Poisson hypothesis for mean-field models of generalised Jackson networks with countable set of nodes Alexander Rybko Joint work with S.Shlosman Poisson Hypothesis Infinite Jackson Networks • Open Jackson network with countable set of nodes J • A pair (V,P) defines an open Jackson Network • V v1,..., vJ vector of rates of Poisson input flows in nodes j 1,..., J • Suppose that service times of all customers are i.i.d exponentially distributed with mean 1 • P pij , i J , j J is the routing stochastic matrix; pij is a probability of the event: a customer comes to the node j after being serviced in the node i • Restriction: the matrix P is twice substochastic: p iJ ij 1, p jJ ij 1 n • Let V P be the minimal solution of n 1 (vector) equation P V (1) • The product of probability measures j on jJ we shall name the multiplicative phases, where j z j 1 j J zj j • Let X n be a countable (breaking) Markov chain with T the phase space J and the substochastic matrix P • Let Pj ( J ) be a probability of the event that the trajectory of X n X 0 j starting from an initial state X 0 j will never break Lemma 1. a) If P j ( J ) 0 , there is no more then one multiplicative phase for Jackson network. b) If sup j 1 where is the minimal solution jJ of (1), then the multiplicative phase of Jackson network is unique iff Pj ( J ) 0 Theorem 2. Let Pj ( J ) 0 , then a) the minimal multiplicative phase is a unique invariant measure of the Markov process (t ) describing the evolution of the infinite Jackson network; b) for any initial state (0) J the measure (t ) weakly converges to when t : for any finite subset J J and any vector nJ n j , j J lim Pr J (t ) n J (0) 1 j t jJ where J (t ) is a projection of the process (t ) on the subset J J nj j Self-averaging property of nonhomogenous systems M (t ) G 1, Let’s consider the system M (t ) G 1, with Poisson input flow of variable intensity (t ) and with stationary ergodic sequence of service times with mean value 1. Let the function (t ) satisfy the non-overload 0 condition I 1 limsup ( x)dx 1 T T T Let 0 (t ) also satisfy the conditions ( x)dx , ( x)dx 0 Theorem 3. Let b(t ) be the rate of an output flow of the system M (t ) G 1, . Then b(t ) satisfies the equation: b(t ) (t x)q ,t ( x)dx, t and the kernels q ,t ( ) depend on ( ) by restriction ( ) ,t only. And more over, the kernels q ,t ( ) are stochastic: for any t q ,t ( x)dx 1 0 where q ,t ( x) 0 when x 0 Poisson hypothesis for symmetrical Jackson networks vj vj pij pij p ji k vk vj vj j j i vj p ji r r i k vk vk vk r vk A sequence of finite generalized Jackson networks X (t ) J ,R • Set of nodes J r1J ,...,rJJ : for each j J the network contains r j identical nodes. J J J J So the total number of nodes is J r1 ,...,rJ rj j 1 Let’s denote by R r1J ,..., rjJ ,..., rJJ • In each node of class j the service time distribution is 1 xdFj ( x), 0 j ( y) F ' j ( y) 1 Fj ( y) , j C1 ( ) • In each node of class j the input rate of Poisson flow is equal to v j : v v , k 1,..., r J jk j j • For a routing matrix P we have pik ' jk '' J ,R 1 pij J rj • Let the increasing sequence J n converges to J and the ratios ri Jn r Jn j converge to the limiting uniformly boundered ratios ri rj Non-linear Markov Processes (Linear) Markov chain X n S. Configurations = points in S. State = probability measure on S. Transition matrix P P( s, t ), P(s, t ) 1 t State is transformed to by P Non-linear Markov chain: Transition probability to go from s to t depends also on the state The Non-linear Markov chain is defined by the collection of transition matrices P P (s, t ), P (s, t ) 1, t and state is transformed to by Evolution: P Limiting dynamical system as the nonlinear Markov process (t ) Dynamical system x(t , 0 ) : evolution of probability measure of nonlinear Markov process: countable set J of systems Mi (t ) GIi 1, i J bi (t ) i ( y)d ( y )dy k (k ) t k 1 bi (t ) i (t ) Additional equations: where ri lim ri J i (t ) vi b j (t ) p ji J r j jJ j rj ri Theorem 3. For any t 0 and any function F weakly continuous on P the equation lim sup TJ , R (t )F ( 0 ) F x(t , 0 ) 0 holds. J J P J ,RJ RJ RJ J The convergence is uniform on any finite interval 0,T Theorem 4. t X J ,R (t ) Stationary measure J ,R ( ) J J, J J, R R RJ R J t x(t , 0 ) Where Where is a stationary measure of M i GI i 1 , J independent systems is the unique solution of countable set of equations: i vi j p ji jJ rj ri , i, j J Closed networks, J-finite p 1, vi 0, ( P ergodic) j rj i (t ) b j (t ) pij ri j b j (t ) i ( ) qi ,i ( ),t ( ) (t ) ij i,n : i (t ) 1,..., m, t 0,..., n i (0) i (n) i, i (t ) i, t 1,..., n 1 P i (t ) n i ,n n P k 1 ( k 1), ( k ) P ( ) 1 (2) (3) Proposition i (t ) n P( ) ... q i ,n n ( n 1), ( n1),t ( x1 ) q ( n 2), ( n2),t x ( x2 ) ... q (0), ( 0),t x ...x ( xn ) 1 1 n1 i t x1 ... ... xn dx1...dxn i ( ) q ,t ( ) (t ) Theorem 4 i (t ) i where 1,..., i ,..., J is the solution of a system of equations rj i j pij ri j Open networks i (t ) vi b j (t ) p ji rj (4) ri b j (t ) j ( ) q j ( ),t ( ) (t ) (5) Stationary solution: V P where (6) j i , i J , i V Vi , i J ,Vi i ri vi ri l minimal solution (6) (0) V VP VP2 ... Proposition: is unique P 0 has only trivial solution Theorem 5 Suppose that i J , 1 ri 0 i Then the Poisson Hypothesis holds. Proof: i (t ) Vi B j (t ) p ji B j (t ) j ( ) q j ,n ( ) t j Let X and then X limsup X (t ) t lim inf X (t ) t i i i i B B L , j J , B B , j J j L j j L BP L LP B L LP 0 n j References 1. Kel’bert M.Ya., Kontsevich M.L., Rybko A.N. Infinite Jackson Networks, Theor.Probab. And Appl. 1988 v.33 2. Stolyar P.I.T. 1989 v.25#4 3. Rybko, Shlosman Moscow Mathematical Journal 2005 v.5#3, v.5#4, 2008 v.8#1 4. Dobrushin, Karpelevich, Vvedenskaya P.I.T. 1996 v.32#1 5. Karpelevich, Rybko P.I.T. 2000 v.36#2 6. Rybko, Shlosman, Vladimirov P.I.T. 2006 v.42#4 7. Rybko, Shlosman P.I.T. 2005 #3 8. Rybko, Shlosman, Vladimirov J.of Stat.Physics 2009 v.134#1 Open Questions • Is Poisson Hypothesis true for generalized Jackson networks with several types of customers? For example in the case when their service times are exponentially distributed with mean values depending on their types. We can not prove Poisson Hypothesis in this situation even in the case of a complete graph with an increasing number of nodes. • Is Poisson Hypothesis true for non-FIFO service discipline? • What kind of self-averaging properties between inputs and outputs are true in these situations?