- Hectic Helpers Ltd

Empower your Brand!
Attend This Brand Power Seminar
and get incremental revenue
from your Brand.
Airport Hotel IKEJA LAGOS
24th & 25th June, 2013
A Seminar / Workshop
about the upside potential of Branding.
W ho should attend
Business owners, CEO’S, Managing Directors,
Entrepreneurs, factory owners.
W hat will attendee’s get out of this?
Insights into techniques that American and European
Brands apply.
Knowledge and information about the potential in
Branding and marketing products and services.
The lectures will reveal ways to add value to your Brands
for incremental revenue.
You shall receive the formats and templates that will
enable you to apply Branding.
Building Brands in the USA.
Building Brands in Europe.
And now, building Brands in Nigeria
Find out from an expert who knows how to build powerful Brands.
Author of two books on the subject of Branding.
Recipient of 42 advertising awards.
A practitioner in 12 countries on 4 continent .
Take advantage of
a Seminar / Workshop
that helped Business
owners, CEO’S
Entrepreneurs and
Directors in Asia and in
Europe to increase their
revenue by adding value
to their Brands.
For information and booking, please contact: Mrs. Bimbo Tiamiyu
at Hectic Helper Services T: 234 -8038154089 T:01 -7929451,
08038154089, 08089323299 Lagos Nigeria.
Make the most out of your Brand and
win the competitive battle.
Day One
The principles of Branding. (lecture)
What should be considered in setting up a Brand.
Brand’s life cycle.
“How long does it take to build a Brand” and “for how long is it going
to last.”
Brand DNA (exercise)
6 typologies that would affect Branding.
What customers want.
Gaining a better understand of the relationship between customers and
Branding, an on going task.
What parts of the brand should not change and what parts need to be
updated periodically.
Building on existing Marketing.
How can an OEM based production facility start up its own Brand.
Opportunities and pit falls…
Day Two
Maximize PR effectiveness.
When and where should PR take place for maximum effectiveness.
Accountability of Brands .
Brand KPI, return of investment. (Lecture)
Marketing your Brand abroad.
What you need to know about Branding abroad.
Brand reputation management.
A good reputation is the most valuable asset a Brand can have.
Generating Branding Ideas.
Analysis of your Branding potential.
A brief excursion into generating ideas
Let’s talk about your Brand. First impression, quick analysis.
Some of the Branding issues that will
be clarified during this seminar.
H o w t o i n t e g r a t e a l l t h e M a r k e t i n g C o m m u n i c a t i on e l e m e n t s s o t h a t
c u s t o m e r s r e c o g n i z e t h e B r a n d ’s i d e n t i t y.
Identifying incidental customer ’s contact point as selling point.
C us t om er s c hoos e f r om a bas k et of opt ions .
C om pr ehens iv e B r anding inc r eas es t he s har e of c us t om er ’s c hoic e.
Course schedule
V e n u e o p e n (I c e
b re a k e r )
Venue open
S e g m e n t 1 L e c t u re
S e g m e n t 5 L e c t u re a n d
e x e rc i s e s
Co f f e e b re a k
Co f f e e b re a k
S e g m e n t 2 L e c t u re
1 0 : 3 0 -1 2 : 0 0
S e g m e n t 6 L e c t u re
L u n c h b re a k
L u n c h b re a k
S e g m e n t 3 L e c t u re
S e g m e n t 7 L e c t u re a n d
Q & A e x e rc i s e
Co f f e e b re a k
Co f f e e b re a k
S e g m e n t 4 L e c t u re
a n d e x e rc i s e s
S e g m e n t 8 L e c t u re a n d
A l e x G o s l a r. M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r o f G o s l a r & a s s o c i a t e s .
After finishing his studies in Vienna Austria, Alex started to work in various
agencies in Vienna, Frankfurt, Chicago, Toronto, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta,
Addis Ababa, Lomé, Amongst his acolytes are distinctive campaigns for such
global brands as: Mc Donald’s, Kraft Foods, Kellogg’s , Phillip Morris, P&G
Cheer detergent, Volvo Cars, Dunlop Tires, BASF Video and Audio tapes, Vick
Pharmaceuticals, National Finance Bank, Ethiopian Airlines, ASKY Airlines,
Nestle and many more.
Alex’s earned international awards such as: Golden Lions from the Cannes Film
Festival, New York Cleo’s, awards from the London Advertising Festival The
One show and the Los Angeles art director’s club. In 1994 Alex was the
chairman of a judging panel at the South African “The Loerie ” awards.
Since 2001 Alex is managing his independent Branding Company out of
Bangkok, working on Brands in Europe , Asia and Africa. He conducts
regular Branding Seminar & Workshops.
Previous G&A Seminar / Workshops.
“Building a successful Brand” (Hong Kong)
“ T h e b e s t w a y f o r w a r d i n B r a n d i n g ” 2 0 11
“China’s influence on Branding” (Karlsruhe Germany2010)
“Service mindedness” Ethiopian Airlines.
“ B r a n d I d e n t i t y a p p l i c a t i o n ” A S K Y ( To g o )
“Corporate Reputation Management”. (Bangkok).
“Update on Branding in Asia”, (Singapore).
“Creating Ideas for luxury Brands”. ((Panama)
B r a d P o w e r ( K u a l a L u m p u r 2 0 11 )
“Generating brilliant Ideas” ( Abu Dhabi 2012).
Cross Border Branding (Bangkok 2012)
For questions regarding this Seminar or Branding Programs ,
Please contact Alex Goslar at Goslar & Associates directly.
Tel: +66 2333 6142-3 Fax: +66 2328 0036 Mobile: +66 8182 61560
SKYPE alex_goslar E: alex@goslar.co.th Web: www.goslar.co.th
Comments from participants in previous Seminar / workshops .
Dear Alex,
I think it is a great idea that you thought of “ Brand Recovery Program” in the North African
states. Your presentation was timely and to the point. I remember what happened to the tourism
industry in Kenya following the election riot back in 2007.
I am sure there are many companies trying to rebuild their brand and I will try my contacts in
Egypt and Tunisia and I will forward them the attached docs.
S. B. Samuel UK
Dear Mr. Alex
I would like to thank you for your response to my questions regarding the seminar "Brand Power"
I want let you know that I agree with your ideas 100% and am ready to take it to the next level . I
am determined to be good at Branding
Nidal Taha Saudi Arabia
Dear Alex,
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the insights you have shared with the group during
the Workshop Building a better Brand.
I have enjoyed your presentation and I appreciate the advice we received at the closing session.
Thank you for the support, guidance, and encouragement you have provided me with.
Best Regards,
Pattira Phuksawan
Marketing Manager Italthai Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dear Alex,
Thank you very much, it was indeed a great learning experience to be with brilliant minds on
"brands" I both enjoyed and learned from your training and also from the active participation of
the group.
Truly privileged to be part of your training : Building A Successful Brand. With hope that the
learning we got could help direct RCBC to come up with its own "Brand".
Best Regards,
Lilye Honorata Manila Philippines
Re: Brand enhancement
Dear Alex,
thank you very much for your analysis and recommendation regarding our Brand. We have
enjoyed a lot what you have shared with us .I will talk to my partner, I hope that this will
contribute to our continuous success in the future. To attend your workshop was an honor.
Claudio Grinberg Panama City
Dear delegate, welcome to Empower your Brand Seminar / Workshop.
Book your reservation by filling out this form and send it back to :
Mrs. Bimbo Tiamiyu at Hectic Helper Services T : 234 - 8038154089
T :01 - 7929451, 08038154089, 08089323299 Lagos
info@hectichelperser v i ces. com
• Venue:
De - Renaissance Hotel, 172 Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja Lagos
T EL: +2348038332548, +2348065505845, +2348029555640
F ax: +234(01)2805682 Email: info@derenaissancehotelng.com
• At De -Renaissance Hotel contact Mr. Raj.
• Date: 24 t h & 25 t h of June 2013
• Entrance fee for a 2 days Seminar
/ Workshop: US$ 1200. early bird discount of 10%
Attendance includes refreshments, and a set luncheon for each day of the event.
V a l u e Package Book 10 get the 11 t h seat F REE! Book 15 get the 16 & 17th seats FREE
Cancellations will be treated as follows: 25 days before the event – 90% refund 14 days before the
event 50% refund Less than 10 days before the event – No Refund. However your ticket is a voucher
for another G&A Seminar / Workshop of the same type. Please inform us of any substitution.
If your Reservation is not confirmed at the entrance to the event, attendance will not be granted until
Payment has been made.
T erms & Conditions:
* Kindly Note : Fees quoted above does not include GST / VAT or any withholding tax. A firm booking
is equivalent to a voucher for a G&A Seminar / Workshop session in the same category. Should you
wish to change the seminar category additional charge may be applicable. Reservation will be
confirmed via voucher when payment has been accepted by the designated bank.
AUTHORIZATION ( T h i s f o r m i s i n v a l i d w i t h o u t a s i g n a t u r e )
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I understand and accept the booking terms & conditions
Signature : ......................................................... Date : ..…/…...... /…......…
Receipt request: Please Invoice me / my Company. Purchase order #
Payment made to: The account of Hectic Helper Services First Bank of Nigeria Plc
Account Number: 2014732335.
• Venue: De-Renaissance Hotel, 172 Obafemi Awolowo Way, Ikeja Lagos
TEL: +2348038332548, +2348065505845, +2348029555640
Fax: +234(01)2805682 Email: info@derenaissancehotelng.com
• At De-Renaissance Hotel contact Mr. Raj
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Payment made to: The account of Hectic Helper Services First Bank of Nigeria Plc
Account Number: 2014732335.