份,我由以聖詩舉例 不唱聖詩崇拜失掉了不少平信徒神學! 《生命聖詩》146 v.1 Lo, He comes with clouds descending 《生命聖詩》212 v.2 See, the streams of living waters, Springing from eternal love, 教會年 屬靈觀 不是基督進入我們的空間, 是我們踏進神的故事。 B. 應用 祈禱 認罪敬拜群性 The prayer preceding all prayers is "may it be the real I who speaks. May it be the real Thou that I speak to." ─C. S. Lewis Letter to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer p.82 在任何眾多祈禱之前的禱文應該是「但願祈禱的是真正的我; 告的是真正的您。 」 --魯益師 聽禱 B. 應用 祈禱 即興禱文與編寫禱文 free personal sincere more me talking casual theologically free natural contemporary structured corporateness sincere, if tried more father-like ritualistic cultured thoughtful in theology formal (Trinitarian formula,sense of eternity) archaic Improvement Prepared for pastoral smoothen for digestion B. 應用 讀經 正典 不是個人經典 不能重此薄比 B. 應用 認信與宣告 B. 應用 認信與宣告 Nicene Creed …. I believe in One, Holy, Universal and Apostolic Church, I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins, and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again. B. 應用 感恩禮 沉默信仰變為看得見的 A Calvinistic thinking 四個動詞 臨在 記念 Took, blessed, broke, and gave Union With Christ Emmaus miracle and a profound mystery. True communion with Christ's natural body and blood, it is not in anamnesis terms of substantiality but rather in terms of the spiritual, redemptive benefits; John 6 :25ff B. 應用 差遣 與社群關係 an example Traditional Go in peace, love and serve the world. Biblical Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit just as we are called to the one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. (Eph 4:1-6) Pastoral Go forth, remembering who you are and to whom you belong. B. 應用 差遣 與社群關係 Communion with the Saints We leave here to bear witness to Christ in faithfulness to the scriptures, in harmony with the church of the ages and in unity with all Christ’s people. Contemporary Go into the world: dance, laugh, sing, and create. We go with the assurance of God’s blessing. Go into the world: risk, explore, discover, and love. We go with the assurance of God’s grace. Go into the world: believe, hope, struggle, and remember. We go with the assurance of God’s love. Thanks be to God. B. 應用 聖詩 平信徒神學 Title: For All the Saints Tune: SINE NOMINE 20th C. Vaughan-Williams one of many unison hymns, model for many 20thC. Hymn styles. Text in Hymns of Life 219 The sequence of singing will be verse 1, 3, 4, (additional verse) and 5. additional verse: And when the strife is fierce, the warfare long, Steals on the ear the distant triumph song; And hearts are brave again and arms are strong : Alleluia. Source of text: William How (Oxford Movement influence) Key words: Fighting Alone? Who is with you? Occasion: Communion of the saints Form of the 5 stanzas: From 8 stanzas, which 5 stanzas will you choose? Rest-witness-model-fellowship-lone sound-multitude What will you do if you arrange this hymn for a choir, brasses and organ Performer: Cantus Choro, Favorite Hymns from The Australian Hymnbook, Melbourne B. 應用聖詩 平信徒神學 Title: God Moves in A Mysterious Way Tune: Unknown Arranged by Christopher Norton Text in Hymns of Life 31 The sequence of singing will be verse 1, (additional verse i), 2, 3, (additional verse ii) & 4. additional verses: i. Deep in unfathomable mines, Of never-failing skill He treasures up His bright designs And works His sovereign will. ii. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. Source of text: William Cowper (friend of John Newton) Key words: Job’s Understanding of God Occasion: When you are in doubt Form of the 6 stanzas: If you have to sing all 6 verses, how do you group them. What will you do if you arrange this hymn for a choir, and organ Performer: St Michel’s Singers, Coventry B. 應用 屬靈觀 分別為聖的地方 1。教會這個建築物 o 很大的冒險, 基督徒覺得不先從屬靈角度去探討神的家,就是唯物主義或 是外表主義者, o 上帝使耶穌從死裡復活,正正表明上帝沒有忽視他要籍耶穌肉身的死亡敗壞 那那掌死亡權勢的惡者 o 完整的經典注視並不鼓勵跳越實物。(諾斯底主儀!) 2。 a 3。 4。 以下五項是具爭議的課題 聖物觀 b 屬靈觀 c 原型觀 建築音響的牧養 布置的牧養 d. 教育觀 e 社會觀 將臨節 QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. 崇拜表徵 : 花藝與布帳 QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Qui ckT ime™ and a dec ompress or are needed to s ee this pic ture. B. 應用 立約 成功的神人相遇 General Strengthen me O Lord. With you Holy Spirit, And sustain me all the days of my life, Amen. Person involves in worship leadership 願信徒在每次崇拜中的每一句話都有道可聽;故此我要委身研讀上帝的話語。 願信徒誠實經歷每個程序,每首音樂有主可敬; 故此我要委身分析我所用的 每一個字、 每一個發聲的音符。 願每個信徒與每個教牧有工可作;故此我要委身鑽研教牧事奉及禮儀的含意。 願崇拜引發每個意念成為卓越的奉獻,信徒有恩可感; 故此我要委身學習欣 賞上帝的作為與讚賞人的善工。 願信徒在崇拜中能夠分享神的創造,同時體會照神形象造成的人這身份,有美 可羡; 故此我要委身追求卓越,祈求教會恩賜得到眺旺。 願在普世聖徒與永恆讚美之間,建立聖潔、 獨一的、 使徒教會,使崇拜改 革有根可扎; 故此我要委身深思歷世教會的崇拜禮儀。 願每次敬拜、 每首聖詩,都有屬靈的價值與意義,有神可頌; 故此我要認 識天上的呼召,並要忠誠委身。 有力及有 感染的崇拜領 領導人的角色 領導人的訓練 領導人的性格 結構與內容 社群/崇拜/歡慶 不能放棄 不能苟且 不能拘謹 不能無知 不能忽略 導 短結 祈禱 我必盡一切力量以崇拜牧養, 又使集體敬拜的地方成為好客的場所, . . . . . .