Traffic Management for Events PREFACE Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Declaration The uncontrolled traffic management diagrams(TCD) have been provided as a guide and assistance to event organisers in the preparation of a Traffic Control Diagram for Events. It is the user’s responsibility to verify that the TCD(s) satisfies the user’s requirements All Traffic Management Plans and Traffic Control Diagrams for events must be prepared and endorsed by a person holding a current Main Roads accreditation in either Worksite Traffic Management (WTM) or Advanced Worksite Traffic Management (AWTM). Further information regarding Traffic Management Plan preparation, management and accreditation is provided in Section 7 and 10, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Events Code of Practice. Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Events Code of Practice is available from the Main Roads webiste (Using Roads > Road and Traffic Information >Traffic Management > Events) To the extent permitted by law, Main Roads, its employees, agents, authors and contributors are not liable for any loss resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you on the information herein displayed. Main Roads hold no responsible as to the accuracy of the content and the suitability of the information been provided It is the sole responsibility of the end user to ensure and verify the content provided is consistent with Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Events Code of Practice, current standards and best practice. For further information, please contact Main Roads’ Road Safety Policy Coordinator on (08) 9323 4110. Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Date March 2011 . Section / Page Whole document AMENDMENT / REVISION STATUS RECORD Amendment / Revision Description Relationship between Dimension ‘D’ and approach speed clarified Traffic Management for Events INDEX Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram On Road Bicycle Race Control at Regulatory Signed 4-Way Intersection - Right Turn from TCD BR01-1 - Right Turn or Straight Through from TCD BR02-1 - Left Turn from TCD BR03-1 - Left Turn from TCD BR04-1 - Straight Through on Major Road TCD BR05-1 Straight Through on Minor Road TCD BR06-1 Control at 3-Way Intersection - Right Turn from Continuing Road TCD BR07-1 - Right Turn from Terminating Road TCD BR08-1 - Left Turn from Continuing Road TCD BR09-1 - Left Turn from Terminating Road TCD BR10-1 Control at 4-Way Roundabout - Right Turn TCD BR11-1 - Left Turn TCD BR12-1 - Straight Through TCD BR13-1 Control at 3-Way Roundabout - Right Turn from Continuing Road TCD BR14-1 - Right Turn from Terminating Road TCD BR15-1 - Left Turn from Continuing Road TCD BR16-1 - Left Turn from Terminating Road TCD BR17-1 U-Turn on 2-Way Carriageway TCD BR18-1 On Road Race (Non Vehicular) Control at 4-Way Intersection - Straight Through on TCD FR01-1 - Straight Through on TCD FR02-1 Off Road Race Control at Shared Path Crossing - Straight Through on Shared Path TCD FR03-1 - Control at T Intersection Shared Path Crossing TCD FR04-1 Road Closure Detour at 3-Way Intersection - Closure of TCD RC01-1 - Closure of TCD RC02-1 Traffic Management for Events Insert Road Name Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at Regulatory Signed 4-way Intersection Right Turn from Major Road For Signed Controlled Intersection For Signed Controlled Intersection ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m ‘D’ m Insert Road Name (#) (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR01 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR01 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at Regulatory Signed 4-way Intersection Right Turn from Minor Road Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (#) ‘D’ m ‘D’ m Insert Road Name (#) ‘D’ m ‘D’ m Insert Road Name (#) (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR02 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR02 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. 10.Traffic controllers to bring to a stop all traffic and to assist in clearing all intersection traffic located on the event course side road prior to the arrival of the event participants. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 5 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 1 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 5 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 5 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 3 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Insert Road Name Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at Regulatory Signed 4-way Intersection Left Turn from Major Road For Signed Controlled Intersection ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m For Signed Controlled Intersection Insert Road Name (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m Not to Scale BR03 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR03 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. Traffic controllers/marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 3. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 4. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 5. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 6. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 7. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY Sign/ Device AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at Regulatory Signed 4-Way Intersection Left Turn from Minor Road (#) ‘D’ m (#) Controlled Intersection ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR04 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR04 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. 10.Traffic controller to bring to a stop all traffic and to assist in clearing all intersection traffic located on the event course side road prior to the arrival of the event participants. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 3 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 1 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Traffic Control at 4-Way Intersection Straight Through on Major Road (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) (#) Insert Road Name Insert Road Name Not to Scale BR05 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR05 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. MR-TAW-28 (Runner) sign can be substituted with MR-TAW-29 (Wheelbarrow) sign or MR-TAW-31 (Pedestrian) sign as applicable. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 MR-TAW-28 900 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 3 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at Regulatory Signed 4-Way Intersection Straight Through on Minor Road (#) (#) Controlled Intersection ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (#) (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR06 1 1 Insert North Point 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR06 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. 10.Traffic controllers to bring to a stop all traffic and to assist in clearing all intersection traffic located on the event course side road prior to the arrival of the event participants. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 5 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 1 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at 3-Way Intersection Right Turn from Continuing Road Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (#) (#) Insert Road Name Controlled Intersection Insert Road Name ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR07 1 1 Insert North Point 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR07 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 3 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 1 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at 3-Way Intersection Right Turn from Terminating Road Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (#) (#) (#) Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR08 1 1 Insert North Point 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR08 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. 10.Traffic controllers to bring to a stop all traffic and to assist in clearing all intersection traffic located on the event course side road prior to the arrival of the event participants. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at Regulatory Signed 3-Way Intersection Left Turn from Continuing Road Insert Road Name Controlled Intersection Insert Road Name ‘D’ m otherwise ‘2D’ m (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR09 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR09 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 3. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY Sign/ Device AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 3 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 3 Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at 3-Way Intersection Left Turn from Terminating Road Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (#) (#) Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR10 1 1 Insert North Point 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR10 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. 10.Traffic controllers to bring to a stop all traffic and to assist in clearing all intersection traffic located on the event course side road prior to the arrival of the event participants. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events (#) Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at 4-Way Roundabout Left Turn (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) (#) Insert Road Name (#) Insert Road Name Not to Scale BR11 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR11 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 6 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at 4-Way Roundabout Left Turn (#) Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) (#) Insert Road Name (#) Insert Road Name Not to Scale BR12 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR12 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 6 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events (#) Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at 4-Way Roundabout Straight Through (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) (#) Insert Road Name (#) Insert Road Name Not to Scale BR13 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR13 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension of 'D' is the distance (in metres) equal to the speed limit in kilometres per hour or the average (85 th percentile) approach speed of traffic where significantly different from the speed limit. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 6 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at 3-Way Roundabout Right Turn from Continuing Road Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (#) ‘D’ m ‘D’ m (#) (#) Insert Road Name ‘D’ m ‘D’ m Insert Road Name (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR14 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR14 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at 3-Way Roundabout Right Turn from Terminating Road (#) ‘D’ m ‘D’ m (#) Insert Road Name ‘2D’ m Insert Road Name (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR15 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR15 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at 3-Way Roundabout Left Turn from Continuing Road Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram ‘D’ m Insert Road Name (#) ‘D’ m Insert Road Name (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR16 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR16 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at 3-Way Roundabout Left Turn from Terminating Road (#) ‘D’ m ‘D’ m (#) Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR17 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR17 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 2 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events U-Turn on Two-Way Carriageway Insert Road Name Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale BR18 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD BR18 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. Additional traffic controllers/ marshals and/or containment fencing to be used to control pedestrians where conflict between pedestrians crossing minor leg and cyclists is likely to occur. 5. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 6. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 7. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY Sign/ Device AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 MR-TAW-27 900 x 600 4 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 2 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 2 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 1 Traffic Cones 700 10 Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Traffic Control at 4-Way Intersection Straight Through on Major Road Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (#) (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale FR01 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD FR01 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. MR-TAW-28 (Runner) sign can be substituted with MR-TAW-29 (Wheelbarrow) sign or MR-TAW-31 (Pedestrian) sign as applicable. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 MR-TAW-28 900 x 600 2 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 3 Traffic Cones 700 2 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-28 900 x 600 2 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Control at Regulatory Signed 4-Way Intersection Straight Through on Minor Road Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram (#) (#) Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (#) (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale FR02 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD FR02 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. MR-TAW-28 (Runner) sign can be substituted with MR-TAW-29 (Wheelbarrow) sign or MR-TAW-31 (Pedestrian) sign as applicable. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. 10.Traffic controllers to bring to a stop all traffic and to assist in clearing all intersection traffic located on the event course side road prior to the arrival of the event participants. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 5 MR-TAW-28 900 x 600 1 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 5 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 5 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 3 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-28 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at Shared Path Crossing Straight Through on Shared Path (#) (#) Insert Road Name Shared Path (#) (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale FR03 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD FR03 1. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 2. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 3. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 4. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 5. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. MR-TAW-28 (Runner) sign can be substituted with MR-TAW-27 (Cyclist) sign, MR-TAW-29 (Wheelbarrow) sign or MR-TAW-31 (Pedestrian) sign as applicable. 8. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 9. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 4 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-28 900 x 600 4 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events (#) Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Control at T-Intersection Shared Path Crossing Straight Through on Shared Path Insert Road Name (#) (#) Distance not to exceed 50 m (#) (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) (#) Insert Road Name Shared Path Not to Scale FR04 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD FR04 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum approach speed of traffic is 60 km/h. 3. The maximum traffic volume on the continuing road is 5 000 vpd. 4. The maximum traffic volume on the terminating road is 1 500 vpd. 5. Traffic Controller/s to be suitably accredited and comply with Main Roads’ Traffic Controller Handbook.. 6. The traffic control signs shall be displayed only when the race event is in progress and all traffic control devices shall be removed immediately after the event. 7. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 8. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 9. MR-TAW-28 (Runner) sign can be substituted with MR-TAW-27 (Cyclist) sign, MR-TAW-29 (Wheelbarrow) sign or MR-TAW-31 (Pedestrian) sign as applicable. 10. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 11. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. (#) Variation to Standards clause 9.3, Main Roads’ Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice. Event Symbolic Sign may be omitted subject to Road Authority Approval. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 3 MR-TAW-34 1800 x 600 4 T1-34(A) 900 x 600 4 T1-18(A) 900 x 600 4 Stop/Slow Bat 450DIA 2 Traffic Cones 700 4 Sign/ Device (#) Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-28 900 x 600 6 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Detour at 3-Way Intersection Closure of Major Road Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale RC01 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD RC01 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. Doubled-up signing is not required on roads with traffic volumes of 1 500 vpd or less. 3. Marshal/s to be provided to move barricades as required to allow vehicle access to and from closed road for property owners, business proprietors, event participants, etc. 4. Appropriate reassurance and ‘End Detour’ signing shall be specified to supplement the detour arrangement shown. 5. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 6. MR-TAW-28 (Runner) sign can be substituted with MR-TAW-27 (Cyclist) sign, MR-TAW-29 (Wheelbarrow) sign or MR-TAW-31 (Pedestrian) sign as applicable. 7. Procedures for the implementation of this Traffic Control Diagram shall be document in the ‘Event’ specific Traffic Management Plan (TMP). Approval must be obtained from the relevant road authority prior to the implementation of the TMP. 8. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. 9. Detour signs (T5-1)(L or R) to be located at intersection involving change in directions, to reassure and guide traffic along the route of the road detour. Route detour must be checked to verify suitable for use by the dominated vehicle type. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY Sign/ Device AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty MR-TAW-30 1200 x 600 2 Barricade T1-6 1200 x 600 2 T2-23(A) T5-1(L)(A) 1200 x 300 2+ T5-1(R)(A) 1200 x 300 2+ T2-4(A) 1800 x 300 1 MR-TP-19 1800 x 200 1 Sign/ Device Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty 2+ 1200 x 600 1 Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Detour at 3-Way Intersection Closure of Minor Road Insert Road Name Insert Road Name (Refer Sheet 2 for Notes and Condition of Use) Not to Scale RC02 1 1 Insert North Point A4 2 FINAL Traffic Management for Events Uncontrolled Traffic Control Diagram Sheet 2 - Notes and Conditions of Use to Diagram TCD RC02 1. Traffic control diagram must be read in conjunction with the Event Traffic Management Plan. 2. The maximum traffic volume on the continuing road is 5 000 vpd. 3. The maximum traffic volume on the terminating road is 1 500 vpd. 4. Marshal/s to be provided to move barricades as required to allow vehicle access to and from closed road for property owners, business proprietors, event participants, etc. 5. Appropriate reassurance and ‘End Detour’ signing shall be specified to supplement the detour arrangement shown. 6. This generic Traffic Control Diagram shall not be used for events other than that subject to the approval of the relevant authority unless specified otherwise. 7. Dimension 'D' as shown in the diagram relates to the approach speed of traffic at which 85% of the traffic is travelling as observed in accordance with Section 4.1.5(a) and Figure 4.2, AS1742.3. The value of ‘D’ shall be determined from Table 1 below. SIGN AND DEVICE INVENTORY Sign/ Device AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty T2-4(A) 1800 x 300 MR-TAW-34 Sign/ Device AS/MR Ref. Sign Dimension (MM) Qty 1 G9-40-2(A) Barricade 1 1800 x 2600 4 Barricade Barricade 2+ T1-32(A) 1800 x 200 4 MR-TP-19 1800 x 200 1 T5-1(L)(A) 1200 x 300 1 T5-1(R)(A) 1200 x 300 1 Key Reference Documents • • • • Main Roads Western Australian Traffic Management for ‘Events’ and ‘Roadworks’ Code of Practice. Australian Standards AS1742.3 – Traffic Control for Works on Roads. Approved ‘Event’ Traffic Management Plan. ‘Event’ Risk and Emergency Plan. Table1 Speed of Traffic km/h Value of 'D' m 55 or less 15 56 to 65 45 Greater than 65 Equals speed of traffic, in Km/h