Polynomial and FFT Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Problem Representation of polynomials The DFT and FFT Efficient FFT implementations Conclusion Problem Representation of Polynomials Definition 2 For the polynomial (1), we have two ways of representing it: Coefficient Representation—— (秦九韶算法)Horner’s rule The coefficient representation is convenient for certain operations on polynomials. For example, the operation of evaluating the polynomial A(x) at a given point x0 Coefficient Representation—— adding and multiplication Point-value Representation By Horner’s rule, it takes Θ(n2) time to get a point-value representation of polynomial (1). If we choose xk cleverly, the complexity reduces to n log n. Definition 3 The inverse of evaluation. The process of determining the coefficient form of a polynomial from a point value representation is called interpolation. Does the interpolation uniquely determine a polynomial? If not, the concept of interpolation is meaningless. Uniqueness of Interpolation Lagrange Formula We can compute the coefficients of A(x) by (4) in time Θ(n2). 拉格朗日[Lagrange, Joseph Louis,1736-1813 ●法国数学家。 ● 涉猎力学,著有分析力学。 ● 百年以来数学界仍受其理论影响。 Virtues of point value representation Fast multiplication of polynomials in coefficient form Can we use the linear-time multiplication method for polynomials in point-value form to expedite polynomial multiplication in coefficient form? Basic idea of multiplication Basic idea of multiplication If we choose “complex roots of unity” as the evaluation points carefully, we can produce a point-value representation by taking the Discrete Fourier Transform of a coefficient vector. The inverse operation interpolation, can be performed by taking the inverse DFT of point value pairs. Complex Roots of Unity Additive Group Properties of Complex Roots Fourier Transform Now consider generalization to the case of a discrete function : Discrete Fourier Transform Idea of Fast Fourier Transform Recursive FFT Complexity of FFT Property 4 By divide-and-conquer method, the time cost of FFT is T(n) = 2T(n/2)+Θ(n) =Θ(n log n). Interpolation Proof DFTn vs DFT-1n Efficient FFT Implementation Butterfly Operation Iterative-FFT ITERATIVE-FFT (a) 1 BIT-REVERSE-COPY (a, A) 2 n ← length[a] // n is a power of 2. 3 for s ← 1 to lg n 4 do m ← 2s 5 ωm ← e2πi/m 6 for k ← 0 to n - 1 by m 7 do ω ← 1 8 for j ← 0 to m/2 - 1 9 do t ← ωA[k + j + m/2] 10 u ← A[k + j] 11 A[k + j] ← u + t 12 A[k + j + m/2] ← u - t 13 ω←ωω conclusion Fourier analysis is not limited to 1dimensional data. It is widely used in image processing to analyze data in 2 or more dimensions. Cooley and Tukey are widely credited with devising the FFT in the 1960’s.