The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | You will learn: To list the seven keys to a positive mental attitude. Gain insight into how mental attitude influences every aspect of life. To apply the keys to various workplace and personal instances demonstrating a positive mental attitude. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Take the Before-andAfter Skills Inventory © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | View Program © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Introduction: The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss How does a glass of water pertain to attitude? Attitude is defined as: a complex mental state that determines your feelings, thoughts and beliefs as they relate to the events of your life. What is another way to say this? When can you expect to use your knowledge of attitude? In your opinion, do people with a positive attitude have fewer challenges and setbacks in life than other people? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription You (and everyone around you) will benefit from choosing to live your life with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA). Attitude is how you filter the things you experience and react to the way they’re filtered. You may not be able to choose what happens to you, but you can choose how you respond to it. A positive mental attitude influences every aspect of your life from co-workers to your personal relationships away from the workplace. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Key Point #1: Choose Your Attitude in Advance © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss When do people with a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) decide that their posture in life is going to be one that perceives the benefits and opportunities of a situation? What is the difference between being “reactive” and “proactive”? How did Monica’s reaction to working on Saturday differ from Joe’s? What is the key to having a proactive, positive mental attitude? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription People with a Positive Mental Attitude decide in advance that their posture in life is to be one that perceives the benefits and opportunities of every situation. Avoid being Reactive – waiting for events to occur and then responding according to what happened. Decide that you won’t be easily influenced by events outside your control. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Key Point #2: Visualize Success © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss What is one of the best ways to maintain a positive mental attitude every day? How is visualizing success like the old saying about computers: “Garbage in, garbage out?” How does Monica’s reaction to the annual performance review process differ from Joe’s? How does visualizing success influence your ability to be successful? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription To maintain a positive mental attitude, visualize success. Your attitude has a non-verbal effect on others – it can positively or negatively influence them. Accentuate the positive in every opportunity. A positive attitude is the high-powered fuel for the brain. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Key Point #3: Demonstrate Humor, Energy and Enthusiasm © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss How does humor influence a situation? How does energy enhance a positive attitude? How does enthusiasm affect a positive attitude? Who has the power to control your attitude and your mood every day? If you decide to be positive, how quickly can you show it? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription Humor lets you see the funny side of things and to keep them in perspective. Energy is the vigor and strength we need to perform our jobs well. Enthusiasm is bringing an observable high level of interest or energy to a project or situation. You can decide to be positive, and you can change from negative to positive quickly. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Key Point #4: Resist Negative Influences © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss Why should you resist negative influences other people may have at work or in other aspects of your life? How is a negative statement from a co-worker like a cold or virus? What is the antidote for negative influences from a co-worker? How are people identified by their attitudes? If a physical exam with a doctor can improve your health, how can this program help you improve your attitude? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription Even though a negative attitude is like a cold or virus, don’t be the one to spread it around. Keep an open mind, stay positive and judge situations for yourself. If you’re going to be identified by your attitude, make it a positive one. A positive attitude improves your life, no matter what your race, age, sex or nationality. Conduct regular “attitude self-exams” to keep on track. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Key Point #5: Be a “Whatever It Takes” Person © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss How would you describe a “whatever it takes” person? Do you believe that bad things only happen to negative people? Why was Joe’s boss disappointed in the way he handled the situation with his customer? How was Karen’s attitude different? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription Be resilient – a “whatever it takes” kind of person. It’s important to realize that sometimes bad things happen to optimists and sometimes good things happen to pessimists. Everyone endures hardships that can bring out the worst in us or inspire the best. How you act is a matter of choice. Negative attitudes can affect your company in lost sales and profits. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Key Point #6: Embrace Change: Expect It and Accept It © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss Many people are surprised by change, yet what do you see when you look at a picture of your eighth grade class? How do people with a positive mental attitude view changes in their lives? Why is change to be expected in life and especially in business? How did Joe’s reaction to the consolidation of the call centers differ from Monica’s? How does change affect an organization’s ability to stay competitive? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription Change is constant – don’t let it surprise you. Competition in every field makes companies constantly look for ways to do things better, more efficiently. To stand still is to fall behind. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Key Point #7: Be Grateful for What You Have © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Discuss Why does complaining seem to be second nature to some people? What are the advantages of taking time to inventory the riches in our lives? In concluding the program, why should you appreciate every day? The video portrayed an example of contacting the doctor about an impending delivery of a child. Give examples of how your childhood differed from you parents? What do these examples teach us? © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Telephone Doctor® Prescription Take time to inventory the riches in your life – you’ll spend less time complaining. Life today isn’t perfect, but it clearly has advantages over years past. Control your attitude; don’t let your attitude control you. Choose to be positive; your success in life depends on it. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | Take the Before-andAfter Skills Inventory Again. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | ANSWERS 01. F 02. C 03. D 04. C 05. T 06. B 07. T 08. A 09. B 10. F 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. B A CALL TO ACTION! Memorize the following key points. Practice! © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | SUMMARY OF KEY POINTS A positive mental attitude influences every aspect of your life. You will benefit from choosing to respond positively to experiences. Choose Your Attitude in Advance: Avoid being Reactive. Decide that you won’t be easily influenced by events outside your control. Visualize Success: Your attitude has a non-verbal effect on others. Demonstrate Humor, Energy and Enthusiasm: Humor, energy and enthusiasm help you to keep things in perspective and perform well. Resist Negative Influences: Keep an open mind, stay positive and judge situations for yourself. Be a “Whatever It Takes” Person: Everyone endures hardships that can bring out the worst in us or inspire the best. How you act is a matter of choice. Embrace Change – Expect It and Accept It: Change is constant – don’t let it surprise you. Be Grateful for What You Have: Take time to inventory the riches in your life – you’ll spend less time complaining. © Telephone Doctor, Inc. | The Seven Keys to a Positive Mental Attitude © Telephone Doctor, Inc. |