7.1 and 7.2: Spanning Trees • A network is a graph that is connected – The network must be a sub-graph of the original graph (its edges must come from the original graph) – The network must span the original graph (must include all the vertices of the original graph) • A tree is a network with no circuit • A spanning tree is a sub-graph that connects all the vertices of the network and has no circuits • Minimum spanning tree (MST): the spanning tree with the least total weight. Tree or not Tree Not a tree Tree (disconnected graph) Tree No a tree (has a circuit) Properties of trees • Property 1 – In a tree, there is one and only one path joining any two vertices. – If there is one and only one path joining any two vertices of the graph, then the graph must be a tree. • Property 2 – In a tree, every edge is a bridge. – If the graph is connected and every edge is a bridge, then the graph must be a tree. • Property 3 – A tree with N vertices has (N – 1) edges. – If a connected graph has N vertices and (N-1) edges, then it must be a tree. G is a graph with no loops or multiple edges. Choose the option that best applies and explain why. (I) G is definitely a tree; (II) G is definitely not a tree; (III) G may or may not be a tree 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) G is connected, has 4 vertices and 5 edges II (needs to have 3 edges, not 5 edges) G has 7 vertices, 6 edges III (explain in class) G has 10 vertices and for every pair of vertices X and Y in G, there is at least one path from X to Y III (explain in class) G has 5 vertices, no circuit III (explain in class) G has 5 vertices, connected and every vertex has degree 2 II (sum of the degree = 10, a tree with 5 vertices must have the sum of the degree = 8) G is connected, has 8 vertices and 7 bridges) I (property #3) Counting Spanning Trees in a network • If a network is a tree, then there is only 1 spanning tree • If a network has one circuit (with P edges), then there are P spanning trees. • If a network has 2 circuits (one circuit has P edges, the other circuit has Q edges), no shared edge between the 2 circuits, then there are (P x Q) edges. • If a network has 2 circuits (one circuit has P edges, the other circuit has Q edges), one shared edge between the 2 circuits, then there are [(P x Q) – 1] edges. How many spanning trees? This is a tree, so there is only 1 spanning tree How many spanning trees? How many spanning trees? This network has a circuit with 3 edges, so there are 3 spanning trees How many spanning trees? How many spanning trees? This network has a circuit with 4 edges, so there are 4 spanning trees How many spanning trees? How many spanning trees? • This network has 2 circuits (one with 4 edges and the other with 3 edges, no shared edge, so there are 4x3 =12 spanning trees. How many spanning trees? How many spanning trees? This network has 2 circuits (one with 4 edges and the other with 3 edges, one shared edge, so there are 4x3 - 1=11 spanning trees. Two possible spanning trees. 9 more spanning trees will be showed on the board