Microscopic Picture of Liquid Surface
A surface is not an infinitesimal sharp
boundary in the direction of its normal but it
has thickness
If we consider the density  normal to the
surface, we can observe that within a few
molecules, the density decreases from that of
the bulk liquid to that of its vapor
Density of Liquid versus the coordinate
normal to its surface
Density is only one criterion to define the
thickness of an interface
Another parameter is the orientation of the
Water molecules at the surface prefer to be
oriented with their negative sides “out” toward
the vapor phase
The orientation fades with increasing
distance from the surface
At a distance of 1-2 nm the molecules are
again randomly oriented.
The surface of a liquid is a very turbulent
Molecules evaporate from the liquid into the
vapor phase and vice versa
In addition, they diffuse into the bulk phase
and molecules from the bulk diffuse to the
Approximately :107 water molecules per
second hit a surface area of 10 Å2 (area
covered by one water molecule) thus the
average time a water molecule remains on
the surface is of the order of 0,1 s.
Surface Tension
dW = .dA
 is called surface
The surface tension can also be defined by the
force F that is required to hold the slider in
place and to balance the surface tensional
|F| = 2b or we can also write
F = -dW/dx = -2b
The force is directed to the left while x increase
to the right, therefore it has a negative sign.
The unit of surface tension is either J/m2 or
The term surface tension is tied to the concept
that the surface stays under a tension
Surface Tension of some Liquids
Interpreting in Molecular Level
For molecules it is energetically favorable to be
surrounded by other molecules
Molecules attract each other by different interactions
such as van der Waals forces or by hidrogen bonds
Without this attraction there would not be a
condensed phase at all, there would be a vapor
At the surface, molecules are only partially
surrounded by other molecules and the number of
adjacent moleculs is smaller than in the bulk. In
order to bring a molecule from the bulk to the
surface, work has to be done
With this view  can be interpreted as the
energy required to bring molecules from
inside the liquid to the surface and to create
new surface area
Therefore often the term “surface energy” is
used for 
With this interpretation of the surface tension
in mind we immediately realize that  has to
be positive, otherwise the Gibbs free energy
of interaction would be repulsive and all
molecules would immediately evaporate into
the gas phase
Estimate the surface tension of cyclohexane from
the energy of vaporization vapU = 30.5 kJ/mol at
25oC. The density of cyclohexane is  = 773 kg/m3,
its molecular weight is M = 84.16 g/mol.
For rough estimate we picture the liquid as being
arranged in a cubic structure, each molecule is
surrounded by 6 nearest neighbor, thus each bond
contibutes roughly vapU/6 = 5.08 kJ/mol. At the
surface one neighbor and hence one bond is
missing. Per mole we therefore estimate a surface
tension of 5.08 kJ/mol
To estimate the surface tension we need to know
the surface are occupied by one molecule. If the
molecules form a cubic structure, the volume of one
unit cell is a3 where a is the distance between
nearest neighbors
The distance can be calculated from the density a3 =
M/ NA ; a = 0.565 nm
The surface area per molecule is a2, for surface
energy we estimate :
 = (vapU)/6NAa2 = 0.0264 J/m2,
its close to the experimental value of 0.0247 J/m2.
Equation of Young and Laplace
If in equilibrium a liquid surface is curved,
there is a pressure difference across it
The surface tension tends to minimize the
This result in a planar geometry of the
surface, in order to curve the surface, the
pressure on one side must be larger than on
the other side
Rubber Membrane
Rubber membrane at the end of cylindrical tube. An
inner pressure Pi can be applied, which is different
than the outside pressure Pa
The Young-Laplace equation relates the pressure
difference between the two phase P and the
curvature of the surface
1 
P   .  
 R1 R2 
R1 and R2 are the two principal radii of curvature. P
is also called Laplace pressure, and equation above
also referred to as the Laplace equation
Illustration of the curvature of a cylinder
and a sphere
For a cylnder of radius r a convenient choice is R1 =
r and R2 =  so that the curvature is 1/r + 1/ = 1/r
For a sphere with radius R we have R1 = R2 and the
curvature is 1/R + 1/R = 2/R
How large is the pressure in a spherical
bubble with a diameter of 2 mm and a bubble
of 20 nm diameter in pure water, compared
with the pressure outside?
Fundamental Implications
If we know the shape of a liquid surface we knows
its curvature and we can calculate the pressure
In the absence of external fields (e.g. gravity) the
pressure is the same everywhere in the liquid;
otherwise there would be a flow of liquid to regions
of low pressure, thus P is constant and YoungLaplace equation tells us that in this case the
surface of the liquid has the same curvature
With the help of Young-Laplace equation it is
possible to caculate the equilibrium shape of a liquid
surface (geometry)
Applying the Young-Laplace Equation
Applying Young-Laplace equation to simple geometries is
usualy obvious at which side the pressure is higher
E.g. both inside a bubble and inside a drop, the pressure is
higher than outside
But in other case, it is not so obvious, because the
curvature can have an opposite sign
E.g. a drop hanging between the planar ends of two
cylinders, then the two principal curvatures defined by
C1 = 1/R1 and C2 = 1/R2
Can have a different sign. We count it positive if the
interface is curved towards the liquid
The pressure difference is defined as P = Pliquid - Pgas
Technique to Measure the Surface Tension
The most common technique is to measure optically
the contour of a sessile or pendant drop
The measured contour is then fitted with a contour
calculated using the Young-Laplace Eq. from this fit
surface tension is obtained
The same method is applied with a pendant or
sessile bubble
In the maximum-bubble-pressure method the
surface tension is determined from the value of the
pressure which is necessary to pull a bubble out of a
capillary against the Laplace pressure
Maximum-Bubble-Pressure Method
Drop-weight Method
Here the liquid is allowed to flow out from the bottom
of a capillary tube.
Drops are formed which detach when they reach a
critical dimension, the weight of a drop falling out of
a capillary is measured
As long as the drop is still hanging at the end of the
capillary, its weight is more than balanced by the
surface tension
A drop falls off when the gravitational force mg
determined by the mass of the drop is no longer
balanced by the surface tension
mg = 2rc
Release of a Liquid drop from a capillary
Du-Noüy tensiometer and Wilhelmy Plate
The Kelvin Equation
The subject of the Kelvin equation is the vapor pressure
of a liquid
Tables of vapor pressures for various liquids can be
found in common textbooks, these vapor pressures are
reported for vapors in thermodynamic equilibrium with
liquids having planar surfaces
When the liquid surface is curved, the vapor pressure
The vapor pressure of a drop is higher than that of a plat,
planar surface
In a bubble the vapor pressure is reduced
The Kelvin equation tells us how the vapor pressure
depends on the curvature of the liquid
The cause for this change in vapor pressure is the
Laplace pressure
The raised Laplace pressure in a drop causes
molecules to evaporate more easily
In the liquid, which surrounds a bubble, the
pressure with respect to the inner part of the
bubble is reduced. This makes it more difficult for
molecules to evaporate
1 
RT . ln
 Vm .  
 R1 R2 
Applying Kelvin equation
Drop in its vapor. The vapor pressure of a drop is higher
than that of a liquid with a planar surface. One
consequence is that an aerosol of drops (fog) should be
To see this let us assume that we have a box filled with
many drops in a gaseous environment, some drops are
larger than others
The small drops have higher vapor pressure than the large
drops, hence more liquid evaporates from their surface
This tends to condense into larger drops
Within a population a drops of different sizes, the bigger
drops will grow at the expense of the smaller one, these
drops will sink down and at the end bulk liquid fills the
bottom of the box
Bubble in a liquid
For a bubble, negative sign has to be used because of
the negative curvature of the liquid surface
RT. ln
Here r is the radius of the bubble
The vapor pressure inside a bubble is therefore reduced
When liquids heated above the boiling point accasionally
tiny bubbles are formed
Inside the bubble the vapor pressure is reduced, the
vapor condenses and the bubble collapses
Only if a bubble larger than a certain critical size is
formed, is it more likely to increase in size rather than to
Capillary Condensation
Kondensasi uap ke dalam kapiler atau poripori kecil walaupun dibawah tekanan uap