Memory Management

Programming Languages
Memory Management
Chapter 11
• Memory management: the process of binding
values to memory locations.
• The memory accessible to a program is its
address space, represented as a set of values
{0, 1, …, n}.
– The numbers represent memory locations.
– These are logical addresses – do not always
correspond to physical addresses at runtime.
• The exact organization of the address space
depends on the operating system and the
programming language being used.
• Runtime memory management is an
important part of program meaning.
– The language run-time system creates &
deletes stack frames, creates & deletes
dynamically allocated heap objects – in
cooperation with the operating system
• Whether done automatically (as in Java or
Python), or partially by the programmer
(as in C/C++), dynamic memory
management is an important part of
programming language design.
Review Definitions
• Method: any subprogram (function,
procedure, subroutine) – depends on
language terminology.
• Environment of an active method: the
variables it can currently access plus their
addresses (a set of ordered pairs)
• State of an active method: variable/value
Three Categories of Memory
(for Data Store)
• Static: storage requirements are known
prior to run time; lifetime is the entire
program execution
• Run-time stack: memory associated with
active functions
– Structured as stack frames (activation records)
• Heap: dynamically allocated storage; the
least organized and most dynamic storage
Static Data Memory
• Simplest type of memory to manage.
• Consists of anything that can be completely
determined at compile time; e.g., global
variables, constants (perhaps), code.
• Characteristics:
– Storage requirements known prior to execution
– Size of static storage area is constant throughout
Run-Time Stack
• The stack is a contiguous memory region
that grows and shrinks as a program runs.
• Its purpose: to support method calls
• It grows (storage is allocated) when the
activation record (or stack frame) is
pushed on the stack at the time a method
is called (activated).
• It shrinks when the method terminates and
storage is de-allocated.
Run-Time Stack
• The stack frame has storage for local
variables, parameters, and return linkage.
• The size and structure of a stack frame is
known at compile time, but actual contents
and time of allocation is unknown until
• How is variable lifetime affected by stack
management techniques?
Heap Memory
• Heap objects are allocated/deallocated
dynamically as the program runs (not
associated with specific event such as
function entry/exit).
• The kind of data found on the heap
depends on the language
– Strings, dynamic arrays, objects, and linked
structures are typically located here.
– Java and C/C++ have different policies.
Heap Memory
• Special operations (e.g., malloc, new)
may be needed to allocate heap storage.
• When a program deallocates storage
(free, delete) the space is returned to
the heap to be re-used.
• Space is allocated in variable sized blocks,
so deallocation may leave “holes” in the
heap (fragmentation).
– Compare to deallocation of stack storage
Heap Management
• Some languages (e.g. C, C++) leave heap
storage deallocation to the programmer
– delete
• Others (e.g., Java, Perl, Python, listprocessing languages) employ garbage
collection to reclaim unused heap space.
The Structure of Run-Time Memory
Figure 11.1
These two areas grow
towards each other as
program events
Stack Overflow
• The following relation must hold:
• In other words, if the stack top bumps into
the heap, or if the beginning of the heap is
greater than the end, there are problems!
Heap Storage States
• For simplicity, we assume that memory
words in the heap have one of three
– Unused: not allocated to the program yet
– Undef: allocated, but not yet assigned a value
by the program
– Contains some actual value
Heap Management Functions
• new returns the start address of a block of k
words of unused heap storage and changes
the state of the words from unused to undef.
– n ≤ k, where n is the number of words of storage
needed; e.g., suppose a Java class Point has
data members x,y,z which are floats.
– If floats require 4 bytes of storage, then
Point firstCoord = new Point( )
calls for 3 X 4 bytes (at least) to be allocated
and initialized to some predetermined state.
Heap Overflow
• Heap overflow occurs when a call to new
occurs and the heap does not have a
contiguous block of k unused words
• So new either fails, in the case of heap
overflow, or returns a pointer to the new
Heap Management Functions
• delete returns a block of storage to the
• The status of the returned words are
returned to unused, and are available to
be allocated in response to a future new
• One cause of heap overflow is a failure on
the part of the program to return unused
The New (5) Heap Allocation Function Call: Before and After
Figure 11.2
A before and after view of the heap. The “after” shows
the affect of an operation requesting a size-5 block.
(Note difference between “undef” and “unused”.)
Deallocation reverses the process.
Heap Allocation
• Heap space isn’t necessarily allocated
and deallocated from one end (like the
stack) because the memory is not
allocated and deallocated in a predictable
(first-in, first-out or last-in, first-out) order.
• As a result, the location of the specific
memory cells depends on what is
available at the time of the request.
Choosing a Free Block
• The memory manager can adopt either a
first-fit or best-fit policy.
• Free list = a list of all the free space on the
heap: 4 bytes, 32 bytes, 1024 bytes, 16
bytes, …
• A request for 14 bytes could be satisfied
– First-fit: from the 32-byte block
– Best-fit: from the 16 byte block
Virtual versus Physical
• The view of a process address space as a
contiguous set of bytes consisting of static,
stack, and heap storage, is a view of the logical
(virtual) address space.
• The physical address space is managed by the
operating system, and may not resemble this
view at all.
– OS is responsible for mapping virtual memory to
physical memory and determining how much physical
memory a program can have at a time.
– Language is responsible for managing virtual/logical
• Pointers are addresses; i.e., the value of a
pointer variable is an address.
• Memory that is accessed through a pointer
is dynamically allocated in the heap
• Java doesn’t have explicit pointers, but
reference types are represented by their
addresses and their storage is allocated on
the heap (although the reference is on the
11.2: Dynamic Arrays
• In addition to simple variables (ints, floats,
etc.) most imperative languages support
structured data types.
– Arrays: “[finite] ordered sequences of values
that all share the same type”
– Records (structs): “finite collections of values
that have different types”
Java versus C/C++/etc.
• In Java, arrays are always allocated
dynamically from heap memory.
• In many other languages
– Globally defined arrays - static memory.
– Local (to a function) arrays are - stack storage.
– Dynamically allocated arrays - heap storage.
• Dynamically allocated arrays also have
storage on the stack – a reference (pointer)
to the heap block that holds the array.
Declaring Arrays
• Typical Java array declarations:
– int[] arr = new int[5];
– float[][] arr1 = new float [10][5];
– Object[] arr2 = new Object[100];
• Typical C/C++ array declarations
– int arr[5];
– float arr1[10][15];
– int *intPtr;
intPtr = new int[5]
When Heap Allocation is Needed
• Consider the declaration
int A(n);
• Since array size isn’t known until runtime,
storage for the array can’t be allocated in
static storage or on the run-time stack.
• The stack contains the dope vector for the
array, including a pointer to its base
address, and the heap holds the array
values, in contiguous locations.
Array Allocation and
• The dope vector has information needed to
interpret array references:
– Array base address
– Array size (number of elements)
for multi-dimensioned arrays, size of each dimension
– Element type (which indicates the amount of storage
required for each element)
• For dynamically allocated arrays, this information
should be stored in memory to access at runtime.
Allocation of Stack and Heap
Space for Array A Figure 11.3
Program Semantics for Arrays
skip to slide 39
• Semantics = program meaning
• If State is the set of all program states, the
meaning M of an abstract Clite Program is
defined by
– M: Program → State
– M: Statement X State → State
– M: Expression X State → Value
Program Semantics
• M: Program → State
– The meaning of a program is a function that
produces a state.
• M: Statement X State → State
– The meaning of a statement is a function that,
given a current state, yields a new state
• M: Expression X State → Value
– The meaning of an expression is a function that,
given a current state, yields a value.
• For the Clite abstract syntax rule
Program = Declarations decpart;
Block body
the meaning rule is as follows:
“The meaning of a Program is defined to be the
meaning of its body when given an initial state
consisting of the variables of the decpart, each
initialized to the undef value corresponding to its
declared type.” (page 200)
1-D Array Semantics Notation
• From Chapter 5, page 116:
– addr(a[i]) = addr(a[0]) + e∙i where e is element
• From Chapter 2, page 53, abstract syntax
– ArrayRef = String id; Expression index;
– ArrayDecl = Variable v; Type t; Integer size;
– For ArrayDecl ad, ad.size = # of elements
– For ArrayRef ar, ar.index = value of index
Array Semantics
• Assume:
– Array is dynamically declared
– Array is one dimension only
– Array element size is 1 (word)
– Array indexing is 0-based
• ad is the array declaration, ar is an array
Meaning Rule 11.1: The meaning of an
ArrayDecl ad is:
1. Compute addr(ad[0]) = new(ad.size).
(Allocate enough storage to hold size elements
of ad.type. addr(ad[0])= start address of
the block of storage)
2. Push addr(ad[0]) onto the stack.
3. Push ad.size onto the stack.
4. Push ad.type onto the stack.
Step 1 creates a heap block for ad.
Steps 2-4 create the dope vector for ad in the
Implementing the Meaning Rule
• The compiler generates code to perform
the steps outlined in the meaning rule and
incorporates them into the object code
wherever there is an array declaration.
• If ‘new’ fails, an exception is generated.
Meaning Rule 11.2 The meaning of an
ArrayRef ar for an array declaration ad is:
(assume element size is 1)
1. Compute
addr(ad[ar.index]) = addr(ad[0])
+ (ad.index - 1])
(where ad.index-1 = ad[index – 1])
2. If addr(ad[0])  addr(ad[ar.index])
< addr(ad[0])+ad.size,
then return the value at addr(ad[ar.index])
3. Otherwise, signal an index-out-of-range error.
Array Assignments: a[i] = Expr
Meaning Rule 11.3 The meaning of an array
Assignment as is:
1. Compute addr(ad[ar.index])=addr(ad[0])
2. If addr(ad[0])  addr( ad[ar.index] )
< addr(ad[0])+ad.size)
then assign the value of as.source to
addr(ad[ar.index]) (the target)
3. Otherwise, signal an index-out-of-range error.
The assignment A[5]=3 changes the value at
heap address addr(A[0])+4 to 3, since
ar.index=5 and addr(A[5])=addr(A[0])+4.
This assumes that the size of an int is one
Alternative Storage Allocation
for Arrays and Structs
• C/C++ support static (globally defined) arrays
• C/C++ also have fixed stack-dynamic arrays
– Arrays declared in functions are allocated storage on
the stack, just like other local variables.
– Index range and element type are static
• Ada also permits (variable) stack-dynamic arrays
– Index range can be specified as a variable
List: array (1 .. List_Len) of Integer;
11.2.1 Memory Leaks and
Garbage Collection
• The increasing popularity of OO
programming has meant more emphasis
on heap storage management.
• Active objects: can be accessed through a
pointer or reference.
• Inactive objects: blocks that cannot be
accessed; no reference exists.
• (Accessible and inaccessible may be more
• Three types of storage
– Static
– Stack
– Heap
• Problems with heap storage:
– Memory leaks (garbage): failure to free storage when
pointers (references) are reassigned
– Dangling pointers: when storage is freed, but
references to the storage still exist.
Allocation of Stack and Heap
Space for Array A Figure 11.3
• Garbage: any block of heap memory that
cannot be accessed by the program; i.e.,
there is no stack pointer to the block; but
which the runtime system thinks is in use.
• Garbage is created in several ways:
– A function ends without returning the space
allocated to a local array or other dynamic
variable. The pointer (dope vector) is gone.
– A node is deleted from a linked data structure,
but isn’t freed
Another Problem
• A second type of problem can occur when
a program assigns more than one pointer
to a block of heap memory
• The block may be deleted and one of the
pointers set to null, but the other pointers
still exist.
• If the runtime system reassigns the
memory to another object, the original
pointers pose a danger.
• A dangling pointer (or dangling reference, or
widow) is a pointer (reference) that still contains
the address of heap space that has been
deallocated (returned to the free list).
• An orphan (garbage) is a block of allocated heap
memory that is no longer accessible through any
• A memory leak is a gradual loss of available
memory due to the creation of garbage.
Widows and Orphans
Consider this code:
class node {
int value;
node next; }
. . .
node p, q;
p = new node();
q = new node();
. . .
q = p;
• The statement q = p;
creates a memory leak.
• The node originally
pointed to by q is no
longer accessible – it’s an
orphan (garbage).
• Now, add the statement
• The pointer p is correctly
set to null, but q is now a
dangling pointer (or
Creating Widows and Orphans: A Simple Example
Figure 11.4
(a): after new(p); new(q); (b): after q = p;
(c): after delete(p); q still points to a location in the heap,
which could be allocated to another request in the future.
The node originally pointed to by q is now garbage.
Python Memory Allocation
Variables contain references to data values
A = “cat”
Python may allocate new storage with each assignment, so it
handles memory management automatically. It will create
new objects and store them in memory; it will also execute
garbage collection algorithms to reclaim any inaccessible
memory locations.
11.3 Garbage Collection
• All inaccessible blocks of storage are
identified and returned to the free list.
• The heap may also be compacted at this
time: allocated space is compressed into
one end of the heap, leaving all free space
in a large block at the other end.
Garbage Collection
• C & C++ leave it to the programmer – if an unused block
of storage isn’t explicitly freed by the program, it
becomes garbage.
– You can get C++ garbage collectors, but they aren’t standard
• Java, Python, Perl, (and other scripting languages) are
examples of languages with garbage collection
– Python, etc. also automatic allocation: no need for “new”
• Garbage collection was pioneered by languages like
Lisp, which constantly creates and destroys linked lists.
Implementing Automated
Garbage Collection
• If programmers were perfect, garbage
collection wouldn’t be needed. However,
• There are three major approaches to
automating the process:
– Reference counting
– Mark-sweep
– Copy collection
Reference Counting
• Initially, the heap is structured as a linked list
(free list) of nodes.
• Each node has a reference count field; initially 0.
• When a block is allocated it’s removed from the
free list and its reference count is set to 1.
• When pointers are assigned or freed the count
is incremented or decremented.
• When a block’s count goes back to zero, return
it to the free list and reduce the reference count
of any node it points to.
A Simple Illustration
“P = null” reduces the reference count of the first node to 1
“Q = null” reduces the reference count of the first node to 0, which
triggers the reduction of the reference count in node 2 to 0,
recursively reduces the ref. count in node 3 to 0, and then returns
all three nodes to the free list.
Node Structure and Example Heap for Reference Counting
Figure 11.5
•There’s a block at the bottom whose reference count is 0.
What does this represent?
•What would happen if delete is performed on p and q?
Reference Counting: Pros and
• Advantage: the algorithm is performed
whenever there is an assignment or
other heap action. Overhead is
distributed over program lifetime
• Disadvantages are:
– Can’t detect inaccessible circular lists.
– Extra overhead due to reference counts
(storage and time).
Mark and Sweep
• Runs when the heap is full (free list is
empty or cannot satisfy a request).
• Two-pass process:
– Pass 1: All active references on the stack are
followed and the blocks they point to are
marked (using a special mark bit set to 1).
– Pass 2: The entire heap is swept, looking for
unmarked blocks, which are then returned to
the free list. At the same time, the mark bits
are turned off (set to 0).
Mark Algorithm
Mark(R): //R is a stack reference
If (R.MB == 0)
R.MB = 1;
If ( != null)
All reachable nodes are marked.
Starts in the stack, moves to the heap.
Sweep Algorithm
Sweep( ):
i = h; // h = first heap address
While (i<=n) {
if(i.MB == 0)
free(i);//add node i to free list
else i.MB = 0;
Operates only on the heap.
Node Structure and Example for Mark-Sweep Algorithm
Figure 11.6
Before the mark-sweep algorithm begins
Heap after Pass I of Mark-Sweep
Figure 5.16
After the first (mark) pass, accessible nodes are
marked, others aren’t
Heap after Pass II of Mark-Sweep
Figure 11.8
After the 2nd (sweep) pass: All inaccessible nodes are
linked into a free list; all accessible nodes have their mark
bits returned to 0
Mark and Sweep: Pros and
• Advantages:
– It may never run (it only runs when the heap
is full).
– It finds and frees all unused memory blocks.
• Disadvantage: It is very intensive when it
does run. Long, unpredictable delays are
unacceptable for some applications.
Copy Collection
• Similar to mark and sweep in that it runs
when the heap is full.
• Faster than mark and sweep because it
only makes one pass through the heap.
• No extra reference count or mark bit
• The heap is divided into two halves,
from_space and to_space.
Copy Collection
(Stop and Copy)
• While garbage collection isn’t needed,
– From_space contains allocated nodes and nodes on
the free list.
– To_space is unusable.
• When there are no more un-allocated nodes in
from_space, “flip” the two spaces, and pack all
accessible nodes in the old from_space into the
new from_space. Any left-over space is the free
Initial Heap Organization for Copy Collection
Figure 11.9
Not available
Result of a Copy Collection Activation
Figure 11. 9
After “flipping” and repacking into
the former to_space.
(The accessible nodes are packed, orphans
are returned to the free_list, and the two
halves reverse roles.)
• When an active object is copied to the
to_space, update any references
contained in the objects
• When copying is completed, the new
to_space contains only active objects, and
they are tightly packed into the space.
• Consequently, the heap is automatically
compacted (defragmented).
• Automatic compaction is the main
advantage of this method when compared
to mark-and-sweep.
• Disadvantages:
– All active objects must be copied: may take a
lot of time (not necessarily as much as the
two-pass algorithm).
– Requires twice as much space for the heap
Copy Collection v Mark-Sweep
• If r, the ratio of active heap blocks to heap
size, is significantly less than (heap size)/2,
copy collection is more efficient
– Efficiency = amount of memory reclaimed per
unit of time
• As r approaches (heap size)/2 mark-sweep
becomes more efficient
• Based on a study reported in a paper Jones
and Lins, 1996.
Garbage Collection Analysis
• Different languages and implementations will
probably use some variation or combination of one
of the above strategies.
• Java runs garbage collection as a background
process when demand on the system is low, hoping
that the heap will never be full.
• Java also allows programmers to explicitly request
garbage collection, without waiting for the system to
do it automatically.
• Functional languages (Lisp, Scheme, …) also have
built-in garbage collectors
• C/C++ do not.
Garbage Collection
• Some commercial applications divide
nodes into categories according to how
long they’ve been in memory
– The assumption is that long-resident nodes
are likely to be permanent – don’t examine
– New nodes are less likely to be permanent –
consider them first
– There may be several “aging” levels