Project Dragonfly Tony Waymire (TL) Peter Parmakis John Barthe Jason Mickey Tyler Gillen Andy Betourne Purpose High-performance aerobatics Low drag Low cost Two seat trainer capability Satisfy all LSA requirements Waymire 2 Competition Extra 200 1 Max Speed 154 kts MTOW 1770 lbs Power 200 HP Cost $ 250,000 Su-31 2 3 Max Speed 220 kts MTOW 2420 lbs Power 360 HP Cost $ 190,000 Waymire 3 Configurations John Barthe Responsibilities Determine Internal and External Layout Find CG locations For crew configurations For fuel configurations Design CAD Model Barthe 5 Configuration Down-Selection Barthe 6 Configuration Down-Selection Barthe 7 Component and CG Locations Engine (RED) Crew Compartment (BLUE) Tandem Seating Fuel (GREEN) Sensor hub (PINK) Barthe 8 Tractor Barthe 9 Twin Boom Barthe 10 Pusher Barthe 11 Future Work Modification of internal structure and landing gear Addition of control surfaces Detailed model of propulsive system, cabin compartment, and all tertiary components Further refined CG location Barthe 12 Performance Andy Betourne Responsibilities Mission profile Constraint analysis Power required Turn performance Betourne 14 Desired Requirements Stall Speed 45 knots Cruise Altitude 5000 feet Maneuver Altitude 4000 feet Power Required 38 Hp at 120 knots Gee load -3 to 6 Betourne 15 Mission Profile Acrobatic mission Maneuver near airfield Betourne 16 Mission Profile Ferry Mission Maximize range Betourne V L Wi 1 R ln( ) CD Wi 4 17 Constraint Diagram Design Point Specified cruise 0.5 Take-off Best cruise 0.45 0.4 Stall speed Land P/W 0.35 0.3 Sustained Turn Rate 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 W/S Betourne 18 Power Required 50 45 40 35 30 'd req 25 20 15 10 5 0 P (Hp) P 0 2 1 W V 3SCD ( 1 ) 2 o 1 VS eAR 2 20 40 60 80 100 120 V (knots) Betourne 19 Turn Performance Psi dot (deg/sec) 140 g n 1 V 120 100 80 60 2 n=2 n=3.5 n=5 n=6.5 n=8 40 20 0 60 80 100 120 Velocity (knots) Betourne 20 Future Work Take-off and landing analysis Detailed turn analysis Climb and dive performance Roll and loop feasibility Betourne 21 Aerodynamics Tyler Gillen Responsibilities Determine wing size and shape Choose sample airfoil for calculations Extract lift and drag coefficients for various stages of flight Ensure stall speed requirements are met Gillen 23 Wing Sizing and Layout Take weight and wing loading numbers to get wing area. Initially S=110 ft2 High-,Mid-, or Low-wing? 5 Mid-wing reduces dihedral effect Mid-wing reduces interference drag No wing dihedral used Gillen 24 Wing Sizing and Layout cont. No wing quarter-chord sweep No wing twist used Aft sweep leads to tip stall, increases weight Could be used to maintain aileron effectiveness Leads to increase in manufacturing cost Aspect Ratio=6 2 Looked into similar aerobatic planes and many used this value Higher AR is more efficient, had higher (L/D)max but stalls at lower angle of attack Gillen 25 Wing Sizing and Layout cont. Taper Ratio=.45 l=.45 gives lift distribution closest to ideal 5 l=.4 would be best for weight 5 Gillen 26 Airfoil Selection Looked into aerobatic, other symmetrical airfoils Analyzed all candidates with XFOIL program Chose NACA 2412 6 Gillen 27 Lift and Drag Coefficients Determined lift and drag coefficients using XFOIL and methods in Raymer and Roskam 8 9 All Config. Pusher Twin Boom Puller CD CD Configuration CL Cruise (@ 108 kts) 0.30 0.0150 0.0174 0.0151 Landing (@ 55 kts with 20 deg of flaps) 1.17 0.1088 0.1132 0.1098 Takeoff (@ 55 kts, no flaps) 0.99 0.0724 0.0755 0.0732 Gillen CD 7 28 Stall Speed Requirement Needed to increase wing area to meet stall speed requirement Requirement: maximum stall speed is 45 kts Increased area to S=125 ft2 Vs=44.8 kts Gillen 29 Resulting Wing shape Gillen 30 Future Work Employ numerical methods to determine lift to a greater accuracy and get spanwise lift distribution Component by component lift and drag breakdown Research and choose an aerobatic airfoil to meet requirements Gillen 31 Stability and Control Tony Waymire Responsibilities Initial tail sizing Control surface sizing Neutral point calculations Static margin Waymire 33 Tail Dimensions 10 Horizontal Stabilizer Pusher Puller Twin boom Elevator Pusher Puller Twin Boom Span (ft) Chord (ft) 10.7 9.13 7.31 2.5 2.5 2.5 10.7 9.13 7.31 1.125 1.125 1.125 Waymire 34 Tail Dimensions 10 Vertical Stabilizer Pusher Puller Twin boom Rudder Pusher Puller Twin Boom Span (ft) Chord (ft) 5.14 5.5 4.38 2.5 2.5 2.5 5.14 5.5 4.38 1 1 1 Waymire 35 Neutral Point / Static Margin Neutral point calculated using Raymer 10 Power on neutral point not yet available Power Off Static Margin (%) Config. Pusher 1 2 Pilot Pilots 1.93 9.60 Puller 3.33 6.98 TwinBoom 4.17 5.99 Waymire 36 Future Work Trim analysis Turn rate analysis Tail size trade studies Waymire 37 Structures Peter Parmakis Responsibilities Fuselage Structures Wing Structures Landing Gear V-n Diagram Parmakis 39 Fuselage Structures Ring support Longerons Skin Load Paths Materials Parmakis 40 Wing Structures 11, 12 Spar Ribs Skin Materials Parmakis 41 6-gee Wing Loads Parmakis 42 -3-gee Wing Loads Parmakis 43 Landing Gear 11 Tail Dragger Prop and tail strike Parmakis 44 V-n Diagram 13 Max positive load: 6 gees Max negative load: -3 gees Parmakis 45 V-n Diagram Positive Load 6 gees Negative Load -3 gees Positive Maneuver Velocity 109.7 knots Negative Maneuver Velocity 74.8 knots Minimum Cruise Velocity 107.2 knots Minumum positive stall speed 44.8 knots Minimum negative stall speed 43.2 knots Dive speed 150.1 knots Parmakis 46 Future Work Advanced structural analysis (FEM) Detailed structure sizing Component-wise material selection Landing gear positioning Parmakis 47 Propulsion Jason Mickey Propulsion Considerations Required Power vs. Available Power Propeller Sizing Engine Weight Fuel Consumption Mickey 49 Power Available Need at least 38 HP Engine Power (HP) Rotax 582 UL 14 53.6 Rotax 912 UL 15 79.0 Jabiru 2200 85.8 16 Mickey 50 Thrust vs. Velocity 1000 900 Rotax 582 UL Rotax 912 UL Jabiru 2200 800 Thrust (lbf) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Velocity (kts) Mickey 51 Propeller Sizing 17 Choose smaller of: D Kp 4 Power Vtip D 2 n 60 Mickey Engine RPMs Propeller Diameter (ft) Rotax 582 UL 6000 4.49 Rotax 912 UL 5800 4.72 Jabiru 2200 3300 4.82 52 Engine Weight Want to maximize Power-toweight ratio Engine Engine HP Weight (lbs) per lb Rotax 582 UL 79.2 0.677 Rotax 912 UL 121.3 0.651 Jabiru 2200 138.0 0.622 Mickey 53 Fuel Consumption Want to minimize fuel consumption Engine Fuel Consumption at 75% Power (Gal/hr) Rotax 582 UL 4.76 Rotax 912 UL 5.0 Jabiru 2200 3.96 Mickey 54 Future Work Propeller selection Finalized engine selection Detailed Fuel Consumption Mickey 55 Conclusion Viable market Conventional pusher Tail dragger Split vertical tail Tandem seating High Durability Mickey 56 References [1] Results.asp?ListId=4&AircraftManufacturerId=1160 &subList=1240&NumberPerPage=10 [retrieved 4 November 2008] [2] “Extra 200: Two Seat Advanced Aerobatic Trainer,” Extra Aircraft, LLC, [retrieved 4 November 2008]. [3] [retrieved 4 November 2008]. [4] Raymer, D., “Sizing from a Conceptual Sketch,” Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, 4 ed., AIAA, Virginia, 2006, pp. 15-28. [5] Roskam, J., “Wing Layout Design,” Airplane Design: Part III: Layout Design of Cockpit, Fuselage, Wing and Empennage: Cutaways and Inboard Profiles, Roskam Aviation and Engineering, Ottawa, KS, 1989, pp. 163-239. 57 References [6] Selig, M., UIUC Airfoil Coordinates Database [online database], [retrieved 1 November 2008]. [7] Raymer, D., “Aerodynamics,” Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, 4 ed., AIAA, Virginia, 2006, pp. 303-354. [8] Roskam, J., “Drag Polar Prediction Methods,” Airplane Design: Part VI: Preliminary Calculation of Aerodynamic, Thrust and Power Characteristics, Roskam Aviation and Engineering, Ottawa, KS, 1990, pp. 21-113. [9] Roskam, J., “Lift and Pitching Moment Prediction Methods,” Airplane Design: Part VI: Preliminary Calculation of Aerodynamic, Thrust and Power Characteristics, Roskam Aviation and Engineering, Ottawa, KS, 1990, pp. 213-353. 58 References [10] Raymer, D., “Stability, Control, and Handling Qualities,” Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, 4 ed., AIAA, Virginia, 2006, pp. 467-508. [11] Raymer, D., “Structures and Loads,” Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, 4 ed., AIAA, Virginia, 2006, pp. 389-450. [12] Ishai, O. and McDaniel, I.M., “Appendix A: Material Properties,” Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2nd ed., Oxford, NY, 2006, pp. 373-383. [13] Roskam, J. “4.2 Methods for Constructing V-n Diagrams,” Airplane Design Part V: Component Weight Estimation, Lawrence, KS, 1989, pp. 31-34. 59 References [14] [retrieved 4 November 2008]. [15] o.pdf [retrieved 4 November 2008]. [16] [retrieved 4 November 2008]. [17] Raymer, D., “Propulsion and Fuel System Integraion,” Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach, 4 ed., AIAA, Virginia, 2006, pp. 221-257. 60 Questions? 61 62 63 64