By: James D. Mikeala Z. Famine is a situation where a country or area doesn’t have enough food to feed its population. Map of Map of Asia Africa This is a map where world famine is mostly a problem. •There is about 842 million people across the world that are hungry •Hunger is the most extreme form of poverty •Family’s can not afford there need for food •If you don’t have enough food you can also get different diseases that stunt your growth, weakness and it is easier to get sick •If a family can not find enough food there is no where for them to turn for help • 3.6 million people in Niger are in need for food •World Famine is caused by the lack of food in one country. •It is also caused by locusts and other insects eating away at crops. •World Famine is also caused by natural disasters •Climate change is threatening crops and is another cause of World Famine •To much people in one country to feed them •Poor quality in hospitals •The help from other countries is low •Governments that have poor resources • a well known illness from famine • you can get it from lack of protein (milk, meat, fish) • it causes vomiting, swollen abdomen, red spots all over • about 30 thousand people die a year from this illness People in the third world country are very skinny and most of the kids stomachs are bloated. The only way we can pretty much help is to donate money, and adopt kids. Scientists are trying to create a “miraculous plant” that will be able to feed the poor countries. If they find this, less children and adults will die from famine and diseases. • Angela for helping us pick out pictures and telling me what the power point needs. • Jana for helping us make the power point to the best it could possibly be. • Brianna for checking over the power point and making sure there’s no mistakes • • .jpg • • CtpItmDspRte.jsp?OVMTC=standard&keywor d={insert%20keyword}&item=1216372&sourc e=goto&OVRAW=world%20famine&OVKEY =world%20famine&cmp=KNC1065091&xxwvCampaign=1065091 • c=31&o=0