Detecting Incapacity Graeme Smith IBM Research Joint Work with John Smolin QECC 2011 December 6, 2011 Noisy Channel Capacity X N Y p(y|x) Capacity: bits per channel use in the limit of many channels C = maxX I(X;Y) I(X;Y) is the mutual information Zero-quantum-capacity channels Sym. PPT Q=0 ? Q>0 Outline • Zero-capacity channels • Anti-degradable • PPT • Proof that PPT has no capacity • General Incapacity criterion • Linear Maps Motivation: unify thinking about incapacity, appeal to physical principles, apply to generalized prob. Models or mobits Quantum Capacity N . . . E D N N • Want to encode qubits so they can be recovered after experiencing noise. • Quantum capacity is the maximum rate, in qubits per channel use, at which this can be done. • We’d like to know when Q(N ) > 0. Quantum Capacity 0 à E U B • Coherent Information: Q1 (N ) = max S(B)-S(E) (cf Shannon formula) • Q(N ) ¸ Q1(N ) (Lloyd-Shor-Devetak) • Q(N ) = limn ! 1(1/n) Q1(N … N ) • Q(N ) Q1(N ) (DiVincenzo-Shor-Smolin ‘98) Zero Quantum Capacity Channels: Symmetric Channels Output symmetric in B and E 0 à U E = 0 B U à Example: 50% attenuation channel vacuum Input mode 50:50 environment Output mode B E Zero Quantum Capacity Channels: Symmetric Channels Suppose a symmetric channel had Q >0 0 à U E B Zero Quantum Capacity Channels: Symmetric Channels Suppose a symmetric channel had Q >0 0 à Un En Bn Zero Quantum Capacity Channels: Symmetric Channels Suppose a symmetric channel had Q >0 0 à E Un En D à Zero Quantum Capacity Channels: Symmetric Channels Suppose a symmetric channel had Q >0 0 à E D à D à Un Zero Quantum Capacity Channels: Symmetric Channels Suppose a symmetric channel had Q >0 0 à E D à D à Un So, symmetric channels must have zero quantum capacity. Specifically, the 50% attenuation channel has zero capacity. It will be one of our two zero quantum capacity channels. IMPOSSIBLE! Zero Quantum Capacity Channels: Positive Partial Transpose • Partial transpose: (|iihj|A|kihl|B) = |iihj|A|lihk|B • If AB is not positive, then the state is entangled • If AB ¸ 0, it may be entangled, but then it is very noisy. Bound entanglement---can’t get any pure entanglement from it. • A PPT-channel enforces PPT between output and purification of the input: is PPT • Implies Q(N ) = 0, but can have P(N ) > 0 Outline • Zero-capacity channels • Anti-degradable • PPT • Proof that PPT has no capacity • General Incapacity criterion • Linear Maps Motivation: unify thinking about incapacity, appeal to physical principles, apply to generalized prob. Models or mobits PPT has no quantum capacity • Let T(½) = ½T. N is PPT iff T ± N is CP PPT has no quantum capacity • Let T(½) = ½T. N is PPT iff T ± N is CP • Say such N could send quantum info PPT has no quantum capacity • Let T(½) = ½T. N is PPT iff T ± N is CP • Say such N could send quantum info • Then à = D ± N ± E(Ã) PPT has no quantum capacity • • • • Let T(½) = ½T. N is PPT iff T ± N is CP Say such N could send quantum info Then à = D ± N ± E(Ã) Acting on both sides with T, we get T (Ã) = T ± D ± N ± E(Ã) PPT has no quantum capacity • • • • Let T(½) = ½T. N is PPT iff T ± N is CP Say such N could send quantum info Then à = D ± N ± E(Ã) Acting on both sides with T, we get T (Ã) = T ± D ± N ± E(Ã) = D ¤ ± T ± N ± E(Ã) PPT has no quantum capacity • • • • Let T(½) = ½T. N is PPT iff T ± N is CP Say such N could send quantum info Then à = D ± N ± E(Ã) Acting on both sides with T, we get T (Ã) = T ± D ± N ± E(Ã) = D ¤ ± T ± N ± E(Ã) • LHS is transpose. RHS is physical. Can’t be! PPT has no quantum capacity • • • • Let T(½) = ½T. N is PPT iff T ± N is CP Say such N could send quantum info Then à = D ± N ± E(Ã) Acting on both sides with T, we get T (Ã) = T ± D ± N ± E(Ã) = D ¤ ± T ± N ± E(Ã) • LHS is transpose. RHS is physical. Can’t be! • T is continuous, and N - n is PPT when N is, so also for capacity. Outline • Zero-capacity channels • Anti-degradable • PPT • Proof that PPT has no capacity • General Incapacity criterion • Linear Maps Motivation: unify thinking about incapacity, appeal to physical principles, apply to generalized prob. Models or mobits P-commutation • Let R be unphysical on a set S • Say for any physical map D, ? D there’s a physical map with R ± D = D ? ± R • Then, if R ± N is physical, N can’t transmit S Is this really more general? Lemma: If R is linear, invertible, preserves system dimension and trace, and is pcommutative, it is either of the form R(½) = (1-p)½T + p I/d or R(½) = (1-p)½ + p I/d Proof: D ? = R ± D ± R¡ 1 Consider conj by unitaries N U (½) = U½U y N U? Has to be faithful rep. of proj. unitary gp. We know what these are. Improved P-commutation • We want to move to non-linear maps, R, but it gets very hard to make sure they Pcommute • So, we can generalize the notion of Pcommutation: RD ± D = D ? ± R for a family of unphysical maps f R D gD • If R ± N then N can’t send quantum info Anti-degradable channels • Recall that a channel N is antidegradable if there’s an N 12 with Tr 1 N 12 = Tr 2 N 12 = N • Roughly speaking, let R = N 12 ± N ¡ 1 • This map will clone. • For unitary decoder, let U ? = U - U and RU (Á) = (U - U)R(U y ÁU)U y - U y ? R ± D = D • Gives U U U ±R Teleportation jÃi P M jÃi jÁd i Teleportation jÃi P Classical information Unitary rotation recovers the state M jÃi other information goes back in time, wraps around jÁd i Teleportation jÃi R Classical information Unitary rotation recovers the state M jÃi other information goes back in time, wraps around ½A B Time-traveling information gets confused jÃi R Classical information Unitary rotation recovers the state M jÃi Now suppose state is PT invariant---PT on A leaves state alone ½A B Time-traveling information gets confused jÃi R Classical information Unitary rotation recovers the state M jÃi Now suppose state is PT invariant---PT on A leaves state alone Other information gets stuck here because it doesn’t AB know which direction in time to go---can’t get around the bend!!! ½ Summary • Channels with zero classical capacity are trivial, but there’s lots of structure in zero quantum capacity channels • Two known tests for incapacity---symmetric extension and PPT • Both can be understood as specal cases of the House diagram, P-commutation, etc. • Gives operational proof the PPT channels have zero quantum capacity---otherwise we could implement the unphysical time-reversal operation. • To go beyond PPT, need nonlinear R. Questions • Are there other non-linear forbidden operations that give interesting new channels with no capacity? • Can we apply this to generalized probabilistic theories, mobits, etc. ? Should be yes for mobits. • Given a zero-capacity channel, can we find a “reason” for its incapacity? • Sensible classification of unphysical maps? • Can we make the time-travel story more rigorous?